Symfon2 Process is not starting with & - Ampersand - symfony

I have a symfony command to send emails. In the terminate listener, I run this command.
Below is the command I run,
php ../app/console insead:email:prepare <Base64 information> &
I passed & (Ampersand) sign to the command in order to spawn a new process on the shell.
The version of Symfony was 2.4 and it was working fine. Last week I updated the version to 2.7 and now it is not working.
It seems the command is not running in the shell. I am using Symfony Process.
$process = new Process($command, $this->rootDir);
I tried to get errorOutput, output and all of them return empty.
Did anybody face this kind of issue?
(Note - My operating system is Windows 7 and I am running my application on top of WAMP)

Related core executing powershell some commands work while others return result 0

I have the following simple code that works and executes a powershell command in core website running on my cshtml.cs code behind page
using System.Management.Automation;
public void Execute()
using (var ps = PowerShell.Create())
var results = ps.Invoke();
foreach (var result in results)
string test = result.ToString();
This works i get the current date reported as a string and results variable contains a count of 1.
"7/16/2020 4:38:27 PM"
If i then change it to another command say
ps.AddScript("Get-LocalGroupMember -group my_local_group_name");
Then i get no results, results comes back as count of 0 ?? The only thing i can determine is that Get-Date is a single string where as the other commands Get-WmiObject and Get-LocalGroupMember are multiple lines of text in the outputs when i execute them from a normal Powershell window.
my goal is to be able to execute the Get-LocalGroupMember command and get it's output. Is there something else i'm missing or not doing in terms of Powershell commands ? why is it some commands are working and producing output and others are not ?
So i was getting error in the error stream of the ps object it states
{The 'Get-LocalGroupMember' command was found in the module 'Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts', but the module could not be loaded. For more information, run 'Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts'.}
if i open a x86 Powershell window and run the Get-LocalGroupMember cmd it gives me error
Get-LocalGroupMember : The term 'Get-LocalGroupMember' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script
file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct
and try again.
running the Get-LocalGroupMember cmd in a regular Powershell window (that is x64) the cmd runs perfect.
My project is set to x64 :( so am failing to understand why is using what seems to me a 32bit version of powershell. That's what i need i need to be able to execute my powershell cmds as x64 because Get-LocalGroupMember cmd is only available in Powershell x64 .
Please Help ? thanks
so i ended up having to do the following for some reason in order to get certian commands like Get-LocalGroupMember to work, other commands like Get-Date don't require the import, and even though on my system i had execution policy unrestricted, whenever i use c# in and checked errors on my ps object it was acting like it wasn't and would not let me run a script using AddScript. So i had to be administrator running visual studio and use set-executionpolicy like below, then be able to add the localaccounts module to be able to use Get-LocalGroupMember.. again if i open a x64 Powershell window on the system i can run Get-LocalGroupMember fine. seems c# is doing some weird things with the Powershell shell that it is creating and running in memory. Anyway hopefully this saves someone else time if they run into the same situation.
using (var ps = PowerShell.Create())
ps.AddScript("Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -force");
ps.AddScript("Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts");
ps.AddScript("Get-LocalGroupMember -group your_local_group_name | Out-String");
var results = ps.Invoke();
foreach (var result in results)
string test = result.ToString();
TestText = test;

Terminate Spring Cloud Task on OutOfMemory exception

I have a Spring task app deployed on PCF. This app get OutOfMemory exception but not terminate the task.
Many people suggested setting env -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="kill -9 %p" solve this problem. How can I set it on PCF?
When you run an app on Cloud Foundry, the Java buildpack will run and emit a start command which includes a Java agent that properly handles this for you. It's called the jvmkill agent.
This will monitor your app for OOME's and if one happens, print some debug info and kill the app. I believe this is exactly the behavior that you're discussing above, but unlike the way you mentioned this method will print debug info prior to killing the app and IMHO is generally more reliable.
For tasks running on Cloud Foundry, the Java buildpack still installs the kill agent, but it cannot actually insert the kill agent into the start command for your task. This is because CF tasks take the start command entirely from the user.
The general recommendation for starting Java based tasks on CF, is to take the start command generated by the Java buildpack to run your app or another app with the same memory limit and adjust it to start your task instead.
For example, here is the start command generated for Spring Music:
JAVA_OPTS="-agentpath:$PWD/.java-buildpack/open_jdk_jre/bin/jvmkill-1.16.0_RELEASE=printHeapHistogram=1$TMPDIR -XX:ActiveProcessorCount=$(nproc) -Djava.ext.dirs=$PWD/.java-buildpack/java_security/ $JAVA_OPTS" && CALCULATED_MEMORY=$($PWD/.java-buildpack/open_jdk_jre/bin/java-buildpack-memory-calculator-3.13.0_RELEASE -totMemory=$MEMORY_LIMIT -loadedClasses=27062 -poolType=metaspace -stackThreads=250 -vmOptions="$JAVA_OPTS") && echo JVM Memory Configuration: $CALCULATED_MEMORY && JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS $CALCULATED_MEMORY" && MALLOC_ARENA_MAX=2 SERVER_PORT=$PORT eval exec $PWD/.java-buildpack/open_jdk_jre/bin/java $JAVA_OPTS -cp $PWD/.:$PWD/.java-buildpack/container_security_provider/container_security_provider-1.16.0_RELEASE.jar org.springframework.boot.loader.WarLauncher
Note the -agentpath:$PWD/.java-buildpack/open_jdk_jre/bin/jvmkill-1.16.0_RELEASE=printHeapHistogram=1 part, which starts the jvmkill agent.
Now if I want to adjust this to run java -version. I could do the following:
JAVA_OPTS="-agentpath:$PWD/.java-buildpack/open_jdk_jre/bin/jvmkill-1.16.0_RELEASE=printHeapHistogram=1$TMPDIR -XX:ActiveProcessorCount=$(nproc) -Djava.ext.dirs=$PWD/.java-buildpack/java_security/ $JAVA_OPTS" && CALCULATED_MEMORY=$($PWD/.java-buildpack/open_jdk_jre/bin/java-buildpack-memory-calculator-3.13.0_RELEASE -totMemory=$MEMORY_LIMIT -loadedClasses=27062 -poolType=metaspace -stackThreads=250 -vmOptions="$JAVA_OPTS") && echo JVM Memory Configuration: $CALCULATED_MEMORY && JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS $CALCULATED_MEMORY" && MALLOC_ARENA_MAX=2 SERVER_PORT=$PORT eval exec $PWD/.java-buildpack/open_jdk_jre/bin/java $JAVA_OPTS -version
Note how I just changed the end, where the actual Java arguments are set.
The commands are quite long, but they do end up working and should do the trick for you.

Not able to start Websphere application Server 8.0 in Rational application developer 8

On the console.. I get the following -
Usage: java [-options] class [args...]
(to execute a class)
or java [-jar] [-options] jarfile [args...]
(to execute a jar file)
where options include:
-cp -classpath <directories and zip/jar files separated by ;>
set search path for application classes and resources
set a system property
enable verbose output
-version print product version
require the specified version to run
-showversion print product version and continue
-jre-restrict-search | -no-jre-restrict-search
include/exclude user private JREs in the version search
load native agent library <libname>, e.g. -agentlib:hprof
see also, -agentlib:jdwp=help and -agentlib:hprof=help
load native agent library by full pathname
load Java programming language agent, see java.lang.instrument
-? -help print this help message
-X print help on non-standard options
-splash:<imagepath> show splash screen with specified image
enable assertions
disable assertions
-esa | -enablesystemassertions
enable system assertions
-dsa | -disablesystemassertions
disable system assertions
Eventually the server doesn't start and gets stopped after time-out. The Server was working fine. However, I wanted to restart it. I stopped the server completely and tried starting it. Since then I am facing this issue.
You can check the script that is getting executed when you right click and start the server.
Check if there are any unwanted entries in the java options which does not confirm to the java command line.

xinit Clutter application not working

I've built a simple test app with clutter: A stage with two ClutterText actors to display two words. It works OK when I run it from within gnome but running it from the tty (not gnome-terminal or xterm) with xinit my_app_binary I get an error:
failed to create drawable
Unable to initialize Clutter: Unable to select the newly created GLX context
Window manager error: Unable to initialize Clutter
If I run xinit gnome-terminal from the same tty everything works, gnome-terminal shows up in a black screen. That's the same I want to do with my app.
Is there anything I can do to overcome this error?
All the above are tested in Linux Mint 12. After normal boot I switch to a tty (ALT-F1) and stop lightdm (sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm stop).
EDIT: running as root everything works, so the question is: how to run it as a regular user?
Be sure to set the DISPLAY-var - add it in front of your command
DISPLAY=:0.0 /path/to/myapp
Sometimes this is an access-rights problem - the app should be started with the user who started the X-server
su user-started-x -c 'DISPLAY=:0.0 /path/to/myapp'

Scheduling R Script

I have written an R script that pulls some data from a database, performs several operations on it and post the output to a new database.
I would like this script to run every day at a specific time but I can not find any way to do this effectively.
Can anyone recommend a resource I could look at to solve this issue? I am running this script on a Windows machine.
Actually under Windows you do not even have to create a batch file first to use the Scheduler.
Open the scheduler: START -> All Programs -> Accesories -> System Tools -> Scheduler
Create a new Task
under tab Action, create a new action
choose Start Program
browse to Rscript.exe which should be placed e.g. here:
"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.2\bin\x64\Rscript.exe"
input the name of your file in the parameters field
input the path where the script is to be found in the Start in field
go to the Triggers tab
create new trigger
choose that task should be done each day, month, ... repeated several times, or whatever you like
Supposing your R script is mytest.r, located in D:\mydocuments\, you can create a batch file including the following command:
C:\R\R-2.10.1\bin\Rcmd.exe BATCH D:\mydocuments\mytest.r
Then add it, as a new task, to windows task scheduler, setting there the triggering conditions.
You could also omit the batch file. Set C:\R\R-2.10.1\bin\Rcmd.exe in the program/script textbox in task scheduler, and give as Arguments the rest of the initial command: BATCH D:\mydocuments\mytest.r
Scheduling R Tasks via Windows Task Scheduler (Posted on February 11, 2015)
taskscheduleR: R package to schedule R scripts with the Windows task manager (Posted on March 17, 2016)
I recently adopted the use of batch files again, because I wanted the cmd window to be minimized (I couldn't find another way).
Specifically, I fill the windows task scheduler Actions tab as follows:
Add arguments (optional):
/c start /min D:\mydocuments\mytest.bat ^& exit
Contents of mytest.bat:
C:\R\R-3.5.2\bin\x64\Rscript.exe D:\mydocuments\mytest.r params
Now there is built in option in RStudio to do this, to run scheduler first install below packages
install.packages("taskscheduleR", repos = "", type =
After installing go to
**TOOLS -> ADDINS ->BROWSE ADDINS ->taskscheduleR -> Select it and execute it.**
Setting up the task scheduler
Step 1) Open the task scheduler (Start > search Task Scheduler)
Step 2) Click "Action" > "Create Task"
Step 3) Select "Run only when the user is logged on", uncheck "Run with highest priveledges", name your task,
configure for "Windows Vista/Windows Server 2008"
Step 4) Under the "Triggers" tab, set when you would like the script to run
Step 5) Under the "Actions" tab, put the full location of the Rscript.exe file, i.e.
"C:\Program Files\R\R-3.6.2\bin\Rscript.exe" (include the quotes)
Put the name of your script with with -e and source() in arguments wrapping it like this:
-e "source('C:/location_of_my_script/test.R')"
Troubleshooting a Rscript scheduled in the Task Scheduler
When you run a script using the Task Scheduler, it is difficult to troubleshoot any issues because you don't get any error messages.
This can be resolved by using the sink() function in R which will allow you to output all error messages to a file that you specify. Here is how you can do this:
# Set up error log ------------------------------------------------------------
error_log <- file("C:/location_of_my_script/error_log.Rout", open="wt")
sink(error_log, type="message")
# insert your code here
The other thing that you will have to change to make your Rscript work is to specify the full file path of any file paths in your script.
This will not work in task scheduler:
You will need to specify the full file path of any scripts you are sourcing within your Rscript:
Additionally, I would remove any special characters from any file paths that you are referencing in your R script. For example:
df <- fread("C:/location_of_my_data/file#2342.csv")
may not run. Instead, try:
df <- fread("C:/location_of_my_data/file_2342.csv")
Changing windows passwords
Beware: Changing windows passwords will pause your task scheduler script(s). You will need to log back into the task scheduler and enter your password to get them started again.
I set up my tasks via the SCHTASKS program. For running scripts on startup, you would write something along the lines of
SCHTASKS /Create /SC ONSTART /TN MyProgram /TR "R CMD BATCH --vanilla d:\path\to\script.R"
See this website for more details on SCHTASKS. More details at Microsoft's website.
You can use Windows Task Scheduler.
After following any combination of these steps and you receive the "Argument Batch Ignored" error after R.exe runs, try this, it worked for me.
In Windows Task Scheduler:
Replace BATCH "C:\Users\desktop\yourscript.R"in the arguments field
CMD BATCH --vanilla --slave "C:\Users\desktop\yourscript.R"
