Meteor GridFS 403 forbidden - meteor

Possible duplicate: Meteor collectionfs insert server side
I have multiple image collections using GridFS to store files. If I use "Images" as name for the collection everything works fine, but as soon as I change the name I'm getting GET http://localhost:3000/cfs/files/PlayerImages/zo4Z7rnYLb32MLYkM/taylor.jpg 403 (Forbidden)
(And for example, this one does work: http://localhost:3000/cfs/files/Images/7j9XAEebGctuivGhz/see-more.png)
This is how I defined my collections:
function createImageCollection(name,transform){
var collectionName = name + 's';
var storeName = name + 'Store';
var options = {
filter: {
allow: {
contentTypes: ['image/*'],
extensions: ['png', 'PNG', 'jpg', 'JPG', 'jpeg', 'JPEG']
if (Meteor.isServer) {
storeOptions = {
path: process.env.PWD + "/public"
// only add the transform when graphicsmagick is available
if(gm.isAvailable && typeof transform === 'function'){
storeOptions.transformWrite = transform;
options.stores = [new FS.Store.GridFS(storeName,storeOptions)];
} else {
options.stores = [new FS.Store.GridFS(storeName)];
return new FS.Collection(collectionName,options);
// and finally create them
Images = createImageCollection('Image',imageResizeTimeline); // default resize is timeline, nothing bigger then that?
BackgroundImages = createImageCollection('BackgroundImage',imageResizeBackground);
PlayerImages = createImageCollection('PlayerImage',imageResizePlayer);
LogoImages = createImageCollection('LogoImage',imageResizeLogo);
And I also added allow/deny rules for each collection:
var ImagePermissions = {
insert: function () {
return true;
update: function () {
return true;
download: function () {
return true;
remove: function () {
return false;
fetch: null
On a sidenote, I am using autoform to generate forms, but I don't think the problem is located in there because "Images" works.
Must I add this path to some "routing" or "config" files? Maybe "Images" is added by default? (This project is set-up by someone else, but I don't think I missed anything he did.)


Modifying function onDndUploadDrop in _AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin.js file

I have alfresco share/repo version 5.2.3
I'm trying to modifiy the function found in _AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin.js with the fix that has been posted on
I tried extending the attachment-doclib.xml and get the jsonmodul, but it gives me a null pointer.
My code is the following
From attachment-doclib.get.js
var documentServices = model.jsonModel;
for (var i=0; i<documentServices.length; i++)
if (documentServices[i] === "alfresco/documentlibrary")
documentServices[i] = "js/aikau/";
else if (documentServices[i].name === "alfresco/documentlibrary")
documentServices[i].name = "js/aikau/";
from doclib-customizations.xml
<config evaluator="string-compare" condition="WebFramework" replace="false">
<package name="documentlibrary" location="js/aikau/" />
From _alfDndDocumentUploadMixin-extended.js
onDndUploadDrop: function alfresco_documentlibrary__AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin__onDndUploadDrop(evt) {
// Only perform a file upload if the user has *actually* dropped some files!
this.alfLog("log", "Upload drop detected", evt);
if (evt.dataTransfer.files !== undefined && evt.dataTransfer.files !== null && evt.dataTransfer.files.length > 0)
var destination = this._currentNode ? this._currentNode.nodeRef : null;
var config = this.getUploadConfig();
var defaultConfig = {
destination: destination,
siteId: null,
containerId: null,
uploadDirectory: null,
updateNodeRef: null,
description: "",
overwrite: false,
thumbnails: "doclib",
username: null
var updatedConfig = lang.mixin(defaultConfig, config);
var walkFileSystem = lang.hitch(this, function alfresco_documentlibrary__AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin__onDndUploadDrop__walkFileSystem(directory, callback, error) {
callback.limit = this.dndMaxFileLimit;
callback.pending = callback.pending || 0;
callback.files = callback.files || [];
// get a dir reader and cleanup file path
var reader = directory.createReader(),
relativePath = directory.fullPath.replace(/^\//, "");
var repeatReader = function alfresco_documentlibrary__AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin__onDndUploadDrop__walkFileSystem__repeatReader() {
// about to start an async callback function
reader.readEntries(function alfresco_documentlibrary__AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin__onDndUploadDrop__walkFileSystem__repeatReader__readEntries(entries) {
// processing an async callback function
array.forEach(entries, function(entry) {
if (entry.isFile)
// about to start an async callback function
entry.file(function(File) {
// add the relativePath property to each file - this can be used to rebuild the contents of
// a nested tree folder structure if an appropriate API is available to do so
File.relativePath = relativePath;
if (callback.limit && callback.files.length > callback.limit)
throw new Error("Maximum dnd file limit reached: " + callback.limit);
// processing an async callback function
if (--callback.pending === 0)
// fall out here if last item processed is a file entry
}, error);
walkFileSystem(entry, callback, error);
// the reader API is a little esoteric,from the MDN docs:
// "Continue calling readEntries() until an empty array is returned.
// You have to do this because the API might not return all entries in a single call."
if (entries.length !== 0)
// fall out here if last item processed is a dir entry e.g. empty dir
if (callback.pending === 0)
}, error);
var addSelectedFiles = lang.hitch(this, function alfresco_documentlibrary__AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin__onDndUploadDrop__addSelectedFiles(files) {
if (this.dndMaxFileLimit && files.length > this.dndMaxFileLimit)
throw new Error("Maximum dnd file limit reached: " + this.dndMaxFileLimit);
// Check to see whether or not the generated upload configuration indicates
// that an existing node will be created or not. If node is being updated then
// we need to generate an intermediary step to capture version and comments...
if (updatedConfig.overwrite === false)
// Set up a response topic for receiving notifications that the upload has completed...
var responseTopic = this.generateUuid();
this._uploadSubHandle = this.alfSubscribe(responseTopic, lang.hitch(this, this.onFileUploadComplete), true);
this.alfPublish(topics.UPLOAD_REQUEST, {
alfResponseTopic: responseTopic,
files: files,
targetData: updatedConfig
}, true);
// TODO: Check that only one file has been dropped and issue error...
this.publishUpdateRequest(updatedConfig, files);
var items = evt.dataTransfer.items || [], firstEntry;
// webkitGetAsEntry is a marker for determining FileSystem API support.
// SHA-2164 - Firefox claims support, but different impl. rather than code around differences, fallback.
if (items[0] && items[0].webkitGetAsEntry && !has("ff") && (firstEntry = items[0].webkitGetAsEntry()))
walkFileSystem(firstEntry.filesystem.root, function(files) {
}, function() {
// fallback to standard way if error happens
// fallback to standard way if no support for filesystem API
this.alfLog("error", "A drop event was detected, but no files were present for upload: ", evt.dataTransfer);
this.alfLog("error", "The following error occurred when files were dropped onto the Document List: ", exception);
// Remove the drag highlight...
// Destroy the overlay node (required for views that will re-render all the contents)...
this.dragAndDropOverlayNode = null;
* This function publishes an update version request. It will request that a new dialog
* be displayed containing the form controls defined in
* [widgetsForUpdate]{#link module:alfresco/documentlibrary/_AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin#widgetsForUpdate}.
* #instance
* #param {object} uploadConfig
publishUpdateRequest: function alfresco_documentlibrary__AlfDndDocumentUploadMixin__publishUpdateRequest(uploadConfig, files) {
// TODO: Work out the next minor and major increment versions...
// TODO: Localization required...
// Set up a response topic for receiving notifications that the upload has completed...
var responseTopic = this.generateUuid();
this._uploadSubHandle = this.alfSubscribe(responseTopic, lang.hitch(this, this.onFileUploadComplete), true);
// To avoid the issue with processing payloads containing files with native
// code in them, it is necessary to temporarily store the files in the data model...
var filesRef = this.generateUuid();
this.alfSetData(filesRef, files);
dialogTitle: "Update",
dialogConfirmationButtonTitle: "Continue Update",
dialogCancellationButtonTitle: "Cancel",
formSubmissionTopic: topics.UPLOAD_REQUEST,
formSubmissionPayloadMixin: {
alfResponseTopic: responseTopic,
filesRefs: filesRef,
targetData: uploadConfig
fixedWidth: true,
widgets: lang.clone(this.widgetsForUpdate)
}, true);
Expect: All files that are dragged and drop to be uploaded.
Actual: Only one file is uploaded

How to set file name and extension to the original when inserting a file with full url or URI in CollectionFS?

Model code:
ProfileImage = new FS.Collection('profileImage', {
stores: [
new FS.Store.FileSystem('profile-image')
filter: {
maxSize: 524288,
allow: {
extensions: ['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg'],
contentTypes: ['image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg']
Insertion code:
ProfileImage.insert('' + + '/picture/?type=large', function(error, imageObj) {
with that code I get a file name like this: profileImage-iiGE2ouSifuu3iLjq-undefined .
the name is undefined and without extension at all.
Try this (copied from a project of mine. this works):
//this is the event for when you select an image
'change .yourfileinput': function (event, template) {
FS.Utility.eachFile(event, function (file) {
var yourFile = new FS.File(file);
Images.insert(yourFile, function (err, fileObj) {
var fileUrl = '/cfs/files/profile-image/'+fileObj._id;
Session.set('fileUrl', fileUrl);
//form submit event
"submit .your-form-class": function (event) {
var whichUser = Meteor.userId() //or you could just write this inside the method call instead of adding a variable
var profilePicture = Session.get('fileUrl');"yourMethod", whichUser, profilePicture);
Of course, you need to play on it/customise to your needs. ^ is for default file path of cfs:filesystem.
I switched to gridfs though and I highly recommend it.
Edit your question with all your code if it doesn't work and we'll find a solution. File upload was the biggest problem I encountered along the way.

How to show documents from multiple remote publication in the template?

I wish to use Meteor to subscribe a few remote publication via DDP. Then show the documents in one template. Here is what I did:
Posts = {};
var lists = [
{server: "localhost:4000"},
{server: "localhost:5000"}
var startup = function () {
_.each(lists, function (list) {
var connection = DDP.connect(`http://${list.server}`);
Posts[`${list.server}`] = new Mongo.Collection('posts', {connection: connection});
This file is at client folder. Every startup, in this example, at browser I have two client collections Posts["localhost:4000"] and Posts["localhost:5000"], both are same schema. I know this format (Collection[server]) is ugly, please tell me if there is a better way.
Is there a way to show these client collections in the same template with reactive. Like this:
Template.registerHelper("posts", function () {
return Posts.find({}, {sort: {createdAt: -1}});
I think Connected Client is a big part of the Meteor. There should be a best practice to solve this problem, right?
Connect to multiple servers via DDP, then observe their collections reactive via cursor.observeChanges.
Posts = {};
PostsHandle = {};
// LocalPosts is a local collection lived at browser.
LocalPosts = new Mongo.Collection(null); // null means local
// userId is generated by another Meteor app.
var lists = [
{server: "localhost:4000", userId: [
{server: "localhost:5000", userId: [
var connect = function () {
_.each(lists, function (list) {
console.log("connect:", list.server, list.userId);
var connection = DDP.connect(`http://${list.server}`);
Posts[`${list.server}`] = new Mongo.Collection('posts', {connection: connection}); // 'posts' should be same with remote collection name.
PostsHandle[`${list.server}`] = connection.subscribe("posts", list.userId);
var observe = function () {
_.each(PostsHandle, function (handle, server) {
Tracker.autorun(function () {
if (handle.ready()) {
console.log(server, handle.ready());
// learn from
// thank you cursor.observeChanges
var cursor = Posts[server].find();
var cursorHandle = cursor.observeChanges({
added: function (id, post) {
console.log("added:", id, post);
piece._id = id; // sync post's _id
removed: function (id) {
console.log("removed:", id);
Template.posts.onCreated(function () {
connect(); // template level subscriptions
posts: function () {
return LocalPosts.find({}, {sort: {createdAt: -1}}); // sort reactive

Meteor: collection helpers or transform on FS.Collection?

With dburles:collection-helpers package you can add collection helpers on any Mongo.collection. But I can't do that on FS.Collection. I get TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'helpers'. Transform function doesn't work either.
var createUploader = function(fileObj, readStream, writeStream) {
fileObj.uploadedBy = Meteor.users.find({_id: fileObj.uploader});
Photos = new FS.Collection("photos", {
stores: [
new FS.Store.GridFS("photos", {transformWrite: createUploader})
filter: {
allow: {
contentTypes: ['image/*']
Can't do this? Notice when a photo is inserted from the client FS.File gets userId, hence fileObj.uploadedBy = Meteor.users.find({_id: fileObj.uploader});
Ok I know this is not the not-so-easy solution I was looking for. Since I am using publish-composite package. I can just publish users' data(only profile field) with photos. And on the client I can do template helper like this:{
photoUploader: function() {
var currentPhoto = Photos.findOne();
var user = Meteor.users.findOne({_id: currentPhoto.uploader});
<template name="photos">
{{#each photos}}
{{> photo}}
<template name="photo">
matb33-collection-helpers package works by applying a transform function to a collection. CollectionFS already has its own transform function applied, therefore you cannot overwrite that with ones from the collection helpers package.
As suggested at the issue tracker
Since CFS already applies a transform, it would not be a good idea to use collection helpers. You should be able to do pretty much the same thing by extending the FS.File prototype with your own functions, though.
You could define custom functions on the prototype. The prototype will have access to other properties of the doc through this so you would basically have the same functionality with collection helpers.
Another option would be to store the file related information on the individual file object during the insert as metadata such as:{
'change .photoInput': function(event, template) {
FS.Utility.eachFile(event, function(file) {
var newPhoto = new FS.File(file);
newPhoto.metadata = {uploadedBy: Meteor.user()};
Photos.insert(newPhoto, function (err, fileObj) {
if (!err) console.log(fileObj._id + " inserted!")
Your code can also be rewritten to implement a beforeWrite filter instead of a transformWrite as in
Photos = new FS.Collection("photos", {
stores: [
new FS.Store.GridFS("photos", {
beforeWrite: function (fileObj) {
fileObj.metadata = {uploadedBy: Meteor.user()};
filter: {
allow: {
contentTypes: ['image/*']
Finally, you can opt to storing the ID of the user and publishing a reactive join
Photos = new FS.Collection("photos", {
stores: [
new FS.Store.GridFS("photos", {
beforeWrite: function (fileObj) {
fileObj.metadata = {
uploadedBy: Meteor.userId()
filter: {
allow: {
contentTypes: ['image/*']
And for the publication, you can use reywood:publish-composite
Meteor.publishComposite('photosWithUsers', function() {
return {
find: function() {
return Photos.find();
children: [
find: function(photo) {
return Meteor.users.find(photo.uploadedBy, {
fields: {username: 1, '': 1}
Of course on the client, you need to subscribe to the photosWithUsers publication.
Now to access that information in the client, since you cannot apply a transform or a helper on the collectionFS documents, you can create a global template helper:
Template.registerHelper('getUsername', function(userId) {
check(userId, String);
var user = Meteor.users.findOne(userId);
return user && + ' (' + user.username + ')';
Now you can use that helper in your templates:
<template name="somePhoto">
{{#with FS.GetFile "Photos" photo}}
<img src="{{url}}" alt="This photo has been uploaded by {{getUsername uploadedBy}}">
photo: function() {
return Photos.findOne();

Mongoose async middleware not working on record creation

I am using keystone#0.2.32. I would like to change the post category to a tree structure. The below code is running well except when I create a category, it goes into a deadlock:
var keystone = require('keystone'),
Types = keystone.Field.Types;
* PostCategory Model
* ==================
var PostCategory = new keystone.List('PostCategory', {
autokey: { from: 'name', path: 'key', unique: true }
name: { type: String, required: true },
parent: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'PostCategory' },
parentTree: { type: Types.Relationship, ref: 'PostCategory', many: true }
PostCategory.relationship({ ref: 'Post', path: 'categories' });
PostCategory.scanTree = function(item, obj, done) {
PostCategory.model.find().where('_id', item.parent).exec(function(err, cats) {
PostCategory.scanTree(cats[0], obj, done);
PostCategory.schema.pre('save', true, function (next, done) { //Parallel middleware, waiting done to be call
if (this.isModified('parent')) {
this.parentTree = [];
if(this.parent != null){
PostCategory.scanTree(this, this, done);
process.nextTick(done); //here is deadlock.
PostCategory.defaultColumns = 'name, parentTree';
Thanks so much.
As I explained on the issue you logged on Keystone here:
This appears to be a reproducible bug in mongoose that prevents middleware from resolving when:
Parallel middleware runs that executes a query, followed by
Serial middleware runs that executes a query
Changing Keystone's autokey middleware to run in parallel mode may cause bugs in other use cases, so cannot be done. The answer is to implement your parentTree middleware in serial mode instead of parallel mode.
Also, some other things I noticed:
There is a bug in your middleware, where the first parent is added to the array twice.
The scanTree method would be better implemented as a method on the schama
You can use the findById method for a simpler parent query
The schema method looks like this:
PostCategory.schema.methods.addParents = function(target, done) {
if (this.parent) {
PostCategory.model.findById(this.parent, function(err, parent) {
if (parent) {
parent.addParents(target, done);
} else {
And the fixed middleware looks like this:
PostCategory.schema.pre('save', function(done) {
if (this.isModified('parent')) {
this.parentTree = [];
if (this.parent != null) {
PostCategory.scanTree(this, this, done);
} else {
} else {
I think it's a bug of keystone.js. I have changed schemaPlugins.js 104 line
this.schema.pre('save', function(next) {
this.schema.pre('save', true, function(next, done) {
and change from line 124 to the following,
// if has a value and is unmodified or fixed, don't update it
if ((!modified || autokey.fixed) && this.get(autokey.path)) {
return next();
var newKey = utils.slug(values.join(' ')) ||;
if (autokey.unique) {
r = getUniqueKey(this, newKey, done);
return r;
} else {
this.set(autokey.path, newKey);
return next();
It works.
