Custom listModel does not notify the view - qt

I have my custom list model where I put data which should be displayed on the QML view. But for some kind of reason the view in QML sometimes is updated normally, sometimes with previous data and sometimes updating is not performed.
Here is the function where I fill the model - this function is called from some other thread.
void MyScreen::fillListModel()
const QString SEPARATOR = " ";
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ROWS; ++i)
QString key = QString::fromUtf16(MyData::getParameterKey(i).c_str());
QString val = QString::fromUtf16(MyData::getParameterVal(i).c_str());
myListModel->addItem(key + SEPARATOR + val);
Implementation of model reset:
void BrowsingModelBase::resetModel()
Implementation of addItem():
void BrowsingModelBase::addItem(const BrowsingItemModelBase &item)
int count = m_items.size();
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), count, count);
Finally my QML file:
MyScreen {
Column {
id: myFlowList
y: 110
x: 220
ListView {
spacing: 35;
model: myListModelRoot.myListModel
delegate: Text {
text: text1
The strange thing is that after loop with line
myListModel->addItem(key + SEPARATOR + val);
when I print logs with data from myListModel it is filled with proper data, but the view is usually updated with previous data. Is it possible that data change signal is stuck somewhere? Any idea what is the solution?

Assuming that you call your model's methods from another thread, with the model being fundamentally not thread-safe, you have two options:
Make certain methods of your model thread-safe, or
Explicitly invoke the methods in a thread-safe fashion.
But first, you'd gain a bit of performance by adding all the items at once, as a unit. That way, the model will emit only one signal for all of the rows, instead of one signal per row. The views will appreciate it very much.
class BrowsingModelBase {
void BrowsingModelBase::addItems(const QList<BrowsingItemModelBase> & items)
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), m_items.size(), m_items.size() + items.size() - 1);
You should probably also have a method called clear instead of resetModel, since to reset a model has a much more general meaning: "change it so much that it's not worth emitting individual change signals". To reset a model does not mean "clear it"! Thus:
void BrowsingModelBase::clear()
Finally, following the 2nd approach of safely invoking the model's methods, fillListModel becomes as follows. See this answer for discussion of postTo.
template <typename F>
void postTo(QObject * obj, F && fun) {
if (obj->thread() != QThread::currentThread()) {
QObject signalSource;
QObject::connect(&signalSource, &QObject::destroyed, obj, std::forward<F>(fun));
} else
void MyScreen::fillListModel()
auto separator = QStringLiteral(" ");
QList<BrowserItemModelBase> items;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ROWS; ++i) {
auto key = QString::fromUtf16(MyData::getParameterKey(i).c_str());
auto val = QString::fromUtf16(MyData::getParameterVal(i).c_str());
items << BrowserItemModelBase(key + separator + val);
postTo(myListModel, [this, items]{
Alternatively, following the first approach, you can make the clear and addItems methods thread-safe:
/// This method is thread-safe.
void BrowsingModelBase::addItems(const QList<BrowsingItemModelBase> & items)
postTo(this, [this, items]{
beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), m_items.size(), m_items.size() + items.size() - 1);
/// This method is thread-safe.
void BrowsingModelBase::clear()
postTo(this, [this]{
You then need no changes to fillListModel, except to make it use addItems:
void MyScreen::fillListModel()
auto separator = QStringLiteral(" ");
QList<BrowserItemModelBase> items;
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ROWS; ++i) {
auto key = QString::fromUtf16(MyData::getParameterKey(i).c_str());
auto val = QString::fromUtf16(MyData::getParameterVal(i).c_str());
items << BrowserItemModelBase(key + separator + val);

The problem is most likely the fact that you are calling the fillListModel() method not from the main GUI thread. You can update the model from other threads but the beginResetModel();, endResetModel();, beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), count, count);... methods have to be called in the main GUI thread.
One way to call these method in GUI thread (maybe not the most efficient) is to :
Create signals for each method you want to call:
//these signals are emitted from worker thread
void requestBeginResetModel();
void requestEndResetModel();
Create slots that will actually call the methods:
private slots:
//these slots execute the model reset operations in main thread
void callBeginResetModel();
void callEndResetModel();
Connect the signals and the slots:
//connect the appropriate signals
connect(this, SIGNAL(requestBeginResetModel()),
this, SLOT(callBeginResetModel()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(requestEndResetModel()),
this, SLOT(callEndResetModel()));
Your reset model will then be:
void BrowsingModelBase::resetModel()
emit requestBeginResetModel();
emit requestEndResetModel();
Finally the slots are implemented as:
void ObjectModel::callBeginResetModel()
void ObjectModel::callEndResetModel()
Note that you will have to do the same for row insert methods as well. Or alternatively you could fill you model in the resetModel() method in between emitted signals.


QT-How to utilize QWidget with QThread?

I'm making some GUI through QT.
I almost complete my work but I have a hard time dealing with Qthread.
My goal is to measure the position of the motor (it moves) and display it on the Qtextbrowser while working another function in the main thread. When I wrote codes like below, people said I can't use QTextBrowser(Qwidget) directly in the thread, so I'm searching how to return location value to the main thread. Can you do me a favor?
MDCE is a class in another header and the codes I attach are some parts of my first code.
void MotorPort::StartThread(MDCE* com, QTextBrowser* browser)
thread1 = QThread::create(std::bind(&MotorPort::MeasureLocation,this,com,browser));
thread1 -> start();
void MotorPort::MeasureLocation(MDCE* com, QTextBrowser* browser)
double location;
location = CurrentLocation(com); \\return current position value
if (QThread::currentThread()->isInterruptionRequested()) return ;
void MotorPort::stopMeasure()
if (!thread1->wait(3000))
thread1 = nullptr;
You should use the Qt signal/slot mechanism for iter-thread notification such as this. Firstly change your MotorPort class definition to declare a signal location_changed...
class MotorPort: public QObject {
void location_changed(QString location);
Now, rather than MotorPort::MeasureLocation invoking QTextBrowser::setText directly it should emit the location_changed signal...
void MotorPort::MeasureLocation (MDCE *com, QTextBrowser *browser)
while (true) {
double location = CurrentLocation(com);
* Emit signal to notify of location update.
emit location_changed(QString::number(location));
if (QThread::currentThread()->isInterruptionRequested())
return ;
Finally, update MotorPort::StartThread to connect the signal to the browser's setText slot...
void MotorPort::StartThread (MDCE *com, QTextBrowser *browser)
connect(this, &MotorPort::location_changed, browser, &QTextBrowser::setText);
thread1 = QThread::create(std::bind(&MotorPort::MeasureLocation, this, com, browser));

How can I avoid infinite loop when modifying textboxes (QLineEdit) that change related item info?

I have several fields in a widget, that each can affect the behavior of an item, and changing some of them will change others.
I read somewhere that the editingFinished() signal of a line edit is triggered only by user actions - and not by code changes... Is that true ?
connect(m_lineEdit1, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(m_lineEdit1Changed()));
connect(m_lineEdit2, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SLOT(m_lineEdit2Changed()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(someSignal()), this, SLOT(updateData()));
void m_lineEdit1Changed()
emit someSignal();
void m_lineEdit2Changed()
emit someSignal();
void updateData()
If I change m_lineEdit1, and update the entire widget (which changes, through code, m_lineEdit2), I hit a breakpoint in m_lineEdit2Changed()
This leads to an infinite loop of updates...
What can I do to get around it ?
Blocking signals is a bit of a sledgehammer of an approach. You can use a sentinel class to explicitly prevent recursion:
class Sentinel {
static QMutex m_mutex;
static QSet<QString> m_sentinels;
QString const m_sentinel;
bool const m_ok;
static bool checkAndSet(const QString & sentinel) {
QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex);
if (m_sentinels.contains(sentinel)) return false;
return true;
explicit Sentinel(const char * sentinel) :
m_sentinel(sentinel), m_ok(checkAndSet(m_sentinel)) {}
~Sentinel() {
if (!m_ok) return;
QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex);
bool operator()() const { return m_ok; }
QMutex Sentinel::m_mutex;
QSet<QString> Sentinel::m_sentinels;
void Foo::m_lineEdit1Changed()
Sentinel s(SENTINEL_AT);
if (!s) return; // exit if this method is on the call stack
emit someSignal();
This is thread-safe and can be used from any thread.
A technique to avoid this problem is to use the QObject::blockSignals() function.
In your example you would do:
void updateData()
The blockSignals() call prevents the object sending any signals while you are changing the data in the line edit.

Qt almost same main menu entries

I'm using c++ Qt library and I want to do something which would do :
connect(actionB11, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(SetSomething(1, 1)));
connect(actionB12, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(SetSomething(1, 2)));
connect(actionB21, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(SetSomething(2, 1)));
connect(actionB22, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(SetSomething(2, 2)));
The code above doesnt work because SIGNAL function has to have same number and argument types as SLOT function.
Does exist a way how to do it? I dont want to have about 20 function as SetSomething11, SetSomething12 calling SetSomething(1, 1) etc.
In situations like this you have three simple options:
connect each QAction to its own slot (not good)
use a QSignalMapper
add each QAction to a QActionGroup and use the QActionGroup::triggered(QAction*) signal, coupled with setting each QAction's data (see QAction::setData() and QAction::data())
When you set the data for a QAction, you can only store one QVariant (i.e., one value). So if you want two values, I would recommend just creating a simple mapping, like this:
void Window::onActionGroupTriggered(QAction *action);
int i = action->data().toInt();
int a, b;
a = i / 10;
b = i - 10;
setSomething(a, b); // for example if i = 15, then a = 1 and b = 5
You may modify QAction class.
class QMyAction : public QAction
QMyAction ( QObject * parent ) :
QAction(parent), _x(0), _y(0)
connect(this, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(re_trigger(bool)));
QMyAction ( const QString & text, QObject * parent ) :
QAction (text, parent), _x(0), _y(0)
connect(this, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(re_trigger(bool)));
QMyAction ( const QIcon & icon, const QString & text, QObject * parent ) :
QAction(icon, text, parent), _x(0), _y(0)
connect(this, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(re_trigger(bool)));
void setX(int x)
_x = x;
int getX()
return _x;
void setY(int y)
_y = y;
int getY()
return _y;
public slots:
void re_trigger(bool)
emit triggered(_x, _y);
void triggered(int,int);
int _x;
int _y;
Now, you can connect triggered(int,int) to SetSomething(int,int). But, you have to set x and y. Unless, they will always be 0.
You cannot use constant in SLOT signature, you have to use types there. When connecting signal to slot the slot must have the same subset of parameters signal has, otherwise they cannot be connected and QObject::connect() will return false.
connect(actionB11, SIGNAL(triggered()),
this, SLOT(SetSomething()));
This slot takes no parameters, but you can use QObject::sender() to get pointer to the object, which emitted the signal. Then this pointer can be used to discriminate the source of the signal:
void SetSomething() {
switch(sender()) {
case actionB11;
// do something
case actionB12;
// do something
case actionB21;
// do something
case actionB22;
// do something
// Exceptional situation
Alternatively you can use QSignalMapper to append additional discriminating parameters to slots.

Segfault iterating over a QList

I've created two classes - one called circle:
class circle
QString name ;
int id ;
and another class that use this class:
class soso
QList<circle*> lis;
void go();
In the constructor of soso I add two circles:
circle* c1 = new circle();
circle* c2= new circle();
and in the main window i've called go method which is included here
void soso::go()
QFile file("database.txt");
throw " cannot open file ! ";
QDataStream out(&file);
int i=0;
QList<circle*>::iterator it1 =lis.begin();
out<<(*it1)->id; // segmentation error here
But I am getting a segmentation error. What am I doing wrong?
You have a semicolon after your for loop! Those are really hard to notice.
This works. Just changed it to look more like standard use of iterators:
QList<circle*>::iterator it1;
for(it1 = lis.begin();it1!=lis.end();it1++)

How to update data in QAbstractTableModel with different row count

I am developing an application that updates the data in QTableView from apache server once per second. The server sends data as XML table. Number of columns is constant, but the number of rows changes each time. The data in the rows may also vary.
To convert the XML into the data, I created a class TxTableData, which is used in TxTableModel (child of QAbstractTableModel). Also TxTableModel uses QTimer to update data from the server.
The problem is that if the number of lines decreases - QTableview did not react to it. When the number of rows increases - it's all right.
I need remove all rows from QTableView and fill it with new data, but QTableView does not do this. Can you
class TxTableModel : public QAbstractTableModel
TxTableModel(QObject *parent = 0);
void refreshData();
void parseXml(const QByteArray &xml);
public slots:
void httpDone(bool error);
void timerDone();
HttpConnect http;
TxTableData m_Data;
QTimer * timer;
TxTableModel::TxTableModel(QObject *parent) :
timer = new QTimer(this);
connect(&http, SIGNAL(done(bool)), this, SLOT(httpDone(bool)));
connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(timerDone()));
void TxTableModel::refreshData()
TxRequest request;
request.addParam("begin_time", 60*60*4);
request.addParam("end_time", 60*4);
void TxTableModel::parseXml(const QByteArray &xml)
//qDebug() << xml;
int count = m_Data.getRowCount();
QXmlInputSource inputSource;
QXmlSimpleReader reader;
TxSaxTableHandler handler(&m_Data, false);
void TxTableModel::httpDone(bool error)
if (error) {
qDebug() << http.errorString();
} else {
void TxTableModel::timerDone()
It looks like you're not providing the full source of TxTableModel model, as it's missing implementation of rowCount, columnCount, data, setData, etc methods.
As for the problem, my guess would be:
As it was already suggested you can try cleaning the model before reloading it by calling removeRows(0, rowCount());
in your removeRows implementation, you should call beginRemoveRows before updating the rows collection and endRemoveRows after you're done. This should notify views about the model content change.
There is an example on how to implement the QAbstractTableModel here: Address Book Example
hope this helps, regards
