Any way to tell if user has disabled Notification "peeking"? - android-notifications

There's a new option in Android 6.0 that lets users disable notification Peeking, is there a way to tell whether peeking is enabled or disabled for my app?


Xamarin forms detecting settings changed

I have line of business Xamarin Forms app. For the app to function, the user must have location and notifications on. I am using Xamarin essentials for permission request/check. If the user has already been presented the permission request dialog (and denied it), I throw up the native settings dialog for them to change permissions. How do I tell when my app is back in foreground and verify they changed permission?
I was making this too difficult. I ended up invoking an event during the App.OnResume that I handled in the ViewModel for the active page (where I initiated the OpenSettingsDialog). From there, I was able to requery the settings for Location and Notification. Thanks all for the comments!

Firebase .info/connected make false programatically

I am using .info/connected for presence system in my chat app, I want disconnect .info/connected once user logout from app so he will not see online anymore.
(As after logout app will go to login page i.e app still in foreground and .info/connected is returning true)
Presence system working perfectly when app close,but I want to change status to offline once user logout.
If you want to programmatically control the connection state of the app yourself, you can call goOffline and goOnline from your code. Going offline will close the connection that the client keeps to the Firebase backend, which in turns will make .info/connected become false.

UWP: Unable to force user consent dialog to appear. webTokenRequest.Properties.Add("prompt", "consent") not working

I can’t seem to be able to force the user consent dialog to appear.
The first time user logs in, the consent dialog properly comes up.
However, after we change the app permissions or the user manually removes the app consent (from then we can no longer cause the consent dialog to re appear.
UWP Windows 10 native client connecting to WebApp (ASP.NET) which calls downstream WebApi (O365) using the “on-behalf” oath2 pattern (using latest 3+ ADAL libraries)
Single tenant WebApp (no special admin perms)
After changing WebApp permissions (eg adding more o365 apis) or the user removing the WebApp consent, the WebApp’s AcquireToken returns AADSTS65001
Using wtr.Properties.add(“prompt”, “consent”) in the UWP client app does not cause consent dialog to re-appear
Re-cycling WebApp (to clear the built-in AAD token cache – it doesn’t use its own token cache) or clearing the client’s token cache (by login out) does not help
What is the proper way to having the user re-consent?

When to register to push notification in ionic

I am implementing ionic push notification to my app.
I want to know when shall I identify and register user. Is that should be done once for all (when first boot of the app), or I need to request for registration each time I start the application, so I refresh user's tokens ?

ios login process - without external links

When a user presses on the login button via google or facebook, in ios it transfers the user to a
link in safari where the user should complete the login process.
is there a way to complete the login process with google\facebook within the app,
and not send the user to a safari page?
My ios app was rejected saying the login process should be completed within the app and should not transfer the user to a webpage in safari.
is there a way to open the google/facebook login page in the app itself using gitkit?
I assume login from an external webpage in Safari meaning e.g. the default Facebook fallback option for when a user doesn't have Facebook app installed and/or Facebook account logged in, in the Settings app.
We had the same problem with Apple for one of our app. We sent them a response saying "This is how Facebook's iOS SDK works, here's the link to the Facebook iOS SDK documentation explicitly stating the Facebook uses Safari as a fallback option by doing a quick app switch".
Next day, app was approved. I think the reviewer wasn't familiar with the authentication technology, so I think it's worth mentioning to the reviewer, hopefully it's the same case for you.
To login to Facebook without extra UI, you'd need to expect the user to have Facebook logged in, in the Settings app. From our own experience, this wasn't favourable, a number of users had the actual Facebook app installed on their device but didn't know how to login and at the time, we only offered login via the Social Framework (Facebook/Twitter through the Settings App).
