Is it possible to implement Q_PROPERTY READ/WRITE accessors without using member functions? - qt

Generally, a lot of code does nothing but get/set class members. For that I implemented a simple container class to have getters and setters associated
to a "field". At a first sight this looks pretty ok and results in far less code. This is how the container class looks like:
#include <functional>
template <class T>
class Member
T data;
using Getter_t = std::function<T(void)>;
using Setter_t = std::function<void(T)>;
using Notify_t = std::function<void(void)>;
Setter_t m_setterFunc;
Getter_t m_getterFunc;
Notify_t m_notifyFunc;
this->m_getterFunc = [=] (void) -> T { return this->data; };
this->m_setterFunc = [=] (T data) -> void { this->data = data; };
this->m_notifyFunc = [] (void) -> void { };
auto get() -> T { return this->m_getterFunc(); }
auto set(T data) -> void { this->m_setterFunc(data); this->m_notifyFunc(); }
auto getter(Getter_t func) -> Member& { this->m_getterFunc = func; return *this; }
auto setter(Setter_t func) -> Member& { this->m_setterFunc = func; return *this; }
auto notify(Notify_t func) -> Member& { this->m_notifyFunc = func; return *this; }
~Member() { }
I know some things are not perfect yet but that's okay for now. The next few lines show how Member instances are defined and the simple and convenient way to access underlying data. get, set and notify functions can be replaced by lambdas or function pointers to override custom behavior.
#include <iostream>
#include "Member.h"
class MyClass
Member<int> foo;
Member<std::string> bar;
void barChanged() { std::cout << "bar changed\n"; }
auto main(int argc, const char * argv[]) -> int
MyClass instance;[] () -> void { std::cout << "foo changed\n"; });, instance));;"some string");
std::cout << << " " << << std::endl;
return 0;
The problem now is that the Q_PROPERTY macro expects function names for the READ and WRITE accessors and I'm back at where I started: I have to write get and set functions for each property explicitly. Exactly what I wanted to avoid.
class MyOtherClass : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(bool flag READ getFlag WRITE setFlag NOTIFY flagChanged);
Member<bool> m_flag;
auto getFlag() -> bool { return m_flag.get(); }
auto setFlag(bool flag) -> void { this->m_flag.set(flag); }
Is it possible to directly use the already existing m_flag.get and m_flag.set functions? I tried the obvious things but they were either rejected by the moc or resulted in too much code.
As mentioned below, the MEMBER keyword makes it possible to have properties without specifying get and set functions. However, private members then only can be accessed by their names (this->property("myPropertyName")) and also there's no way to achieve more than "plain" get and set.
To make it more clear: The motivation is not to just avoid writing get and set functions but trying to implement a flexible member system which
by default performs get/set as expected
supports custom logic (for example forward newly set values to some other instance)
can be used for C++ class members and is compatible with Qt properties
And the only missing piece is the bridge between the Q_PROPERTY READ/WRITEaccessors and the get/set methods of the Member class.
Thanks for any help!

I don't think that it's possible to redirect READ or WRITE property methods to some other internal or external object without writing wrappers, but if your getters and setters do not do anything except return or set data: there is MEMBER variable association at least in latest Qt versions.
From Qt Doc:
Q_PROPERTY(type name
(READ getFunction [WRITE setFunction] |
MEMBER memberName [(READ getFunction | WRITE setFunction)])
[RESET resetFunction]
[NOTIFY notifySignal]
[STORED bool]
[USER bool]
A READ accessor function is required if no MEMBER variable was
specified. It is for reading the property value. Ideally, a const
function is used for this purpose, and it must return either the
property's type or a const reference to that type. e.g.,
QWidget::focus is a read-only property with READ function,
A WRITE accessor function is optional. It is for setting the property
value. It must return void and must take exactly one argument, either
of the property's type or a pointer or reference to that type. e.g.,
QWidget::enabled has the WRITE function QWidget::setEnabled().
Read-only properties do not need WRITE functions. e.g., QWidget::focus
has no WRITE function.
A MEMBER variable association is required if no READ accessor function
is specified. This makes the given member variable readable and
writable without the need of creating READ and WRITE accessor
functions. It's still possible to use READ or WRITE accessor functions
in addition to MEMBER variable association (but not both), if you need
to control the variable access.
Using MEMBER you do not need to write getters and setters.


Q_GADGET has value type semantic?

From the docs ( and other posts I got the impression, that Q_GADGET can be used as a value type with copy semantics.
Let's take the Actor from the docs:
class Actor
Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name WRITE setName)
QString name() const { return m_name; }
void setName(const QString &name) { m_name = name; }
QString m_name;
Now I expose an Actor with Q_PROPERTY on some C++ object like this:
Q_PROPERTY(Actor actor READ actor WRITE setActor NOTIFY actorChanged)
So far, everything is fine.
Now I have some javascript code in QML (context is the C++ object on which the Q_PROPERTY actor is exposed:
var actorCopy = = "Tom"
I always assumed that the Actor-Gadget will be copied, when assigning to the javascript variable actorCopy and I change the name on a copy.
Now I set a breakpoint in the setActor function of the defined Q_PROPERTY.
What happens is, when assigning the name of the actor in javascript, the setActor method will be called.
I would not expect that, since I work on a copy.
My question is, do I have a wrong understanding of Q_GADGET or is this a bug?
I mean, if I would have a O_OBJECT instead of Q_GADGET I would not expect the setActor function being called either, since I don't assign the property.
So Q_GADGET is neither a lightweight Q_OBJECT nor a value type.
Try something like this:
var actorCopy =
var otherCopy = actorCopy = "Tom" = "Gatis"
Then in your debugger you will see that setName() is called on two different instances. You can print "this" pointer to confirm.
I did not run this code, but I think that is how it should work.

How to make a Qt QML variable accessible anywhere

I would like to have a qt QML var accessible globally, and anywhere else in my qml files. Is this possible?
I know that upon creating a variable in a C++ object can be accessed in QML by exposing its getter function, but this only works if you know the type of the data type e.g. string, int, bool.
Is there a variable data type (or class) that can handle a QML var in C++, so that I can only call it in the other parts of the QML files?
AS Amfasis said, you can use the rootContext, so you can access it from anywhere in QML - as long as you do not shadow the name. Alternatively you can also register a Singleton to QML.
For both, you first need to create a QObject
public class MyContextObject: public QObject {
Q_PROPERTY(QVariant myVar READ myVar NOTIFY myVarChanged)
QVariant m_myVar;
MyContextObject(QObject* parent = nullptr) : QObject(parent) {}
QVariant myVar() { return m_myVar; }
void setMyVar(QVariant var) {
if (var == m_myVar) return;
m_myVar = var;
emit myVarChanged();
void myVarChanged();
This object you create in your main and set it as a contextProperty
MyContextObject* mctx = new MyContextObject();
view.rootContext()->setContextProperty("myCtx", mctx);
To set it from C++ use the setter. On the QML-side just bind to myCtx.myVar
Expose the setter also, if you want to modify it from QML also
This is not tested, I don't have a Qt development environment available right now.
To expose it as singleton, you can use this function:

How to define a static pointer to a class in MQL?

I've got the following MQL code:
class Collection {
public: void *Get(void *_object) { return NULL; }
class Timer {
string name;
uint start, end;
void Timer(string _name = "") : name(_name) { };
void TimerStart() { start = GetTickCount(); }
void TimerStop() { end = GetTickCount(); }
class Profiler {
static Collection *timers;
static ulong min_time;
void Profiler() { };
void ~Profiler() { Deinit(); };
static void Deinit() { delete Profiler::timers; };
// Initialize static global variables.
Collection *Profiler::timers = new Collection();
ulong Profiler::min_time = 1;
void main() {
// Define local variable.
static Timer *_timer = new Timer(__FUNCTION__); // This line doesn't.
//Timer *_timer = new Timer(__FUNCTION__); // This line works.
// Start a timer.
((Timer *) Profiler::timers.Get(_timer)).TimerStart();
/* Some code here. */
// Stop a timer.
((Timer *) Profiler::timers.Get(_timer)).TimerStop();
which defines a Timer class which is used as a timer to profile the functions how long it took. The original version uses a list of timers to store time separately on each call, however, the code has been simplified to provide a minimum working example and focus on the actual compilation problem.
The problem is when I'm using the following line in order to initialize a static variable:
static Timer *_timer = new Timer(__FUNCTION__); // Line 30.
the compilation fails with:
'Timer' - local variables cannot be used TestProfiler.mqh 30 30
When I drop static word, the code compiles fine.
But it doesn't help me, as I want to define this variable as a static pointer to the class, as I don't want to destroy my object each time when the same function is called over and over again, so the timers can be added to the list which can be read later on. I don't really see why the MQL compiler would prevent from compiling the above code. I also believe this syntax worked fine in the previous builds.
I'm using MetaEditor 5.00 build 1601 (May 2017).
What is wrong with my static variable declaration and how can I correct it, so it can point to a Timer class?
Keyword static has two different meanings in MQL4/5: it indicates that a member of a class is static (which is obvious), and it also says that a variable is static... for instance, if you have a variable that is used only in one function, you probably do not need to declare it globally but as a static. You can find an example of isNewBar() function that has static datetime lastBar=0; in the articles about new bar at This keyword in such a function says that the variable is not deleted after function is finished, but remains in memory and is used with the next call. And if you need a variable in OnTick() function - it does not make sence to have it static, declare it globally.

How do I use bind to pass a member function as a function pointer?

I'm trying to pass a member function as a function pointer so that I don't need to rely on singletons or global functions to handle Qt messages in Qt 5. As far as I can tell my std::function is of the correct type, it has the correct signature, and bind should be allowing me to jam in the implicit this pointer, essentially passing off a member function as a global/un-owned function.
void ProgramMessageHandler::setAsMessageHandlerForProgram() {
std::function<void(QtMsgType, const QMessageLogContext &, const QString &)> funcPtr;
funcPtr = std::bind(handleMessages, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3);
This doesn't compile. I can succesfully create my funcPtr variable but passing it into the qInstallMessageHandler function causes the following:
log\ProgramMessageManager.cpp:16: error: cannot convert 'std::function<void(QtMsgType, const QMessageLogContext&, const QString&)>' to 'QtMessageHandler {aka void (*)(QtMsgType, const QMessageLogContext&, const QString&)}' for argument '1' to 'void (* qInstallMessageHandler(QtMessageHandler))(QtMsgType, const QMessageLogContext&, const QString&)'
oldHandler = qInstallMessageHandler(hackedPointerToHandleFunction);
I have read:
how to pass a member function as a function pointer?
How do you pass a member function pointer?
How to pass a member function as a parameter to a function that doesn't expect it?
Get function pointer from std::function when using std::bind
but none have helped me.
So it has been said that this isn't possible without a singleton or a global funtion... but why? The only difference between a member function and a global function with the same signature is that they don't have the same signature, there is an implicit this pointer as the first parameter to a member function.
Knowing that, why cannot I use std::bind to bridge this gap, by saying 'I know that the function being called takes the this argument before all of the others, force it in there, be the thing that knows about this. That would be so much cleaner than a singleton and a global function is just crap.
You are trying to pass a class instance where a function pointer is expected, while no such conversion exists.
You could do something like this:
class ProgramMessageHandler
static void myMessageHandler(QtMsgType, const QMessageLogContext &, const QString &);
in main.cpp (for example):
You still might have to deal with some issues as in singleton classes, but I think it makes sense that there is one message handler or at least one dispatcher that would somehow redirect different message to appropriate handlers. Hope this helps
The result of std::bind is a function object and, as the error message says, you cannot convert a function object to a function pointer. A function pointer cannot store the this pointer like std::function can, you can't just "force it in there".
The only way to do something approaching what you want is to use a singleton to store the this pointer:
class ProgramMessageHandler {
static ProgramMessageHandler* currentHandler;
void handleMessagesImpl(const std::string& message);
void setAsMessageHandlerForProgram(){
currentHandler = this;
static void handleMessages(const std::string& message) {
if (currentHandler)
ProgramMessageHandler* ProgramMessageHandler::currentHandler = nullptr;
int main() {
ProgramMessageHandler handler;
// trigger messages...
Live demo.

Returning managed pointer from a clone method

In C++11, two types of "managed" pointer types were introduced - shared_ptr and unique_ptr. Let's now assume we have a set of classes that support a clone() method, such as foo->clone() would return a copy of the foo object. If your goal was to return a managed pointer from the clone() method, how would you allow the user of the interface to select which kind of pointer he wants to be returned?
As a sub-question, would you rather return a raw pointer from the clone() method and let the user construct either shared_ptr or unique_ptr by himself? If not, why?
The standard smart pointer to manage a dynamic allocation is always unique_ptr. By contrast, shared_ptr is a very specific tool with specialized features (e.g. type-erased deleter, weak pointer observers) and higher costs (virtual dispatch, locked atomic operations) that should only be used when you definitely know you want it. Public raw pointers are a taboo out of principle, and so the natural clone interface looks like this:
struct Base
// must have virtual destructor to destroy through base pointer
virtual ~Base() {}
// non-leaf classes are abstract
virtual std::unique_ptr<Base> clone() const = 0;
struct Derived : Base
virtual std::unique_ptr<Base> clone() const override
return std::unique_ptr<Derived>(new Derived(*this));
// or "return std::make_unique<Derived>(*this)" in C++14
(Unfortunately, we cannot use any kind of covariant return types here, since the template classes unique_ptr<Base> and unique_ptr<Derived> are unrelated. If you prefer to have a clone function that returns the derived type, you could add a non-virtual function like direct_clone that returns a std::unique_ptr<Derived>, and implement the virtual clone() in terms of that.)
Something along this lines would give you the means to select the kind of smart pointer returned. Would probably be better if encapsulated in a mixin Clonable class template, for maintainability and reusability of the idea.
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
class Base {
virtual ~Base() {
std::cout << "deleting Base\n";
template <template <typename ...Args> class SmartPtr>
SmartPtr<Base> clone() {
return SmartPtr<Base>(this->inner_clone());
virtual void speak() const = 0;
virtual Base *inner_clone() const = 0;
class C: public Base {
~C() {
std::cout << "deleting C\n";
template <template <typename ...Args> class SmartPtr>
SmartPtr<C> clone() {
return SmartPtr<C>(this->inner_clone());
void speak() const {
std::cout << "I am C and I inherit from Base!\n";
C *inner_clone() const override {
return new C(*this);
// End boilerplate.
int main()
auto original = C{};
// the declarations below should use auto, and are just explicitly typed to
// show the correct return type of clone();
std::shared_ptr<C> shared = original.clone<std::shared_ptr>();
std::unique_ptr<C> unique = original.clone<std::unique_ptr>();
// the declarations below show it working through conversion to a base class
// smart pointer type
std::shared_ptr<Base> sharedBase = original.clone<std::shared_ptr>();
std::unique_ptr<Base> uniqueBase = original.clone<std::unique_ptr>();
// the declarations below show it working through the base class for real
std::shared_ptr<Base> sharedBaseFromBase = sharedBase->clone<std::shared_ptr>();
std::unique_ptr<Base> uniqueBaseFromBase = uniqueBase->clone<std::unique_ptr>();
Compiles with gcc 4.8.1, and should in any compiler supporting variadics.
I would still prefer to simply return a unique_ptr and move the result into a shared_ptr, which would be automatic since the call to clone() is in itself an rvalue.
