How to get sbt to pick up tests written in groovy? - sbt

I've found the sbt-groovy plugin and it properly compiles both the test and the main sources just fine. However, the definedTests key is always empty; SBT never discovers any groovy tests. I've verified this with a very simple single src/test/groovy/Test.groovy with a single method annotated #Test which should be picked up by the junit-interface.
I think the root of the issue is that the sbt-groovy plugin needs to define the task "definedTests" in its own plugin source code. This task provides a Seq[TestDefinition].
Looking at how SBT itself populates the sequence reveals it uses additional output from the scala compiler (which also happens to compile java files, so it works out of the box for java) in an Analysis class which is populated by output from the IncrementalCompiler
I've fiddled around with the taskdef, but I'm not sure I'm even on the right path. Documentation on this stuff is pretty sparse, or heavily connected to the IncrementalCompiler.
What code do I need in sbt-groovy to produce a Seq[TestDefinition] that satisfies SBT so that I can run tests (picked up by the junit-interface) that are written in Groovy?

The test detection code is in, which you might be interested in.
It seems like all you need is the list of methods with annotations and list of subclasses.
If you have some way of finding them out, you probably could mimic what's going on in the code.
The discovery code, as you mentioned, relies on the the Analysis datatype, which is the inner gut of
the incremental compiler. You might be able to take advantage of the fact that it is
sbt (not Scala or Java compiler) that is responsible for incremental compilation.
For Java compilation, AnalyzingJavaCompiler.compile calls the compiler and then does the analysis.
In theory, you could define an AnalyzingGroovyCompiler that uses the same mechanism
as the one used for the Java compilation. This is not exactly a walk in the park since
some of the parts are hidden behind private[sbt].
Long story short, I put together a hacky proof-of-concept that wrangles the incremental compiler into generating Analysis for Groovy code, and was able to detect a test.
I've only tested with one simple use case
import org.junit.Test
import org.junit.Assert
class Foo {
public void foo() {
Assert.assertEquals(1, 2)
Running test from sbt yeilds the following output:
> test
[info] Start Compiling Test Groovy sources : /Users/xxx/sbt-2167-groovy/src/test/groovy
[error] Test failed: expected:<1> but was:<2>, took 0.062 sec
[error] Failed: Total 1, Failed 1, Errors 0, Passed 0
[error] Failed tests:
[error] Foo
[error] (test:test) sbt.TestsFailedException: Tests unsuccessful
[error] Total time: 1 s, completed Aug 23, 2015 5:05:01 AM
It might not work with future versions of sbt. Caveat emptor.


Load functions from file into REPL - Continuable Error

Up to now in my Lisp adventures I've just been pasting functions as written in a code editor into the REPL to run them, but I now have a program of sufficient size to build on that it will be convenient to use (load "filename.lisp") for the first time in my workflow.
Must I start using packages and/or namespacing to achieve this?
I find that when I use load, as above, I get
** - Continuable Error
If you continue (by typing 'continue'): Ignore the lock and proceed
The following restarts are also available:
SKIP :R1 skip (DEFMACRO CLASS # ...)
RETRY :R2 retry (DEFMACRO CLASS # ...)
STOP :R3 stop loading file /Users/m/cl/ansi-cl/ch17-objects/177d-new-full.lisp
ABORT :R4 Abort main loop
My .lisp file contains a macro called class, so I understand the error, sort of.
The thing is, when I paste the contents of the file directly into the REPL, I get no such error.
What's causing the difference in behaviour?
Is it packages, namespaces or something else?
I can indeed just type continue, and the file will load, but I'd like to understand what is happening here; what's the cause of this "Continuable error", and how should I deal with it if at all?
Package locking in CLISP is explained in the manual.
Symbol class is an ANSI CL symbol, so it cannot name any user-defined entity, and thus your program is not conforming, as explained in Constraints on the COMMON-LISP Package for Conforming Programs.
You should rename your macro.
The lack of the error in the REPL is a bug in homebrew clisp.
CLISP as distributed with ubuntu works correctly.
When I build CLISP from sources on Mac, it works correctly too.

Pintos - UserProg all tests fail is_kernel_vaddr()

I am doing the Pintos project on the side to learn more about operating systems. I had tons of devops trouble at first with it not running well on an 18.04 Ubuntu droplet. I am now running it on the VirtualBox image that UCCS tells students to download for pintos.
I finished project 1 and started to map out my solution to project 2. Following the instructions to create a file I ran
pintos-mkdisk filesys.dsk --filesys-size=2
pintos -- -f -q
but am getting error
Kernel PANIC at ../../threads/vaddr.h:87 in vtop(): assertion
`is_kernel_vaddr (vaddr)' failed.
I then tried running make check (all the tests). They are all failing for the same reason.
Am I missing something? Is there something I need to implement to fix this? I reread the instructions and didnt see anything?
Would appreciate help!
I had a similar problem. My code for Project 1 ran fine, but I could not format the filesystem for Project 2.
The failure for me came from the following call chain:
thread_init() -> ... -> thread_schedule_tail() -> process_activate() -> pagedir_activate() -> vtop()
The problem is that init_page_dir is still NULL when pagedir_activate() is called. init_page_dir should have been initialized in paging_init() but this is called after thread_init().
The root cause was that my scheduler was being called too early, i.e. before the call to thread_start(). The reason for my problem was that I had built in a call to thread_yield() upon completion of every call to lock_release() which makes sense from a priority donation standpoint. Unfortunately, locks are used prior to the scheduler being ready! To fix this, I installed a flag called threading_started that bails in the first line of my thread_block() and thread_yield() functions if thread_start() has not yet been called.
Good luck!

sbt stops at first failed test (quick fail mode?)

Is it possible to make sbt stop at the first failed test?
For example, during a refactoring, I'd use that feature like this:
and I'd fix test after test.

AssertionError while using Scala 2.10-M3 reflection

I am trying to invoke the method typeOfInstance() in the following (simplest) code:
import scala.reflect.mirror._
class Bar
object Main extends App {
val bar = new Bar()
but I am receiving an AssertionError while executing it:
java.lang.AssertionError: assertion failed: no symbol could be loaded from package annotation (scala equivalent is class com.hablapps.annotation.Bar) by name Bar
The above code runs fine in the REPL (with :power mode). The problem arises while running from SBT (with Scala 2.10-M3 set). Does anybody know what could be happening?
This is a known issue with M3.
In that preview version of Scala, reflection only works with straightforward classloading schemes (e.g. when you run your application using good old java -cp <classpath> <name of the main class>). SBT is a bit more involved, and things blow up.
We've fixed this in 2.10.0-M4.

Compc (Actionscript Library Compiler) Doesn't Fail Unless I Delete the File First?

Here's the scenario: I run compc on a source directory to recompile an already existing library after some changes, which completes successfully. Then I remove the library (the .swc file) and re-compile, which causes many errors to be thrown.
Nothing changed in the interim - clearly this should have either succeeded both times or failed both times.
libs/pv3ddebug $ compc -library-path+=.. -source-path=./src -compiler.optimize -include-sources+=./src -output ../pv3ddebug.swc
Loading configuration file /Users/bill/flex_sdk_3/frameworks/flex-config.xml
/Users/bill/lg/vision/libs/pv3ddebug.swc (152944 bytes)
/libs/pv3ddebug $ rm ../pv3ddebug.swc
/libs/pv3ddebug $ compc -library-path+=.. -source-path=./src -compiler.optimize -include-sources+=./src -output ../pv3ddebug.swc
Loading configuration file /Users/bill/flex_sdk_3/frameworks/flex-config.xml
/Users/bill/lg/vision/libs/pv3ddebug/src/com/phenomblue/pv3ddebug/ col: 34 Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: AdvancedView.
public function PV3DDebug(view:AdvancedView)
... more errors follow
I think I've found out why the errors are happening, and can correct them, but I'm disturbed that the first compile didn't fail.
I have a theory:
Library A, which pv3ddebug depends on, was correct
pv3ddebug was compiled successfully (and it correctly)
Library A was brought into a state that would fail to compile with pv3ddebug
pv3ddebug was compiled successfully, incorrectly, because compc didn't notice that A was updated to a failing state
deleting pv3ddebug and then recompiling caused compc to try and compile with the new A, and so the compilation failed.
My questions to you: is step 4 a bug? Is this caching behavior I should have expected, or can change with a compiler switch? Is there something going on that my theory doesn't explain?
You could try -incremental=false. This is supposed to be the default for the command line compiler, but what you're describing sounds like it's enabled.
