I am using the foreach package for parallel computing. In the loop I have defined temporary variables with fixed names (like "temp") that will be overwritten in the next iteration because that's how I usually do it in classic loops. Now I am wondering if this is possible using parallel computing or if there will be a mix up in the variables when doing parallel computation.
Basically, the underlying question is if the temporary variables are given a "local" (with respect to the iteration) temporary names or not. Does the program detect which variables have the same names throughout the iterations to give them this "local" temporary name.
The 'foreach' follow the same logic of 'for' in this aspect. The temporary objects will not be in the global environment. Take a look in the example below.
cores <- 2
cl <- makeCluster(cores)
# data
n <- 4
m <- lapply(1:n, function(i) matrix((1:4), 2, 2))
rnames <- c("r1", "r2")
x <- foreach (i = 1:n) %dopar% {
temp <- m[[i]] * i
temp <- as.data.frame(temp)
data.frame(r = rnames, temp)
x # each new matrix are in the correct order in the output list
temp # it exist only inside the foreach
I am currently working on a program to evaluate the out-of-sample performance of several forecasting models on simulated data. For those who are familiar with finance, it works exactly like backtesting a trading strategy, except that I would evaluate forecasts and not transactions.
Some of the objects I currently manipulate using for loops for this type of task are 7 dimensional arrays (dimensions stand for Monte Carlo replications, data generating processes, forecast horizons, 3 dimensions for model parameter selection, and one dimension for all the periods covered in the out-of-sample analysis). Obviously, it is painfully slow, so parallel computing has became a must for me.
My problem is: how do I keep track of more than 2 dimensions in R? Let's just show you using 'for loops' and only 3 dimensions what I mean:
x <- array(dim=c(2,2,2))
for (i in 1:2){
for (j in 1:2){
for (k in 1:2){
x[i,j,k] <- i+j+k
If I use something like 'foreach', I am very annoyed by the fact that, to my knowledge, available combining functionalities will return lists, matrices or vectors -- but not arbitrarily large multidimensional arrays. For instance:
# Get the number of cores to use
no_cores <- max(1, detectCores()-1)
# Make cluster object using no_cores
cl <- makeCluster(no_cores)
# Initialize cluster for parallel computing
x <- foreach(i=1:2, .combine=rbind)%:%
foreach(j=1:2, .combine=cbind)%:%
foreach(k=1:2, .combine=c)%dopar%{
Here, I basically combine results into vectors, then matrices and, finally, I pile up matrices by rows. Another option would be to use lists, or pile matrices through columns, but you can imagine the mess when you have 7 dimensions and millions of iterations to track.
I suppose I could also write my own 'combine' function and get the kind of output I want, but I suspect that I am not the first person to encounter this problem. Either there is a way to do exactly what I want, or someone here can point out a way to think differently about storing my results. It wouldn't be surprising that I am taking an absurdly inefficient path toward solving this problem -- I am an economist, not a data scientist, after all!
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
There is one available solution that I finally stumbled upon tonight. I can create an appropriate combination function along the dimension of my choice using the 'abind' function of the 'abind' package:
# Get the number of cores to use
no_cores <- max(1, detectCores()-1)
# Make cluster object using no_cores
cl <- makeCluster(no_cores)
# Initialize cluster for parallel computing
mbind <- function(...) abind(..., along=3)
x <- foreach(i=1:2, .combine=mbind)%:%
foreach(j=1:2, .combine=cbind)%:%
foreach(k=1:2, .combine=c)%dopar%{
I would still like to see if someone has other means of doing what I want to do, however. There might be many ways to do it and I am new to R, yet this solution is a distinct possibility.
What I would do and I already use in one of my packages, bigstatsr.
Take only one dimension and cut it in no_cores blocks. It should have sufficient iterations (e.g. 20 for 4 cores). For each iteration, construct part of the array you want and store it in a temporary file. The, use the content of these files to fill the whole array. By doing so, you fill only preallocated objects, which should be faster and easier.
x.all <- array(dim=c(20,2,2))
no_cores <- 3
tmpfile <- tempfile()
range.parts <- bigstatsr:::CutBySize(nrow(x.all), nb = no_cores)
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(no_cores)
foreach(ic = 1:no_cores) %dopar% {
ind <- bigstatsr:::seq2(range.parts[ic, ])
x <- array(dim = c(length(ind), 2, 2))
for (i in seq_along(ind)){
for (j in 1:2){
for (k in 1:2){
x[i,j,k] <- ind[i]+j+k
saveRDS(x, file = paste0(tmpfile, "_", ic, ".rds"))
for (ic in 1:no_cores) {
ind <- bigstatsr:::seq2(range.parts[ic, ])
x.all[ind, , ] <- readRDS(paste0(tmpfile, "_", ic, ".rds"))
Instead of writing files, you could also directly return the no_cores parts of the array in foreach and combine them with the right abind.
I have the following R "apply" statement:
for(i in 1:NROW(dataframe_stuff_that_needs_lookup_from_simulation))
apply(simulation_results[,colnames(simulation_results) %in%
So, I have the following data structures:
simulation_results: A matrix with column names that identify every possible piece of desired simulation lookup data for 2000 simulations (rows).
dataframe_stuff_that_needs_lookup_from_simulation: Contains, among other items, fields whose values match the column names in the simulation_results data structure.
matrix_of_sums: When function is run, a 2000 row x 250,000 column (# of simulations x items being simulated) structure meant to hold simulation results.
So, the apply function is looking up the dataframe columns values for each row in a 250,000 data set, computing the sum, and storing it in the matrix_of_sums data structure.
Unfortunately, this processing takes a very long time. I have explored the use of rowsums as an alternative, and it has cut the processing time in half, but I would like to try multi-core processing to see if that cuts processing time even more. Can someone help me convert the code above to "lapply" from "apply"?
With base R parallel, try
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores())
matrix_of_sums <- parLapply(cl, 1:nrow(dataframe_stuff_that_needs_lookup_from_simulation), function(i)
rowSums(simulation_results[,colnames(simulation_results) %in%
ans <- Reduce("cbind", matrix_of_sums)
You could also try foreach %dopar%
library(doParallel) # will load parallel, foreach, and iterators
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores())
matrix_of_sums <- foreach(i = 1:NROW(dataframe_stuff_that_needs_lookup_from_simulation)) %dopar% {
rowSums(simulation_results[,colnames(simulation_results) %in%
ans <- Reduce("cbind", matrix_of_sums)
I wasn't quite sure how you wanted your output at the end, but it looks like you're doing a cbind of each result. Let me know if you're expecting something else however.
without really having any applicable or sample data to go off of... the process would look like this:
Create a holding matrix(matrix_of_sums)
loop by row through variable table(dataframe_stuff_that_needs_lookup_from_simulation)
find matching indices within the simulation model(simulation_results)
bind the rowSums into the holding matrix(matrix of sums)
I recreated a sample set which is meaningless and produces identical results but should work for your data
# Holding matrix which will be our end-goal
msums <- matrix(nrow = 2000,ncol = 0)
# Loop
parallel::mclapply(1:nrow(ts_df), function(i){
# Store the row to its own variable for ease
d <- ts_df[i,]
# cbind the results using the global assignment operator `<<-`
msums <<- cbind(
sim_df[,which(colnames(sim_df) %in% colnames(d))]
}, mc.cores = parallel::detectCores(), mc.allow.recursive = TRUE)
I'm working with two lists of data.frames and currently run something similar to this (simplified version of what I'm doing):
df1 <- data.frame("a","a1","L","R","b","c",1,2,3,4)
df2 <- data.frame("a","a1","L","R","b","c",4,4,4,4,4,44)
df3 <- data.frame(7,7,7,7)
df4 <- data.frame(5,5,5,5,9,9)
L1 <- list(df1,df2)
L2 <- list(df3,df4)
myfun <- function(x,y) {
difa = rowSums(abs(x[c(T,F)] - x[c(F,T)]))
difb=sum(abs(as.numeric(y[-c(1:6)])[c(T,F)] - as.numeric(y[-c(1:6)])[c(F,T)]))
diff <- difa + difb
output1 <- mapply(myfun, x = L2, y = L1)
The same number of data frames are in each list and each dataframe from one list corresponds to the dataframe in the other list. The dataframes in one list contain a single row while the other dataframes in the second list contain a dynamic number of rows; hence the use of sum and rowSums. The number of numeric columns are also dynamic but always the same between corresponding dataframes.
I'm looking to use parallel processing to speed up the computation when dealing with 1-10 million dataframes per list. I tried the following:
if(detectCores() > 1) {no_cores <- detectCores() - 1}
if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {ptype <- "FORK"}
cl <- makeCluster(no_cores, type = ptype)
clusterMap(cl, myfun, x = L2, y = L1)
However, due to the significant amount of data I'm using, this will quickly fill up the memory. I assume due to loading the entire lists of data frames in each cluster?? I'm new to parallel processing in R and have read that splitting up the data into chunks according to the number of cores available is required for some parallel functions that don't implement it automatically, so I tried the following which does not work:
if(detectCores() > 1) {no_cores <- detectCores() - 1}
if(.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {ptype <- "FORK"}
cl <- makeCluster(no_cores, type = ptype)
output1 <- clusterMap(cl, myfun, x = split(L2, ceiling(seq_along(L2)/no_cores)), y = split(L1, ceiling(seq_along(L1)/no_cores)))
Can someone help a newbie out? Most of the information I've been reading about uses parApply/parLapply/etc. I was able to use mcmapply, but since it only uses forking, I cannot use it. My code has to run on both unix and windows systems; hence my testing for OS.type to set it at fork.
UPDATE: So I think it is working correctly in the sense that it's parsing out chunks to different clusters, but the data type is not playing nice with binary operators inside the clusters. Issue appears to be related to it becoming a list of lists of dataframes and being treated as non-numeric in the clusters.
I would like to split a large data.frame into chunks and pass each individually to the different members of the cluster.
Something like:
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores())
for (i in 1:detectCores()) {
clusterExport(cl, mydata[indices[[i]]], <extra option to specify a thread/process>)
Is this possible?
Here is an example that uses clusterCall inside a for loop to send a different chunk of the data frame to each of the workers:
cl <- makeCluster(detectCores())
df <- data.frame(a=1:10, b=1:10)
ix <- splitIndices(nrow(df), length(cl))
for (i in seq_along(cl)) {
clusterCall(cl[i], function(d) {
assign('mydata', d, pos=.GlobalEnv)
NULL # don't return any data to the master
}, df[ix[[i]],,drop=FALSE])
Note that the call to clusterCall is subsetting cl in order to execute the function on a single worker each time through the for loop.
You can verify that the workers were properly initialized in this example using:
r <- do.call('rbind', clusterEvalQ(cl, mydata))
identical(df, r)
There are easier ways to do this, but this example minimizes the memory used by the master and the amount of data sent to each of the workers. This is important when the data frame is very large.
I want to ask for some help on writing a combine function for foreach(). Consider the function below:
mySimFunc <- function(){
myNum <- runif(1)
myVec <- rnorm(10)
myMat <- rmvnorm(5, rep(0, 3), diag(3))
myListRslt <- list("myNum" = myNum, "myVec" = myVec, "myMat" = myMat)
return (myListRslt)
Now I'd like to run the code above for 1000 times using foreach() %dopar% and in each iteration I'd like to:
return myNum as is
get average of myVec and return it
get colMeans() of myMat and return it.
I'd like foreach() %dopar% to return a final list including:
a vector of length 1000 including 1000 myNum each corresponding to an iteration
a vector of length 1000 including 1000 average of myVec in each iteration
a matrix with 1000 rows where each row includes colMeans of myMat in that iteration
My Ideal solution
My ideal solution is o find a way that foreach() acts exactly like for so that I can simply define:
myNumRslt <- NULL
myVecRslt <- NULL
myMatRslt <- NULL
# and then simply aggregate result of each iteration to the variables above as:
foreach(i = 1:1000) %dopar%{
rslt <- mySimFunc()
myNumRslt <- c(myNumRslt, rslt$myNum)
myVecRslt <- c(myVecRslt, mean(rslt$myVec))
myMatRslt.tmp <- colMeans(rslt$myMat)
myMatRslt <- rbind(myMatRslt, myMatRslt.tmp)
BUT, unfortunately seems that it's not possible to do that with foreach() so then I think the only solution is to write a combine function that does similar to result aggregation above.
1) How could I write a combine function that returns what I explained above?
2) When we do %dopar% (suppose using doMC package), does doMC distribute each iteration to a CPU or it goes further and divide each iteration to further pieces and distribute them?
3) Is there any better (more efficient) way than using doMC and foreach() ?
In this question Brian mentioned a brilliant way to deal with lists including numeric values. In my case, I have numeric values as well as vectors and matrices. I don't know how to extend Brian's idea in my case.
Thanks very much for your help.
Cleaned up, generalizable solution using .combine:
#modify function to include aggregation
mySimFunc2 <- function(){
myNum <- runif(1)
myVec <- mean(rnorm(10))
myMat <- colMeans(rmvnorm(5, rep(0, 3), diag(3)))
myListRslt <- list("myNum" = myNum, "myVec" = myVec, "myMat" = myMat)
return (myListRslt)
#.combine function
MyComb1 <- function(...) {
vec<-sapply(1:length(lst), function (i) return(lst[[i]][[1]] ))
vecavg<-sapply(1:length(lst),function (i) return(lst[[i]][[2]] ))
colmeans<-t(sapply(1:length(lst), function (i) return(lst[[i]][[3]])))
cl <- makeCluster(3) #set cores
.multicombine=TRUE,.maxcombine=1000, .packages=c("mvtnorm"))%dopar%{mySimFunc2()}
You should now have a list output containing the desired three objects, which I've titled respectively as vec, vecavg, and colmeans. Note you must set .maxcombine to the number of iterations if iterations are greater than 100.
As a side note, it does not make sense to parallelize for this example task, although I'm guessing the real task may be more complex.