Rails turn off css for a single partial - css

I have a Rails 3.2 app. I use a partial _invoice_pdf.html.erb to display an invoice. The same partial is used to create an invoice pdf. I'm using wicked pdf and it does not include the CSS when creating the pdf. That's ok - it looks fine.
But, I would like to turn off the CSS when I display the partial on the screen.
Is there a command to not include the css on a particular view (partial)?
Thanks for the help!

You can do this with just HTML and CSS, but with the caveat that the CSS technique is not supported on IE and some mobile browsers. You could get full browser support by changing the CSS to override every individual property being applied to your invoice.
#your_invoice {
all: initial;
* {
all: unset;
<div id="your_invoice">
<%= render "_invoice_pdf.html.erb"%>

Generally css isn't included in partials, but in the layout or view file that includes the partial. in which case simply either don't include the css in the particular view if appropriate or conditionally exclude it in the layout. Something along the lines of:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'application' unless #flag_set_in_controller %>

You could utilize a custom layout and CSS file for this aspect of your application. However, that seems less than ideal or workable based on your comment to Camden's answer (the partial does not need the CSS but the 'outer' elements do).
Otherwise, I think you are looking at conditionally removing the CSS with JavaScript placed in an appropriate block in your partial.
You can remove an external CSS file altogether with a snippet of JS like this:
$('link').remove(); // would remove all <link> elements
$('link').not('.myCSSToKeep').remove(); // would remove all <link> elements except for one with class='myCSSToKeep'
Should that not be possible for your application, I believe you're down to manually changing styles via their class with jQuery or similar.
$('.myClass').css('color', #fff); // and so on
If the styles for the PDF could be collected/used from their own CSS file, the first approach should work fairly well ... assuming I'm understanding the requirements correctly :)!


MVC - CSS for a specific view

I have changed my css sheet for my entire site and it works great. The change has to do with the background color of rows in tables. Although it does what I want, there is one view that I would like to be exempt from this alteration. Is there a way to exclude this view from the change or create a new css sheet for this specific view?
Well, I would come up with a CSS styling strategy. The goal should be to minimize CSS and overrides. Also, having an extra CSS file for just one page will cause an extra HTTP round trip to get the resource. My recommendation is to stick extra CSS classes on this view. Then, override precisely the styles that you need in your global CSS styles.
I figured out the solution which ended up being much easier than I expected. Since I am very new to using CSS and HTML I was unaware of the style tag. However, that is what I was looking for. For anybody looking at this in the future, just use:
(CSS that you would like to override)

Is there anyway I can prefix over 1000 lines of CSS at once?

I have some h1, h2, h3 and a lot of bootstrap snippets that I want to apply only to a specific part of my site, I added a unique class, say .unique but it would take hours to prefix over 1000 of CSS lines
I use sublime text
Thanks in advance
You could use a CSS-preprocessor like LESS or SASS (there are more). Both can do what you want, by just doing this:
.unique {
// Old CSS goes here
The have many other advantages over normal CSS.
common I would like to give you some ideas, cause i think your question has something to do with control css overriding.
the Jost's LESS or SASS solution is very good actually to prefix cause can use nested css features, but it requires a compile process, their eventually compiled files are still css. cause the .less or .sass files can not be recognized for html to render styling.
Another thinking To avoid css conflicts and wrong overriding,
Instead of including global styling, see if you can embed them in part of the specific section/page where they can get higher priorities than the rest global styles.
even the same css, generally, !important > inline css > internal css > external css
or javascript can trigger css override after previous css finished rendering on the page.
Instead of using css priorities or script running priorities to override styles, making two external mobile.css, destop.css for example, then using javascript to reload page to include different stylesheet when device width are detected to have been changed in browser resizing behavior.(This is one pop way used in responsive view)
using IDE to locate css patterns and replace them with your prefix if it's simple to match all the patterns.

Transform CSS to style elements with Razor

In light of GMail's questionable support for CSS, I'd like to apply style elements to everything in the HTML email I'm assembling.
I'm currently using MVC3's Razor to construct the email, then sending off the generated HTML. Is there any way for me to write the template with a style sheet, then transform it such that each element gets a style attribute with the appropriate styles?
For instance, in a normal web page, I would have something like
a { color:#1c5567; }
Click here!
If a GMail user looks at this, they won't see it in that shade of teal. However, if I do
Click here!
they will. But that is a huge maintainability headache. Thus I want a process that can take HTML with the former style and output it in the latter.
. For this, I want to take that existing CSS style and transform it such that style="color:#1c5567;" gets added to every <a> on the page.
It might be the lamest way to do this but you could use a simple CSS parser like this one CSS Parser and add style attribute as required.
Since you're overriding the style in gmail from an external stylesheet, you need to use !important to override the style.
a {
color:#1c5567 !important;

CSS - Is it possible for html in an include to ignore styles from a file referenced in the main page?

I've developed a dynamic ad banner that consits of html and styles loaded into the host site via javascript. On one particular site, certain styles in the stylesheet for the main page are affecting the html that I'm dynamically loading.
Is there a technique for having the dynamically loaded html only render styles from the css I have loaded along with the html, and ignoring any styles in the host page?
Any advice appreciated.
Put your banner into an iframe.
Add !important to your CSS like
p { color: #ff0000 !important; }
Yeah there is a real easy way. Why dont you have your classes separated form the main page HTML. Give them a unique identification if you want there to be no conflict.
Your main page has a css class .input
Give your dynamically loading page as .Dybamically_input this will server something as a namespace.Also you can use !important to the properties which you definitely want to added.
There is an evolving standard to introduce scope blocks to CSS but that isn't yet supported enough to be of any use. You can use the !important directive, but that is likely also to affect the underlying document if you don't apply it carefully.
The best solution is to create a scope by including all the the HTML in your add banner inside a div with a uniquely named class (and use your own namespace eg. 'cog_myAd' to try to guarantee uniqueness. Then apply styles just to that class, using !important where you might need to override styles that could be changed lower down the cascade of styles.
If you have attached your CSS file to the HTML page then the only solution to it would be using !important for all conflicting CSS properties -
color: red !important;
Use inline styles (the style attribute on all your banner elements you want to style) instead of external css file - this way you will never have a conflict.
The other option as others suggested is to use IFrame.

How do I include static html in an asp.net mvc app that doesn't use the system css, but it's own styling?

I am using ASP.NET MVC 2 & C#.
I want to include/embed an html page (raw text & styling; no forms) in one of my views as is without my own css styling (read: The site.css styles for the ASP.NET MVC 2 application itself) affecting it. I can access the page statically and open it in a new window and it retains it's styling; however, if I do:
<asp:Content ID="loginContent" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<!--#include virtual="~\Static\Instructions.htm" -->
The styling from the html & the site.css in the web application seem to get merged.
I've added the following ignore route entries as well:
I also tried making a partial view control with the raw html in it and rendering that here. That gives the exact same results as this.
When you include a file with the code above, it's like appending the entire data into the original file, as if there was no include at all. Doing it this way, you will inherit all relative JavaScript and CSS that is on the parent file.
The only way you can solve this is by creating a wrapper around your main content and setting all the CSS elements to affect that wrapper only. Aside from that, the only other option is setting a CSS style for your appended file with specific IDs or clean up your current CSS to be more specific.
One final method, if you have CSS affecting the included file (I assume from your OP, you have CSS styling inside the file itself), you can set !important to them so that they overwrite any other CSS classes affecting them.
You could add a wrapper <div id="embed"> around your embedded content and then use #embed in your site.css to override the styles you don't want applied.
p {
color: red;
#embed p {
color: blue;
I can only suggest to do so as Pat and lighthazard said.
There's no routing problem.
Try to change your perspective to the rendered html code.
If you have a page, and there's an area, that should be in other (none) styles. then you must mark this area either by a css class, if there are many areas, or if this is the only one per page an css id.
By the way, not to style ist not possible in html. At least the browser stylesheets will define the output.
Here's en interesting Question, i hope this will help.
CSS Reset, default styles for common elements
