Meteor Official Tutorial issue - meteor

The Meteor official tutorial does not refer template name, instead uses "body". If you replace "body" by template name it does not work, but it should work by theory.
Template.body.helpers //this works, but why?
Template.task.helpers //this does not work, why?
There seems to be no explanation for this in the tutorial.
What am I missing?

What you missed is that template for <body></body> is created by default. Inside of body template you've got your each loop, which is managed by Template.body.helpers.
Template.task.helpers can only manage what is used directly inside of <template name="task"></template>.


How to get current year in a Nunjucks template within Apostrophe CMS

I am in the process of adding a copyright line to the footer of a website that I have been working on and I cannot find the best way to get the current dynamically into the footer so I never have to set it again. I have tried multiple things, including a global setting that can be accessed from anywhere, but nothing has worked.
Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.
Write an ApostropheCMS nunjucks helper function. See those docs for the general issues around this. Your specific function could look like:
thisYear: function() {
return new Date().getFullYear();
If you put that in construct of a module of your own, let's say it's called helpers, then you can call it in Nunjucks as {{ apos.helpers.thisYear() }}.
These are very handy, just remember they cannot do any async work.

2sxc: Adding more content templates in the same page does replicate link tags for css and js

I'm new to dnn and 2sxc.
Just wondering if I'm adding for example a card template (image,some text, a link), adding in the html template link tag to css/js, when adding that content more times in the page obviously the link tags are replicate in page source and it isn't so nice.
For example:
<script src="[App:Path]/script.js" type="text/javascript" data-enableoptimizations="100"></script>
it is going to be replicate in page.
Maybe I'm missing something, there is a better way to do it?
Thanks you :)
If you tried it, you should see that it will only be included once, IF you have the data-enableoptimizations included :)
So allready taken care of
Maybe i found the issue...
When I edit a template, selecting Html snippets in the combo to the right, then click on css, style-sheet it is writing a demo link tag, but it is not adding the type (type="text/css"), without it seems not work..
Maybe it could be fixed in a next release :)

Meteor: Images and text do not load after moving to Iron:Router

My site works fine when the data is in a template, but once I try to route to it using iron:router, a background image and most remaining content no longer appear. (Some of the content still appears with working css, JS components so I know that those files are being read. Also, when inspecting the element, all the text, images are still visible in the code, but not the website.
This works fine (index.html):
This adds another {{>home}} section, but the new section is having issues rendering as explained above (router.js): {
this.route('home', {path: '/'});
Are you on the latest iron:router? I had a similar problem, and inquired about it in this pull request:
Latest response indicates this should be fixed now!
You've followed the wrong tutorial :( There are plenty of tutorials and articles out there explaining to define routes like you did.
However, the Iron Router project page explains how to define routes differently.
For more information on routes, have a look at this article about Iron Router as well.
Fixed: problem was not with iron:router but rather that not all elements were loaded into the page yet. Document.ready() works fine when I directly called template.
Issue is that when iron:router loads the template, the new page elements are being loaded after the JS files were already called (JS that animates the images/text in).
Solution: use rendered instead of document ready:
Template.MyTemplate.rendered = function(){

Using external scripts in Meteor executed from "script src"

I want to use a script on my web site and I know that I must put all scripts separated from the template in a .js file. But I don't know how to do it this time when the script is executed directly in the script src:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
What is the best practice to get it to work in Meteor?
I'd go to that url, get that script, and save it in a file in your project. However, there wasn't anything actually at that url when I just checked it out. That would definitely be a problem too :)
EDIT: You can also stick in the head tag.
EDIT 2: if you want it to display in a template, like if it's a widget such as yours, you can insert it manually every time the template re-renders. It's pretty simple, actually. First we've got the template code:
Template.myWidget.rendered = function () {
$('#my-widget').html('<script src="src-here.js"></script');
And then the actual template:
<template name="myWidget">
<div id="my-widget">Loading...</div>
Finally, wherever you want the widget to appear in your html, just insert {{>myWidget}}
Use jQuery.getScript():
In your case:
$.getScript( "" );
You can also specify callback for success or failure (please see documentation linked above).

How to create CSS internal style sheet in CakePHP

I have been using CakePHP for a while and recently needed to send emails from an app. Unfortunately I can not figure out a way to tell CakePHP to include the css directly in the document as an internal style sheet instead of a link. I know people think that is a bad idea, but my app is only sending emails to our company so I'm not worried too much about someone's email client messing it up. If I just include the link it doesn't work since the reference is wrong, although if I could make the link an absolute link (http://myserver/css/myfile.css instead of /css/myfile.css) that would be a 2nd best alternative since they would have access to my server.
If there isn't a way to do it in Cake, is there a quick way to just use PHP to read the contents of the file and dump it in the view? I guess I could do that from the controller, sounds like a bad hack though.
Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks
You could use readfile() to print the file content directly in your view.
Or you could $this->Html->url('css/yourcss.css', true) to get the full path to the file and pass it too the css method.
I would like to suggest you to use php variable as style class and use it directly as css class. For example.
$class1 = "border : 1px solid #eeeeee; font-family : font1, font2, font3; color : #785634;"
And use it in your email template as
<div id='my-div' style=<?php echo $class1; ?>>Your div content </div>
Even I do not know any way to include style sheet in the email, and if you create some classes those will not work in email templates.
So this is how I'm using css in my projects.
you can put the css in email layout like normal html (use html email layout)
<style type="text/css"></style>
Reviewing the code of the htmlHelper shows that it can't be done.
However, you can change or overload the helper; to do so in the simplest way just add a new option between line 371 to 378.
I used PHP's include function enclosed in a script tag and it worked perfectly! In the default email view:
You can write css inline:
<h2 style="color:#818381">Here are the latest stories everyone's talking about...</h2>
