How to summarize over multiple columns programatically using ddply? - r

Is it possible to specify which columns to aggregate over with ddply from the arguments of a function, without using eval + parse? Heres what I have so far:
x <- c(2,4,3,1,5,7)
y <- c(3,2,6,3,4,6)
group1 <- c("A","A","A","A","B","B")
group2 <- c("X","X","Y","Y","Z","X")
data <- data.frame(group1, group2, x, y)
Heres what I want the output to be:
aggFunction <- function(dataframe, toAverage, toGroup) {
out <- ddply(dataframe, toGroup, summarise,
x = mean(x),
y = mean(y))
aggFunction(data, c("x", "y"), c("group1", "group2"))
# group1 group2 x y
# 1 A X 3 2.5
# 2 A Y 2 4.5
# 3 B X 7 6.0
# 4 B Z 5 4.0
Here's my solution using parse(eval):
aggFunction <- function(dataframe, toAverage, toGroup) {
toAverageArgs <- paste(toAverage, " = mean(", toAverage, ")", sep = "", collapse = ", ")
out <- eval(parse(text = paste("ddply(dataframe, toGroup, here(summarize),", toAverageArgs, ")")))
This gives me the output that I want.
I'm wondering if there's a better way to do this. I'm aware of using and get(), but none of my attempts with these have worked.
Heres an attempt;
get(string) didn't work, but here(summarize) let me get the string value. Unfortunately, this means ddply treats them as strings:
aggFunction <- function(dataframe, toAverage, toGroup) {
string <- paste(toAverage, " = mean(", toAverage, ")", sep = "", collapse = ", ")
out <- ddply(dataframe, toGroup, here(summarise), string)
aggFunction(data, c("x", "y"), c("group1", "group2"))
# group1 group2 ..2
# 1 A X x = mean(x), y = mean(y)
# 2 A Y x = mean(x), y = mean(y)
# 3 B X x = mean(x), y = mean(y)
# 4 B Z x = mean(x), y = mean(y)
Also tried, but they were still treated as strings:
aggFunction <- function(dataframe, toAverage, toGroup) {
string <- paste(toAverage, " = mean(", toAverage, ")", sep = "", collapse = ", ")
args <- list(dataframe, toGroup, here(summarise), string)
out <-, args)
aggFunction(data, c("x", "y"), c("group1", "group2"))
# group1 group2 "x = mean(x), y = mean(y)"
# 1 A X x = mean(x), y = mean(y)
# 2 A Y x = mean(x), y = mean(y)
# 3 B X x = mean(x), y = mean(y)
# 4 B Z x = mean(x), y = mean(y)
Lastly I tried hardcoding in mean(), but then I couldnt set the column name. If I use get(testVar) = mean(get(testVar)) I get unexpected =.
aggFunction <- function(dataframe, toAverage, toGroup) {
testVar <- "x"
out <- ddply(dataframe, toGroup, here(summarise),
get(testVar) = mean(get(testVar))

Using aggregate in base R
aggFunction <- function(dataframe, toAverage, toGroup) {
aggregate(dataframe[, toAverage], dataframe[, toGroup], mean)
aggFunction(data, c("x", "y"), c("group1", "group2"))
group1 group2 x y
1 A X 3 2.5
2 B X 7 6.0
3 A Y 2 4.5
4 B Z 5 4.0

You can consider dplyr package - generally it's much faster than plyr and also has pretty syntax.
x <- c(2,4,3,1,5,7)
y <- c(3,2,6,3,4,6)
group1 <- c("A","A","A","A","B","B")
group2 <- c("X","X","Y","Y","Z","X")
aggFunction <- function(dataframe, toAverage, toGroup) {
dataframe %>%
group_by_(.dots = toGroup) %>%
summarise_(.dots = setNames(sprintf("mean(%s)", toAverage), toAverage))
data <- data.frame(group1, group2, x, y)
aggFunction(data, c("x", "y"), c("group1", "group2"))
It gives:
group1 group2 x y
1 A X 3 2.5
2 A Y 2 4.5
3 B X 7 6.0
4 B Z 5 4.0

This is a lot easier if you melt the data frame first, do the calculations when in long format, and then cast back.
aggFunction <- function(d1, toAverage, toGroup) {
d2 <- melt(d1, id.vars=toGroup, measure.vars=toAverage)
d3 <- ddply(d2, ~group1 + group2 + variable, summarize, mean=mean(value))
dcast(d3, group1 + group2 ~ variable, value.var="mean")
aggFunction(data, c("x", "y"), c("group1", "group2"))
## group1 group2 x y
## 1 A X 3 2.5
## 2 A Y 2 4.5
## 3 B X 7 6.0
## 4 B Z 5 4.0


R: How to output a column based on the same formula for each input column?

In the latest DataFramesMeta.jl package for Julia one can do
x = [:x1, :x2]
n = [:n1, :n2]
#transform(df, cols(x) = :y .+ cols(n))
and it will output the columns x1 = y + x1 and x2 = y + x2.
The question, how best to do that in R elegantly? I can do it like this
df = data.frame(y = 1:3, n1 = 1:3, n2 = 1:3)
x = c("m1", "m2")
n = c("n1", "n2")
code = glue::glue_data(list(x=x, n=n), "{x}=y+{n}")
code = glue::glue("vars({paste(code, collapse=',')})")
mutate(df, !!!eval(parse(text=code)))
or in Base
res = lapply(n, function(n) {
df$y + df[, n]
}) %>% data.frame
names(res) <- x
df = cbind(df, res)
But it feels hacky. data.table and Base solutions welcome.
You can do :
df[x] <- lapply(df[n], function(p) df$y + p)
# y n1 n2 m1 m2
#1 1 1 1 2 2
#2 2 2 2 4 4
#3 3 3 3 6 6
Similarly with purrr::map :
df[x] <- purrr::map(df[n], ~df$y + .x)
and data.table :
setDT(df)[, (x):= lapply(.SD, function(p) p + y), .SDcols = n]
Late realisation that we don't need any apply family of functions, we can directly do.
df[x] <- df[n] + df$y
We can use sweep
df[x] <- sweep(df[n], 1, df$y, FUN = `+`)

Find variables that occur only in ONE row in R

Using BASE R, I wonder how to answer the following question:
Are there any value on X or Y that occurs only in one row but not others? If yes, produce my desired output below.
f <- data.frame(id = c(rep("AA",4), rep("BB",2), rep("CC",2)), X = c(1,2,2,3,1,4,3,3),
Y = c(99,7,8,7,6,7,7,7))
Desired output:
list(BB = c(X = 4, Y = 6), AA = c(Y = c(99, 8)))
# $BB
# X Y
# 4 6
# $AA
# Y1 Y2 # Would be a plus if shows `Y Y` instead of `Y1 Y2`
# 99 8
There are two big ideas with this base approach:
Since we need to compare all the values, we should just recombine everything into one data.frame.
Making the unsplit data.frame long will save us some extra steps.
f <- data.frame(id = c(rep("AA",4), rep("BB",2), rep("CC",2)), X = c(1,2,2,3,1,4,3,3),
Y = c(99,7,8,7,6,7,7,7))
m <- split(f, f$id) # Here is `m`
unsplit <-, c(m, make.row.names = F))
molten <- data.frame(unsplit[, 1, drop = F], stack(unsplit[, -1]))
# res <- subset(molten, !duplicated(values) & !duplicated(values, fromLast = T))
res <- molten[as.logical(ave(molten[['values']], molten[['ind']], FUN = function(x) !duplicated(x) & !duplicated(x, fromLast = T))), ]
#I would stop here
#> id values ind
#> 6 BB 4 X
#> 9 AA 99 Y
#> 11 AA 8 Y
#> 13 BB 6 Y
#to get exact output
res_vector <- res$values
names(res_vector) <- res$ind
split(res_vector, as.character(res$id))
#> $AA
#> Y Y
#> 99 8
#> $BB
#> X Y
#> 4 6
Created on 2019-11-10 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
Here's another base approach that may be less complicated:
####Way 1 with rapply
vec <- rapply(lapply(m, '[', mods), I)
unique_vec <- vec[!duplicated(vec) & !duplicated(vec, fromLast = T)]
vec_names <-, strsplit(names(unique_vec), '.', fixed = T))
names(unique_vec) <- substr(vec_names[, 2], 1, 1) #turns Y1 into Y
split(unique_vec, vec_names[, 1])
###Way 2 with data.frame already, m)
vec <- unlist(
lapply(f[, -1],
ind <- !duplicated(x) & !duplicated(x, fromLast = T)
ret <- x[ind]
names(ret) <- f[ind, 1]
#this is likely overly simplified:
split(vec, sub('.*\\.', '', names(vec)))
#this leads to exact result
vec_names <-, strsplit(names(vec), '.', fixed = T))
names(vec) <- vec_names[, 1]
split(vec, vec_names[, 2])
99 8
4 6
OP brings up using table() in a hint. duplicated() is very performant:
unlist(lapply(f[mods], function(y) names(which(table(y) == 1))))
# X Y1 Y2 Y3
# "4" "6" "8" "99"
# 4 99 8 6
# A tibble: 2 x 13
expression min median `itr/sec` mem_alloc
<bch:expr> <bch> <bch:> <dbl> <bch:byt>
1 table_meth 321us 336us 2794. 10.3KB
2 dup_meth 132us 136us 7105. 31.7KB
table_meth = {unlist(lapply(f[mods], function(y) names(which(table(y) == 1))))},
dup_meth = {
#could get slight performance boost with
#f_id <- f[['id']]
lapply(f[, -1],
ind <- !duplicated(x) & !duplicated(x, fromLast = T)
ret <- x[ind]
names(ret) <- f[ind, 1]
#names(ret) <- f_id[ind]
, check = F
And similar idea in data.table:
molten_dt <- melt(rbindlist(m), id.vars = 'id')
molten_dt[!duplicated(value, by = variable) &
!duplicated(value, by = variable, fromLast = T)]
And similar idea in dplyr:
pivot_longer(cols = -id)%>%
filter(!duplicated(value) & !duplicated(value, fromLast = T))%>%
It's not pure functional programming but it is base R:
lapply(split(df, df$id), function(z){
X <- z$X[which(!(z$X %in% df$X[duplicated(df$X)]))]
Y <- z$Y[which(!(z$Y %in% df$Y[duplicated(df$Y)]))]
cbind(X, Y)
df <-
id = structure(
c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 3L),
.Label = c("AA", "BB", "CC"),
class = "factor"
X = c(1,
2, 2, 3, 1, 4, 3, 3),
Y = c(99, 7, 8, 7, 6, 7, 7, 7)
class = "data.frame",
row.names = c(NA,-8L))

I would like to use dplyr::mutate than plyr::ddply function in pipeline processing

I would like to do the same what I have done here by mutate function not by ddplyr one. Is it possible to perform not vectorized operation here somehow?
test <- tibble::tibble(
x = c(1,2,3),
y = c(0.5,1,1.5)
d <- c(1.23, 0.99, 2.18)
test %>% mutate(., s = (function(x, y) {
dn <- dnorm(x = d, mean = x, sd = y)
s <- sum(dn)
test %>% plyr::ddply(., c("x","y"), .fun = function(row) {
dn <- dnorm(x = d, mean = row$x, sd = row$y)
s <- sum(dn)
A popular method is using the dplyr function: rowwise().
test <- tibble::tibble(
x = c(1,2,3),
y = c(0.5,1,1.5)
d <- c(1.23, 0.99, 2.18)
test %>%
rowwise() %>% # prior to mutate specify calculate rowwise
mutate(., s = (function(x, y) {
dn <- dnorm(x = d, mean = x, sd = y)
s <- sum(dn)
This yields the following result:
# A tibble: 3 x 3
x y s
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1 0.5 1.56
2 2 1 0.929
3 3 1.5 0.470

How to pass second parameter to function while using the map function of purrr package in R

Apologies for what might be a very simple question.
I am new to using the purrr package in R and I'm struggling with trying to pass a second parameter to a function.
my_function <- function(x, y = 2) {
z = x + y
my_df_2 <- my_df %>%
mutate(new_col = map_dbl(.x = old_col, .f = my_function))
This works and most often I don't need to change the value of y, but if I had to pass a different value for y (say y = 3) through the mutate & map combination, what is the syntax for it?
Thank you very much in advance!
The other idea is to use the following syntax.
# The function
my_function <- function(x, y = 2) {
z = x + y
# Example data frame
my_df <- data_frame(old_col = 1:5)
# Apply the function
my_df_2 <- my_df %>%
mutate(new_col = map_dbl(old_col, ~my_function(.x, y = 3)))
# # A tibble: 5 x 2
# old_col new_col
# <int> <dbl>
# 1 1 4.
# 2 2 5.
# 3 3 6.
# 4 4 7.
# 5 5 8.
I think all you need to do is modify map_dbl like so:
df <- data.frame(a = c(2, 3, 4, 5.5))
my_function <- function(x, y = 2) {
z = x + y
df %>%
mutate(new_col = map_dbl(.x = a, y = 3, .f = my_function))
a new_col
1 2.0 5.0
2 3.0 6.0
3 4.0 7.0
4 5.5 8.5

paste grid -- expand.grid for string concatenation

If we want to get all combinations of two vectors, we can use rep/recycling rules:
x <- 1:4
y <- 1:2
cbind(rep(x, each = length(y)), rep(y, length(x)))
# [,1] [,2]
# [1,] 1 1
# [2,] 1 2
# [3,] 2 1
# [4,] 2 2
# [5,] 3 1
# [6,] 3 2
# [7,] 4 1
# [8,] 4 2
But expand.grid is much nicer -- it handles all the repetition for us.
expand.grid(x, y)
# Var1 Var2
# 1 1 1
# 2 2 1
# 3 3 1
# 4 4 1
# 5 1 2
# 6 2 2
# 7 3 2
# 8 4 2
Is there a simple version of this for concatenating strings? Like paste.grid? I have a named object where a lot of the objects have names like x_y_z where x, y, and z vary like x and y above.
For example, suppose x can be "avg" or "median", y can be "male" or "female", and z can be "height" or "weight". How can we concisely get all 8 combinations of the three?
Using rep is a pain:
x <- c("avg", "median")
y <- c("male", "female")
z <- c("height", "weight")
paste(rep(x, each = length(y) * length(z)),
rep(rep(y, each = length(z)), length(x)),
rep(z, length(x) * length(y)), sep = "_")
And repurposing expand.grid is a bit clunky (and probably inefficient):
apply(expand.grid(x, y, z), 1, paste, collapse = "_")
Am I missing something? Is there a better way to do this?
Yes, this is what interaction does
The implementation is pretty much the same as your rep code.
[1] "avg_female_height" "median_female_height" "avg_male_height" "median_male_height" "avg_female_weight"
[6] "median_female_weight" "avg_male_weight" "median_male_weight"
Using data.table's CJ cross-joining function:
CJ(x,y,z)[, paste(V1,V2,V3, sep = "_")]
#[1] "avg_female_height" "avg_female_weight" "avg_male_height" "avg_male_weight"
#[5] "median_female_height" "median_female_weight" "median_male_height" "median_male_weight"
Or a variation of your apply approach would be:, c(expand.grid(x, y, z), sep = "_"))
#[1] "avg_male_height" "median_male_height" "avg_female_height" "median_female_height"
#[5] "avg_male_weight" "median_male_weight" "avg_female_weight" "median_female_weight"
Rudimentary (microbenchmark::microbenchmark) benchmarking shows a pretty significant speed-up by using:
df <- data.frame(x, y, z)
df %>%
complete(x, y, z) %>%
unite("combo", x, y, z, sep = "_")
A bit slower, but perhaps more straight forward and vectorized variant the apply technique:
df <- expand.grid(x, y, z)
df$combo <- paste(df$Var1, df$Var1, df$Var3, sep = "_")
Someone should chime in with a data.table approach...
Benchmarking: Small Grid (256 elements)
x <- sample(letters, 4, TRUE)
y <- sample(letters, 4, TRUE)
z <- sample(letters, 4, TRUE)
a <- sample(letters, 4, TRUE)
microbenchmark(times = 25L,
DT1 = CJ(x, y, z, a)[ , paste(V1, V2, V3, V4, sep = "_")],
DT2 = CJ(x, y, z, a)[ ,, c(.SD, sep = "_"))],
app1 =, c(expand.grid(x, y, z, a), sep = "_")),
app2 = paste((df <- expand.grid(x, y, z, a))$Var1,
df$Var2, df$Var3, sep = "_"),
magg_outer = outer(x, y, paste, sep = "_") %>%
outer(z, paste, sep = "_") %>%
outer(a, paste, sep = "_") %>% as.vector,
magg_tidy = data.frame(x, y, z, a) %>%
complete(x, y, z, a) %>%
unite("combo", x, y, z, a, sep = "_"),
interaction = levels(interaction(x, y, z, a, sep = "_")),
original = apply(expand.grid(x, y, z, a), 1, paste, collapse = "_"),
rep = paste(rep(x, each = (ny <- length(y)) * (nz <- length(z)) *
(na <- length(a))),
rep(rep(y, each = nz * na), (nx <- length(x))),
rep(rep(z, each = na), nx * ny), sep = "_"),
Reduce = Reduce(function(x, y) paste(rep(x, each = length(y)),
rep(y, length(x)), sep = "_"),
list(x, y, z, a)))
# Unit: microseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
# DT1 529.578 576.6400 624.00002 589.8270 604.9845 5449.287 1000 d
# DT2 561.028 606.4220 639.94659 620.4335 636.2735 5484.514 1000 d
# app1 201.043 225.4475 240.36960 233.4795 243.7090 4244.687 1000 b
# app2 196.692 225.6130 244.33543 234.0455 243.7925 4110.605 1000 b
# magg_outer 164.352 194.1395 205.30300 204.4220 211.1990 456.122 1000 b
# magg_tidy 1872.228 2038.1560 2150.98234 2067.8770 2126.1025 21891.884 1000 f
# interaction 254.885 295.1935 313.54392 306.6680 316.8095 4196.465 1000 c
# original 852.018 935.4960 976.24388 954.5115 972.5550 4973.724 1000 e
# rep 50.737 54.1515 60.22671 55.3660 56.9220 3823.655 1000 a
# Reduce 58.395 65.3860 68.46049 66.8920 68.5640 158.184 1000 a
Benchmarking: Large Grid (1,000,000 elements)
x <- sprintf("%03d", sample(100))
y <- sprintf("%03d", sample(100))
z <- sprintf("%02d", sample(10))
a <- sprintf("%02d", sample(10))
microbenchmark(times = 25L,
DT1 = CJ(x, y, z, a)[ , paste(V1, V2, V3, V4, sep = "_")],
DT2 = CJ(x, y, z, a)[ ,, c(.SD, sep = "_"))],
app1 =, c(expand.grid(x, y, z, a), sep = "_")),
app2 = paste((df <- expand.grid(x, y, z, a))$Var1,
df$Var2, df$Var3, sep = "_"),
magg_outer = outer(x, y, paste, sep = "_") %>%
outer(z, paste, sep = "_") %>%
outer(a, paste, sep = "_") %>% as.vector,
magg_tidy = data.frame(x, y, z, a) %>%
complete(x, y, z, a) %>%
unite("combo", x, y, z, a, sep = "_"),
interaction = levels(interaction(x, y, z, a, sep = "_")),
original = apply(expand.grid(x, y, z, a), 1, paste, collapse = "_"),
rep = paste(rep(x, each = (ny <- length(y)) * (nz <- length(z)) *
(na <- length(a))),
rep(rep(y, each = nz * na), (nx <- length(x))),
rep(rep(z, each = na), nx * ny), sep = "_"),
Reduce = Reduce(function(x, y) paste(rep(x, each = length(y)),
rep(y, length(x)), sep = "_"),
list(x, y, z, a)))
# Unit: milliseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
# DT1 360.6528 467.8408 517.4579 520.1484 549.1756 861.1567 25 ab
# DT2 355.0438 504.9642 572.0732 551.9106 615.6621 927.3210 25 b
# app1 727.4513 766.3053 926.1888 910.3998 957.7610 1690.1540 25 c
# app2 472.5724 567.1121 633.5304 600.3779 634.3158 1135.7535 25 b
# magg_outer 384.0112 475.5070 600.6317 525.8936 676.7134 927.6736 25 b
# magg_tidy 520.6428 602.5028 695.5500 680.8821 748.8746 1180.1107 25 bc
# interaction 353.7317 481.4732 531.0035 518.7084 585.0872 693.5171 25 ab
# original 4965.1156 5358.8704 5914.3560 5780.6609 6074.7470 9024.6476 25 d
# rep 206.0964 236.5811 273.1093 252.8179 285.0910 455.1776 25 a
# Reduce 322.0695 390.2595 446.3948 424.9185 508.5235 621.1878 25 ab
What about using outer()? Your two examples become
x <- 1:4
y <- 1:2
as.vector(outer(x, y, paste, sep = "_"))
## [1] "1_1" "2_1" "3_1" "4_1" "1_2" "2_2" "3_2" "4_2"
x <- c("avg", "median")
y <- c("male", "female")
z <- c("height", "weight")
outer(x, y, paste, sep = "_") %>% outer(z, paste, sep = "_") %>% as.vector
## [1] "avg_male_height" "median_male_height" "avg_female_height" "median_female_height" "avg_male_weight"
## [6] "median_male_weight" "avg_female_weight" "median_female_weight"
The second example can be simplified a little with Reduce():
Reduce(function(a, b) outer(a, b, paste, sep = "_"), list(x, y, z)) %>% as.vector
It's not efficient, however. Using microbenchmark, I find that your solution using rep() is about 10 times faster.
