How does this.unblock work in Meteor? - meteor

How does this.unblock work in Meteor?
The docs say:
Call inside a method invocation. Allow subsequent method from this client to begin running in a new fiber.
On the server, methods from a given client run one at a time. The N+1th invocation from a client won't start until the Nth invocation returns. However, you can change this by calling this.unblock. This will allow the N+1th invocation to start running in a new fiber.
How can new code start running in a new fiber if Node runs in a single thread? Does it only unblock when we get to an I/O request, but no unblock would happen if we were running a long computation?

Fibers are an abstraction layer on top of Node's Event Loop. They change how we write code to interact with the Event Loop, but they do not change how Node works. Meteor, among other things, is sort of an API to Fibers.
Each client request in Meteor creates a new fiber. Meteor methods called by the client, by default, will queue up behind each other. This is the default behavior likely because there is an assumption that you want Mongo up to date for all clients before continuing execution. However, if you do not need your clients to work with the latest up to date globals or data, you can use this.unblock() to put each of these client requests in Node's Event Loop without waiting for the previous to complete. However, we are still constrained to Node's Event Loop.
So this.unblock() works by allowing all client requests to that method enter the Event Loop (non IO blocking execution based on callbacks). However, as Node is still a single threaded application, CPU intensive operations will block the callbacks in the Event Loop. That is why Node is not a good choice for CPU intensive work, and that doesn't change with Meteor or Meteor's interaction with Fibers/the Event Loop.
A simple analogy: The Event Loop, or our single Node thread, is a highway. Each car on the highway is a complex event driven function that will eventually exit off the highway when its callbacks complete. Fibers allow us to more easily control who gets on the highway and when. Meteor methods allow a single car on the highway at a time by default, but when properly using this.unblock() you allow multiple cars on the highway. However, a CPU intensive operation on any fiber will cause a traffic jam. I/O and network will not.


DB Transaction and Integrations Events dispatch - how to make it atomic?

I'm designing a system with multiple bounded contexts (microservices). I will have 2 kind of events.
Domain Events, which happens "in memory" within single transaction (sync)
Integration Events, which are used between bounded contexts (async)
My problem is, how to make sure that once transaction is committed (at this point I'm sure all Domain Events were processed successfully) that Integration Events are successful as well.
When my Transaction is committed, normally I will dispatch Integration Events (e.g. to the queue), but there is possibility that this queue is down as well, so previously just-committed transaction has to be "reverted". How?
The only solution that comes to my mind is to store Integration Events to the same DB, within the same Transaction, and then process the Integration Events records and push them to the queue - this would be something like "using current DB, as a pre-queue, before pushing it to The Real Queue (however I read that using DB for this is an anti-pattern).
Is there any pattern (reliable approach) to make sure both: Transaction commit and Message pushed to the queue is an atomic operation?
After reading , the author actually suggests the approach of "pre-queue" in same DB (he calls it “ready to publish the event”).
Checkout transactional outbox pattern.
This pattern does create a pre-queue. But the nice part is that pushing messages from pre-queue to real queue is fully decoupled. Instead you have a middleman called, a message relay that reads your transaction logs and pushes your event from to the real queue. Now since sending message and your domain events are fully decoupled, you can do all your domain events in a single transaction.
And make sure you that all your services are idempontent(same result despite duplicate calls). This transactional outbox patter does guarantee that messages are published, but in case when the message relay fails just after publishing(before acknowledging) it would publish the same event again.
Idempotent services is also necessary in other scenarios. As the event bus(the real queue) could have the same issue. Event bus propagates events, services acknowledge, then network error, then since the event bus is not acknowledged, the same event would be sent again.
Hmm actually idempotence alone could solve the whole issue. After the domain events computation completes(single transaction), if publishing message fails the service can simply throw an error without roll back. Since the event is not acknowledged the event bus will send the same event again. Now since the service is idempotent, the same database transaction will not happen twice, it will basically overwrite or better(should) skip and directly move to message publishing and acknowledging.

Stopping ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer in 1.3.5

I have one question and more of trying to understand so i can implement it right way. Requirement is to stop the ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer by invoking stop method on container which OOTB iterates for KafkaMessageListenerContainer(based on concurrency defined) and invoke stop for each consumer Thread.
Just FYI, i am on 1.3.5 and i cannot migrate to 2.* due to Spring Boot 1.5.*.
Let's say i have topic with 5 partitions and concurrency defined as 5 as well. Using Batchlistener so have batch records count =100 for each poll.
When we invoke stop on container, it appears internally, it set running false for each KafkaMessageListenerContainer and call wakeup on listenerConsumer.
During testing what i have observed, by invoking stop on container in separate thread, it does below:
1)It stops listenerConsumer and that's for sure working. No more polling happens after calling stop.
2)It seems if any listenerConsumer has already polled 100 records, and in middle of processing it completes the execution before stopping.
is #2 per design that invoking container stop only send wakeup to stop next polling? Because i don't see any handling of below in
catch (WakeupException e) {
//Ignore, we're stopping
One more thing, even in spring kafka 2.1 version by having ContainerStoppingBatchErrorHandler, it calls same container stop so i guess it's more of my understanding how to handle this scenario..
To conclude, if above is lot more detail, i want to terminate the listenerThread if stop is been invoked from separate thread. I have manual offset commit so replaying of batch is fine.
Hi Gary,
As you suggested to have consumeraware listener, my question is specific to listener been stopped through container. Once container invokes stop, listener thread be it BatchListner supposed to be interrupted from execution. I know entire poll of records has been received by listener and question is not about loosing offset as ack is at batch level.
It's not clear what your issue is; the container stops when the listener returns after processing the batch.
If you want to manage offsets at the record level, don't use a BatchMessageListener; use a record-level MessageListener instead.
With the former, the whole batch of records returned by the poll is considered a unit of work; offsets for the entire batch are committed, or not.
Even with a record-level listener, the container will not stop until the current batch of records have been sent to the listener; in that case, what you should do depends on the acknowledge mode; with manual acks, simply ignore those records that are received after the stop. If the container manages the acks; throw an exception for the records you want to discard (with ackOnError=false - default is true).
It's unfortunate that you can't move to a more recent release.
With 2.1; there is much more flexibility. For example; the SeekToCurrentErrorHandler and SeekToCurrentBatchErrorHandler are provided.
The SeekToCurrentErrorHandler extends RemainingRecordsErrorHandler which means the remaining records in the poll are sent to the error handler instead of the listener; when the container detects there is a RemainingRecordsErrorHandler the listener won't get the remaining records in the batch and the handler can decide what do do - stop the container, perform seeks etc.
So you no longer need to stop the container when a bad record is received.
This is all designed for handling errors/stopping the container due to some data error.
There currently is no stopNow() option on the containers - immediately stop calling the listener after the current record is processed and discard any remaining records so they will be resent on a start. Currently, you have to discard them yourself as I described above.
We could consider adding such an option but it would be a 2.2 feature at the earliest.
We only provide bug fixes in 1.3.x and, then, only if there is no work around.
It's open source, so you can always fork it yourself, and make contributions back to the framework.

With Meteor, how to I run a singleton that updates periodically while clients are connected?

I'm just getting started with Meteor and I have a REST API hooked up with publish / subscribe that can periodically update per client. How do I run this behavior once globally and only refresh as long as a client is connected?
My first use case is periodically refreshing content while clients are active. My second use case is having some kind of global lock to make sure a task is only happening once at a time. I'm trying to use Meteor to make a deployment UI and I only want 1 deployment to happen at once.
publish/subscribe will work automatically only when clients are connected. However, do not put any functionality that you want to control amount of execution times in publish or subscribe functions. They might run arbitrary amount of times.
If you want some command to be executed by any client use Meteor.methodss on server side, and call it explicitly with from client template event.
To make sure that only one deployment happens at any given time, simplest way would be to create another collection, called for example, CurrentDeployments.And any time deployment script function in Meteor.methods is executed, check with CurrentDeployments.findOne if there are ongoing deployment or not, and only call new one if none is running.
As a side bonus, subscribe to CurrentDeployments in client, to disable 'deploy' button in case one is already running.

How is asynchronous callback implemented?

How do all the languages implements asynchronous callbacks?
For example in C++, one need to have a "monitor thread" to start a std::async. If it is started in main thread, it has to wait for the callback.
std::thread t{[]{std::async(callback_function).get();}}.detach();
std::async(callback_function).get(); //Main thread will have to wait
What about asynchronous callbacks in JavaScript? In JS callbacks are massively used... How does V8 implement them? Does V8 create a lot of threads to listen on them and execute callback when it gets message? Or does it use one thread to listen on all the callbacks and keep refreshing?
For example,
Does V8 create 2 threads and monitor each callback state, or it has a pool thing to monitor all the callbacks?
V8 does not implement asynchronous functions with callbacks (including setInterval). Engine simply provides a way to execute JavaScript code.
As a V8 embedder you can create setInterval JavaScript function linked to your native C++ function that does what you want. For example, create thread or schedule some job. At this point it is your responsibility to call provided callback when it is necessary. Only one thread at a time can use V8 engine (V8 isolate instance) to execute code. This means synchronization is required if a callback needs to be called from another thread. V8 provides locking mechanism is you need this.
Another more common approach to solve this problem is to create a queue of functions for V8 to execute and use infinite queue processing loop to execute code on one thread. This is basically an event loop. This way you don't need to use execution lock, but instead use another thread to push callback function to a queue.
So it depends on a browser/Node.js/other embedder how they implement it.
TL;DR: To implement asynchronous callback is basically to allow the control flow to proceed without blocking for the callback. Before the callback function is finally called, the control flow is free to execute anything that has no dependence on the callback's result, e.g., the caller can proceed as if the callback function has returned, or the caller may yield its control to other functions.
Since the question is for general implementation rather than a specific language, my answer tries to be as general as to cover the implementation commonalities.
Different languages have different implementations for asynchronous callbacks, but the principles are the same. The key is to decouple the control flow from the code executed. They correspond to the execution context (like a thread of control with a runtime stack) and the executed task. Traditionally the execution context and the executed task are usually 1:1 associated. With asynchronous callbacks, they are decoupled.
1. The principles
To decouple the control flow from the code, it is helpful to think of every asynchronous callback as a conditional task. When the code registers an asynchronous callback, it virtually installs the task's condition in the system. The callback function is then invoked when the condition is satisfied. To support this, a condition monitoring mechanism and a task scheduler are needed, so that,
The programmer does not need to track the callback's condition;
Before the condition is satisfied, the program may proceed to execute other code that does not depend on the callback's result, without blocking on the condition;
Once the condition is satisfied, the callback is guaranteed to execute. The programmer does not need to schedule its execution;
After the callback is executed, its result is accessible to the caller.
2. Implementation for Portability
For example, if your code needs to process the data from a network connection, you do not need to write the code checking the connection state. You only registers a callback that will be invoked once the data is available for processing. The dirty work of connection checking is left to the language implementation, which is known to be tricky especially when we talk about scalability and portability.
The language implementation may employ asynchronous io, nonblocking io or a thread pool or whatever techniques to check the network state for you, and once the data is ready, the callback function is then scheduled to execute. Here the control flow of your code looks like directly going from the callback registration to the callback execution, because the language hides the intermediate steps. This is the portability story.
3. Implementation for Scalability
To hide the dirty work is only part of the whole story. The other part is that, your code itself does not need to block waiting for the task condition. It does not make sense to wait for one connection's data when you have lots of network connections simultaneously and some of them may already have data ready. The control flow of your code can simply register the callback, and then moves on with other tasks (e.g., the callbacks whose conditions have been satisfied), knowing that the registered callbacks will be executed anyway when their data are available.
If to satisfy the callback's condition does not involve much of the CPU (e.g., waiting for a timer, or waiting for the data from network), and the callback function itself is light-weighted, then single CPU (or single thread) is able to process lots of callbacks concurrently, such as incoming network requests processing. Here the control flow may look like jumping from one callback to another. This is the scalability story.
4. Implementation for Parallelism
Sometimes, the callbacks are not pending for non-blocking IO condition, but for blocking operations such as page fault; or the callbacks do not rely on any condition, but are pure computation logics. In this case, asynchronous callback does not save you the CPU waiting time (because there is no idle waiting). But since asynchronous callback implies that the callback function can be executed in parallel with the caller or other callbacks (subject to certain data sharing and synchronization constraints), the language implementation can dispatch the callback tasks to different threads, achieving the benefits of parallelism, if the platform has more than one hardware thread context. It still improves scalability.
5. Implementation for Productivity
The productivity with asynchronous callback may not be very positive when the code need to deal with chained callbacks, i.e., when callbacks register other callbacks in recursive way, known as callback hell. There are ways to rescue.
The semantics of an asynchronous callback can be explored so as to substitute the hopeless nested callbacks with other language constructs. Basically there can be two different views of callbacks:
From data flow point of view: asynchronous callback = event + task.
To register a callback essentially generates an event that will emit
when the task condition is satisfied. In this view, the chained
callbacks are just events whose processing triggers other event
emission. It can be naturally implemented in event-driven
programming, where the task execution is driven by events. Promise
and Observable may also be regarded as event-driven concept. When
multiple events are ready concurrently, their associated tasks can
be executed concurrently as well.
From control flow point of view: to register a callback yields the
control to other code, and the callback execution just resumes the
control flow once its condition is satisfied. In this view, chained
asynchronous callbacks are just resumable functions. Multiple
callbacks can be written as one after another in traditional
"synchronous" way, with yield operation in between (or await). It
actually becomes coroutine.
I haven't discussed the implementation of data passing between the asynchronous callback and its caller, but that is usually not difficult if using shared memory where caller and callback can share data. Actually Golang's channel can also be considered in line of yield/await but with its focus on data passing.
The callbacks that are passed to browser APIs, like setTimeout, are pushed into the same browser queue when the API has done its job.
The engine can check this queue when the stack is empty and push the next callback into the JS stack for execution.
You don’t have to monitor the progress of the API calls, you asked it to do a job and it will put your callback in the queue when it’s done.

Meteor threading style clarification

Meteor's documentation states:
In Meteor, your server code runs in a single thread per request, not in the asynchronous callback style typical of Node
Do they actually mean?
A) the server is running multiple threads in parallel (which seems unusual within the Node.js ecosystem)
B) There is still only a single thread within an evented server and each request is processed sequentially, at least until it makes calls to resources outside the server - like the datastore, at which point the server itself is handling the callbacks while it processes with other requests, so you don't have to write/administer the callbacks yourself.
Brad, your B is correct.
Meteor uses fibers internally. As you said, there's only one thread inside an evented server, but when you do (eg) a database read, Fibers yields and control quickly gets back to the event loop. So your code looks like:
doc = MyCollection.findOne(id);
(with a hidden "yield to the event loop, come back when the doc is here") rather than
MyCollection.findOne(id, function (err, doc) {
if (err)
Error handling in the fiber version also just uses standard JavaScript exceptions instead of needing to check an argument every time.
I think this leads to an easier style of code to read for business logic which wants to take a bunch of actions which depend on each other in series. However, most of Meteor's synchronous APIs optionally take callbacks and become asynchronous, if you'd like to use the async style.
