UI updates with Meteor.js? - meteor

I'm having issues finding a way to update the UI AFTER adding to a collection. So in the example below after you click the button and add to the collection an additional input is added to the DOM. All good, but i'd like to find a way to target the new input element and preferably give it focus in addition to CSS. Unfortunately I can't find any info that helps solve this AFTER the DOM's been updated. Any ideas? Thanks
{{> myTemplate}}
<template name="myTemplate">
{{#each myCollection}}
<input type="text" value="{{name}}"><br>
<button>Click</button><input type="text" value="test" name="testBox">
test = new Meteor.Collection("test");
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Template.myTemplate.rendered = function()
'myCollection' : function(){
var testCollection = test.find({});
return testCollection;
'click button': function(event){
var val = $('[name="testBox"]').val();
return test.insert({name: val});

Turn what you're adding into a template and call that template's rendered to set the needed css or do whatever transforms are needed.
{{> myTemplate}}
<template name="item">
<input type="text" value="{{name}}"><br>
<template name="myTemplate">
{{#each myCollection}}
{{> item this}}
<button>Click</button><input type="text" value="test" name="testBox">
test = new Meteor.Collection("test");
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Template.myTemplate.onRendered(function() {
'myCollection' : function(){
var testCollection = test.find({});
return testCollection;
'click button': function(event){
var val = $('[name="testBox"]').val();
test.insert({name: val});
Template.item.onRendered(function() {
On a side note, you should use onRendered instead of rendered as the latter has been deprecated for the former.

Do it inside of your myCollection helper function. Use jquery to target the last input in your template and focus it, add css. Meteor's template helpers are reactive computations based on the DOMs usage of their reactive variables, so it will run each time the DOM updates based on your collection.


How to write a jQueryUI selectmenu with dynamic options into a Meteor Blaze template

I am having trouble making the jQueryUI selectmenu work in a Meteor app when the options are dynamic. I am using:
Meteor 1.4.1
jQuery 2.2.4
jQueryUI 1.11.4
lodash 4.15.0
physiocoder said on a different question, "The Meteor reactivity force you to choose who is in charge of DOM updates.".
I realize that this is fundamental to my problem here. Accordingly, there is no problem if a page/template can let Meteor load all the page content/data and then hand over DOM control to jQueryUI's widgets. However I have a case where I want to have my cake and eat it too -- I want to have Meteor reactively feed the options for a jQueryUI widget (specifically the selectmenu at the moment) but still let jQueryUI handle the styling/theming.
Initializing jQueryUI widgets in template onRendered functions works just fine, as does destroying jQueryUI widgets, as necessary, in template onDestroyed functions. Calling selectmenu('refresh') on the option template's onRendered function does refresh the selectmenu when new options are available. However, I cannot find anywhere I can effectively call refresh when options are reactively removed such that the selectmenu is refreshed to the new, correct UI state -- not at the end of the event which changes the Meteor data context, not on the option template's onDestroyed function, and not a Tracker.autorun function tied to the appropriate data source.
<title>Proof of Concept</title>
<div id="myApp">
{{> myForm}}
<template name="myForm">
<div id="selectedEntries">
<h3>Selected Entries</h3>
<ul class="display-list">
{{#each entry in selectedEntries}}
{{> myForm_entry entry}}
<form id="includeEntry">
<select name="entryToInclude" id="entryToInclude">
{{#each potentialEntry in availableEntries}}
{{> myForm_option potentialEntry}}
<input type="submit" value="Include Entry">
<template name="myForm_entry">
<div class="button removeEntry" data-id="{{_id}}">X</div>
<template name="myForm_option">
<option value="{{_id}}">{{name}}</option>
availableEntries: function () {
return _.filter(Session.get('someEntries'), function(o) {
return Session.get('selectedEntryIds').indexOf(o._id) == -1;
selectedEntries: function () {
return _.filter(Session.get('someEntries'), function(o) {
return Session.get('selectedEntryIds').indexOf(o._id) != -1;
'submit #includeEntry': function (event) {
if (_.isEmpty(Session.get('selectedEntryIds'))) {
Session.set('selectedEntryIds', [$('#entryToInclude').val()]);
} else {
let selectedEntryIds = Session.get('selectedEntryIds');
Session.set('selectedEntryIds', selectedEntryIds);
'click .removeEntry': function (event) {
let selectedEntryIds = Session.get('selectedEntryIds');
selectedEntryIds = _.pull(selectedEntryIds, $(event.target).parent().attr('data-id'));
Session.set('selectedEntryIds', selectedEntryIds);
Template.myForm.onCreated(function () {
let someEntries = [{
Session.set('someEntries', someEntries);
Session.set('selectedEntryIds', []);
Template.myForm.onRendered(function () {
Template.myForm_entry.onRendered(function () {
Template.myForm_option.onRendered(function () {
if ($('#entryToInclude').is(':ui-selectmenu')) {
Template.myForm_option.onDestroyed(function () {
Tracker.autorun(function () {
if (Session.get('selectedEntryIds')) {
if ($('#entryToInclude').is(':ui-selectmenu')) {
The #entryToInclude selectmenu continues to include the entry that was just selected; selecting a second entry numbered as high or higher actually selects the subsequent entry (e.g. selecting 4 then 5 actually selects 4 and 6) except that selecting the last entry immediately after a successful selection does nothing but refresh the selectmenu.
Adding a refresh to the entry template's onRendered function makes this work.
Template.myForm_entry.onRendered(function () {
if ($('#entryToInclude').is(':ui-selectmenu')) {
But a better approach to the entire problem would be appreciated.

How to append Template Data to another Template based on Button Click in Meteor JS?

One template have button and another template have contains one text field.When ever button clicked that text filed append to the button template at the same time not remove the previous text fields that means the button clicked in 4 times 4 text fields add to the button template.
See the following code :
HTML Code :
<h1>Welcome to Meteor!</h1>
{{> hello}}
<template name="hello">
Add Text Fields here :
<button>add another text box</button>
<template name="home">
<input type="text" id="name" />
JS Code :
if (Meteor.isClient) {
'click button': function () {
//Here to write append logic
I didn't get any idea about this.So please suggest me what to do for this?
Use a client side only collection. Clicking adds a new record. Then in home template you loop on this. new Meteor.Collection(null) the null will tell it that it is local only and won't actually create the collection in the MongoDB.
if (Meteor.isClient) {
var buttonClicks = new Meteor.Collection(null),
clickCounter = 0;
'click button': function () {
buttonClicks.insert({click: clickCounter++});
clicks: function () {
return buttonClicks.find({});
<template name="home">
{{#each clicks}}
<input type="text" id="name_{{click}}" />

removed autopublish and insecure: now i can't retrive data by MongoDB

I'm starting to learn Meteor.js and, when I've removed autopublish and insecure, my application doesn't work any longer.
I can insert data to database but I can't retrive anything by database.
No errors in console.
This is my code:
<title>Blog Test</title>
<h1>Blog Test</h1>
<template name="blog">
<form class="blog-post" id="blog-post" role="form">
<label id="label-title" class="label-title">Titolo:</label>
<input id="input-title" class="input-title" placeholder="Titolo">
<label id="label-text" class="label-text">Testo:</label>
<textarea id="input-text" class="input-text" placeholder="Testo"></textarea>
<button type="submit" class="blog-btm">Submit</button>
<template name="ListBlogs">
{{#each posts}}
'submit #blog-post':function (e){
var title = $('.input-title').val();
var text = $('.input-text').val();
'submitPost':function(title, text){
console.log("Titolo: " + title);
console.log("Testo:" + text);
Blogs.insert({title:title, text:text});
Meteor.publish('posts', function() {
return Blogs.find();
Blogs = new Meteor.Collection('blogs');
We fixed this in IRC I believe :-)
The problem is that your template ListBlogshas no idea what posts means. You will have to define a helper, so that the {{#each posts}} block gets a meaning.
Fortunately this only requires a very quick fix:
Template.ListBlogs.posts = function(){
return Blogs.find().fetch();
Put this in your client/main.js and all posts appear in realtime.
your code it's ok, though you must to try subscribe on collection of this way
Tracker.autorun(function () {
and after that you must to create the helpers, for example...
posts: function(){
return Posts.find({});

Content wrapped in currentUser re-rendering when user updated

I'm using Meteor and having an issue where my content is being re-rendered when I don't want it to.
I have my main content wrapped in a currentUser if statement which I feel is fairly standard.
{{#if currentUser}}
{{> content}}
The problem with this is my content template is being re-rendered when I update my user object. Is there any way around this? I don't reference users anywhere inside the content template.
Thank you!
Here's a sample app to replicate my problem:
<title>Render Test</title>
{{> userUpdate}}
{{#if currentUser}}
{{> content}}
<template name="userUpdate">
<input id="updateUser" type="button" value="Update User Value" />
User last update: <span id="lastUpdated">{{lastUpdated}}</span>
<template name="content">
<p>Render count: <span id="renderCount"></span></p>
if (Meteor.isClient) {
Meteor.startup(function() {
Session.set("contentRenderedCount", 0);
Template.content.rendered = function() {
var renderCount = Session.get("contentRenderedCount") + 1;
Session.set("contentRenderedCount", renderCount);
document.getElementById("renderCount").innerText = renderCount;
Template.userUpdate.events = {
"click #updateUser": function() {
Meteor.users.update({_id: Meteor.userId()}, {$set: {lastActive: new Date()}});
Template.userUpdate.lastUpdated = function() {
return Meteor.user().lastActive;
if (Meteor.isServer) {
'update': function () {
return true;
I should've explained this example a little. After creating a user, clicking the Update User Value button, causes the render count to increment. This is because it's wrapped in a {{#if currentUser}}. If this is if is removed, you'll notice the render count remains at 1.
Also, you'll need to add the accounts-ui and accounts-password packages to your project.
Meteor will re-render any template containing reactive variables that are altered. In your case the {{currentUser}} is Meteor.user() which is an object containing the user's data. When you update the users profile, the object changes and it tells meteor to re-calculate everything reactive involving the object.
We could alter the reactivity a bit so it only reacts to changes in whether the user logs in/out and not anything within the object itself:
Meteor.autorun(function() {
return Session.get(input);
Your html
{{#if session "meteor_loggedin"}}
{{> content}}

Template reuse in meteor

I'm trying to reuse some control elements in my Meteor app. I'd like the following two templates to toggle visibility and submission of different forms.
<template name='addControl'>
<img class='add' src='/images/icon-plus.png' />
<template name='okCancelControl'>
<img class='submit' src='/images/icon-submit.png' />
<img class='cancel' src='/images/icon-cancel.png' />
I'll call these templates in another:
<template name='insectForm'>
{{#if editing}}
<!-- form elements -->
{{> okCancelControl}}
{{> addControl}}
editing is a Session boolean.
What's a good way to wire up the controls to show, hide and "submit" the form?
The main problem is finding the addInsect template (where the data is) from the control templates (where the "submit" event fires). Here's what I did:
First, the controls:
<template name='addControl'>
<section class='controls'>
<span class="add icon-plus"></span>
<template name='okCancelControl'>
<section class='controls'>
<span class="submit icon-publish"></span>
<span class="cancel icon-cancel"></span>
Now the javascripts. They simply invoke a callback when clicked.
'click .add': function(event, template) {
if (this.add != null) {
this.add(event, template);
'click .cancel': function(event, template) {
if (this.cancel != null) {
this.cancel(event, template);
'click .submit': function(event, template) {
if (this.submit != null) {
this.submit(event, template);
I then connected the callbacks using handlebars' #with block helper.
<template name='addInsect'>
{{#with controlCallbacks}}
{{#if addingInsect}}
<section class='form'>
{{> insectErrors}}
<label for='scientificName'>Scientific Name <input type='text' id='scientificName' /></label>
<label for='commonName'>Common Name <input type='text' id='commonName' /></label>
{{> okCancelControl}}
{{> addControl}}
And the corresponding javascript that creates the callbacks relevant to this form.
Session.set('addingInsect', false);
Template.addInsect.controlCallbacks = {
add: function() {
Session.set('addingInsect', true);
Session.set('addInsectErrors', null);
cancel: function() {
Session.set('addingInsect', false);
Session.set('addInsectErrors', null);
submit: function() {
var attrs, errors;
attrs = {
commonName: DomUtils.find(document, 'input#commonName').value,
scientificName: DomUtils.find(document, 'input#scientificName').value
errors = Insects.validate(attrs);
Session.set('addInsectErrors', errors);
if (errors == null) {
Session.set('addingInsect', false);
Meteor.call('newInsect', attrs);
Template.addInsect.addingInsect = function() {
Template.addInsect.events = {
'keyup #scientificName, keyup #commonName': function(event, template) {
if (event.which === 13) {
In the submit callback I had to use DomUtils.find rather than template.find because template is an instance of okCancelControl, not addInsect.
You can use Session for this. You Just need a template helper that returns a boolean flag that indicates whether you are editing the form fields. And manipulate the DOM based on the Session value set by this template helper.
Assume you have one text input, now when you are entering text in it, set the Session flag as true. This will trigger the helper to return true flag, Based on that, one of your two templates will be rendered in the DOM.
The isEditing is the helper that triggers whenever you change the Session value.
This helper function is the main part here, it returns true/false based on the session value you have set.
Template.insectForm.isEditing = function(){
return true;
return false;
Remember to set the Session to false at the start-up as:
Session.set('isEditing', false);
This will render the default add template in the html, Now when you click on ADD, you need to display another template, for that, set Session to true as:
'click .add' : function(){
Session.set('isEditing', true);
Accordingly when you click on CANCEL, set the session to false, this will make the isEditing to return false and the default add template will be displayed.
So your complete html will look something like this:
<template name='insectForm'>
{{#if isEditing}}
<!-- form elements -->
<input type="text" id="text" value="">
{{> okCancelControl}}
{{> addControl}}
<template name='addControl'>
<img class='add' src='/images/icon-plus.png' />
<template name='okCancelControl'>
<img class='submit' src='/images/icon-submit.png' />
<img class='cancel' src='/images/icon-cancel.png' />
To get the instance of the template, you'll need to pass the additional parameter in the event handler that represents the template.
So update your event handler as:
Template.insectForm.events = {
'click .submit' : function(event, template){
//your event handling code
The parameter template is the instance of the template from which the event originates.
Note that, although the event fires form the image that is inside the okCancelControl template, the parameter will still contain the instance of the insectForm template. This is because we are calling the event handler as Template.insectForm.events = {} .
Also see this answer for template instances.
