Trim a file name in Unix - unix

I have a file with name
I want to trim the name of the file to
I tried mv but mv is not what I required because there will be cases where the files may be more than one.
I want the name till the second _.
How to get that in unix.
Please advise.

There are some utilities that provide more flexible renaming. But one solution that won't use anything other but included UNIX tools (like sed) would be:
ls -d * | sed -re 's/^([^_]*_[^_]*_)(.*)(\....)$/mv -v \1\2\3 \1\3/' | bash
This will only work in one directory, it won't process subdirectories.

It's not at all clear what you are actually trying to do, but if you just want to remove text between the last underscore and the period, you can do:
echo ${f%_*}_.csv


UNIX how to use the base of an input file as part of an output file

I use UNIX fairly infrequently so I apologize if this seems like an easy question. I am trying to loop through subdirectories and files, then generate an output from the specific files that the loop grabs, then pipe an output to a file in another directory whos name will be identifiable from the input file. SO far I have:
for file in /home/sub_directory1/samples/SSTC*/
samtools depth -r chr9:218026635-21994999 < $file > /home/sub_directory_2/level_2/${file}_out
I was hoping to generate an output from file_1_novoalign.bam in sub_directory1/samples/SSTC*/ and to send that output to /home/sub_directory_2/level_2/ as an output file called file_1_novoalign_out.bam however it doesn't work - it says 'bash: /home/sub_directory_2/level_2/file_1_novoalign.bam.out: No such file or directory'.
I would ideally like to be able to strip off the '_novoalign.bam' part of the outfile and replace with '_out.txt'. I'm sure this will be easy for a regular unix user but I have searched and can't find a quick answer and don't really have time to spend ages searching. Thanks in advance for any suggestions building on the code I have so far or any alternate suggestions are welcome.
p.s. I don't have permission to write files to the directory containing the input folders
Beneath an explanation for filenames without spaces, keeping it simple.
When you want files, not directories, you should end your for-loop with * and not */.
When you only want to process files ending with _novoalign.bam, you should tell this to unix.
The easiest way is using sed for replacing a part of the string with sed.
A dollar-sign is for the end of the string. The total script will be
for file in /home/sub_directory1/samples/SSTC/*_novoalign.bam; do
echo Debug: Inputfile including path: ${file}
OUTPUTFILE=$(basename $file | sed -e 's/_novoalign.bam$/_out.txt/')
echo Debug: Outputfile without path: ${OUTPUTFILE}
samtools depth -r chr9:218026635-21994999 < ${file} > ${OUTDIR}/${OUTPUTFILE}
Note 1:
You can use parameter expansion like file=${fullfile##*/} to get the filename without path, but you will forget the syntax in one hour.
Easier to remember are basename and dirname, but you still have to do some processing.
Note 2:
When your script first changes the directory to /home/sub_directory_2/level_2 you can skip the basename call.
When all the files in the dir are to be processed, you can use the asterisk.
When all files have at most one underscore, you can use cut.
You might want to add some error handling. When you want the STDERR from samtools in your outputfile, add 2>&1.
These will turn your script into
cd /home/sub_directory1/samples/SSTC
for file in *; do
echo Debug: Inputfile: ${file}
OUTPUTFILE="$(basename $file | cut -d_ -f1)_out.txt"
echo Debug: Outputfile: ${OUTPUTFILE}
samtools depth -r chr9:218026635-21994999 < ${file} > ${OUTDIR}/${OUTPUTFILE} 2>&1

How to cat using part of a filename in terminal?

I'm using terminal on OS 10.X. I have some data files of the format:
I know that there will be some files with similar numbers after mbh and mrg, but I won't know ahead of time what the numbers will be or how many similarly numbered ones there will be. My goal is to cat all the data from all the files with similar numbers after mbh and mrg into one data file. So from the above I would want to do something like...
cat mbh5.0_mrg4.54545454545*dat > mbh5.0_mrg4.54545454545.dat
cat mbh5.0_mrg4.5909090909*dat > mbh5.0_mrg4.5909090909.dat
I want to automate this process because there will be many such files.
What would be the best way to do this? I've been looking into sed, but I don't have a solution yet.
for file in *.params.dat; do
cat "$file" >> "$prefix.dat"
This part ${file%_*} remove the last underscore and following text from the end of $file and saves the result in the prefix variable. (Ref:
It's not 100% clear to me what you're trying to achieve here but if you want to aggregate files into a file with the same number after "mbh5.0_mrg4." then you can do the following.
ls -l mbh5.0_mrg4* | awk '{print "cat " $9 " > mbh5.0_mrg4." substr($9,12,11) ".dat" }' | /bin/bash
The "ls -s" lists the file and the "awk" takes the 9th column from the result of the ls. With some string concatenation the result is passed to /bin/bash to be executed.
This is a linux bash script, so assuming you have /bind/bash, I'm not 100% famililar with OS X. This script also assumes that the number youre grouping on is always in the same place in the filename. I think you can change /bin/bash to almost any shell you have installed.

To replace a set of strings in a file with another string in a unix file

I have a parameter name like
and I have a text file(Repla.txt) with below values:
These values in the files can defer but the parameter value will remain the same.
Now I have some Unix shell script where I need to find all such values mentioned in the file (Repla.txt)
and replace them with the parameter (PAR). Since the values in the Repla.txt is not fixed I am not able to use the sed command. for eg:
sed 's/old/new/g' input.txt > output.txt
Can anyone please help me.
I'm not sure I completely understand what you are trying to do but if you are trying to use the values contained in Repla.txt as the strings that you want to replace in other files then the following bash line will do what you want:
PAR="DBS_OUT"; for FIND in `cat Repla.txt`; do $( find /path/to/files -name 'test?.txt' -exec sed -i "s/$FIND/$PAR/g" '{}' \;); done;
It will replace the strings contained in Repla.txt with the string DBS_OUT in all files that match test?.txt in the dir (and subdirs) /path/to/files. You will need to understand how find works.
Also note that I am not telling sed to backup, you probably want to test this out on some test files before you execute it for real. Hopefully you also have your scripts in source control so its not a big deal if you mess things up.
I hope your replacement on Capital letters only.
sed 's/DBS_[A-Z]*/DBS_OUT/g' repla.txt > destination file
sed 's/DBS_[A-Z]*/DBS_OUT/g' repla.txt

Renaming files in directory with various endings on Mac?

Trying to rename a set of files in a directory with various filetypes, all with one common word, say 'foo', to another word, say 'bar' on a MacBook Pro.
Any ideas?
Use with care:
ls | grep foo | while read -r name; do echo mv "$name" "${name//foo/bar}"; done
That will report the commands it will run when you omit "echo". Inspect
the results, then rerun with "echo" omitted. This makes no attempt to work
on files with newlines in the name, nor does it recurse into subdirectories. If you want to work with files whose name begins with ., add -a to the invocation of ls. For safety's sake, you may want to add -i to the invocation of mv. Certainly make a backup first.
I don't have access to a Mac, but under Ubuntu you can use the rename command for this. Here's the man page in case that command is available

Unix [Homework]: Get a list of /home/user/ directories in /etc/passwd

I'm very new to Unix, and currently taking a class learning the basics of the system and its commands.
I'm looking for a single command line to list off all of the user home directories in alphabetical order from the /etc/passwd directory. This applies only to the home directories, and not the contents within them. There should be no duplicate entries. I've tried many permutations of commands such as the following:
sort -d | find /etc/passwd /home/* -type -d | uniq | less
I've tried using -path, -name, removing -type, using -prune, and changing the search pattern to things like /home/*/$, but haven't gotten good results once. At best I can get a list of my own directory (complete with every directory inside it, which is bad), and the directories of the other students on the server (without the contained directories, which is good). I just can't get it to display the /home/user directories and nothing else for my own account.
Many thanks in advance.
/etc/passwd is a file. the home directory is usually at field/column 6, where ":" is the delimiter. When you are dealing with file structure that has distinct characters as delimiters, you should use a tool that can break your data down into smaller chunks for easier manipulation using fields and field delimiters. awk/cut etc, even using the shell with IFS variable set can do the job. eg
awk -F":" '{print $6}' /etc/passwd | sort
cut -d":" -f6 /etc/passwd |sort
using the shell to read the file
while IFS=":" read -r a b c d e home_dir g
echo $home_dir
done < /etc/passwd | sort
I think the tools you want are grep, tr and awk. Grep will give you lines from the file that actually contain home directories. tr will let you break up the delimiter into spaces, which makes each line easier to parse.
Awk is just one program that would help you display the results that you want.
Good luck :)
Another hint, try ls --color=auto /etc, passwd isn't the kind of file that you think it is. Directories show up in blue.
In Unix, find is a command for finding files under one or more directories. I think you are looking for a command for finding lines within a file that match a pattern? Look into the command grep.
sed 's|\(.[^:]*\):\(.[^:]*\):\(.*\):\(.[^:]*\):\(.[^:]*\)|\4|' /etc/passwd|sort
I think all this processing could be avoided. There is a utility to list directory contents.
ls -1 /home
If you'd like the order of the sorting reversed
ls -1r /home
Granted, this list out the name of just that directory name and doesn't include the '/home/', but that can be added back easily enough if desired with something like this
ls -1 /home | (while read line; do echo "/home/"$line; done)
I used something like :
ls -l -d $(cut -d':' -f6 /etc/passwd) 2>/dev/null | sort -u
The only thing I didn't do is to sort alphabetically, didn't figured that yet
