Caret - Scaling SVM tuning parametert (Sigma) when using plot.train - r

I am using the Caret package to tune a SVM model.
Is there a way to scale the Sigma values similar to the Cost values when plotting the results (as shown in the attached Fig.).
Here is my tuning values:
svmGrid <- expand.grid(sigma= 2^c(-25, -20, -15,-10, -5, 0), C= 2^c(0:5))
Code to produce the plot:
pdf("./Figures/svm/svmFit_all.pdf", width=7, height = 5)
plot(svmFit.all, scales = list(x = list(log = 2)))

You would have to do it yourself via lattice:
dat <- twoClassSim(2000)
svmGrid <- expand.grid(sigma= 2^c(-25, -20, -15,-10, -5, 0), C= 2^c(0:5))
mod <- train(Class ~ ., data = dat,
method = "svmRadial",
preProc = c("center", "scale"),
tuneGrid = svmGrid,
metric = "ROC",
trControl = trainControl(method = "cv",
classProbs = TRUE,
summaryFunction = twoClassSummary))
tmp <- mod$results
tmp$sigma2 <- paste0("2^", format(log2(tmp$sigma)))
xyplot(ROC ~ C, data = tmp,
groups = sigma2,
type = c("p", "l"),
auto.key = list(columns = 4, lines = TRUE),
scales = list(x = list(log = 2)),
xlab = "Cost",
ylab = "ROC (Cross-Validation)")


How to solve a problem with null values in SVM and GA

Unfortunately, I have a problem with my code in R. I am trying to use GA to tune up hyperparameters, but I received null values, so it is impossible to train svm.
Do you have any idea how to solve the problem?
Iris <- iris
fit_fun <- function(params){
model <- train(Species ~ ., data = iris, method = "svmRadial",
trControl = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 5),
tuneGrid = data.frame(C = params[1], sigma = params[2]))
param_grid <- expand.grid(C = c(0.1, 1, 10), sigma = c(0.1, 1, 10))
best_params <- ga(type = "real-valued", fitness = fit_fun, lower = as.numeric(param_grid[1,]),
upper = as.numeric(param_grid[nrow(param_grid),]), maxiter = 20, popSize = 50)
best_cost <- attributes(best_params)$parameters[1]
best_sigma <- attributes(best_params)$parameters[2]
model <- svm(Species ~ ., data = iris, cost = best_cost,
sigma = best_sigma, type = "C-classification")
**Error in svm.default(x, y, scale = scale, ..., na.action = na.action) :
‘cost’ must not be NULL!**
Thank You in advance.

How to adjust ggplot axis in R package "caret" for resample class?

I have two models trained by R package caret , and I'd like to compare their performance. The "resample class" works with ggplot , however, an error occurs when I try to adjust the x-axis: Error: Discrete value supplied to continuous scale. Thanks for any help.
mydata = mtcars[, -c(8,9)]
model_rf <- train(
hp ~ .,
data = mydata,
tuneLength = 5,
method = "ranger",
metric = "RMSE",
preProcess = c('center', 'scale'),
trControl = trainControl(
method = "repeatedcv",
number = 5,
repeats = 5,
verboseIter = TRUE,
savePredictions = "final"
model_rp <- train(
hp ~ .,
data = mydata,
method = "rpart",
metric = "RMSE",
preProcess = c('center', 'scale'),
trControl = trainControl(
method = "repeatedcv",
number = 5,
repeats = 5,
verboseIter = TRUE,
savePredictions = "final"
Resamples <- resamples(list("RF" = model_rf, "RP" = model_rp))
ggplot(Resamples, metric = "RMSE")
ggplot(Resamples, metric = "RMSE") + scale_x_continuous(limits = c(0,60), breaks = seq(0,60,10))
## Error: Discrete value supplied to continuous scale
If you change scale_x_continuous to scale_y_continuous, the error goes away like
ggplot(Resamples, metric = "RMSE") +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,60), breaks = seq(0,60,10))

Change tuning parameters shown in the plot created by Caret in R

I'm using the Caret package in R to train a model by the method called 'xgbTree' in R.
After plotting the trained model as shown the picture below: the tuning parameter namely 'eta' = 0.2 is not what I want as I also have eta = 0.1 as tuning parameter defined in expand.grid before training the model, which is the best tune. So I want to change the eta = 0.2 in the plot to the scenario that eta = 0.1 in the plot function. How could I do it? Thank you.
set.seed(100) # For reproducibility
xgb_trcontrol = trainControl(
method = "cv",
#repeats = 2,
number = 10,
#search = 'random',
allowParallel = TRUE,
verboseIter = FALSE,
returnData = TRUE
xgbGrid <- expand.grid(nrounds = c(100,200,1000), # this is n_estimators in the python code above
max_depth = c(6:8),
colsample_bytree = c(0.6,0.7),
## The values below are default values in the sklearn-api.
eta = c(0.1,0.2),
min_child_weight = c(5:8),
subsample = c(0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9)
xgb_model8 = train(
x, y_train,
trControl = xgb_trcontrol,
tuneGrid = xgbGrid,
method = "xgbTree"
What happens is that the plotting device plots over all values of your grid, and the last one to appear is eta=0.2. For example:
xgb_trcontrol = trainControl(method = "cv", number = 3,returnData = TRUE)
xgbGrid <- expand.grid(nrounds = c(100,200,1000),
max_depth = c(6:8),
colsample_bytree = c(0.6,0.7),
eta = c(0.1,0.2),
min_child_weight = c(5:8),
subsample = c(0.6,0.7,0.8,0.9)
x = mtcars[,-1]
y_train = mtcars[,1]
xgb_model8 = train(
x, y_train,
trControl = xgb_trcontrol,
tuneGrid = xgbGrid,
method = "xgbTree"
You can save your plots like this:
Or if you want to plot a specific parameter, for example eta = 0.2, you would also need to fix the colsample_bytree, otherwise it's too many parameters:
,eta==0.1 & colsample_bytree==0.6),
aes(x=min_child_weight,y=RMSE,group=factor(subsample),col=factor(subsample))) +
geom_line() + geom_point() + facet_grid(nrounds~max_depth)

How does setting preProcess argument in train function in Caret work?

I am trying to predict the times table training a neural network. However, I couldn't really get how preProcess argument works in train function in Caret.
In the docs, it says:
The preProcess class can be used for many operations on predictors, including centering and scaling.
When we set preProcess like below, <- train(product ~ .,
data = tt.train,
method = 'neuralnet',
tuneGrid = tune.grid,
trControl = train.control,
linear.output = TRUE,
algorithm = 'backprop',
preProcess = 'range',
learningrate = 0.01)
Does it mean that the train function preprocesses (normalizes) the training data passed, in this case tt.train?
After the training is done, when we are trying to predict, do we pass normalized inputs to the predict function or are inputs normalized in the function because we set the preProcess parameter?
# Do we do
predict(, tt.test)
# or
predict(, tt.normalized.test)
And from the quote above, it seems that when we use preProcess, outputs are not normalized this way in training, how do we go about normalizing outputs? Or do we just normalize the training data beforehand like below and then pass it to the train function?
preProc <- preProcess(tt, method = 'range')
tt.preProcessed <- predict(preProc, tt)
tt.preProcessed.train <- tt.preProcessed[indexes,]
tt.preProcessed.test <- tt.preProcessed[-indexes,]
The whole code:
# Create the dataset
tt = data.frame(multiplier = rep(1:10, times = 10), multiplicand = rep(1:10, each = 10))
tt = cbind(tt, data.frame(product = tt$multiplier * tt$multiplicand))
# Splitting
indexes = createDataPartition(tt$product,
times = 1,
p = 0.7,
list = FALSE)
tt.train = tt[indexes,]
tt.test = tt[-indexes,]
# Pre-process
preProc <- preProcess(tt, method = c('center', 'scale'))
tt.preProcessed <- predict(preProc, tt)
tt.preProcessed.train <- tt.preProcessed[indexes,]
tt.preProcessed.test <- tt.preProcessed[-indexes,]
# Train
train.control <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",
number = 10,
repeats = 3,
savePredictions = TRUE)
tune.grid <- expand.grid(layer1 = 8,
layer2 = 0,
layer3 = 0) <- train(product ~ .,
data = tt.train,
method = 'neuralnet',
tuneGrid = tune.grid,
trControl = train.control,
algorithm = 'backprop',
learningrate = 0.01,
stepmax = 100000,
preProcess = c('center', 'scale'),
lifesign = 'minimal',
threshold = 0.01)

what are the parameters of bayes optimization for tuning parameter?

I am using Bayesian optimization to tune the parameters of SVM for regression problem. In the following code, what should be the value of init_grid_dt = initial_grid ? I got the upper and lower bounds of the sigma and C parameters of SVM, but dont know what should be the initial-grid?
In one of the example on the web, they took a random search results as input to the initial grid. The code is as follow:
ctrl <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", repeats = 5)
svm_fit_bayes <- function(logC, logSigma) {
## Use the same model code but for a single (C, sigma) pair.
txt <- capture.output(
mod <- train(y ~ ., data = train_dat,
method = "svmRadial",
preProc = c("center", "scale"),
metric = "RMSE",
trControl = ctrl,
tuneGrid = data.frame(C = exp(logC), sigma = exp(logSigma)))
list(Score = -getTrainPerf(mod)[, "TrainRMSE"], Pred = 0)
lower_bounds <- c(logC = -5, logSigma = -9)
upper_bounds <- c(logC = 20, logSigma = -0.75)
bounds <- list(logC = c(lower_bounds[1], upper_bounds[1]),
logSigma = c(lower_bounds[2], upper_bounds[2]))
## Create a grid of values as the input into the BO code
initial_grid <- rand_search$results[, c("C", "sigma", "RMSE")]
initial_grid$C <- log(initial_grid$C)
initial_grid$sigma <- log(initial_grid$sigma)
initial_grid$RMSE <- -initial_grid$RMSE
names(initial_grid) <- c("logC", "logSigma", "Value")
ba_search <- BayesianOptimization(svm_fit_bayes,
bounds = bounds,
init_grid_dt = initial_grid,
init_points = 0,
n_iter = 30,
acq = "ucb",
kappa = 1,
eps = 0.0,
verbose = TRUE)
