Unwanted free space on right side of webpage with Bootstrap - css

I have a problem with unwanted free space on right side of my webpage.
I am using Bootstrap version 3.3.4. The problem disappeared when I used the following CSS for the body tag:
body{width: auto !important;overflow-x: hidden !important;}
But for mobile devices the problem still exists. I do not know what is causing it and I would like to get response from you.
Here is the complete example website: http://www.filedropper.com/zapytanienastackoverflow_1
Here is a screenshot with the white space. It appears when you scroll the webpage to the right.

I can't post comment because of a reputation (I really understand these limitations, I didn't find single one which would actually help and not the other way around), so I have to post it as an answer.
The link you provided doesn't work so I can't be sure. But to me it looks like it could be a problem of the size of the picture in addition to the bootstrap gutter? What dimensions did you use with the picture?


Incorrect resizing on h1 and navbar wordpress

I've been fighting with a small(big) issue on a wordpress site all morning. I've tried adjusting margins, adding and adjusting an overflow attribute, adding media queries, and the lot. But it seems I can't get these elements to play nice with a minimized window.
As you can see, I just need the h1 text (Quiescent imaging...) to always stay visible and in place and I also need the text in the sidebar to stay together.
These issues also only occur with a minimized window.
Any tips are highly appreciated. Thank you!
So it turns out this is a lot more simple than needing to edit any code. The h1 attribute, rather, the title bar I was trying to edit can be modified toward the bottom of the page editor which we are using (fusion builder).
I usually overlook these simple solutions, but I'll accept the embarrassment if this helps someone out one day!
More info:
The Page Title Bar is not an Element; rather it is controlled via the Theme Options and the Fusion Page Options. This article will look in depth at the options that are available for this often overlooked tool.

YUI CSS template class .yui-t7 gap at top of page

Hoping someone who is familiar with YUI's CSS templates can help me debug a CSS problem. I'm using a free html resume template I found on the net, and I want to print it on paper via the browser's print function. I am not publishing this on the web. My problem is that there's about a 75-pixel gap between the top of the first div and the browser's display area that I can't figure out how to get rid of. Looking at the image below, there is a red arrow that points it out.
YUI CSS gap between top of screen and div
The template can be found hosted at this location.
What I've done:
Open the element inspector in the browser. Looks like the gap is between the <body> and first <div>.
Downloaded the YUI CSS file to look at. Checked out all the div selectors, nothing interesting.
Looked at the .yui-t7 class, nothing interesting there either.
My suspicion is that some of the float and clear are adding up and causing the space, but this is outside my expertise.
I was looking for height values or padding that would clue me in on how to change it, but honestly I don't see heights anywhere in either css file. I admit that I am not strong in CSS at all. I'm open to other solutions too, just enough to get the thing printed so I can send it out!
This BR Adds a little space
The margin on this div adds the rest of the space

responsive not full width when loading single page

I am trying to make a responsive website, but I am stumbling upon a weird problem. When I am looking on the desktop page, everything is in the right position. There are no pixels left.
However, when I am loading the responsive version on my mobile, I see some pixels left (just scroll to the left or the right and you will see what I mean). The problem gets bigger when there is content like a single post or page.
The website is here: http://FavoriteFM.com.
I can provider the CSS code, but it will be a lot of lines. I am suspecting something in the content is 'sticking out'. But I am not sure of a tool that can see such problems.
Today I have disabled every div by div. I figured out the problem is with the sidebar. I still had: 'left: 8px;' on. Removing it did the trick for me. So if you have this problem, check if something of your content is 'sticking' outside your wrapper. Even if you can't see it, it still can be there.

z-index and CSS issues

How do I set a specific section of a page (div section?) to be on top of another section? I tried adding a z-index on the CSS file but it's not working. Or maybe I'm adjusting the wrong CSS file. In the end, I am confronted with:
--- which CSS file do I adjust? (I'm using Firebug but now I'm not sure if I'm using it correctly
--- what exact code adjustments do I need to do?
This is a sample page: http://www.criminal-lawyers.com.au/offences/aggravated-assault. The testimonial box to the lower right part of the page gets covered by the brown area when you scroll down. The goal is to put it on top so it's not covered whenever you scroll down (I know I should better position it "absolute" instead, but that's not the goal).
Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks!
Finally had it solved! Many thanks to all your comments below. Although some answers did not exactly solve the problem, there were concepts behind them that really helped.
You need to set z-index:21 on the div with id it_widget_content-11-background-wrapper which is the main container of the sidebar widget. That should solve the issue.
it's pretty simple, to this widget-background-wrapper sidebar-widget-2 add z-index:9999. sorry i would rather comment this, but reputation < 50.
Remove position:fixed on the classes
CSS file - wp-content/themes/Criminal-Lawyers-it/style.css
They will remain in place.
Just realised it may not be exactly how you want it to look :) However, even with correct z-index, it may look weird having them overlap the footer...

CSS position between Win / Linux / Mac Logo Position

i've a little bit trouble to fix one thing, may you could help me out with it?
I try to make Chrome/Firefox works with a Logo sliding problem. You can see here the first pci is how does it looks like in win with chrome or firefox. IE looks normal like the second pic.
What did i wrong in the code? many thanks in advance.
I can't tell you unless I see the CSS. Post the css on something like pastbin.com or if it isn't real long then add it to your question and then you are likely to get some answers, but I can't tell you what is wrong with your CSS from a picture of the results. Too many possibilities.
Now I'm wishing I had asked for a demonstration instead. Am I correct in thinking that the text is part of a horizontal menu and the logo is completely separate and not contained by the text container at all? If this is the case and the image looks and behaves like you want then perhaps it is the menu that needs tweaking to get it to match up correctly. At first I was thinking this was something like a div containing text and an image or having an image as a background.
If you could go ahead and post a link to a page or a pastebin or something that has the html and the css for the menu and the logo together then I'll try it out myself and see if I can find the solution. Someone else may already see it, but I'm still not seeing the clear picture of your situation or a resolution to your problem yet.
