Polymer #import theme file with :host in styles has no affect - css

Back with another Polymer question, I have a Polymer/Electron app that I'm trying to style.
I want to create a theme.css that contains a :host block with my entire theme in it that I can then import into my modules stylesheet but I've tried a few different things and tried finding anything in the documentation to no avail.
So far, I have tried in, and outside of the <template> definition:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./account-list.css"> with an #import
<style>#import 'my-theme.css';</style> just above my <link>
:root instead of :host in my theme.css
But neither seem to work, the theme.css is definitely being requested but has no affect on the module's style.
Is there anyway to have a theme like this for Polymer, I really don't want to have a build step.

There's a new concept called style module (actually a dom-module element behind the scene) introduced in Polymer 1.1 (read it here) and the old way of including external stylesheets has been deprecated (read it here).
Basically, you need to create an html file like how you normally create an element to store your styles. The id defines the name of this file that will be referenced later on.
<!-- shared-styles.html -->
<dom-module id="shared-styles">
.red { color: red; }
Then obviously you need to import this file in your page.
<link rel="import" href="shared-styles.html">
Now, there are two scenarios.
If you are using custom-style at the document level, you need to
include the style module you previously defined like this -
<style is="custom-style" include="shared-styles"></style>
If you simply want to include the style module inside one of your
elements, do this -
<dom-module id="my-element">
<style include="shared-styles"></style>
Have a look at this plunker that demonstrates both scenarios.
Keep in mind that in your particular example, since you are using :host, I assume you will go with scenario 2. So this plunker should be a bit more clearer.

Using dom-module concept, and in order to use a external third party I did the next and it is working, but probably is not a Polymer best practice.
Dom module with 3rd party css (third-party-styles.html)
<dom-module id="third-party-styles">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../bower_components/thirdParty/external.css">
I created a container (elements.html) where import all needed html modules, and there I registered the third party style module and my module
<link rel="import" href="third-party-styles.html">
<link rel="import" href="my-module.html">
And I added the elements.html in the head of my index.html
<link rel="import" href="elements.html">
In my Polymer Element (my-module.html)
<link rel="import" href="third-party-styles.html">
<dom-module id="my-module">
<style include="third-party-styles"></style>
<p class=".thirdPartyClass">Content with third party css rule</p>
any feedback?


vue component styling issue

I have imported some css files in my component.
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="https://cdnglobal.immowelt.org/global-assets/4.0.0/fonts/fontello.css">
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="https://cdnglobal.immowelt.org/global-assets/4.0.0/legacy/0/base.css">
The thing is I want this styles to apply on this component.
They affects on other parent and sibling templates.
Is it possible to enable this to be applied on one template's elements?
If you are writing .vue single file components you can use this:
<style scoped src="./something.css">
you can try to import your CSS in component with
<style scoped>
#import url("https://cdnglobal.immowelt.org/global-assets/4.0.0/legacy/0/base.css")
#import url("https://cdnglobal.immowelt.org/global-assets/4.0.0/fonts/fontello.css")
...your CSS...
I use Fontello too with Vuejs, are you trying to use your own icons?

Include external CSS library in only one Vue component

I have a Vue app with many components. Currently I have Font-Awesome included in the head of the index.html file however only ONE page, or component, actually needs it. Is it possible to move it to the component itself so that it only loads when it's needed?
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/font-awesome/4.4.0/css/font-awesome.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../../static/css/font-awesome-4.7.0/css/font-awesome-min.css"></link>
export default {
name: 'SingleComponent',
data: function() {
<style scoped>
I've tried downloading Font-Awesome and adding a link tag in the component like above ^^^^ I don't get any errors but the icons still don't work.
Import css file in style tag of App.js
#import './static/css/style.css';
If you have just one page or component, isn't it easier to create what you need in a <template /> and <html /> tag?
Instead of trying to include Font-Awesome directly in the component, I discovered there is already a Vue wrapper for it called vue-awesome so I used that.

custom-style vs shared-styles in polymer

Polymer has support for <style is="custom-style"> which allows you to define styles that only apply to elements, e.g. the shadow DOM.
Polymer also has support for <dom-module id="shared-styles"> which allows you to package a set of style declarations that can be imported into an element definition.
Thus the point of both of them seems to be to allow you to style a polymer element. Why would you use one over the other? The use cases overlap substantially, it seems.
Additional confusion: shared-styles can be imported into custom-style. Why would you do this? Why not?
A <dom-module id="my-shared-styles"> declares a reusable style module hat you can import into elements or <style is="custom-style"> tags.
Use in a custom element
<dom-module id="my-element>
<style include="my-shared-styles"></style>
or in the <style> tag outside a custom element (for example in <head>)
<style is="custom-style" include="my-shared-styles"></style>
<style is="custom-style"> is only required when you want to use Polymer CSS features (CSS variables and mixins) in a style element that is not inside a <dom-module>. Inside <dom-module> just <style> is enough.

Using CSS Mixins in Polymer

I am working on a project that uses Polymer. One component that is unclear to me is how to use the style mixins. For example, I have something like this:
<script src="bower/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.min.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="bower/polymer/polymer.html">
<link rel="import" href="bower/paper-styles/paper-styles.html">
<body unresolved class="fullbleed">
<template is="dom-bind" id="app">
<span class="paper-font-title">Welcome</span>
<span class="flex"></span>
<div class="secondary">
Today Is: <span>[[ date ]]</span>
Basically, I'm trying to use the paper-font-title and secondary typography styles. For some reason though, its like the styles aren't loaded. I looked in the console and I am not getting any 404s. For that reason, I assume the paper styles are being loaded. Why can't I use them?
To use style mixins add a <style is="custom-style"></style> to your body.
As content of the style tag add CSS rules like
some-selector {
Here is an explanation on how to use the mixins: https://www.polymer-project.org/1.0/docs/devguide/styling#custom-style
I found it very helpful.

Remove Bootstrap styling from controls/inputs

Bootstrap includes some (very nice) styling for HTML inputs/selects/etc. However, for the project I'm on, they already have styling for these HTML elements that they want to keep.
Is there a way for me to turn off Bootstrap styles for inputs? Perhaps with some kind of css class? Or, do I have to override them manually?
The order of inclusion of the stylesheets can help you.The inclusion of bootstrap.css followed by your own stylesheets makes elements in your stylesheet to override those in bootstrap.
For example,
<link href="/static/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
<script src="/static/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="/static/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<link type=text/css rel='stylesheet' href=/static/main.css><!-- custom stylesheet -->
For eg,
If the main.css contains
And bootstrapp.css contains
The site will be with a red background.
