What's this icon in the Scene Builder Hierarchy Panel? - javafx

I'm using JavaFX Scene Builder and running into some problems with sizing components.
I noticed that on some of my hierarchy nodes there's an icon I don't recognise, and I wondered whether the hierarchy was trying to alert me to some kind of problem that I've inadvertently caused.
Anyone know what this icon means? I've put a red square around it to highlight the one I mean.


Scene Builder, Library is empty

I have a problem with Scene Builder.
I probably did something wrong because in the left side menu, the library which contains the java element is empty and I didn't find how to fill it back.
Now I have to use the menu insert to get the items and it's annoying.
Does anyone knows how to fix it?
I tried searching on the net but I didn't find anyone with the same problem. I tried to add a library but nothing happened. Then I uninstalled Scene Builder and installed it again but the problem is still here, it is saved somewhere.
I'm looking to add the basic library JAVAFX or erasing everything from Scene Builder from my computer so that when I install the program, it will be back with the library.
I had the same problem, it solved when I used the search bar, and it reload all the components on the Library menu.
I had this same issue, but ONLY when the file is named Main.fxml
I decided to just deal with it by using Insert -> then whatever I needed, so I wouldn't need the left sidebar at all. But when I disabled the left sidebar and reenabled it, then everything came back.

should i use Window Popups or in-app overlays? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm developing a somewhat complex app with javaFx and I'm facing a technical decision concerning popups (tooltips, context menus, alerts... etc), it seems like I have two approaches to go about it:
extend PopupWindow (or PopupControl), the popups will be rendering outside the application in their own undecorated window.
wrap my whole app in a parent that supports fixed/absolute positioning and show/position popups as overplayed nodes.
I know this seems a bit opinion based but i just can't find any resources on it, if anyone done some profiling or a performance comparison, and I don't know which one is "best-practice" for a desktop application.
It intuitively seems like the window popup approach is favoured and easier to implement but I've seen real applications like messenger and discord using the second approach (maybe because they're using electron and they're obliged to follow "the web way" of doing things).
any help would be appreciated.
I'm back to add my input on this question after trying to implement the ideas, just in case anyone comes by this question with the same issues.
both approaches come with limitations and I came across the following issues :
Tooltips blocking mouse events
If you build your tooltip system around PopupControl (or PopupWindow) and you want your tooltips to have a shadow around them, the tooltip (or the shadow) will block the mouse events from reaching the nodes in the application window, and because you can't make the window transparent to mouse events, it would cause some flickering (you hover a node, tooltip shows then steals mouse events which causes a MouseExited event on the node, which causes the tooltip to hide, and it happens endlessly unless you move the mouse away)
This issue is essentially caused by the shadow, building your tooltips around a layout (VBox, for instance) and adding to tooltip to the root of the scene will solve this issue, because you can simply make the tooltip mouse transparent.
Popups having to show outside the application window
in some situations you may have a popup/context menu that has a somewhat fixed position, say it has to show under a specific node and it can't be re-positioned inside the application window, if you build your context menus around a layout that gets added to the scene root, your context menus might have to clip at some places.
This issue is naturally solved if your popups are based on PopupControl or PopupWindow.
Though window popup approach sounds good and easy I have encountered the below two issues with that approach. Just letting you know if you need to consider them.
JavaFX : How to close a sub window without getting focus on main window
JavaFX : How to manage the z-index of stages

Qt Scrollbar in QLabel

I have a small problem whit QScrollbar.
for example,
This is a one my project in C#
At left panel, the user loads a graphic image and can pick elements.
but I see in Qt don't exist Split Panel whit automatic Scrollbar.
I tried to use QScrollArea, but if user maximizes Window it's a problem.
anyone have a solution or a good way to make this in qt?

How to change the color of Title Bar in framework "JAVAFX“?

I'm a beginner of JavaFX. Is there anyway to change the color of title bar. I just want to make the application all black. I have searched the JavaFX API, but I can't find any method to make it.
This is pretty much an OS dependent thing. The operating system gets to decide how titlebars and borders are displayed by default. However, it definitely can be done, if you are willing to venture into making your own title bar.
To start out, you will need to modify the application window's stage to StageStyle.UNDECORATED. Then you will need to set up your own borders and title bar (complete with things like the title, minimize button, close button, etc.). You can then add the border pane as a scene into your application's stage, and that should render your custom titlebar then without the default Windows styling.
You can find an example implementation of that here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/9864496/2694511
Do note that because you are implementing your own titlebar, you will also lose the OS's default window drag behavior, so you will need to implement your own window-drag/window-move code. This answer might be able to help you with that: https://stackoverflow.com/a/11781291/2694511

I do I get QDialog geometry to expand in fullscreen?

I'm trying to get a fullscreen dialog to launch after clicking a button in my MainWindow using QT on Mac. I use showFullScreen() to display the dialog, and the whole screen does get taken up. The problem is that the widgets within the dialog are still constrained to the 1024px geometry set for the dialog in the designer, and positioned in the upper left corner of the screen. I can manually change the geometry in the ui file to match my desktop, but I can't get it to work programmatically. I have tried setting the geometry of the dialog to desktop()->geometry() and the running updateGeometry() and that did not work. I tried it both before and after running the showFullScreen() function.
I've tried setting the sizePolicy of the dialog to Expandable, Maximum, Preferred, and just about every other setting, and still no go. Right now it is an absolute bare bones project, show the only code to show would be the sessionscreen.showFullScreen() function in the button_clicked() slot.
I'm sure there is something I'm missing, but I have been at it for hours, scouring Google and Qt help forums and coming up empty. Hopefully someone can point out something very simple that I am missing.
Nevermind, I am indeed using layouts wrong, because the widgets don't move if i resize the layout in designer either. I thought I followed the tutorial videos exactly. This is why I prefer text based tutorials. Oh well, back to Youtube I go.
