How to Remove wordpress Featured Image on Posts - wordpress

I am using the Hueman wordpress theme in my home. I want to show the featured image on the post but I don't want to that image in a single post.
Can anyone help with this? Here is the link

I think you want to customize single post detail page.
So, go to single.php.
Usally this file is located in your theme path that is as below.
Go to above path and open single.php. In that remove below code get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() ); and replace it with
the_title(); //For Post Title
the_content(); //For Content of the post
If you want to add image use the_post_thumbnail( 'single-post-thumbnail');


Remove Thumbnail Inside Posts - Wordpress

I am trying to hide the blog post thumbnails inside the blogposts, but at the same time I want to keep the thumbnails in my blog overview.
So far, I used the following CSS to make the thumbnail images disappear:
.attachment-post-thumbnail {display:none;}
However, this also makes them disappear on my blog overview:
Could anybody help me and let me know what CSS I could use to make the thumbnails disappear inside the posts. It would be very much appreciated!
Not sure if you found your solution or not but, Depending on your themes structure, in single.php look for something like
if(has_post_thumbnail()) :
If you remove it from single.php or comment it out your single posts will no longer have your featured images
This could also be located in content.php which in this case you can just put a conditional statement on it.
if(!is_single()) :
if(has_post_thumbnail()) :
else :
// continue on
Probably won't be this general as again it will depend on your theme but in a nut shell is how it can be done.

How to show content without featured image

I have add a new post from admin panel of wordpress and the post is showing on home page.when I have added the featured image of the post then post is coming with full content means post title, post description, read more and featured image.
but when I have add post without featured image then the it is showing me only description of the post without title,read more button.
So please help me how can i show post content,excerpt and date etc of post without featured image.
Used as a replacement for the_content() to force excerpts to show within The Loop.
<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
//inside brackets you can give limit for exerpt
for date you can use within loop
<?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?>

Remove post and comment box in WordPress

I'm designing a website using WordPress. I want to know how to remove the post and comment boxes which is available by default in WordPress...and also I want to know how to add plugin's in that static page
First, create page with name "Home", insert shortcode of plugin or anything you want.
Second, go to Apperance, choose Customize. At Static Front Page, tick A static page radio button, choose "Home" from dropdown list Front page. Save.
In order to remove comments yoy must select the "Screen options" in the post editor (it's an option located at top-right on the screen) and check the Comments checkbox. Then at the editor's bottom you'll find a box with a checkbox to disable comments.
If you're working in you cannot add plugin's for free. This is for security reasons. You must install Worpress in your own server to do that.
Ok, as per your comments on main question, I understand you want to remove posts and comment box on public facing page, not in WP-Admin panel.
I am giving you an overview of how you can proceed.
If you are using default TwentyThirteen thee then just remove this part from single.php
<?php /* The loop */ ?>
<?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?>
<?php get_template_part( 'content', get_post_format() ); ?>
<?php twentythirteen_post_nav(); ?>
<?php comments_template(); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
This will remove post and comments template.
However I will recommend you to use custom page templates rather :
Here you'll find way to add custom page templates. There you can remove posts and comments :-)

add page title to latest posts frontpage in wordpress

I set my reading section to latest posts in Wordpress. My homepage logs fine but I would like to add a page title above the posts. I have looked in my theme's files and couldn't find the file to edit. As a test, I tried to add an image to my theme's loop.php and it appeared above the post on my homepage. The location was right but the image appeared on every one of my category blog list pages. How do I add a page title to the homepage that only appears on the homepage above the blog list?
Here are some resources for you to use, WordPress:
you can use
<?php echo get_the_title(); ?>
<?php echo get_the_title($ID); ?>
There is lot of resources on WordPress, best of luck!

Show all post content on Wordpress

Im using the theme HTML 5 Blank ( with WordPress 3.7.1.
On my page I want to display everthing from the posts, text and images.
In the settings in wordpress admin i have it set on show hole post but it does not work.
I have olso deleted the php code in the loop that inserts the excerpt from the theme. Sitt not workning. Any ideas? I can send code if you want, for now i do not know what code can be usefull.
Replace <?php the_excerpt() ?>and add the following code to your theme's loop.
<?php the_content(); ?>
That should display the content, rather that the excerpt.
