Flask-WTF: Queries of FormFields in FieldList are none after validate_on_submit - flask-wtforms

I'm trying to generate dynamic forms using Flask-WTF to create a new product based on some templates. A product will have a list of required key-value pairs based on its type, as well as a list of parts required to build it. The current relevant code looks as follows:
class PartSelectionForm(Form):
selected_part = QuerySelectField('Part', get_label='serial', allow_blank=True)
part_type = StringField('Type')
slot = IntegerField('Slot')
required = BooleanField('Required')
def __init__(self, csrf_enabled=False, *args, **kwargs):
super(PartSelectionForm, self).__init__(csrf_enabled=False, *args, **kwargs)
class NewProductForm(Form):
serial = StringField('Serial', default='', validators=[DataRequired()])
notes = TextAreaField('Notes', default='')
parts = FieldList(FormField(PartSelectionForm))
#app.route('/products/new/<prodmodel>', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def new_product(prodmodel):
model = db.session.query(ProdModel).filter(ProdModel.id==prodmodel).one()
except NoResultFound, e:
flash('No products of model type -' + prodmodel + '- found.', 'error')
return redirect(url_for('index'))
keys = db.session.query(ProdTypeTemplate.prod_info_key).filter(ProdTypeTemplate.prod_type_id==model.prod_type_id)\
parts_needed = db.session.query(ProdModelTemplate).filter(ProdModelTemplate.prod_model_id==prodmodel)\
.order_by(ProdModelTemplate.part_type_id, ProdModelTemplate.slot).all()
class F(forms.NewProductForm):
for key in keys:
if key.prod_info_key in ['shipped_os','factory_os']:
setattr(F, key.prod_info_key, forms.QuerySelectField(key.prod_info_key, get_label='version'))
setattr(F, key.prod_info_key, forms.StringField(key.prod_info_key, validators=[forms.DataRequired()]))
form = F(request.form)
if request.method == 'GET':
for part in parts_needed:
entry = form.parts.append_entry(forms.PartSelectionForm())
entry.selected_part.query = db.session.query(Part).join(PartModel).filter(PartModel.part_type_id==part.part_type_id, Part.status=='inventory')
if form.__contains__('shipped_os'):
form.shipped_os.query = db.session.query(OSVersion).order_by(OSVersion.version)
if form.__contains__('factory_os'):
form.factory_os.query = db.session.query(OSVersion).order_by(OSVersion.version)
if form.validate_on_submit():
Everything works as expected on a GET request, but on the validate_on_submit I get errors. The error is that all of the queries and query_factories for the selected_part QuerySelectFields in the list of PartSelectionForms is none, causing either direct errors in WTForms validation code or when Jinja2 attempts to re-render the QuerySelectFields. I'm not sure why this happens on the POST when everything appears to be correct for the GET.

I realized that although I set the required queries on a GET I'm not doing it for any PartSelectionForm selected_part entries on the POST. Since I already intended part_type, slot, and required to be hidden form fields, I added the following immediately before the validate_on_submit and everything works correctly:
for entry in form.parts:
entry.selected_part.query = db.session.query(Part).join(PartModel).\
filter(PartModel.part_type_id==entry.part_type.data, Part.status=='inventory')


Python 3.7: Detect name of property being accesed from class

So I am making a Class Which can dynamically return a property depending on whether or not a property was accessed on it. It also detects the name of the property when accessed by a class. my class code is as follows
class ConfigItem(object):
value: object
default: object
__name__:str = None
def __init__(self, default=None):
self.default: type(default) = default
self.value = default
self.key = "default_value"
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if self.key:
self.value = os.environ.get(self.key,self.default)
self.value = self.default
def __set_name__(self, owner, name):
self.__name__ = name
self.key = name
I want the code to have the following behavior:
when created like this:
a_test_key = ConfigItem('default_value')
a_test_key.key == 'a_test_key' #True
without having to pass the key into the constructor
and when accessed as so:
key_value = a_test_key
returns a_test_key.value
but when accessed any other way such as:
returns the respected values.
I think the solution has to do with the get(self, instance, owner) method, but I am unsure how to detect if a property has been accessed from ConfigItem.
Any takers on how to solve this problem?

Django CMS - Copy relations in custom plugin not working

I have a problem with copy_relations after publishing a page.
I have a plugin with additional model. This model has ForeignKey to my plugin.
class InfContactForm(CMSPlugin):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
def copy_relations(self, oldinstance):
for inf_contact_form in oldinstance.inf_contact_form.all():
inf_contact_form.pk = None
inf_contact_form.plugin = self
class InfContactFormAgreement(models.Model):
inf_contact_form = models.ForeignKey(InfContactForm, related_name="inf_contact_form")
agreement = HTMLField(blank=True, null=True)
The "InfContactFormAgreement" model is then used as stacked inline in "InfContactForm" plugin form.
Like it is written in docs, there is also copy_relations() method but when the page is published, nothing happens. When I get back again to edit mode InfContactFormAgreement is doubled every time I do it.
Here is also my cms_plugins.py file:
class PluginInfContactForm(CMSPluginBase):
render_template = '_contact_form.html'
name = name1
model = InfContactForm
require_parent = False
inlines = [AgreementStackedInline, ]
def render(self, context, instance, placeholder):
context['instance'] = instance
context = super(PluginInfContactForm, self).render(context, instance, placeholder)
agreements = instance.inf_contact_form.all()
'agreements': agreements,
return context
Thank you for any advice.
instead of:
inf_contact_form.plugin = self
you should use:
inf_contact_form.inf_contact_form = self
and the resulting code should look like this:
def copy_relations(self, oldinstance):
for inf_contact_form in oldinstance.inf_contact_form.all():
inf_contact_form.pk = None
inf_contact_form.inf_contact_form = self
I had a similar situation, the only difference being that my many-to-many relationship was not in a plugin, but an extension (PageExtension).
In my case, #Dariusz solution did not work, and I had to update the implicit "inbetween" model that exists between the Extension model and the Associated model.
My solution (the key being the "through"):
class Extension(PageExtension):
tags_regions = models.ManyToManyField(Region, related_name="articles", blank=True)
def copy_relations(self, oldinstance):
for region_tag in oldinstance.tags_regions.through.objects.filter(extension=oldinstance):
region_tag.extension = self

Mongoengine serialize dictionary (with nested dicts)?

I've created a dictionary from an Uploaded file in Django.
This dictionary has a nested list of dictionaries:
file = {"name": "filename", "sections": [{"section_name": "string", "lines": [{line_number: 0, "line"; "data"}]}], "etc": "etc"}
The model represents the dictionaries depth too.
class Line(EmbeddedDocument):
line_number = IntField()
line = StringField()
definition = ReferenceField(Definition)
class Section(EmbeddedDocument):
section_name = StringField()
lines = EmbeddedDocumentListField(Line))
class File(Document):
name = StringField()
sections = EmbeddedDocumentListField(Section))
created_on = DateTimeField()
created_by = StringField()
modified_on = DateTimeField()
modified_by = StringField()
In the POST I have the following to chop the file up into the above Dict (the file is a simple text file):
file= {}
with open(os.path.join(path, filename + ".txt"), 'r') as temp_file:
filelines = temp_file.readlines()
sections = []
section = {}
lines = []
for i, l in enumerate(filelines):
if i == 0:
section["section_name"] = "Top"
elif '*' in l:
if l.index('*') == 0 and '*' not in lines[len(lines) - 2"line"]:
section["lines"] = lines
lines = []
section = dict()
section["section_name"] = filelines[i + 1][1:-2]
line = {"line_number": i + 1, "line": l}
section['lines'] = lines
file["name"] = filename
file["sections"] = sections
I will tidy this up eventually.
Once the dict has been made how do I serialise it using the serializer?
Is it possible to insert this into a serializer?
If not how can I get it all into the database with validation?
I've tried json.dumps() and JsonRequst() then putting them in data= for the serializer but get Unable to get repr for <class '....'>
I'm pretty new to Django and MongoDB so if you need more info I can provide :)
Change the model's List Fields to EmbeddedDocumentListField as suggest in the answer.
Thanks to Boris' suggestion below it pointed me to an error I wasn't getting initially. I had a typo and passing the dict directly into FileSerializer(data=file) works like a charm! :)
The easiest way to validate that your incoming JSONs adhere to the Mongoengine Documents schema that you've specified is to use DRF-Mongoengine's DocumentSerializer.
Basically, what you need to do is create a serializer
import rest_framework_mongoengine
class FileSerializer(rest_framework_mongoengine.DocumentSerializer):
class Meta:
fields = '__all__'
model = File
Then you need a view or viewset that makes use of this Serializer to respond to GET/POST/PUT/DELETE requests.
from rest_framework_mongoengine import viewsets
class FileViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
lookup_field = 'id'
serializer_class = FileSerializer
def get_queryset(self):
return File.objects.all()
and register this viewset with a router
from rest_framework import routers
# this is DRF router for REST API viewsets
router = routers.DefaultRouter()
# register REST API endpoints with DRF router
router.register(r'file', FileViewSet, r"file")
I'd also recommend using EmbeddedDocumentListField instead of ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField(Section)) - it has additional methods.

Python - BaseHTTPServer , issue with POST and GET

I am making a very simple application with 2 webpages at the moment under URLs: localhost:8080/restaurants/ and localhost:8080/restaurants/new.
I have a sqlite database which i manipulate with SQLAlchemy in my python code.
On my first page localhost:8080/restaurants/, this just contains the lists of restaurants available in my database.
My second page localhost:8080/restaurants/new, is where i have a form in order to a new restaurant such that it displays on localhost:8080/restaurants.
However Whenever i enter a new restaurant name on form at localhost:8080/restaurants/new, it fails to redirect me back to localhost:8080/restaurants/ in order to show me the new restaurant, instead it just remains on the same url link localhost:8080/restaurants/new with the message "No data received" .
Below is my code:
import cgi
from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
#import libraries and modules
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from database_setup import Base, Restaurant, MenuItem
#create and connect to database
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///restaurantmenu.db')
DBSession = sessionmaker(bind=engine)
session = DBSession()
class webServerHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
""" class defined in the main method"""
def do_GET(self):
#look for url then ends with '/hello'
if self.path.endswith("/restaurants"):
#indicate reply in form of html to the client
self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html')
#indicates end of https headers in the response
#obtain all restaurant names from databse
restaurants = session.query(Restaurant).all()
output = ""
output += "<html><body><a href='/restaurants/new'>Add A New Restaurant</a>"
output += "</br></br>"
for restaurant in restaurants:
output += restaurant.name
output += """<div>
<a href='#'>Edit</a>
<a href='#'>Delete</a>
output += "</br></br>"
output += "</body></html>"
print output
if self.path.endswith("/restaurants/new"):
self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html')
output = ""
output += "<html><body>"
output += "<h1>Add New Restaurant</h1>"
output += "<form method='POST' enctype='multipart/form-data action='/restaurants/new'>"
output += "<input name='newRestaurant' type='text' placeholder='New Restaurant Name'>"
output += "<input name='Create' type='submit' label='Create'>"
output += "</form></body></html>"
except IOError:
self.send_error(404, "File %s not found" % self.path)
def do_POST(self):
if self.path.endswith("/restaurants/new"):
ctype, pdict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers.getheader('content-type'))
#check of content-type is form
if ctype == 'mulitpart/form-data':
#collect all fields from form, fields is a dictionary
fields = cgi.parse_multipart(self.rfile, pdict)
#extract the name of the restaurant from the form
messagecontent = fields.get('newRestaurant')
#create the new object
newRestaurantName = Restaurant(name = messagecontent[0])
self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html')
def main():
"""An instance of HTTPServer is created in the main method
HTTPServer is built off of a TCP server indicating the
transmission protocol
port = 8080
#server address is tuple & contains host and port number
#host is an empty string in this case
server = HTTPServer(('', port), webServerHandler)
print "Web server running on port %s" % port
#keep server continually listening until interrupt occurs
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "^C entered, stopping web server...."
#shut down server
#run main method
if __name__ == '__main__':
for reference here is my database_setup file where i create the database:
import sys
#importing classes from sqlalchemy module
from sqlalchemy import Column, ForeignKey, Integer, String
#delcaritive_base , used in the configuration
# and class code, used when writing mapper
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
#relationship in order to create foreign key relationship
#used when writing the mapper
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship
#create_engine to used in the configuration code at the
#end of the file
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
#this object will help set up when writing the class code
Base = declarative_base()
class Restaurant(Base):
class Restaurant corresponds to restaurant table
in the database to be created.
table representation for restaurant which
is in the database
__tablename__ = 'restaurant'
#column definitions for the restaurant table
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String(250), nullable=False)
class MenuItem(Base):
class MenuItem corresponds to restaurant table
table representation for menu_item which
is in the database
__tablename__ = 'menu_item'
#column definitions for the restaurant table
name = Column(String(80), nullable=False)
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
course = Column(String(250))
description = Column(String(250))
price = Column(String(8))
restaurant_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('restaurant.id'))
restaurant = relationship(Restaurant)
#create an instance of create_engine class
#and point to the database to be used
engine = create_engine(
#that will soon be added into the database. makes
#the engine
I can't figure out why i cannot add new restuarants
I know this was a long time ago, but I figured out your problem.
First, the enctype='multipart/form-data' in your do_GET function under the if self.path.endswith("/restaurants/new"): portion is missing a final single quote. Second, you misspelt 'multipart' in if ctype == 'multipart/form-data':. Hope that can help you or others.
As shteeven said, the problem was with the encryption type in the form.
As the quote was missed, the 'Content-type' changed to 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' so in that case you should parse it different as it's a string.
In order to manage both enctype you can modify your do_POST as the following
def do_POST(self):
if self.path.endswith("/restaurants/new"):
ctype, pdict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers.getheader('content-type'))
print ctype
#check of content-type is form
if (ctype == 'multipart/form-data') or (ctype == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'):
#collect all fields from form, fields is a dictionary
if ctype == 'multipart/form-data':
fields = cgi.parse_multipart(self.rfile, pdict)
content_length = self.headers.getheaders('Content-length')
length = int(content_length[0])
body = self.rfile.read(length)
fields = urlparse.parse_qs(body)
#extract the name of the restaurant from the form
messagecontent = fields.get('newRestaurant')
#create the new object
newRestaurantName = Restaurant(name = messagecontent[0])
Hope this extra information is useful for you!

Django-MPTT full path to child pages how to make?

I'm start using Django-MPTT app to get a tree-based approach on my Django-site pages.
For ex. I have pages with sub pages:
Vocal Trance(sub page)
Hard Trance(sub page)
Atmo Breaks(sub page)
Progressive Breaks(sub page)
How can I get access to them from urls.py?
What pattern will help?
Do I need to store Full_path in model or it can be done via url pattern?
I assume you mean you want to do URLs like this:
If so, it's probably best to store the url fragment in your model. Something like:
from mptt.models import MPTTModel
from django.db import models
from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify
class Page(MPTTModel):
name = models.CharField(max_length=50)
slug = models.CharField(max_length=50,null=True)
url = models.CharField(max_length=255,null=True)
def save(self, *args, **kwargs)
if self.slug is None:
# create a slug that's unique to siblings
slug = slugify(self.name)
self.slug = slug
siblings = self.get_siblings()
i = 1
while siblings.filter(slug=self.slug).exists():
i += 1
self.slug = slug + '-%d' % i
# now create a URL based on parent's url + slug
if self.parent:
self.url = '%s/%s' % (self.parent.url, self.slug)
self.url = self.slug
super(Page, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
Then add a URL pattern:
(r'^pages/(?P<page_url>[\w\d_/-]+)/$', 'pages.views.show_page'),
And in your view you can just fetch the right page:
def show_page(request, page_url=None):
page = get_object_or_404(Page, url=page_url)
Thank you for your attention to my problem.
See,How I finally do it.
class WebPage(MPTTModel):
class MPTTMeta:
def get_absolute_url(self):#TODO:: replace with get_ancestors
url = "/%s/" % self.slug
page = self
while page.parent:
url = "/%s%s" % (page.parent.slug,url)
page = page.parent
return url
urlpatterns = patterns('website.views',
url(r"^add/$", "add_page",name="add"),
url(r"^(?P<full_slug>.*)/add/$", "add_page",name="add"),
url(r"^(?P<full_slug>.*)/edit/$", "edit_page",name="edit"),
url(r'^$', ListView.as_view(model=WebPage,template_name='index.html',context_object_name="webpages_list",),name='index'),
url(r"^(?P<full_slug>.*)/$", "page", name="page"),
def page(request, full_slug):
# Make a list from full_slug.
# For ex. /trance/progressive_trance/fonarev -> ['trance','progressive_trance','fonarev']
# Get a page by it's slug
if len(slugs)>1:
page=get_object_or_404(WebPage,slug=slugs[-1])#slugs=['trance','vocal_trance'] -> 'vocal_trance'
elif len(slugs)==1:
page=get_object_or_404(WebPage,slug=slugs[0])#slugs=['trance'] -> 'trance'
# Check if page url matches requested full_slug
if page.get_absolute_url().strip('/') == full_slug:
return render_to_response('page.html', {'page': page},context_instance=RequestContext(request))
raise Http404
def edit_page(request,full_slug):
if len(slugs)>1:
elif len(slugs)==1:
if not page.get_absolute_url().strip('/') == full_slug:
raise Http404
# Send POST data for update an existing page.Update a page.
if request.method=='POST':
form=WebPageForm(request.POST, instance=page)
if form.is_valid():
return HttpResponseRedirect(page.get_absolute_url())
# Render a form to edit data for existing page
return render_to_response('edit_page.html',{'form':form,},context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def add_page(request,full_slug=None):
if full_slug:
# If there is a slug in REQUEST(ex.'trance')->we need to add a new_page to her parent_page.
# So get a parent page.
if slug:
if len(slug)>1:
elif len(slug)==1:
# Create a new_page
if request.method=='POST':
if form.is_valid():
if parent_page:
return HttpResponseRedirect(new_page.get_absolute_url())
# Return an unbounded form
return render_to_response('add_page.html',{'form':form,},context_instance=RequestContext(request))
The trick is in we have to check if the page really exists accessing to it via full_slug:
if not page.get_absolute_url().strip('/') == full_slug:
raise Http404
Otherwise, it could be wrong allowing to check only by slug.
There's also a django app that will do the work for you: django-mptt-urls
def get_absolute_url(self):
return '/'.join([x['slug'] for x in self.get_ancestors(include_self=True).values()])
