Understanding the probability of a double-six if i roll two dice - math

The probability of a double-six in one throw of two die is 1/36 or 0.028.
If I threw a pair of die a hundred times would 3 (0.028 * 100) be
The amount of times (3) I would get a double-six
The probability (3%) of getting a double-six on all throws.
I have a feeling the correct answer is number 1, because intuitively the chance of getting a double six every time on a hundred throws seems to be a lot lower than 3%.
Please explain, as simply as you can, which is the correct understanding and why.

The probablity of not having double six in one throw (all but one outcome divided by all outcomes):
The probability of not having double six in N throws
(35/36)**N /* where ** is raising into N-th power */
The probability of having at least one double six in N throws
P(N) = 1 - (35/36)**N
if N == 100 we have
P(100) == 0.94022021...

It is nearly 1., but with a twist in the interpretation. 2.8 is the average number of double sixes if you were to perform a series of experiments with 100 throws each. The correct answer for 2. was given by Dmitry.
Please ask math-oriented questions in the math forum math.stackexchange.


How to calculate the expected cost?

I am not good at probability and I know it's not a coding problem directly. But I wish you would help me with this. While I was solving a computation problem I found this difficulty:
Problem definition:
The Little Elephant from the Zoo of Lviv is going to the Birthday
Party of the Big Hippo tomorrow. Now he wants to prepare a gift for
the Big Hippo. He has N balloons, numbered from 1 to N. The i-th
balloon has the color Ci and it costs Pi dollars. The gift for the Big
Hippo will be any subset (chosen randomly, possibly empty) of the
balloons such that the number of different colors in that subset is at
least M. Help Little Elephant to find the expected cost of the gift.
The first line of the input contains a single integer T - the number
of test cases. T test cases follow. The first line of each test case
contains a pair of integers N and M. The next N lines contain N pairs
of integers Ci and Pi, one pair per line.
In T lines print T real numbers - the answers for the corresponding test cases. Your answer will considered correct if it has at most 10^-6 absolute or relative error.
2 2
1 4
2 7
2 1
1 4
2 7
So, Here I don't understand why the expected cost of the gift for the second case is 7.333333333, because the expected cost equals Summation[xP(x)] and according to this formula it should be 33/2?
Yes, it is a codechef question. But, I am not asking for the solution or the algorithm( because if I take the algo from other than it would not increase my coding potentiality). I just don't understand their example. And hence, I am not being able to start thinking about the algo.
Please help. Thanks in advance!
There are three possible choices, 1, 2, 1+2, with costs 4, 7 and 11. Each is equally likely, so the expected cost is (4 + 7 + 11) / 3 = 22 / 3 = 7.33333.

Calculate the max samples with ramp up

I got this math problem. I am trying to calculate the max amount of samples when the response time is zero. My test has 3 samples (HTTP Request). The total test wait time is 11 seconds. The test is run for 15 minutes and 25 seconds. The ramp up is 25 seconds, this means that for every second 2 users are created till we reach 50.
Normally you have to wait for the server to respond, but I am trying to calculate the max amount of samples (this means response time is zero.) How do i do this. I can't simply do ((15 * 60 + 25) / 11) * 50. Because of the ramp up.
Any ideas?
Maybe I should translate this problem into something generic and not specific to JMeter So consider this (maybe it will make sense to me aswel ;)).
50 people are walking laps around the park. Each lap takes exactly 11 seconds to run. We got 15 minutes and 25 seconds to walk as many as possible laps. We cannot start all at the sametime but we can start 2 every second (25seconds till we are all running). How many laps can we run?
What i end up doing was manually adding it all up...
Since it takes 25s to get up to full speed, only 2 people can walk for 900s and 2 people can walk for 901s and 2 people can walk for 902s all the way to total of 50 people..
Adding that number together should give me my number i think.
If I am doing something wrong or based on wrong conclusion I like to hear your opinion ;). Or if somebody can see a formula.
Thanks in advance
I have no idea about jmeter, but I do understand your question about people running round the park :-).
If you want an exact answer to that question which ignores partial laps round the park, you'll need to do (in C/java terminology) a for loop to work it out. This is because to ignore partial laps it's necessary to round down the number of possible laps, and there isn't a simple formula that's going to take the rounding down into account. Doing that in Excel, I calculate that 4012 complete laps are possible by the 50 people.
However, if you're happy to include partial laps, you just need to work out the total number of seconds available (taking account of the ramp up), then divide by the number of people starting each second, and finally divide by how many seconds it takes to run the lap. The total number of seconds available is an arithmetic progression.
To write down the formula that includes partial laps, some notation is needed:
T = Total number of seconds (i.e. 900, given that there are 15 minutes)
P = number of People (i.e. 50)
S = number of people who can start at the Same time (i.e. 2)
L = time in seconds for a Lap (i.e. 11)
Then the formula for the total number of laps, including partial laps is
Number of Laps = P * (2 * T - (P/S - 1)) / (2*L)
which in this case equals 4036.36.
Assume we're given:
T = total seconds = 925
W = walkers = 50
N = number of walkers that can start together = 2
S = stagger (seconds between starting groups) = 1
L = lap time = 11
G = number of starting groups = ceiling(W/N) = 25
Where all are positive, W and N are integers, and T >= S*(G-1) (i.e. all walkers have a chance to start). I am assuming the first group start walking at time 0, not S seconds later.
We can break up the time into the ramp period:
Ramp laps = summation(integer i, 0 <= i < G, N*S*(G-i-1)/L)
= N*S*G*(G-1)/(2*L)
and the steady state period (once all the walkers have started):
Steady state laps = W * (T - S*(G-1))/L
Adding these two together and simplifying a little, we get:
Laps = ( N*S*G*(G-1)/2 + W*(T-S*(G-1)) ) / L
This works out to be 4150 laps.
There is a closed form solution if you're only interested in full laps. If that's the case, just let me know.

Simple Steering Behaviour: Explain This Line

I am reading the book Programming Game AI by Example, and he gives code for
a steering behaviour which causes the entity to decelerate so that it arrives
gracefully at a target. After calculating dist, the distance from target to
source he then (essentially) does this
double speed = dist/deceleration;
I just cannot understand where this comes from however, am I just missing something
really obvious? It is not listed as a known error in the book so I am guessing it
is correct.
If there was some physical truth to this, the units would have match up on either side.
From what I understand, this is akin to Zeno's paradoxes where you are trying to reach something, but you never get there because you always only travel one nth of the remaining distance.
the simulation proceeds at intervals of one second at a time.
deceleration = 5
distance = 1000 meters
With these initial conditions, speed will be set to 200 meters per second. Because the simulation proceeds at intervals of one second, we will travel exactly 200 meters (i.e. one fifth of the remaining distance), and end up at a distance of 800 meters from the target. The new speed is determined to be: 160 meters per second
Here is what happens in the first 30 seconds:
The last 30 seconds:
The last 10 seconds:
Within the first 30 seconds, we travel roughly 998 meters
Within the first 50 seconds, we cover 999.985 meters
Within the last 10 seconds, we cover only ~1.2cm
As you can see, you get almost there very quickly, but it takes a long time to get close.
Plots by WolframAlpha
Maybe there is something missing in your calculation. For a constant accelaration (or decelleration), and ignoring initial condictions, the speed is
v = a * t
and the distance is
d = a * t^2 / 2
If you eliminate t in both equations you get
v = a * sqrt(2 * d / a)

Coin Toss Plot similar to Feller

From Feller (1950) An Introduction to Probability Theory:
A path of length n can be interpreted as the record of an ideal experiment consisting of n successive tosses of a coin. If +1 stands for heads, then Sk equals the (positive or negative) excess of the accumulated number of heads over tails at the conclusion of the kth trial. The classical description introduces the fictitious gambler Peter who at each trial wins or loses a unit amount. The sequence S1, S2,...Sn then represents Peter's successive cumulative gains.
I have a column of ones and zeros from a real coin toss experiment and would like to construct a graph similar to that Feller presents (as described above). cumsum and plotCsum don't seem to be quite what I am looking for.
I have a column of ones and zeros
Maybe it works if you convert the 0 into -1

Probability problem - Duplicates when choosing from large basket

I need to explain to the client why dupes are showing up between 2 supposedly different exams. It's been 20 years since Prob and Stats.
I have a generated Multiple choice exam.
There are 192 questions in the database,
100 are chosen at random (no dupes).
Obviously, there is a 100% chance of there being at least 8 dupes between any two exams so generated. (Pigeonhole principle)
How do I calculate the probability of there being
25 dupes?
50 dupes?
75 dupes?
-- Edit after the fact --
I ran this through excel, taking sums of the probabilities from n-100,
For this particular problem, the probabilities were
n P(n+ dupes)
40 97.5%
52 ~50%
61 ~0
Erm, this is really really hazy for me. But there are (192 choose 100) possible exams, right?
And there are (100 choose N) ways of picking N dupes, each with (92 choose 100-N) ways of picking the rest of the questions, no?
So isn't the probability of picking N dupes just:
(100 choose N) * (92 choose 100-N) / (192 choose 100)
EDIT: So if you want the chances of N or more dupes instead of exactly N, you have to sum the top half of that fraction for all values of N from the minimum number of dupes up to 100.
Errrr, maybe...
Its probably higher than you think. I won't attempt to duplicate this article: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_paradox
Once you've created the first exam, there are 92 questions that have never been used, and 100 that have. If you now generate another exam, with 100 questions in in it, you are chosing from a set of 92 questions that have never been used, and 100 that have. Clearly you are going to get quite a few duplicates.
You would expect to get (100/192) * 100 duplicates, i.e. in any two randomly chosen exams, there will (on average) be 52 duplicate questions.
If you want the probability that there are 25, or 75, or whatever, then you have two choices.
a) Work out the maths
b) Simulate a few runs on a computer
