ASP.NET page POST only access -

I was wondering if it is possible to restrict access to an ASPX page to http POST request method only? This restricted page will be used to render some complex content. I want to use it for ajax calls which will return that content into a div on another page. Is it possible to disable GET requests so that users won't be able to access it via URL in their browser by accident?

You can't prevent user from making a GET request. You can choose on server that you won't serve those. For example like:
if (!string.Equals(Request.HttpMethod, "POST"))
Response.StatusCode = 405;
This can be implemented in Page_Load event or even in HttpModule (if you need it for more pages, etc).


Proxy aspx page

I have to create an aspx page that behind the scene will create a http request to another aspx page that's on a different domain and will return this content back to the user.
Is it good if I make an http web request in the 'PAGE_LOAD' event and then continue with: Response.Clear() to clear page default response and then Response.Write() where I will write the response from the http web request to the crossdomain page ?
I'm looking to know if this is a good way of replacing the initial response body.
Thanks way to last URL from codebehind

is there a way from a code behind with "Request.Redirect()" or another method to redirect to the last page (like Javascript history back)?
You can check the Request.UrlReferrer property, which will be set if the user has navigated to the given page from another one. This is nothing more than the HTTP Referrer header that a browser will set. This will be null if the user navigates to your page directly.
HTTP is stateless, so theres no way of being able to read the browsers history (on the server) in the same way that Javascript can (its client side).
However there are a couple of tricks you can use:
Javascript could write the URL into a textbox which gets submitted to the server
The last URL visited could be stored in session - which can be retreived on a later visit
If using the URL in session method, you'll probably want to code this into a HTTP handler (not module) and this will fire automatically on every request.
Obviously these will only work if the user has previously visited a page, and not directly.

PageMethods security

I'm trying to 'AJAX-ify' my site in order to improve the UI experience. In terms of performance, I'm also trying to get rid of the UpdatePanel. I've come across a great article over at Encosia showing a way of posting using PageMethods. My question is, how secure are page methods in a production environment? Being public, can anyone create a JSON script to POST directly to the server, or are there cross-domain checks taking place? My PageMethods would also write the data into the database (after filtering).
I'm using Forms Authentication in my pages and, on page load, it redirects unauthenticated users to the login page. Would the Page Methods on this page also need to check authentication if the user POSTs directly to the method, or is that authentication inherited for the entire page? (Essentially, does the entire page cycle occur even if a user has managed to post only to the PageMethod)?
PageMethods are as secure as the handler in which they reside.
FormsAuthentication will protect everything except the Login page.
On an unprotected handler, like login, you should expose only methods that 1) are not sensitive or 2) validate the user.
EDIT: in response to comments and other answers regarding CSRF and XSS please see
You're trying to protect against CSRF attacks.
These attacks can be prevented by requiring an authorization code in the POST parameters, and supplying the auth code in the initial page load. (The auth code should be per-IP address and per-user, and should expire quickly)
For added security, you can make each auth-code only usable once, and have each request return a new auth-code. (However, if any request fails, you'll need to reload the page)
I am working on a project that heavily utilizes ASP.Net WebForms Page Methods which I talk to using Ajax. This is rather very convenient for me than writing all my codes in JavaScript.
However, Securing the page methods became an issue which troubled me. I see that I can access the page methods via Postman and Fiddler hence, enabling hackers to play with your APIs.
My solution was quite simple which I discovered accidentally. Adding a static Cookie request to the page method would return error for any app that is NOT the website.
[ScriptMethod(UseHttpGet = false, ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public static string GetAnything(object dat)
HttpCookie myguid = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies.Get(Constants.Session.PreventHacking);
var hackguid = myguid.Value ?? ""; //other page method contents
return "anything";
A postman request to this method would return :
"Message": "There was an error processing the request.",
"StackTrace": "",
"ExceptionType": ""}
While a more detailed error would show if on LocalHost.
I understand there are browser ad-ons that can intercept API calls by sitting just beside the website. I have not tested this. A separate security fix has to be built for this however.
I'll update here once I perform some tests.
Think of Pagemethods like a mini webservie local to the page. The fact is they will have no extra checks and verifications in place except those that are placed on the entire website, and those that you choose to put in.
Using Pagemethods is a smart idea from the point of view of 'Encapsulation', and if you're going to use them it doesn't hurt trying to put in some extra security measures in place.

ASP.NET Membership Force HTTPS on PostBack

I have a login form on the home page of an ASP.NET 3.5 website which for performance reasons needs to be accessed with a standard HTTP connection. Since the normal postback for an ASP.NET page is relative call for the post, it would mean that when the browser posts the values are sent unprotected.
I would like to do one of two things to make this secure:
Force the Postback to be secure to the same page
Send the post to a different page using an HTTPS connection
Is there a way to implement option one?
I'm also looking at the Authentication Service, but looking at the URL reference it is using a relative path:
Sys.Services._AuthenticationService.DefaultWebServicePath = '../Authentication_JSON_AppService.axd';
I don't see a way to override this to put in an HTTP path.
You could use Cross-Page posting:
You can change the form's action property with javascript to tell it to submit to a different page with https. I have done this and it works nicely.
You could also change it to submit to the same page with https, but I think would complain about that (not sure - never tried it).
sample script:
document.forms[0].action = "";

What is the difference between HttpHandler and a Web User Control and when to use each one?

I've been using user controls extensively but never use a HttpHandler and was wondering if I am doing something suboptimal or wrong
Unfortunately your question is a little like "Should I use a sandwich or a cement mixer". HttpHandlers and User controls are completely different things.
HttpHandlers are used to process HTTP requests. For example, if you wanted to dynamically create an RSS feed, you could write an HTTP handler that handles all requests for ".rss" files, creates the output and sends it back to the user.
User controls are used within ASPX pages to encapsulate units of functionality that you want to re-use accross many pages.
Chances are, if you're using user controls successfully, you don't want to use HttpHandlers!
Basically a user control is a piece of server logic and UI. An HTTP Handler is only a piece of logic that is executed when a resource on your server is requested. For example you may decide to handle requests for images sent to your server through your own handler and serve images from a database instead of the file system. However, in this case there's no interface that the user sees and when he visits a URL on your server he would get the response you constructed in your own handler. Handlers are usually done for specific extensions and HTTP request types (POST, GET). Here's some more info on MSDN:
Expect a better answer (probably before I finish typing this) but as a quick summary.
A user control is something that can be added to a page.
A HttpHandler can be used instead of a page.
Just to clarify the question. I was reading the Hanselman post
and thinking that I would never solved the problem with a HttpHandler, maybe with a simple page returning a binary content.
This led me to think that I should add HttpHandler to my developer tool belt.
Even an Asp.Net page is an HttpHandler.
public class Page : TemplateControl, IHttpHandler
A user control actually resides within the aspx page.
