Retaining state of radio button - radiobuttonlist

I want to retain selected radio button value when user revisits the page.Is there any easy way to do this?
I am using radiobuttonlist to generate radio button options dynamically in code.


Radio button inside repeater + grouping + without JavaScript

I have a repeater inside which I have radio button control. I want to group these radio button so that at a time only radio is selected.
I know that this can be easily achieved by writing a JavaScript function but I want to make this work even if JavaScript of browser is disabled so I need to write something at server side. How can I do that?

Radio Button Validation

In my project, in the main page, I've a ASPxPageControl and ASPxPopupControl. In the ASPxPopUpControl, I've a form consits of two radio buttons and so many text fields and combo boxes etc. In the ASPxPageControl, there are two tabs.
The PopUpElement of ASPxPopupControl is in the second tab. And on the PageLoad(), I've configured to display the first tab.
I want to enable/disable texbox in the form according to the user selection of the radio button. But, when AutoPostBack is enabled, the entire page is refreshed, and the default tab will be the first one. And to resume the form, i've to manually click the second tab and the ASPxPopupControl will open automatically.
Is there anyway to resolve this?? Is there any other control other than radio button to do this?(Which accepts client side scripting)
Firstly, Do you need to postback to enable/disable textboxes? you have rich ClientSide Events for Textboxes to enable/disable/hide them (SetVisible, SetEnabled).
Secondly, you can have your second Tab Content in an AspxCallbackPanel, and when Radio Button changes, you Can do a CallbackPanel Refresh (PerformCallback). Thus, only the Tab Content will update.

making a radio button remain selected on postback

I am using a GridView with its first column as a template field with radio buttons.
I need to make the first radio button in the first row of the grid remain default selected during page load / postback.
How can this be done?
Read this:
The heading titled "Using a Literal Control to Inject Radio Button Markup" may be of particular interest to you

enter key and multiple submit buttons in .net

if i have multiple submit buttons and the user enters some text in a textbox and presses enter. How can i specify which button event i want to fire?
You can specify for an Panel the id of button in the property DefaultButton. So, you need to group the controls into panels and then you can specify the default button for any of them. Also, you can specify a default button for the whole page - in the form tag.

How to set always default value for first record in list view in aspx page?

I have an aspx page that uses a simple form to perform a search and the results are presented in a listview.
I have added a radio button to one of the columns and have set the value to be the records FlightNo. set always default value for first record in list view.
What I need to do is allow the user to select the row they require from the list view by selecting the radio button.
Use the "GroupName" property of the radio button control to make the dynamic radio buttons work as a group. You can add some client script to select the row on 'click'.
