How to serialize a QAbstractItemModel into QDataStream? - qt

I've set up a QAbstractItemModel and filled that with data. My QTreeView widget displays every data in that model properly.
Now, I would like to store that model serialized in a binary file (and later of cource load that binary file back into a model). Is that possible?

The particulars of model serialization depend somewhat on the model's implementation. Some gotchas include:
Perfectly usable models might not implement insertRows/insertColumns, preferring to use custom methods instead.
Models like QStandardItemModel may have underlying items of varying types. Upon deserialization, the prototype item factory will repopulate the model with clones of one prototype type. To prevent that, the items't type identifier must be exposed for serialization, and a way provided to rebuild the item of a correct type upon deserialization.
Let's see one way of implementing it for the standard item model. The prototype polymorphic item class can expose its type via a data role. Upon setting this role, it should re-create itself with a correct type.
Given this, a universal serializer isn't feasible.
Let's look at a complete example, then. The behaviors necessary for a given model type must be represented by a traits class that parametrizes the serializer. The methods reading data from the model take a constant model pointer. The methods modifying the model take a non-constant model pointer, and return false upon failure.
#include <QtGui>
struct BasicTraits {
BasicTraits() {}
/// The base model that the serializer operates on
typedef QAbstractItemModel Model;
/// The streamable representation of model's configuration
typedef bool ModelConfig;
/// The streamable representation of an item's data
typedef QMap<int, QVariant> Roles;
/// The streamable representation of a section of model's header data
typedef Roles HeaderRoles;
/// Returns a streamable representation of an item's data.
Roles itemData(const Model * model, const QModelIndex & index) {
return model->itemData(index);
/// Sets the item's data from the streamable representation.
bool setItemData(Model * model, const QModelIndex & index, const Roles & data) {
return model->setItemData(index, data);
/// Returns a streamable representation of a model's header data.
HeaderRoles headerData(const Model * model, int section, Qt::Orientation ori) {
Roles data;
data.insert(Qt::DisplayRole, model->headerData(section, ori));
return data;
/// Sets the model's header data from the streamable representation.
bool setHeaderData(Model * model, int section, Qt::Orientation ori, const HeaderRoles & data) {
return model->setHeaderData(section, ori, data.value(Qt::DisplayRole));
/// Should horizontal header data be serialized?
bool doHorizontalHeaderData() const { return true; }
/// Should vertical header data be serialized?
bool doVerticalHeaderData() const { return false; }
/// Sets the number of rows and columns for children on a given parent item.
bool setRowsColumns(Model * model, const QModelIndex & parent, int rows, int columns) {
bool rc = model->insertRows(0, rows, parent);
if (columns > 1) rc = rc && model->insertColumns(1, columns-1, parent);
return rc;
/// Returns a streamable representation of the model's configuration.
ModelConfig modelConfig(const Model *) {
return true;
/// Sets the model's configuration from the streamable representation.
bool setModelConfig(Model *, const ModelConfig &) {
return true;
Such a class must be implemented to capture the requirements of a particular model. The one given above is often sufficient for basic models. A serializer instance takes or default-constructs an instance of the traits class. Thus, traits can have state.
When dealing with streaming and model operations, either can fail. A Status class captures whether the stream and model are ok, and whether it's possible to continue. When IgnoreModelFailures is set on the initial status, the failures reported by the traits class are ignored and the loading proceeds in spite of them. QDataStream failures always abort the save/load.
struct Status {
enum SubStatus { StreamOk = 1, ModelOk = 2, IgnoreModelFailures = 4 };
QFlags<SubStatus> flags;
Status(SubStatus s) : flags(StreamOk | ModelOk | s) {}
Status() : flags(StreamOk | ModelOk) {}
bool ok() const {
return (flags & StreamOk && (flags & IgnoreModelFailures || flags & ModelOk));
bool operator()(QDataStream & str) {
return stream(str.status() == QDataStream::Ok);
bool operator()(Status s) {
if (flags & StreamOk && ! (s.flags & StreamOk)) flags ^= StreamOk;
if (flags & ModelOk && ! (s.flags & ModelOk)) flags ^= ModelOk;
return ok();
bool model(bool s) {
if (flags & ModelOk && !s) flags ^= ModelOk;
return ok();
bool stream(bool s) {
if (flags & StreamOk && !s) flags ^= StreamOk;
return ok();
This class could also be implemented to throw itself as an exception instead of returning false. This would make the serializer code a bit easier to read, as every if (!st(...)) return st idiom would be replaced by simpler st(...). Nevertheless, I chose not to use exceptions, as typical Qt code doesn't use them. To completely remove the syntax overhead of detecting traits methods and stream failures, one would need to throw in the traits methods instead of returning false, and use a stream wrapper that throws on failure.
Finally, we have a generic serializer, parametrized by a traits class. The majority of model operations are delegated to the traits class. The few operations performed directly on the model are:
bool hasChildren(parent)
int rowCount(parent)
int columnCount(parent)
QModelIndex index(row, column, parent)
template <class Tr = BasicTraits> class ModelSerializer {
enum ItemType { HasData = 1, HasChildren = 2 };
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(ItemTypes, ItemType)
Tr m_traits;
Headers for each orientation are serialized based on the root item row/column counts.
Status saveHeaders(QDataStream & s, const typename Tr::Model * model, int count, Qt::Orientation ori) {
Status st;
if (!st(s << (qint32)count)) return st;
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
if (!st(s << m_traits.headerData(model, i, ori))) return st;
return st;
Status loadHeaders(QDataStream & s, typename Tr::Model * model, Qt::Orientation ori, Status st) {
qint32 count;
if (!st(s >> count)) return st;
for (qint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
typename Tr::HeaderRoles data;
if (!st(s >> data)) return st;
if (!st.model(m_traits.setHeaderData(model, i, ori, data))) return st;
return st;
The data for each item is serialized recursively, ordered depth-first, columns-before-rows. Any item can have children. Item flags are not serialized; ideally this behavior should be parametrized in the traits.
Status saveData(QDataStream & s, const typename Tr::Model * model, const QModelIndex & parent) {
Status st;
ItemTypes types;
if (parent.isValid()) types |= HasData;
if (model->hasChildren(parent)) types |= HasChildren;
if (!st(s << (quint8)types)) return st;
if (types & HasData) s << m_traits.itemData(model, parent);
if (! (types & HasChildren)) return st;
auto rows = model->rowCount(parent);
auto columns = model->columnCount(parent);
if (!st(s << (qint32)rows << (qint32)columns)) return st;
for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < columns; ++j)
if (!st(saveData(s, model, model->index(i, j, parent)))) return st;
return st;
Status loadData(QDataStream & s, typename Tr::Model * model, const QModelIndex & parent, Status st) {
quint8 rawTypes;
if (!st(s >> rawTypes)) return st;
ItemTypes types { rawTypes };
if (types & HasData) {
typename Tr::Roles data;
if (!st(s >> data)) return st;
if (!st.model(m_traits.setItemData(model, parent, data))) return st;
if (! (types & HasChildren)) return st;
qint32 rows, columns;
if (!st(s >> rows >> columns)) return st;
if (!st.model(m_traits.setRowsColumns(model, parent, rows, columns))) return st;
for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < columns; ++j)
if (!st(loadData(s, model, model->index(i, j, parent), st))) return st;
return st;
The serializer retains a traits instance, it can also be passed one to use.
ModelSerializer() {}
ModelSerializer(const Tr & traits) : m_traits(traits) {}
ModelSerializer(Tr && traits) : m_traits(std::move(traits)) {}
ModelSerializer(const ModelSerializer &) = default;
ModelSerializer(ModelSerializer &&) = default;
The data is serialized in following order:
model configuration,
model data,
horizontal header data,
vertical header data.
Attention is paid to versioning of both the stream and the streamed data.
Status save(QDataStream & stream, const typename Tr::Model * model) {
Status st;
auto version = stream.version();
if (!st(stream << (quint8)0)) return st; // format
if (!st(stream << m_traits.modelConfig(model))) return st;
if (!st(saveData(stream, model, QModelIndex()))) return st;
auto hor = m_traits.doHorizontalHeaderData();
if (!st(stream << hor)) return st;
if (hor && !st(saveHeaders(stream, model, model->rowCount(), Qt::Horizontal))) return st;
auto ver = m_traits.doVerticalHeaderData();
if (!st(stream << ver)) return st;
if (ver && !st(saveHeaders(stream, model, model->columnCount(), Qt::Vertical))) return st;
return st;
Status load(QDataStream & stream, typename Tr::Model * model, Status st = Status()) {
auto version = stream.version();
quint8 format;
if (!st(stream >> format)) return st;
if (! == 0)) return st;
typename Tr::ModelConfig config;
if (!st(stream >> config)) return st;
if (!st.model(m_traits.setModelConfig(model, config))) return st;
if (!st(loadData(stream, model, QModelIndex(), st))) return st;
bool hor;
if (!st(stream >> hor)) return st;
if (hor && !st(loadHeaders(stream, model, Qt::Horizontal, st))) return st;
bool ver;
if (!st(stream >> ver)) return st;
if (ver && !st(loadHeaders(stream, model, Qt::Vertical, st))) return st;
return st;
To save/load a model using the basic traits:
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
QCoreApplication app{argc, argv};
QStringList srcData;
for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) srcData << QString::number(i);
QStringListModel src {srcData}, dst;
ModelSerializer<> ser;
QByteArray buffer;
QDataStream sout(&buffer, QIODevice::WriteOnly);, &src);
QDataStream sin(buffer);
ser.load(sin, &dst);
Q_ASSERT(srcData == dst.stringList());

The same way you serialize anything, just implement an operator or method which writes each data member to a data stream in sequence.
The preferable format is to implement those two operators for your types:
QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const YourType &t);
QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, YourType &t);
Following that pattern will allow your types to be "plug and play" with Qt's container classes.
QAbstractItemModel does not (or should not) directly hold the data, it is just a wrapper to an underlying data structure. The model only serves to provide an interface for a view to access the data. So in reality you shouldn't serialize the actual model, but the underlying data.
As of how to serialize the actual data, it depends on the format of your data, which as of now remains a mystery. But since it is a QAbstractItemModel I assume it is a tree of some sort, so generally speaking, you have to traverse the tree and serialize every object in it.
Make a note that when serializing a single object, the serialization and deserialization are a blind sequence, but when dealing with a collection of objects, you may have to account for its structure with extra serialization data. If your tree is something like an array of arrays, as long as you use Qt's container classes this will be taken care of for you, all you will need is to implement the serialization for the item type, but for a custom tree you will have to do it yourself.


Is there a map-like tool in QT that can be iterated over inserted index?

From the Qt documentation about QMap::iterator :
Unlike QHash, which stores its items in an arbitrary order, QMap
stores its items ordered by key. Items that share the same key
(because they were inserted using QMap::insertMulti(), or due to a
unite()) will appear consecutively, from the most recently to the
least recently inserted value.
What I want is to interate a map by inserted index. For example this map.
const static QMap<QString, int> MEASUREMENT_COLUMNS{{"ID", MY_SQL_BIGINT}, {"logging_id", MY_SQL_INT}, {"calibration_id", MY_SQL_INT}, {"logging_comment", MY_SQL_VARCHAR255}, {"measurement_date_time", MY_SQL_DATETIME}, {"ADC0", MY_SQL_FLOAT},
But the problem is as the documentation says above about QMap and QHashmap. They will not work for be if I want to iterate a map by inserted index.
For example, first ID, then logging_id, then calibration_id etc.
So I need to select something else than QMap and QHash.
Is there a map-like tool in QT that can be iterated over inserted index?
You can use two QVector, or use QVector<QPair<QString, int> > instead.
Here's the start of a QHash derivative which provides this functionality. DISCLAIMER: This is not entirely perfected! Not every function / feature of QHash has yet been accounted for. As long as you only use the functions / operator overloads provided here, you'll be fine for sure. If someone wants to keep developing this and repost a truly "finished" class, that would be great!
Note that performance will of course be degraded a bit, and memory consumption will increase, using this vs the natural QHash, but for small data sets that should be negligible.
#include <QHash>
#include <QVector>
#include <QDataStream>
#include <QDebug>
template<class K, class V>
class OrderedHash : public QHash<K,V>
using QHash<K,V>::QHash;
OrderedHash( std::initializer_list<std::pair<K, V>> list )
: QHash<K,V>::QHash()
{ foreach( auto p, list ) insert( std::get<0>(p), std::get<1>(p) ); }
// Returns the keys in the order they were inserted.
// If the ordered keys vector is blatantly out of sync with the hash
// (as may occur via the use of QHash functions not accounted for
// by this override!), this returns UNordered keys, since those are at
// least accurate.
QList<K> orderedKeys() const {
if( QHash<K,V>::size() != orderedKeys_.size() )
qWarning() << "OrderedHash keys are out of sync!";
return QHash<K,V>::keys();
return orderedKeys_.toList();
// This insert override "appends" to the "end" of the hash. If the key is
// already present, the entry is "moved" to the new end.
typename QHash<K,V>::iterator insert( const K &key, const V &value )
//qDebug() << "OrderedHash insert: " << key << ":" << value;
orderedKeys_.removeAll( key );
orderedKeys_.push_back( key );
return QHash<K,V>::insert( key, value );
// This additional update function perseveres the "key order" while
// modifying the value. If the key is not yet present, the entry is
// appended to the "end" of the hash.
typename QHash<K,V>::iterator update( const K &key, const V &value )
if( !QHash<K,V>::contains( key ) ) return insert( key, value );
return QHash<K,V>::insert( key, value );
int remove( const K &key )
orderedKeys_.removeAll( key );
return QHash<K,V>::remove( key );
void clear()
QVector<K> orderedKeys_;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, OrderedHash<Key, T> &hash)
QDataStream::Status oldStatus = in.status();
quint32 n;
in >> n;
for (quint32 i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
if (in.status() != QDataStream::Ok)
Key k;
T t;
in >> k >> t;
hash.insertMulti(k, t);
hash.insert(k, t);
if (in.status() != QDataStream::Ok)
if (oldStatus != QDataStream::Ok)
return in;
template <class Key, class T>
Q_OUTOFLINE_TEMPLATE QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const OrderedHash<Key, T>& hash)
out << quint32(hash.size());
typename QHash<Key, T>::ConstIterator it = hash.end();
typename QHash<Key, T>::ConstIterator begin = hash.begin();
while (it != begin) {
out << it.key() << it.value();
const QList<Key> keys( hash.orderedKeys() );
foreach( auto key, keys ) out << key << hash.value(key);
return out;
Not in QT (to my knowledge, at least).
Can you use Boost, e.g. boost::multiindex? Another option is to combine map with vector in a class +- like this (this is likely to contain errors; it's supposed to illustrate the general idea, not to be a fully working piece of code):
template<typename K, typename V>
class indexed_map
map<K, V> m_map;
vector<K> m_insertionOrder;
void insert(const K& k, const V& v)
V byKey(const K& k) const {return};
V byOrder(size_t n) const {return;}
Of course you'll have to write some boilerplate (ok, lots of it in fact), iterators might be also tricky.

How to create a QVariant-based generic model?

Quite often I find myself in need of some custom scheme model, mandating the implementation of more and more models, made even more tedious by the inability of QObject derived classes to be templates.
Qt has the QStandardItemModel but that seems a bit verbose and inconvenient to use, especially from the qml side, and total overkill for a basic list model.
There is also the basic qml ListModel, but that is limited and not elegant to use on the C++ side, and I do suspect a tad more bloated than it needs to be.
Qt has QVariant, which is what its model/view architecture uses internally, so it is surprising that the framework doesn't provide something as simple as:
// qml code
VarMod {
roles: ["name", "age", "weight"]
Component.onCompleted: {
insert(["Jack", 34, 88.5], -1) // qml doesn't support
insert(["Mary", 26, 55.3], -1) // default arg values
// cpp code
VarMod vm { "name", "age", "weight" }; // member declaration
vm.insert({ "Jack", 34, 88.5 });
vm.insert({ "Mary", 26, 55.3 });
And here it is.
Note that you do have to be responsible with the parameters, as there is no type safety, in fact it has implicit analog to ListModel's dynamicRoles - that is, it will accept and work with any QVariant compatible value on every role slot.
As for memory efficiency, consider that QVariant has 8 bytes for data, plus 4 bytes for type id, plus another 4 bytes of padding, for a total of 16 bytes. That is not insignificant if you are using it for small data types, like say bool, so in case you have a data scheme that has a lot of small (1 - 4 bytes) fields and a scores of items, implementing a full model will still be the better option. It is still a lot better than the generic object model I am using, which has to carry the bloat of QObject, and even more significant in the case of qml objects.
Additionally, QVariant being 16 bytes, I opted to not use the convenience of QVariantList for data storage, which has an underlying QList, making the situation worse than it needs to be. Although that is fixed in Qt 6, which gets rid of QList as it is, and replaces it with an alias of QVector. Still, std::vector helps to avoid that in any case, plus it might actually be a tad faster, since it doesn't have to deal with COW and atomic ref counters. There are several auxiliary methods to help with pre-allocation and release of memory as well.
The model has a safeguard against the change the roles for obvious reasons, the latter is primarily intended to be initialized just once, but there is reset() that is intended to be used in a more dynamic qml context, making it possible to redefine the model schema on the fly and provide a compatible delegate. For the sake of certainty, the roles can only be redefined after the model has been explicitly reset.
There is a minute difference in inserting, on the c++ side, the parameter pack is passed wrapped in {}, in qml it is wrapped in [], both leveraging implicit conversion in the context specific way. Also, note that qml currently doesn't support omitting parameters with default values provided on the c++ side, so for appending you do have to provide an invalid index. Naturally, it would be trivial to add convenience methods for appending and prepending if needed.
In addition to the syntax example of the question, it is also possible to add multiple items at once, from "declarative-y" qml structure such as:
let v = [["Jack", 34, 88.5],
["Mary", 26, 55.3],
["Sue", 22, 69.6]]
vm.insertList(v, -1)
Finally, type safety is possible to implement if the scenario really calls for it, then each role can be specified with the expected type to go with it, such as:
VarMod vm {{"name", QMetaType::QString},
{"age", QMetaType::Int},
{"weight", QMetaType::QReal}};
and then iterating and making the necessary checks to ensure type safety when inserting.
Update: I also added serialization, and save/load from disk features, note that this will serialize the data together with the mode schema.
class VarMod : public QAbstractListModel {
Q_PROPERTY(QVariantList roles READ roles WRITE setRoles NOTIFY rolesChanged)
QVariantList vroles;
QVariantList roles() const { return vroles; }
QHash<int, QByteArray> _roles;
std::vector<std::vector<QVariant>> _data;
inline bool checkArgs(int rc) const {
if (rc == _roles.size()) return true;
qWarning() << "arg size mismatch, got / expected" << rc << _roles.size();
return false;
inline bool inBounds(int i, bool ok = false) const {
if (i > -1 && i < (int)_data.size()) return true;
if (!ok) qWarning() << "out of bounds" << i; // do not warn if intentionally appending
return false;
inline bool validRole(int r) const { return (r > -1 && r < _roles.size()); }
QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const override { return _roles; }
int rowCount(const QModelIndex &) const override { return _data.size(); }
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int r) const override {
r = r - Qt::UserRole - 1;
if (inBounds(index.row()) && validRole(r)) return _data[index.row()][r];
return QVariant();
VarMod() {} // for qml
VarMod(std::initializer_list<QByteArray> r) {
int rc = Qt::UserRole + 1;
for (const auto & ri : r) {
_roles.insert(rc++, ri);
vroles << QString::fromLatin1(ri);
inline void insert(std::initializer_list<QVariant> s, int i = -1) {
if (!checkArgs(s.size())) return;
insert(QVariantList(s), i);
inline bool setItem(int i, std::initializer_list<QVariant> s) {
if (checkArgs(s.size())) return setItem(i, QVariantList(s));
return false;
void setRoles(QVariantList r) {
if (_roles.empty()) {
int rc = Qt::UserRole + 1;
for (const auto & vi : r) _roles.insert(rc++, vi.toByteArray());
vroles = r;
} else qWarning() << "roles are already initialized";
void read(QDataStream & d) {
QVariantList vr;
d >> vr;
quint32 s;
d >> s;
for (uint i = 0; i < s; ++i) {
for (int c = 0; c < vr.size(); ++c) {
QVariant var;
d >> var;
void write(QDataStream & d) const {
d << vroles;
d << (quint32)_data.size();
for (const auto & v : _data) {
for (const auto & i : v) d << i;
public slots:
void insert(QVariantList s, int i) {
if (!inBounds(i, true)) i = _data.size();
if (!checkArgs(s.size())) return;
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), i, i);
_data.insert(_data.begin() + i, { s.cbegin(), s.cend() });
void insertList(QVariantList s, int i) {
if (!inBounds(i, true)) i = _data.size();
int added = 0;
for (const auto & il : s) {
QVariantList ll = il.value<QVariantList>();
if (checkArgs(ll.size())) {
_data.insert(_data.begin() + i + added++, { ll.cbegin(), ll.cend() });
if (added) {
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), i, i + added - 1);
bool setData(int i, int r, QVariant d) {
if (!inBounds(i) || !validRole(r)) return false;
_data[i][r] = d;
dataChanged(index(i), index(i));
return true;
bool setDataStr(int i, QString rs, QVariant d) { // a tad slower
int r = _roles.key(rs.toLatin1()); // role is resolved in linear time
if (r) return setData(i, r - Qt::UserRole - 1, d);
qWarning() << "invalid role" << rs;
return false;
bool setItem(int i, QVariantList d) {
if (!inBounds(i) || !checkArgs(d.size())) return false;
_data[i] = { d.cbegin(), d.cend() };
dataChanged(index(i), index(i));
return true;
QVariantList item(int i) const {
if (!inBounds(i)) return QVariantList();
const auto & v = _data[i];
return { v.begin(), v.end() };
QVariant getData(int i, int r) const {
if (inBounds(i) && validRole(r)) return _data[i][r];
return QVariant();
QVariant getDataStr(int i, QString rs) const {
int r = _roles.key(rs.toLatin1()); // role is resolved in linear time
if (r) return getData(i, r);
qWarning() << "invalid role" << rs;
return QVariant();
QVariantList take(int i) {
QVariantList res = item(i);
if (res.size()) remove(i);
return res;
bool swap(int i1, int i2) {
if (!inBounds(i1) || !inBounds(i2)) return false;
std::iter_swap(_data.begin() + i1, _data.begin() + i2);
dataChanged(index(i1), index(i1));
dataChanged(index(i2), index(i2));
return true;
bool remove(int i) {
if (!inBounds(i)) return false;
beginRemoveRows(QModelIndex(), i, i);
_data.erase(_data.begin() + i);
return true;
void clear() {
void reset() {
void reserve(int c) { _data.reserve(c); }
int size() const { return _data.size(); }
int capacity() const { return _data.capacity(); }
void squeeze() { _data.shrink_to_fit(); }
bool fromFile(QString path) {
QFile f(path);
if (! return false;
QDataStream d(&f);
read(d); // assumes correct data
return true;
bool toFile(QString path) const {
QFile f(path);
if (! return false;
QDataStream d(&f);
return true;
void rolesChanged();
I also created this sorting/filtering view to supplement the model:
class View : public QSortFilterProxyModel {
Q_PROPERTY(QJSValue filter READ filter WRITE set_filter NOTIFY filterChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(bool reverse READ reverse WRITE setReverse NOTIFY reverseChanged)
bool reverse() const { return _reverse; }
void setReverse(bool v) {
if (v == _reverse) return;
_reverse = v;
sort(0, (Qt::SortOrder)_reverse);
bool _reverse = false;
mutable QJSValue m_filter;
QJSValue & filter() const { return m_filter; }
void set_filter(QJSValue & f) {
if (!m_filter.equals(f))
m_filter = f;
View(QObject *parent = 0) : QSortFilterProxyModel(parent) { sort(0, (Qt::SortOrder)_reverse); }
void filterChanged();
void reverseChanged();
bool filterAcceptsRow(int sourceRow, const QModelIndex &) const override {
if (!m_filter.isCallable()) return true;
VarMod * vm = qobject_cast<VarMod *>(sourceModel());
if (!vm) {
qWarning() << "model is not varmod";
return true;
bool lessThan(const QModelIndex &left, const QModelIndex &right) const override {
VarMod * vm = qobject_cast<VarMod *>(sourceModel());
if (!vm) {
qWarning() << "model is not varmod";
return false;
return vm->getData(left.row(), sortRole()) < vm->getData(right.row(), sortRole());
For sorting, you just have to specify the sorting role, note that it is the index of the "column" rather than the int value from the roles hash. For filtering it works via a qml functor that receives the model item as a JS array, and expects to return a bool, a c++ functor can be easily added via std::function if needed. Also note that it needs a pointer to the actual qml engine.
View {
id: vv
sourceModel: vm
sortRole: sr.value
reverse: rev.checked
filter: { sa.value; o => o[1] < sa.value } // "capturing" sa.value to react to value changes

How to loop over QAbstractItemView indexes?

I want to fire QAbstractItemView::doubleClicked slot programaticaly for an item that has specific text. I want to do this using QAbstractItemView class and not it's implementations if possible.
This task boils down to looping over items and comparing strings. But I cannot find any method that would give me all QModelIndexes. The only method that gives any QModelIndex without parameters is QAbstractItemView::rootIndex. But when I look into QModelIndex docs, I again cannot see a way to access it's children and siblings.
So how to access all QModelIndexes in QAbstractItemView?
The indexes are provided by the model, not by the view. The view provides the rootIndex() to indicate what node in the model it considers as root; it might be an invalid index. Otherwise it has nothing to do with the data. You have to traverse the model itself - you can get it from view->model().
Here's a depth-first walk through a model:
void iterate(const QModelIndex & index, const QAbstractItemModel * model,
const std::function<void(const QModelIndex&, int)> & fun,
int depth = 0)
if (index.isValid())
fun(index, depth);
if ((index.flags() & Qt::ItemNeverHasChildren) || !model->hasChildren(index)) return;
auto rows = model->rowCount(index);
auto cols = model->columnCount(index);
for (int i = 0; i < rows; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < cols; ++j)
iterate(model->index(i, j, index), model, fun, depth+1);
The functor fun gets invoked for every item in the model, starting at root and going in depth-row-column order.
void dumpData(QAbstractItemView * view) {
iterate(view->rootIndex(), view->model(), [](const QModelIndex & idx, int depth){
qDebug() << depth << ":" << idx.row() << "," << idx.column() << "=" <<;

How to find the corresponding key value from the string inserted into a QMap?

I have the following data structure.
QMap<int,QString> map;
QString str="NESTLE";
My requirement is to retrieve the value -0x83 when the string - NESTLE is passed.
Basically, based on str value, I want to get the corresponding key value i.e. 0x83 in this example. How can I do so?
I would do this:
QString str = "NESTLE";
int key = getKey(map, str); // should return 0x83 in your example.
int getKey(const QMap &map, const QString &value)
foreach (QString v, map) {
if (v == value)
return map.key(value);
return -1;
Or the key could be simply found, by:
int key = map.key("NESTLE");
There are two approaches, depending on how many items are in the map.
If the map has few items (say <20), you can search for the key using map.key(). This performs a linear search over all items, and thus will perform badly for large maps due to O(N) complexity of such a search.
Alternatively, you can implement a bidirectional map. Shown below is a very trivial variant that only works for distinct T1 and T2. Note that there are no non-const index operators, since both maps would need to be modified. This would need a wrapper class.
template <typename T1, typename T2> class BiMap {
QMap<T1, T2> m_map1;
QMap<T2, T1> m_map2;
typedef QMap<T1, T2>::iterator iterator1;
typedef QMap<T1, T2>::const_iterator const_iterator1;
typedef QMap<T2, T1>::iterator iterator2;
typedef QMap<T2, T1>::const_iterator const_iterator2;
iterator1 insert(const T1 & key, const T2 & value) {
m_map2.insert(value, key);
return m_map1.insert(key, value);
iterator2 insert(const T2 & key, const T1 & value) {
m_map1.insert(value, key);
return m_map2.insert(key, value);
const T1 & operator[](const T1 & key) const {
return m_map1[key];
const T2 & operator[](const T2 & key) const {
return m_map2[key];
BiMap<int,QString> map;
map.insert(0x01, "HELLO");
map.insert(0x02, "FELLOW");
map.insert(0x83, "NESTLE");
map.insert(0x044, "KITKAT");
int key = map["NESTLE"];
C++ algorithm should work fine:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
QMap<int,QString> map;
QString str="NESTLE";
auto it = std::find_if(map.begin(), map.end(),
[&str](const QString &p){ return p == str; });
if(it != map.end())
std::cout << "0x" << std::hex << it.key();

Sort a QAbstractListModel derived model by role in QML ListView

I've created a QAbstractListModel derived model based on an underlying QHash. Since I need to use the model in QML, I cannot make use of the sorting functionality Qt widgets and views have integrated.
I tried using a QSortFilterProxyModel but it doesn't seem to work with my model. Getting the model to properly work in QML wasn't tedious enough, and now I am stuck on sorting.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
Here is the model source:
typedef QHash<QString, uint> Data;
class NewModel : public QAbstractListModel {
Q_PROPERTY(int count READ count NOTIFY countChanged)
NewModel(QObject * parent = 0) : QAbstractListModel(parent) {}
enum Roles {WordRole = Qt::UserRole, CountRole};
QHash<int, QByteArray> roleNames() const {
QHash<int, QByteArray> roles;
roles[WordRole] = "word";
roles[CountRole] = "count";
return roles;
QVariant data(const QModelIndex &index, int role = Qt::DisplayRole) const {
if (index.row() < 0 || index.row() >= m_data.size()) return QVariant();
Data::const_iterator iter = m_data.constBegin() + index.row();
switch (role) {
case WordRole:
return iter.key();
case CountRole:
return iter.value();
} return QVariant();
int rowCount(const QModelIndex &parent) const {
return m_data.size();
int count() const { return m_data.size(); }
public slots:
void append(const QString &word) {
bool alreadyThere = m_data.contains(word);
if (alreadyThere) m_data[word]++;
else m_data.insert(word, 1);
Data::const_iterator iter = m_data.find(word);
uint position = delta(iter);
if (alreadyThere) {
QModelIndex index = createIndex(position, 0);
emit dataChanged(index, index);
} else {
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), position, position);
emit countChanged();
void prepend(const QString &word) {
if (m_data.contains(word)) m_data[word]++;
else m_data.insert(word, 1);
void countChanged();
uint delta(Data::const_iterator i) {
uint d = 0;
while (i != m_data.constBegin()) { ++d; --i; }
return d;
Data m_data;
Here is "trying" to sort it:
NewModel model;
QAbstractItemModel * pm = qobject_cast<QAbstractItemModel *>(&model);
QSortFilterProxyModel proxy;
Alas, the proxy works as a model, but it doesn't sort the entries.
If you enable QSortFilterProxyModel::setDynamicSortFilter(true), you need to call QSortFilterProxyModel::sort(...) function once to let the proxy know which way to sort.
With that, any time the model is updated the proxy will sort everything again just automatically.
First of all, There's no need for qobject_cast<QAbstractItemModel *> downcasting -- the NewModel is a derived class of the QAbstractItemModel and the polymorphism principle says that you can use a subclass everywhere where a parent class is applicable.
Second, your prepend method does not use beginInsertRows and endInsertRows. That's a violation of the MVC API. You'll get data corruption in the attached views and proxy models if you use it this way.
Third, you haven't mentioned whether you're actually using your proxy model as the model for the attached view :).
Finally, you are using QHash as a backing store of your data with QHash::iterator for insertion. That's an itneresting solution, but something which just cannot work -- an insertion or removal can cause the hash table to grow/shrink, which means changing all data you publish via your model indexes. This is just not going to work. Don't use QHash when you need a stable order. The O(n) complexity of your delta method should be interpreted as a warning; this is a wrong approach.
Have a Look at This project exposes the functionality of QSortFilterProxyModel nicely to QML. I used it in different projects and it junst worked. However if you want to implement your own solution it's something to get your ideas.
