How to call several controls when creating tabs dinamically - javafx

I am creating tabs dinamically and i am using the same fxml file for all of them. So, all type of controls that I've included has de same "fx:id". I use this: "#FXML TextField textField". How could I use the TextField of the second tab, the TextField of the first tab, etc?
public class MascotaTabControllerImpl implements MascotaTabController
private AnchorPane anchorPane;
private Tab tab;
private Mascota mascota;
private ComboBox<String> comboMascota;
private ComboBox<String> comboTamano;
private TextField fieldNombreMascota;
private RadioButton radioAlergiaSi;
private RadioButton radioAlergiaNo;
private TextField fieldRaza;
private TextField fieldPeso;
private ComboBox<String> comboSexo;
private ComboBox<String> comboAgresividad;
private TextArea areaObservaciones;
private Button buttonEditar;
private Button buttonCancelar;
public void inicializacionFxmlFile(TabPane tabPane, Collection<Mascota> mascotas)
for(Mascota mascota : mascotas)
anchorPane = new AnchorPane();
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("/view/mascotaTab.fxml"));
tab = new Tab();
tabSelected(tabPane, mascotas);
buttonEditar.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>()
public void handle(ActionEvent event)
buttonCancelar.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>()
public void handle(ActionEvent event)
catch(IOException ioe)
Edit: imagine "for" statement runs twice. How could call controls (TextFields, ComboBoxes, etc.) of the first tab?
For example, when "for" statement runs the first time "fieldNombreMascota" reference is "id=110" but when "for" statement runs the second time, the same TextField reference is "id=113". So how can I call them with annotation #FXML?

Because you call
inside your loop, every time you call loader.load() you will reuse the same object as the controller for the FXML you are loading. This means each time you go through that for loop, the #FXML-injected fields will get redefined. So by doing this, you essentially make it impossible to access any FXML fields except the ones from the last iteration of the loop.
You must not call loader.setController(this). The "standard" way to combine FXML files and controllers is to use an fx:controller attribute in the root element of the FXML file, specifying a class name. This will cause the FXMLLoader to create a new instance of that class every time you call loader.load(). If there is some other problem you are trying to solve by attempting the non-standard way you are doing things, then the solution you are attempting is not the right approach.
If you organize your code well, the FXML creates a controller instance, and there should be no need whatsoever to access that controller externally. You may need some of your controllers to access a shared data model of some kind, but this is certainly not the right approach to achieve that.


How to control visiblity of (fx:)included from controller

I have 3 fxml files:
and controller for each.
I need to controll BorderPane center of Main.fxmlfrom both remaining, so I fx:include'd them, gave them fx:id and also set included element Manager.fxml visible = false (only menu button set Manager to center of BorderPane ) but now I'am lost and dont understand how to set included fxml visible when button in Menu.fxmlis pressed. Easy when its about simple element but dont work same with included fxml file.
At the beginning I had only menu inlcuded in Main.fxml and method setCenter in its controller that i used to switch center element using but then i couldn't find way to set main center using manager (so manager could be swithched with other one) becouse FXMLloader only loaded Main and Menu so couldnt set proper MainController instance in ManagerController.
My code before change:
public class MainAdminController {
private AdminMenuController adminMenuController;
private BorderPane adminBorderPane;
public void initialize(){
public void setView(String fxmlPatch){
public class AdminMenuController {
public static final String MANAGE_ACCOUNTS = "/fxml/admin/ManageAccounts.fxml";
public static final String MANAGE_ADMINS = "/fxml/admin/ManageAdmins.fxml";
public static final String CHANGE_PASSWORD = "/fxml/ChangePassword.fxml";
private MainAdminController mainAdminController;
public void setMainController(MainAdminController mainAdminController) {
this.mainAdminController = mainAdminController;
private ToggleGroup adminButtons;
public void viewManageAccounts() {
public void viewManageAdmins() {
public void viewChangePassword() {

How to change a part of view in JavaFx

I've got a view (SplitPane horizontaly seperated). So lets name these two parts lowerAnchorPane and upperAnchorPane. In upperUnchorPane I've got a button. I want the application after pressing that button to switch lowerAnchorPane with another AnchorPane created in FXML file. I want to achive this in function showPatients() but it seems not working, can you suggest me any solutions? I don't know any other way to load fxml file
public class MainController {
private Patient model;
private Button newPatientButton;
private Button newVisitButton;
private Button showVisitsButton;
private Button showPatientsButton;
private AnchorPane lowerAnchorPane;
public void initData(Patient model)
this.model = model;
void showPatients(ActionEvent event) throws IOException { // when button pressed
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("/fxml/ListOfPatients.fxml"));
lowerAnchorPane = loader.load();
You can inject the SplitPane and replace the existing lower anchor pane with the one you load:
private SplitPane splitPane ; // with the corresponding fx:id in the fxml file
void showPatients(ActionEvent event) throws IOException { // when button pressed
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader(getClass().getResource("/fxml/ListOfPatients.fxml"));
lowerAnchorPane = loader.load();
// assuming the existing pane is the second one in the split pane:
splitPane.getItems().set(1, lowerAnchorPane);

How do I Dynamically Modifying the Display of Contols inside a GridPane (or other container) in Java FX?

Im looking at this problem from in a new way:
I have a simple FXML app that has a mainapp, a controller and a view. The view displays a gridpane consisting of three rows where each row contains a single label element. So the gridpane looks like this to the user:
row 1
row 2
row 3
There is also a button called Delete Selected Row that is clicked after the user selects a row. When the button is clicked, the element is temporarily removed, or hidden, from the gridpane. So if row 2 is selected and the button is clicked the user will see
row 1
row 3
The above view is created with Scene Builder that creates an XML file called AppOverview.fxml.
There is a MainApp that paints the scene that has the following code:
public class MainApp extends Application {
private Stage primaryStage;
private BorderPane rootLayout;
public MainApp() {}
public void start(Stage primaryStage)
this.primaryStage = primaryStage;
// Initializes the root layout.
public void initRootLayout() {
try {
// Load root layout from fxml file.
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
rootLayout = (BorderPane) loader.load();
// Show the scene containing the root layout.
Scene scene = new Scene(rootLayout);
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Error in MainApp:initRootLayout()");
// Shows the app overview inside the root layout.
public void showAppOverview() {
try {
// Load overview.
FXMLLoader loader = new FXMLLoader();
AnchorPane appOverview = (AnchorPane) loader.load();
// Set overview into the center of root layout.
// Give the controller access to the main app.
AppController controller = loader.getController();
} catch (IOException e) {
// Returns the main stage.
public Stage getPrimaryStage(){
return primaryStage;
public static void main(String[] args) {
The controller in my app.view package contains listeners on the handleDeleteBtn button (and a couple other buttons) and handleSelectedGridPaneRow() to manage row selection in the gridpane:
public class AppController {
//Reference to MainApp
private MainApp mainApp;
private void handleRestoreBtn(){
System.out.println("You are restoring the hidden row");
private void handleDeleteBtn(){
System.out.println("You are hiding the selected row");
private void handleExitBtn(){
private void handleSelectedGridPaneRow(){
System.out.println("You have selected a row to hide");
public AppController(){}
// Initialize the <code>AppController</code> instance.
private void initialize(){}
public void setMainApp(MainApp mainApp)
this.mainApp = mainApp;
My specific questions are:
1) Is this kind of spec achievable, ie, being able to dynamically manage a gridpane as described?
2) If yes, where and how would I access the gridpane? Presumably somewhere in the method 'handleDeleteBtn()' in AppController. What do I need to do to reference the gridpane in the Controller and then execute statements such as gridPane.getChildren().remove(0,2);?
I think the fact I got know answers to my post indicated that my approach was all wrong. Anyway the solution I have found works very well. Instead of trying to remove and restore rows in the gridpane, I just left the gridpane alone with the original 1 column and 3 row and instead changed the content of each cell according to the button being pressed. So I changed the names of the button handlers to something more reflective to what I was attempting, and added an extra to display another combination of rows:
private void showRow1and2Btn(){
private void showRow2and3Btn(){
private void showAll(){
Then I declared three labels to show the contents of the rows I want:
private Label label_0;
private Label label_1;
private Label label_2;
These labels are bound to three labels that I built in Scene Builder and which occupy the three rows in the gridpane.
I added this method to get the three gridpane rows populated according to my spec:
private void setgridPaneRows(Label label, String str)
Then its just a case of getting something into the button handlers so the desired effect is achieved, for example:
private void showRow1and2Btn()
setgridPaneRows(label_0,"Label 0");
setgridPaneRows(label_1,"Label 1");
private void showRow2and3Btn(){
setgridPaneRows(label_0,"Label 1");
setgridPaneRows(label_1,"Label 2");
private void ShowAllBtn(){
setgridPaneRows(label_0,"Label 0");
setgridPaneRows(label_1,"Label 1");
setgridPaneRows(label_2,"Label 2");
In another application I have successfully extended this approach to adding a second column to the gridpane and populating these elements with different controls, so for example, I can make gridpane 1,0 contain a combo box for one input requirement and then contain a textfield for another kind of input requirement.

How to Change label text from loaded fxml

public class ProjectxController implements Initializable {
private AnchorPane LandingPane;
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
private void onLoad(ActionEvent event) throws IOException{
pane = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("connectedPage.fxml"));
Note: Having two fxml files Frontpage.fxml and ConnectedPage.fxml with one controller projectxController i.e coded above
Frontpage.fxml has one button that will load connectedPage.fxml.
Connectedpage.fxml has one label
Now I want to set the Label text after connectedpage.fxml is loaded
public class ProjectX extends Application {
public void start(Stage stage) throws Exception {
Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("FrontPage.fxml"));
Scene scene = new Scene(root);
When you create you fxml document you have to give a unique id for you Label:
The same you have done for the AnchorPane.
private Label myLabel;
Then inside the initialize method of your fxml controller class you can modify it as you want.
If you problem is how to access the Label from another controller you can use a get method or pass an instance of the controller you need . All that after the fxml has successfully loaded .
I recommend also that you use different controllers for different fxml files , cause it is more clear .
Have a search on fxml loading techniques and how to connect different controllers over the web and you will find what you need .

How to add a actionListener to a label in JavaFx

i'm trying to add an ActionListener to a label whitch pop out whenever user types wrong password or login.
Here is my Login Controller
public class LoginController implements Initializable {
private Label label;
private TextField LoginField;
private PasswordField PasswdField;
private Button LogInButton;
private Label IncorrectDataLabel;
//private String uri = "";
private void LogIn(ActionEvent event) throws IOException {
Parent parent = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("/fxmlFiles/MainScreen.fxml"));
Scene MainScene = new Scene(parent);
Stage stage = (Stage) ((Node) event.getSource()).getScene().getWindow();
// <------------------- Here I want to bind hyperlink to a label with would open the google site, whenever user clicks it.
public void initialize(URL url, ResourceBundle rb) {
How am i able to fix that issue? I've tried many times (setOnAction, addMouseListener) but nothing worked :(.
If You dont mind i would also ask about the public void initialize function. What is it for? It pop out automatically when i created the class.
Thanks in advance
Labels do not fire action events. You could use a listener for mouse clicked events, e.g:
private void gotoGoogle() {
// open url etc
and in the FXML file
<Label fx:id="IncorrectDataLabel" onMouseClicked="#gotoGoogle" ... />
However, it probably makes more sense to use a Hyperlink for this, which would give the user better visual feedback that it was something on which they were expected to click. Just replace the label with
<Hyperlink fx:id="IncorrectDataLabel" onAction="#gotoGoogle" text="..." ... />
and update the type in the controller accordingly:
private Hyperlink IncorrectDataLabel ;
You need the appropriate import for javafx.control.Hyperlink in both the FXML file and in the controller.
Off-topic note: use proper Java naming conventions for your variable and method names.
