ASP.NET include behavior -

What happens if I include 2 pages conditionally?
<% if(x==1) {%>
<!-- #Include virtual="/ws/inc/" -->
<% } else { %>
<!-- #Include virtual="/ws/inc/" -->
<% } %>
Which command runs first? Are both included at first, and then the if clause is evaluated, or will just one of them be included?
I want to be sure not to include the wrong page at all.

It depends on the condition. If you don't have the statement inside a loop where you iterate through x or something similar, I think only one page will be included depending on the value of x


Pass Variable from Content page to Master Page in classic ASP

I am new to classic ASP and I am trying to create a Master Page with variable placeholders and fill the information on that page with variables that are worked on a content page.
my master page looks like this:
<title>Template Loaded Properly</title>
<% call BodyContent %>
<span>Title: <% //place title here %></span>
<span>Content: <% //place content here %></span>
and the content page like this:
<!--#include virtual="/templates/TEMPLATE.html" -->
<% sub BodyContent %>
var Title = "This is the title"
var Content = "Here goes some content"
<% end sub %>
Any help will be appreciated.
Once you include the page with the variables, you can treat them as if they were created right then and there (because in a sense they are created right then and there, at least from the server's point of view). You do need to make the variables global in scope [read: dim them outside the sub], unless you want to list all of them when calling your BodyContent sub. (Personally, I don't see the point, but some people are unreasonably allergic to global variables.)
dim Title, Content
sub BodyContent
Title = "This is the title"
Content = "Here goes some content"
end sub
<% call BodyContent %>
<span>Title: <%=Title%></span>
<span>Content: <%=Content%></span>
One caveat, though: include files are processed long before the code, so you can't vary what file is included. In other words, don't do this:
<%If x = a Then%>
<!-- #include virtual="/" -->
<!-- #include virtual="/" -->
<%End If%>
The result of trying something like that is that both templateA and templateB will be included. If you need conditional includes, look into using FileSystemObject to read the content of the appropriate template, and then using Execute to, well, execute it.

change frames/iframes to just one page #aspclassic

How do I rewrite the following PHP code in Classic ASP?
<section><?php echo include('content/'.$_GET['p'].'.php') ?></section></body>
If the url is, then content/pages.php is shown.
You can't do this with INCLUDE but you could use Server.Transfer instead, eg.
Server.Transfer "content/" & Request.Form("p") & ".asp"
Never trust what comes from the clientside (browser) as they can try to hack you.
Since it is not likely that "shdyhio3hlkehio.asp" or similar is a proper file, you should limit the options to your actual selection and also have a default file which is a "catch all other requests".
Combine that with Server Side Includes and you have your setup ready.
You should also check if the user actually requested a page -- if "p" is empty then show a default message.
Note the use of LCase in the "Select Case"-line and lowercase values in the Case-lines.
This is due to the face that the string comparison is case-sensitive, meaning "about" (lowercase "a") and "About" (uppercase "A") is not the same.
<% If Request.QueryString("p") = "" Then %>
no specific page was request, show a default message
<% Else %>
<% Select Case LCase(Request.QueryString("p")) %>
<% Case "content" %><!-- #include file="content.asp" -->
<% Case "about" %><!-- #include file="about.asp" -->
<% Case "contact" %><!-- #include file="contact.asp" -->
<% Case Else %><!-- #include file="404.asp" -->
<% End Select %>
<% End If %>
You can use something like this
<!--#include file="somefile.asp"-->
in your HTML file .

silverstripe function to return menu level

I'm trying to write a function that returns what menu levels are visible on the the moment I'm using <% if %> statements in the template, ie:
<div class="<% if Menu(1) %>navA<% end_if %> <% if Menu(2) %>navB<% end_if %> <% if Menu(3) %>navC<% end_if %>">...</div>
Which, if there are 3 menu levels on a page, returns <div class="navA navB navC">
What I want is a function that returns just the lowest level menu on the current page, ie <div class="navC">
that's perfectly possible.
just add the following to your Page_Controller class:
function LowestLevel() {
$i = 1;
while($this->getMenu($i)->count() > 0) $i++;
return 'level'.($i-1);
now you can call it in your template like so:
<div>lowest level: $LowestLevel</div>
$LowestLevel will print 'level1', 'level2' etc.
in case your class names have to be like 'navA', 'navB'... you need to do some matching like 'level1'->'navA', which shouldn't be too hard - come back to me if you need any help on this.
What about the following (untested):
<div class="<% if Menu(3) %>navC<% else_if Menu(2) %>navB<% else %>navA<% end_if %>">...</div>
You might want to consider using some custom code in the Controller for logic-heavy stuff, but this should get you going...

How to make If statements in Databound ListView

I have a ListView with many advanced controls and html tags. ListView is bound to collection of profiles when first profile in collection is current profile. current profile has few differences from other profiles ie. flash embed, js and some other stuff. I can access inside of my ListView Container.DataIndex property which gives me 0 as first item in index but i'm unable to use inline If statements like so
<% If Container.DataIndex = 0 Then %>
do stuff
<% EndIf %>
this is because i must place pound to access databound item but neither this
<%# If Container.DataIndex = 0 Then %>
do stuff
<% EndIf %>
How can i make inline If ?
Try this:
<% if (DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItemIndex")) { %>
do stuff
<% } else { %>
do other stuff
<%} %>
Here is a small summary of the inline aspx tags:
But i would recommend to use ListView.ItemDataBound. It is less error-prone and more readable in codebehind.
Did you mean IIF? IIF - Returns one of two objects, depending on the evaluation of an expression.

MVC Html Layout C# code formatting

I insert into mvc views C# logic that manages layout like the following:
<% if (Model.People.Count > 0 ) { %>
<% foreach (var person in Model.People) { %>
<% }} else { %>
<span class="error">Sorry, no people</span>
<%} %>
I try to minimize <% %> code placing "{" symbol on the same line as it's condition (java-style). Html layout looks more clear to me after that.
Do you apply C# formatting rules to <% %> html injections "}" should be on a new line or manage layout in different way?
Thank you in advance!
Its totally up to you, whatever you find is more readable and maintainable.
The less inline server blocks you have the better though (in terms of preventing run-time code compilation errors).
