atom started as root but can't access some folders in project - atom-editor

I am using the Atom text editor and I have this problem that even when I start it as root:
sudo atom
there are still files in the project I can't access.
To be more accurate, the problem is that I am trying to look for some strings in the project with the Ctrl+Shift+f combination and I get no results even when the string I am looking for is copied from one of the files in the project.
I will add that all these folders I don't have access to during my search, are colored in a different color (Dark grey in my case but that's obviously per theme).
Any help please?

Have you tried changing the setting for Settings > Core Settings > Exclude VCS Ignored Paths? This is checked by default, and the fuzzy finder will not show files that are ignored. From your description, it sounds like these files are ignored (and thus shown in a different colour).
More info here:
Here's a screenshot showing the box to uncheck:


Eclipse WikiText: How to set css for preview?

Using Eclipse 2020-09 (i.e. v. 4.17) IDE for Java (on Linux, openSUSE Tumbleweed), with version 3.0.38 of Mylyn WikiText plugin installed, I had the following difficulty: Although pretty much all editor/ui fonts were fine, the HTML preview of WikiText files (in particular!) displayed in unreadably small fonts (my display has a very small pixel pitch). So I wanted to find a way to set the CSS of such preview pages. The Mylyn WikiText docs (at, under the heading "Rendering Appearance") says that there should be a Preferences screen General > Editors > Text Editor > WikiText > Appearance that allows one to set this CSS. However, no such screen shows up in my installation.
The only method I was able to find for fixing this was to use an application (such as Engrampa) which is able to edit the contents of .jar files, and in my eclipse installation directory, use it on plugins/org.eclipse.mylyn.wikitext.ui_3.0.[SPECIFIC_VERSION_HERE].jar to edit the internal component org/eclipse/mylyn/internal/wikitext/ui/viewer/default.css -- I could change any css there, and upon restarting Eclipse, the changes would take effect.
However, clearly any changes I make this way will be blown away upon the next update of Eclipse or of Mylyn Wikitext. Does anyone know of a better way to set the size of the preview text? Was that Appearance pane mentioned in the docs removed? If so, what replaced it? If not, any ideas why I might not be seeing it? find in project not working

I am trying to use the "find in project" feature of Atom editor.
I am coming from sublime and assumed that opening a folder is the equivalent of opening a project. Is this assumption correct?
If so, then I have a project open. I then search from a string using "Find in project". I am certain the string exists, and the file type is not ignored, yet it still returns no result.
I ran into this issue, and it only affected one project - a project in a git repo.
I checked the settings of the search field.. they were fine.
My issue was, as #fab313 mentioned above, as the setting in Core > Exclude VCS ignored paths.
Once I unchecked that box (Atom menu, Preferences, Core).. all project searches worked fine!
I had this same problem and I found that I accidentally clicked some of the settings boxes in the bottom right.
You just want to make sure you know which boxes are checked.
If I check one of those boxes (making them blue) then my CTRL/Command + F will only find a single result.
The settings will look like this and cause the problems for me:

ASPdotnetstorefront menu won't update with changes made in menudata.xml

I am setting up an ASP.netstorefront site and when I edit the menudata.xml, no changes appear. No matter what I do I can not get it to update the menu on the website. Any ideas?
what version are you using?
With ASPDSNF you can find that there are duplicate xml packages. There is a xmlpackages folder within the root /web folder but you may find that copying your xml packages to the relevant App_Templates/Skin1/XmlPackages folder may work
If you are on Multistore then each store would have Skin1, Skin2 etc..
I figured out the problem. In this build, the menu is pulled from topnav.xml.config, not the typical menudata.xml that the manual says the menu comes form.

Folder Does Not Support Ordering

I see a message This type of folder does not support ordering when viewing the News or Events folder. My understanding is that items contained in such folder, their position order can not be set arbitrarily. Only alphabetical order for their IDs is applied.
From ZMI, I see News and Events folders are of ATFolder type, everything seems the same with the regular folder I just create. What makes such difference? And what is the rationale behind this?
Edit: My bad that Info message in the above image is enabled by wildcard.foldercontents, which I thought due to Plone 4.3.2. However, the issue remains that position order can not be set arbitrarily. The following image attached to illustrate this.
PS: I ever delete the News folder, create a regular folder named news, this way I can set item position order arbitrarily. However, I find the Calendar Portlet within that folder is not working right. The issue happens when I click to switch months. The URL link will be out of its context, I mean, not staying in the news folder. Maybe this is not related to the folder ordering behavior, anyway, just for your reference.
For some reason Plone is shipping with the news and events folders being unorderable.
>>> news =
>>> news.getOrdering()
<plone.folder.unordered.UnorderedOrdering object at 0x112e434d0>
I consider this a bug in plone's initial site installation.
Plone core actually explicitly sets the folder to unordered:
I don't understand why. I'll change it if there aren't any objections...

How to change the location of a grouped (localization) file from an absolute to a relative path in XCode 4?

I'm having problems with making all file location paths relative in XCode 4.
I have multiple infoPlist.strings and CustomLocalizable.strings (for different languages) grouped together (XCode does this automatically). When looking at the File Inspector (View >> Utilities >> Show File Inspector) for these files (except for the English which is the default language) the Location is 'Absolute Path'.
The problem is that the Location dropdown menu for these files in the File Inspector is grayed out, it's disabled. This keeps me from changing the file location from an absolute path to a relative path description.
What do I need to do to make all path locations of the files in the group relative?
I have already tried to change the path location of the file group to, for instance, 'relative to group' or 'relative to project'. For the group I also set the relative path clicking the small icon blow the location dropdown in the file inspector.
I've been searching to find a solution for a while now and appreciate if anyone could help me answer the above question.
Thank you!
Based on your responses, my own answer in the comments seems to work. So here it is as an official answer:
Choose one of the localized files in the group (e.g. infoPlist.strings, CustomLocalizable.strings): Click on the file in the project tree
In the File Inspector, in the localization pane, remove all languages for which the files have an absolute path, using the '-' button.
Add the languages again, using '+' >> 'Add all' or the specific language. The grouped and localized files will show up again in the tree. In the file inspector you will see that the location changed to 'Relative to group'
Thanks, the answer provided as a comment in the question worked for me in Xcode 4.2. This is definitely a bug on Apple's part, to set all localization file entries as absolute paths.
Another option... search your project.pbxproj for your strings file and look out for absolute paths. You might be able to just edit the entries in a text editor to look like this:
9E0D4EC0148727D300456F82 /* fr */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = fr; path = fr.lproj/Localizable.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
If someone has tons of files and the UI method of doing this would be too slow, try it!
You can change a file's path without removing it and re-adding it:
In the Project Navigator, locate the missing files (colored red for not being found) and highlight one of them.
Show the File Inspector
Under Location change Absolute Path to Relative to group or Relative to project,
Then next to the path, there's a little white icon, click it and choose the file's location.
