Does removal of "OPTIONSVerbHandler" and "TRACEVerbHandler" kill the website on iis? - iis-7

I have application hosting on IIS server. I was told to remove "OPTIONSVerbHandler" and "TRACEVerbHandler" from the IIS as a security measure. I just wanted to confirm that Does removal of "OPTIONSVerbHandler" and "TRACEVerbHandler" kill the website on iis? Also when i checked IIS handler mapping i couldn't find "TRACEVerbHandler" instead i found "TraceHandler-Integrated". so is this the one that i am looking for?
Thanks in advance.

Removing OPTIONSVerbHandler might cause a problem if you have CORS setup. Removing TRACEVerbHandler won't hurt anything, it will just disable tracing from working. And yes you want to remove TraceHandler-Integrated too, and TraceHandler-Integrated-4.0 as well in case it's installed on the server.


Request for Sitecore page returns IIS 404

I request a page in Sitecore and I get a 404 from IIS. The site works on my development environment & staging. This is on the production machine, which is a new install. I've never actually seen it work. The fact that it's giving me an IIS 404 (instead of a Sitecore 404) seems to indicate that whatever handler Sitecore uses isn't being recognized or isn't set up properly. I'd appreciate any suggestions about where to begin looking or what the issue might be.
We're in II7 running in classic mode.
I have the same issues if I run Sitecore in classic mode. Why don't you try running in Integrated mode, for all handlers to work propperly? Your Sitecore login page works, so that indicates that you have unzipped the Sitecore folder corretly. I'd suggest you to try Integrated mode.
It sounds like a permissions issue, check that Network Service (or Application Pool Identity) has the correct access to all of the Sitecore folders.
This looks like a fairly good guide on this:
Sitecore folder & IIS permissions
You could also try exporting the IIS setup for production and staging and comparing the two to make sure nothing odd with the setup.
Have you tried running the installer? If you are cleaning up someone else's install, there's no telling what they did... far easier to start again. You can easily connect to an existing database, or install a package with all your content once you've got a good working Sitecore instance.

Programmatically or declaratively demand client certificate for a single page in IIS

The title pretty much says it, I've rolled out an IIS 7 website with an SSL certificate and now willing to set "SSL Settings/Client certificates/Accept" for a single page but programmatically or declaratively. I've found a way of doing this using the IIS manager but due to some infrastructure limitations we need to be able to configure it without having access to IIS Manager.
Any pointers shall be greatly appreciated!
Many thanks
Perhaps this can help?
It's the managed code sdk for IIS7. It can do most things to IIS, surely what you want is in there?

Does running a HTTPModule prevent IIS Logging?

We are running a site using a custom HTTPModule to do some URL Routing.
The problem is this sites traffic is not being logged by IIS.
Everything appears to be set up correctly, and other sites on the same server are logging. But the log folder for this site remains empty. (not even the W3SVC... folder is being created!)
Is this related to us running a HTTPModule, or is something else causing the problem. I can't find anything that says it would stop logging, or anything that says it won't.
In a word, no. You've got something else funny going on. Are you absolutely sure logging is enabled and you are looking at the correct path?

Alternative to resetting the asp "Windows Services" every few days

One of my site is on a shared hosting and every few days the site will stop working.
The pages will simply stop loading.
After contacting my host they suggested that I disable/re-enable from their hosting
management tool the windows services for my site every time this happens.
In the list on their website I have: ASP, and 2 other that I don't need.
When I disable and than immediately re-enable the 2 asp services the site does start
working again right away.
I'm under the impression that this is a probably due to a wrong configuration of the
application pool my domain is using but they're refusing to give details. No
automatic recycle maybe?
Beside changing host, do you have any suggestion about this problem?
Do you believe it's an app pool setup issue like I do or do you have any other
idea on what else could be causing this issue and/or ideas for a permanent solution?
I think there is something wrong with your code. I once ran into a similar issue with my web host and found out later that the app was leaking memory due to some resources that were opened and never closed. I suggest you inspect the code a bit more. : IIS Service Unavailable

When I attempt to update the code on a IIS webserver by replacing the old code with my new code, I receive 503 Service Unavailable replys when attempting to access any of the replaced pages on the server.
What is the cause of this failure and what steps can I take to correct such errors?
I would do a few things:
Check the windows event logs for any web related errors.
Check the IIS logs to see if there is anything odd with the requests.
Double check the permissions of all the new files, make sure they match the files that do work.
Perform an IISReset after you deployed.
Make sure your virtual directory, or sub folders are set up correctly in IIS and didn't change in the deployment.
If the associated ApplicationPool is disabled you also get the 'Service Unavailable' exception. (can be seen in the logs)
Re this answer, I seem to remember having a problem like this, and it turned out that it was because I was updating the files via ftp, and the there was some conflict between the rights of the FTP user and the IIS user.
I have spent hours looking for solution for Service Unavailable, 503 on IIS in Windows 2012 Server. In the end it helps to restart the server and everything works. Restart the IIS was not enough.
It is not the first time the restart help, the same issue was with FTP server on Windows 2012 Server.
Could be lots of things. Did you try iisreset after updating the pages?
I agree with Eugene. It could be lots of things. If you publish locally, can your local IIS run the pages?
You probably need to get together with whomever has access to the server to look at the errors. Short of that, can you try putting the old code back to see if it still works? If not, it's likely a configuration error.
Also, editing the web.config will get the application restarted. It's a useful trick when you can't access IIS.
