What is the main purpose of audit-argument-checks? - meteor

For example,
findByType: function(type) {
check(type, String);
var role;
if(type === 'user') {
role = 'user'
} else if(type === 'admin') {
role = 'admin'
Accounts.find({role: role})
in this case, check(type, String); is not necessary?
so if I have my own check codes, there is no need to use audit-argument-checks?

audit-argument-checks requires all your Meteor methods to actually check each of their arguments, if they don't, an error message will be logged on the server and presented to the client as a "500 Internal server error".
This package helps you making sure all your methods implement basic security checking, but it does not check your arguments for you (it can't guess the intended types of your arguments), so you still need to call check unless you want this package to throw errors.

You could also improve your check by doing the following (unless you want to be searching for Accounts.find({role: null}) when the type is neither 'admin' nor 'user'):
findByType: function(type) {
check(type, Match.Where((type)=>{
check(type, String);
return type=="user" || type=="admin";
Accounts.find({role: type});
I know it's been a while this question has been asked but I found it while searching for something else and thought I could suggest a better form.


Dart/Flutter problems with null-safety

I got the same problem with null statements (?) in Dart multiple times in different cases. I really hope somebody can help me.
Just added some lines of code & the error:
The property 'isEmpty' can't be unconditionally accessed because the receiver can be 'null'. Try making the access conditional (using '?.') or adding a null check to the target ('!'). here
Here is one of my examples:
child: MaterialButton(
onPressed: () {
var currentState = this._formKey.currentState;
if (currentState == null) {
if (_formKey.currentState.validate()) {
email: emailTextEditingController.text,
if (AuthService.instance
.checkIfUserExists() ==
true) {
builder: (context) => MainMenu()));
} else {
builder: (context) =>
Got this error-message again:
The method 'validate' can't be unconditionally invoked because the receiver can be 'null'.Try making the call conditional (using '?.') or adding a null check to the target ('!').
After I edited the code with a ! to avoid the Null-Statement like:
singUpUser() {
if (formKey.currentState!.validate()) {
setState(() {
isLoading = true;
} else {
return null;
But now i just avoid the error in the code itself, after starting a emulator and testing it, next error appears:
Null check operator used on a null value
So thats not the right solution...
If you need more code, just message me.
Thank you!
In a nutshell: if Dart is certain that a variable at compile time can be null at runtime, it doesn't compile.. unless you explicitly check for null values, and/or promote the variable to be non-nullable with the ! operator (Dart is not always able to infer the non-nullability in certain situations, so it's our responsibility to promote them to non-nullable).
There's much more to know if you're curious ("why?", for starters), so I'd suggest to check the null safety documentation (quick read).
This being said, your code now changes:
(1) We must check if val is nullable, before accessing it. We can either use ! or .? to safely access it; note: the null check operator ! is the least safe null operator, it's likely that it will result in run time exceptions.
validator: (val) {
val==null || val?.isEmpty || val?.length<3
? "Enter Username 3+ characters"
: null
(2) I can't infer which method / variable can be null by myself
(3) It depends on what you're trying to do, but I guess that you're trying to implement the Firebase authentication process, in which your user can and should be null before authenticating. Therefore, your function should accept a nullable user value (User?). In there, we do the usual null check and we add a ! operator to promote its value in case user is not null. As aforementioned, Dart isn't always able to infer nullability of variables.
MyUser _userFromFirebaseUser(User? user) {
return user==null ? null : MyUser(userId: user!.uid);
Note how using a null-check ! here is perfectly safe, only because you just checked its nullability in the same line (nonetheless, keep a wise-eye when you refactor this).
EDIT. (4)
I can't infer where exactly your exception is fired, but since you want to validate your form, then here's my code from a project of mine:
// inside "saveForm()"...
var currentState = this._formKey.currentState;
if (currentState == null)
return; // this just means something went wrong
if (!currentState.validate()) return; // todo if invalid, handle this, maybe show a snackbar and stuff...
Note how the variable currentState is now promoted to be non-nullable WITHOUT using the null check operator !, which is just good practice (avoid using ! whenever possible, PREFER using null-aware operators, such as ?. or ??, or ?=)
Being empty is not the same as being null. So before you can check an object is empty, you need to check against null first.
if (obj != null && !obj.isEmpty) {}

Flowtype constantly requiring null checks

I'm wondering how to avoid these numerous null checks or at least understand what the point is because it seems counter-productive.
Flowtype is giving me an error for this if I omit the null check:
var myEl = new MyElement()
if (document.body != null) { // error on next line if omitted
I have to do that null check for the document body in every single callback too, because who knows, maybe the body is null here right?!
I think this is total overkill. Not only that, but what's the point of such a simple nullcheck? It will just silently skip over a vital part of the program and exhibit undefined behavior somewhere else and make debugging the app that much harder.
I'd really prefer just having a null exception at this point if an error ever happens here, because to be really sure this tiny 2-line code segment that I'd write in javascript would have to be like this in flowtype:
var myEl = new MyElement()
if (document.body != null) {
} else {
console.error("null error")
So 4 additional code lines and some nesting just to trace something I'd get for free if I just let the app run into an error. And I need those 4 lines on every single querySelector. On every single document.body. On every single getElementByTagName. This alone probably increases my entire codebase by 10%.
What's the point of enforcing this so strictly?
In other languages I'd also be able to try-catch around these hotspots gradually as needed, flow doesn't let me do that either. It shows errors whether I add a try-catch or not.
By using a type checker, you are opting into the rules that it enforces. Accessing a property on a nullable type is one of those restrictions. So if you want to have exceptions for null values, you need to explicitly throw to prove to Flow that it is what you want. You could for instance make a module like
if (!document.body) throw new Error("Unexpectedly missing <body>.");
export const body: HTMLElement = document.body;
export function querySelector(el: HTMLElement, selector: string): HTMLElement {
const result = el.querySelector(selector);
if (!result) throw new Error(`Failed to match: ${selector}`);
return result;
By throwing, these functions explicitly say "I will return an element" in all cases, and in null cases, they will throw exceptions.
Then in your normal code, you are guaranteed you can use those
import {body, querySelector} from "./utils";
querySelector(body, 'div').setAttribute('thing', 'value');
and it will typecheck property.
When I know for sure that my variable won't be null and Flow doesn't, I use an unwrap() function:
export default function unwrap<T>(value: T): $NonMaybeType<T> {
if (value !== null && value !== undefined) return value
throw new Error('Unwrapping not possible because the variable is null or undefined!')

Best way to compare two authentication tokens

Consider the following example: http://symfony.com/doc/current/cookbook/security/custom_authentication_provider.html#the-listener
I want to see if the new authenticated token is the same as for the currently logged in user. See below.
try {
$currentToken = $this->securityContext->getToken();
$authToken = $this->authenticationManager->authenticate($token);
// What is the best way to compare these two? Both implement TokenInterface.
if ([compare tokens]) {
// already logged in
} catch (AuthenticationException $failed) {
I considered comparing UserInterface->getUsername():
if ($currentToken->getUser()->getUsername() === $authToken->getUser()->getUsername()) {
But wonder if there is a better solution...
I assume both user object aren't the same reference. Because if they are you could compare them using === to check if they are the same.
Given that username is unique than this is one way to check if it is the same user.
But in some systems the username doesn't have to be unique. So comparing the id's might be better since they should alway be unique.
What about leveraging the code they show in the authenticate() function?
$currentUser = $this->userProvider->loadUserByUsername($currentToken->getUsername());
$tokenUser = $this->userProvider->loadUserByUsername($authToken->getUsername());
if ($currentUser == $tokenUser) {

How to hide information in Firebase?

I have these requirements:
User will log in via email and multiple Oauth providers. I use function like User.findByEmail('1#1.com'). So I need to have permision to see the list of users before being authenticated.
User's email address, geolocation and age should be kept secretly from other users.
My first plan was:
// public
".read" : true,
private: {
".read" : "auth.email === data.child('email').val()",
$piority = email
Then I realized no, it just doesn't work that way. So would anyone please tell me how to do it correctly? Thanks in advance.
P.S. Firebase really needs a filter/serialize method.
There are really several questions in this post. The first is how to store private data. One simple change you can make is to invert the public/private and user keys--they don't have to be nested in the same user record.
/users/$user_id/...public data...
/private/$user_id/...private data...
This makes securing the data quite a bit simpler.
Another question is regarding duplicate email detection. If we assume you are using simple login here, this is all pretty moot. You can check to see if an email address exists by simply trying to create the account. An error will be returned if the email is already registered.
If that doesn't solve it, you can still check this manually, without providing a list of users' emails. This is typically done with an index. When a new account is created, write something like this:
/email_index/$escaped_email/$userid ($userid is the value)
Now when you want to check if the email is available, you do a read like this:
var ref = new Firebase(URL);
function checkEmail(emailAddress, callback) {
ref.child('email_index/'+escapeEmail(emailAddress)).once('value', function(snap) {
callback(snap.val() !== null);
function escapeEmail(emailAddress) {
return (email || '').replace('.', ',');
checkEmail(EMAIL_ADDRESS, function(exists) {
console.log(EMAIL_ADDRESS + (exists? 'does' : 'does not') + ' exist!');
To prevent someone from listing the emails, you do something like this in your (amazingly flexible and really quite sophisticated, even for enterprise apps) security rules:
"email_index": {
// no .read rule here means that the data cannot be listed; I have to know the email address to check it
"$email_address": {
".read": true,
// it can only be claimed once and the value must be my user id
".write": "auth.uid === newData.val() && !data.exists()"

Change publicated collection fields value

hope my first question here is not a stupid one.
Lets say we want to build a chat application with meteor, with logedin and anonymous users. The chat should be filled like that:
var post = {
userId: user._id, // is empty if anonymous user
submitted: new Date().getTime(),
text: chat_message
var postId = Posts.insert(post);
The publication could looks like this to make sure that the userId is not transfered
Meteor.publish('getTheChat', function() {
return Post.find({}, {fields: {userId: false});
But is there a way to add a field in the returned collection dynamically?
The userId should not be published but a status like "Your_Post","another_logedin_user" or "an_anonymous_user". By having that, I could include some css, so the chat looks a little bit more like WhatsApp or iMessage.
The logic inside the publish method could be something like
if (userId == this.userId) {
status = "Your_Post";
} else if (userId != null) {
status = "another_logedin_user";
} else {
status = "an_anonymous_user";
You see, the publication should include different values when called from different users. Is there a way in Meteor.publish?
Thanks for any insight or suggestions
Thank you both for your ideas! But as I had to find out (just for my inward peace) how it is possible inside the publish method server sided, I came, with the help of David's link, to this solution -maybe it will help someone later:
Meteor.publish('getTheChat', function(postId) {
var currentUserId = this.userId;
var ownerUserId = Posts.findOne({'_id':postId}).userId;
var findOptions = {}; // in my final coding these differ for 'chat room owners' and 'normal users'
var transform = function(post) {
if (currentUserId && post.userId == currentUserId) {
post.userId = "posted by you";
} else if (post.userId == null) {
post.userId = "anonym posted";
} else if (post.userId == ownerUserId) {
post.userId = "posted by owner";
} else {
post.userID = "posted by another loged in";
return post;
var self = this;
var handle = Posts.find(findOptions).observe({
added: function (document) {
self.added('posts', document._id, transform(document));
changed: function (newDocument, oldDocument) {
self.changed('posts', document._id, transform(newDocument));
removed: function (oldDocument) {
self.removed('posts', oldDocument._id);
By having this I am finally able to overwrite values dynamically.
It looks like you need to add a transform on your Posts collection. You can do this in your publish function (as seen here), but server-side transforms are computationally inefficient and tricky to write. Though they are necessary in cases where only the server could perform the action - e.g. signed URLs. In your case, I'd recommend a standard collection transform which is a filter applied after the documents are fetched.
Unfortunately, this kind of transform would require the userId on the client. I've never seen a case where simply publishing a id could cause a security issue. If you believe this is the case with your app, I'm very interested to know why. If you can overcome this restriction, keep reading...
You can read about transforms in the documentation on collections, and you can see an example on evented mind. Personally I like to use the collection-helpers package for this.
If you try collection-helpers, your transform could look like:
status: function() {
if (this.userId === Meteor.userId()) {
return 'Your_Post';
} else if (this.userId != null) {
return 'another_logedin_user';
} else {
return 'an_anonymous_user';
And then you could use it in your template like:
{{#each posts}}
<p>{{text}} - <span class='status'>{{status}}</span></p>
Of course, you can also use template helpers to achieve the same result but transforms are more easily reusable across your application.
Sadly, this has been a huge issue for me too, and I am sorry to say, it is not technically possible to just add a field on the publisher's query and use it conveniently in your view. BUT, I have a solution that may work for you. It will also give you an idea of how complex it can become as soon as you want to keep some reactive data private in Meteor.
Server side:
First, create two different publishers: one for the current user's posts, one for all the others:
Meteor.publish('getTheOthersChat', function() {
return Post.find({$ne:{userId: this.userId}}, {fields: {userId: false});
Meteor.publish('getTheOwnChat', function() {
return Post.find({userId: this.userId});
Client/router side:
Then, subscribe to both of these: what this will do is include the post's userId only when it is the own user's id. If not, it'll be undefined.
Then, we still need to identify the case "anonymously posted" vs "posted by user". For this, you can add another field during the post creation, for example is_anonymous, which you then set to true or false depending on the case if the user is logged in or not. The check would then be:
if (userId) {
status = "Your_Post";
} else if (is_anonymous === false) {
status = "another_logedin_user";
} else {
status = "an_anonymous_user";
This solution should work. I know, it is sad to have to come to this kind of means. It makes Meteor look clunky and impractical for tasks that should be dead easy. Such a shame for such a cool framework!
