In his book ANSI Common Lisp, p.320, Paul Graham writes of macrolet: "Like flet, the local macros may not call one another."
Maybe I misunderstand this but I can't think of any way in which it could be true. Macros do not call each other so much as expand into each other and the nature of macro expansion is such that it continues until all macros defined in the scope have been expanded away.
Code such as the following disagrees with Graham in every implentation of Common Lisp I've tried:
(macrolet ((jump (x) `(car ,x))
(skip (x) `(jump ,x))
(hop (x) `(skip ,x)))
(hop '(1 2 3)))
=> 1
(macrolet ((yin (n x)
(if (zerop n)
`(cdr ,x)
`(yang ,(1- n) ,x)))
(yang (n x)
(if (zerop n)
`(car ,x)
`(yin ,(1- n) ,x))))
(yin 6 '(1 2 3)))
=> (2 3)
Is Graham's statement in error?
It is okay for a macro defined by macrolet to expand into the use of a different macro defined in the same macrolet. It is incorrect for a macro defined by macrolet to directly use a different macro defined in the same macrolet. For example:
(macrolet ((jump (x) `(car ,x))
;; Okay since skip expands into jump.
(skip (x) `(jump ,x)))
(skip '(1 2 3)))
=> 1
as opposed to
(macrolet ((jump (x) `(car ,x))
;; Wrong since skip uses jump directly.
(skip (x) (jump x)))
(skip '(1 2 3)))
=> Error: The function COMMON-LISP-USER::JUMP is undefined.
This is not a homework assignment. In the following code:
(defparameter nums '())
(defun fib (number)
(if (< number 2)
(push (+ (fib (- number 1)) (fib (- number 2))) nums))
return nums)
(format t "~a " (fib 100))
Since I am quite inexperienced with Common Lisp, I am at a loss as to why the function does not return an value. I am a trying to print first 'n' values, e.g., 100, of the Fibonacci Sequence.
Thank you.
An obvious approach to computing fibonacci numbers is this:
(defun fib (n)
(if (< n 2)
(+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
(defun fibs (n)
(loop for i from 1 below n
collect (fib i)))
A little thought should tell you why no approach like this is going to help you compute the first 100 Fibonacci numbers: the time taken to compute (fib n) is equal to or a little more than the time taken to compute (fib (- n 1)) plus the time taken to compute (fib (- n 2)): this is exponential (see this stack overflow answer).
A good solution to this is memoization: the calculation of (fib n) repeats subcalculations a huge number of times, and if we can just remember the answer we computed last time we can avoid doing so again.
(An earlier version of this answer has an overcomplex macro here: something like that may be useful in general but is not needed here.)
Here is how you can memoize fib:
(defun fib (n)
(check-type n (integer 0) "natural number")
(let ((so-far '((2 . 1) (1 . 1) (0 . 0))))
(labels ((fibber (m)
(when (> m (car (first so-far)))
(push (cons m (+ (fibber (- m 1))
(fibber (- m 2))))
(cdr (assoc m so-far))))
(fibber n))))
This keeps a table – an alist – of the results it has computed so far, and uses this to avoid recomputation.
With this memoized version of the function:
> (time (fib 1000))
Timing the evaluation of (fib 1000)
User time = 0.000
System time = 0.000
Elapsed time = 0.000
Allocation = 101944 bytes
0 Page faults
The above definition uses a fresh cache for each call to fib: this is fine, because the local function, fibber does reuse the cache. But you can do better than this by putting the cache outside the function altogether:
(defmacro define-function (name expression)
;; Install EXPRESSION as the function value of NAME, returning NAME
;; This is just to avoid having to say `(setf ...)`: it should
;; probably do something at compile-time too so the compiler knows
;; the function will be defined.
(setf (fdefinition ',name) ,expression)
(define-function fib
(let ((so-far '((2 . 1) (1 . 1) (0 . 0))))
(lambda (n)
(block fib
(check-type n (integer 0) "natural number")
(labels ((fibber (m)
(when (> m (car (first so-far)))
(push (cons m (+ (fibber (- m 1))
(fibber (- m 2))))
(cdr (assoc m so-far))))
(fibber n))))))
This version of fib will share its cache between calls, which means it is a little faster, allocates a little less memory but may be less thread-safe:
> (time (fib 1000))
Allocation = 96072 bytes
> (time (fib 1000))
Allocation = 0 bytes
Interestingly memoization was invented (or at least named) by Donald Michie, who worked on breaking Tunny (and hence with Colossus), and who I also knew slightly: the history of computing is still pretty short!
Note that memoization is one of the times where you can end up fighting a battle with the compiler. In particular for a function like this:
(defun f (...)
;; no function bindings or notinline declarations of F here
(f ...)
Then the compiler is allowed (but not required) to assume that the apparently recursive call to f is a recursive call into the function it is compiling, and thus to avoid a lot of the overhead of a full function call. In particular it is not required to retrieve the current function value of the symbol f: it can just call directly into the function itself.
What this means is that an attempt to write a function, memoize which can be used to mamoize an existing recursive function, as (setf (fdefinition 'f) (memoize #'f)) may not work: the function f still call directly into the unmemoized version of itself and won't notice that the function value of f has been changed.
This is in fact true even if the recursion is indirect in many cases: the compiler is allowed to assume that calls to a function g for which there is a definition in the same file are calls to the version defined in the file, and again avoid the overhead of a full call.
The way to deal with this is to add suitable notinline declarations: if a call is covered by a notinline declaration (which must be known to the compiler) then it must be made as a full call. From the spec:
A compiler is not free to ignore this declaration; calls to the specified functions must be implemented as out-of-line subroutine calls.
What this means is that, in order to memoize functions you have to add suitable notinline declarations for recursive calls, and this means that memoizing either needs to be done by a macro, or must rely on the user adding suitable declarations to the functions to be memoized.
This is only a problem because the CL compiler is allowed to be smart: almost always that's a good thing!
Your function unconditionally returns nums (but only if a variable called return exists). To see why, we can format it like this:
(defun fib (number)
(if (< number 2)
(push (+ (fib (- number 1)) (fib (- number 2))) nums))
If the number is less than 2, then it evaluates the expression number, uselessly, and throws away the result. Otherwise, it pushes the result of the (+ ....) expression onto the nums list. Then it uselessly evaluates return, throwing away the result. If a variable called return doesn't exist, that's an error situation. Otherwise, it evaluates nums and that is the return value.
In Common Lisp, there is a return operator for terminating and returning out of anonymous named blocks (blocks whose name is the symbol nil). If you define a named function with defun, then an invisible block exists which is not anonymous: it has the same name as that function. In that case, return-from can be used:
(defun function ()
(return-from function 42) ;; function terminates, returns 42
(print 'notreached)) ;; this never executes
Certain standard control flow and looping constructs establish a hidden anonymous block, so return can be used:
(dolist (x '(1 2 3))
(return 42)) ;; loop terminates, yields 42 as its result
If we use (return ...) but there is no enclosing anonymous block, that is an error.
The expression (return ...) is different from just return, which evaluates a variable named by the symbol return, retrieving its contents.
It is not clear how to repair your fib function, because the requirements are unknown. The side effect of pushing values into a global list normally doesn't belong inside a mathematical function like this, which should be pure (side-effect-free).
So you might know that if you know the two previous numbers you can compute the next. What comes after 3, 5? If you guess 8 you have understood it. Now if you start with 0, 1 and roll 1, 1, 1, 2, etc you collect the first variable until you have the number of numbers you'd like:
(defun fibs (elements)
"makes a list of elements fibonacci numbers starting with the first"
(loop :for a := 0 :then b
:for b := 1 :then c
:for c := (+ a b)
:for n :below elements
:collect a))
(fibs 10)
; ==> (0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34)
Every form in Common Lisp "returns" a value. You can say it evaluates to. eg.
(if (< a b)
This evaluates either to 5 or 10. Thus you can do this and expect that it evaluates to either 15 or 20:
(+ 10
(if (< a b)
You basically want your functions to have one expression that calculates the result. eg.
(defun fib (n)
(if (zerop n)
(+ (fib (1- n)) (fib (- n 2)))))
This evaluates to the result og the if expression... loop with :collect returns the list. You also have (return expression) and (return-from name expression) but they are usually unnecessary.
Your global variable num is actually not that a bad idea.
It is about to have a central memory about which fibonacci numbers were already calculated. And not to calculate those already calculated numbers again.
This is the very idea of memoization.
But first, I do it in bad manner with a global variable.
Bad version with global variable *fibonacci*
(defparameter *fibonacci* '(1 1))
(defun fib (number)
(let ((len (length *fibonacci*)))
(if (> len number)
(elt *fibonacci* (- len number 1)) ;; already in *fibonacci*
(labels ((add-fibs (n-times)
(push (+ (car *fibonacci*)
(cadr *fibonacci*))
(cond ((zerop n-times) (car *fibonacci*))
(t (add-fibs (1- n-times))))))
(add-fibs (- number len))))))
;;> (fib 10)
;; 89
;;> *fibonacci*
;; (89 55 34 21 13 8 5 3 2 1 1)
Good functional version (memoization)
In memoization, you hide the global *fibonacci* variable
into the environment of a lexical function (the memoized version of a function).
(defun memoize (fn)
(let ((cache (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
#'(lambda (&rest args)
(multiple-value-bind (val win) (gethash args cache)
(if win
(setf (gethash args cache)
(apply fn args)))))))
(defun fib (num)
(cond ((zerop num) 1)
((= 1 num) 1)
(t (+ (fib (- num 1))
(fib (- num 2))))))
The previously global variable *fibonacci* is here actually the local variable cache of the memoize function - encapsulated/hidden from the global environment,
accessible/look-up-able only through the function fibm.
Applying memoization on fib (bad version!)
(defparameter fibm (memoize #'fib))
Since common lisp is a Lisp 2 (separated namespace between function and variable names) but we have here to assign the memoized function to a variable,
we have to use (funcall <variable-name-bearing-function> <args for memoized function>).
(funcall fibm 10) ;; 89
Or we define an additional
(defun fibm (num)
(funcall fibm num))
and can do
(fibm 10)
However, this saves/memoizes only the out calls e.g. here only the
Fibonacci value for 10. Although for that, Fibonacci numbers
for 9, 8, ..., 1 are calculated, too.
To make them saved, look the next section!
Applying memoization on fib (better version by #Sylwester - thank you!)
(setf (symbol-function 'fib) (memoize #'fib))
Now the original fib function is the memoized function,
so all fib-calls will be memoized.
In addition, you don't need funcall to call the memoized version,
but just do
(fib 10)
Could someone explain to me what's going on in this very simple code snippet?
(defun test-a ()
(let ((x '(nil)))
(setcar x (cons 1 (car x)))
Upon a calling (test-a) for the first time, I get the expected result: ((1)).
But to my surprise, calling it once more, I get ((1 1)), ((1 1 1)) and so on.
Why is this happening? Am I wrong to expect (test-a) to always return ((1))?
Also note that after re-evaluating the definition of test-a, the return result resets.
Also consider that this function works as I expect:
(defun test-b ()
(let ((x '(nil)))
(setq x (cons (cons 1 (car x))
(cdr x)))))
(test-b) always returns ((1)).
Why aren't test-a and test-b equivalent?
The Bad
test-a is self-modifying code. This is extremely dangerous. While the variable x disappears at the end of the let form, its initial value persists in the function object, and that is the value you are modifying. Remember that in Lisp a function is a first class object, which can be passed around (just like a number or a list), and, sometimes, modified. This is exactly what you are doing here: the initial value for x is a part of the function object and you are modifying it.
Let us actually see what is happening:
(symbol-function 'test-a)
=> (lambda nil (let ((x (quote (nil)))) (setcar x (cons 1 (car x))) x))
=> ((1))
(symbol-function 'test-a)
=> (lambda nil (let ((x (quote ((1))))) (setcar x (cons 1 (car x))) x))
=> ((1 1))
(symbol-function 'test-a)
=> (lambda nil (let ((x (quote ((1 1))))) (setcar x (cons 1 (car x))) x))
=> ((1 1 1))
(symbol-function 'test-a)
=> (lambda nil (let ((x (quote ((1 1 1))))) (setcar x (cons 1 (car x))) x))
The Good
test-b returns a fresh cons cell and thus is safe. The initial value of x is never modified. The difference between (setcar x ...) and (setq x ...) is that the former modifies the object already stored in the variable x while the latter stores a new object in x. The difference is similar to x.setField(42) vs. x = new MyObject(42) in C++.
The Bottom Line
In general, it is best to treat quoted data like '(1) as constants - do not modify them:
quote returns the argument, without evaluating it. (quote x) yields x.
Warning: quote does not construct its return value, but just returns
the value that was pre-constructed by the Lisp reader (see info node
Printed Representation). This means that (a . b) is not
identical to (cons 'a 'b): the former does not cons. Quoting should
be reserved for constants that will never be modified by side-effects,
unless you like self-modifying code. See the common pitfall in info
node Rearrangement for an example of unexpected results when
a quoted object is modified.
If you need to modify a list, create it with list or cons or copy-list instead of quote.
See more examples.
PS1. This has been duplicated on Emacs.
PS2. See also Why does this function return a different value every time? for an identical Common Lisp issue.
I found the culprit is indeed 'quote. Here's its doc-string:
Return the argument, without evaluating it.
Warning: `quote' does not construct its return value, but just returns
the value that was pre-constructed by the Lisp reader
Quoting should be reserved for constants that will
never be modified by side-effects, unless you like self-modifying code.
I also rewrote for convenience
(setq test-a
(lambda () ((lambda (x) (setcar x (cons 1 (car x))) x) (quote (nil)))))
and then used
(funcall test-a)
to see how 'test-a was changing.
It looks like the '(nil) in your (let) is only evaluated once. When you (setcar), each call is modifying the same list in-place. You can make (test-a) work if you replace the '(nil) with (list (list)), although I presume there's a more elegant way to do it.
(test-b) constructs a totally new list from cons cells each time, which is why it works differently.
I am working on program related to the different of dealing with even numbers in C and lisp , finished my c program but still having troubles with lisp
isprime function is defined and I need help in:
define function primesinlist that returns unique prime numbers in a lis
here what i got so far ,
any help with that please?
(defun comprimento (lista)
(if (null lista)
(1+ (comprimento (rest lista)))))
(defun primesinlist (number-list)
(let ((result ()))
(dolist (number number-list)
(when (isprime number)
( number result)))
(nreverse result)))
You need to either flatten the argument before processing:
(defun primesinlist (number-list)
(let ((result ()))
(dolist (number (flatten number-list))
(when (isprime number)
(push number result)))
(delete-duplicates (nreverse result))))
or, if you want to avoid consing up a fresh list, flatten it as you go:
(defun primesinlist (number-list)
(let ((result ()))
(labels ((f (l)
(dolist (x l)
(etypecase x
(integer (when (isprime x)
(push x result)))
(list (f x))))))
(f number-list))
(delete-duplicates (nreverse result))))
To count distinct primes, take the length of the list returned by primesinlist.
Alternatively, you can use count-if:
(count-if #'isprime (delete-duplicates (flatten number-list)))
It sounds like you've already got a primality test implemented, but for sake of completeness, lets add a very simple one that just tries to divide a number by the numbers less than it up to its square root:
(defun primep (x)
"Very simple implementation of a primality test. Checks
for each n above 1 and below (sqrt x) whether n divides x.
(mapcar 'primep '(2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13))
(do ((sqrt-x (sqrt x))
(i 2 (1+ i)))
((> i sqrt-x) t)
(when (zerop (mod x i))
(return nil))))
Now, you need a way to flatten a potentially nested list of lists into a single list. When approaching this problem, I usually find it a bit easier to think in terms of trees built of cons-cells. Here's an efficient flattening function that returns a completely new list. That is, it doesn't share any structure with the original tree. That can be useful, especially if we want to modify the resulting structure later, without modifying the original input.
(defun flatten-tree (x &optional (tail '()))
"Efficiently flatten a tree of cons cells into
a list of all the non-NIL leafs of the tree. A completely
fresh list is returned.
(flatten-tree nil) ;=> ()
(flatten-tree 1) ;=> (1)
(flatten-tree '(1 (2 (3)) (4) 5)) ;=> (1 2 3 4 5)
(flatten-tree '(1 () () 5)) ;=> (1 5)
((null x) tail)
((atom x) (list* x tail))
((consp x) (flatten-tree (car x)
(flatten-tree (cdr x) tail)))))
Now it's just a matter of flatting a list, removing the number that are not prime, and removing duplicates from that list. Common Lisp includes functions for doing these things, namely remove-if-not and remove-duplicates. Those are the "safe" versions that don't modify their input arguments. Since we know that the flattened list is freshly generated, we can use their (potentially) destructive counterparts, delete-if-not and delete-duplicates.
There's a caveat when you're removing duplicate elements, though. If you have a list like (1 3 5 3), there are two possible results that could be returned (assuming you keep all the other elements in order): (1 3 5) and (1 5 3). That is, you can either remove the the later duplicate or the earlier duplicate. In general, you have the question of "which one should be left behind?" Common Lisp, by default, removes the earlier duplicate and leaves the last occurrence. That behavior can be customized by the :from-end keyword argument. It can be nice to duplicate that behavior in your own API.
So, here's a function that puts all those considerations together.
(defun primes-in-tree (tree &key from-end)
"Flatten the tree, remove elements which are not prime numbers,
using FROM-END to determine whether earlier or later occurrences
are kept in the list.
(primes-in-list '(2 (7 4) ((3 3) 5) 6 7))
;;=> (2 3 5 7)
(primes-in-list '(2 (7 4) ((3 3) 5) 6 7) :from-end t)
;;=> (2 7 3 5)"
;; Because FLATTEN-TREE returns a fresh list, it's OK
;; to use the destructive functions DELETE-IF-NOT and
(delete-if-not 'primep (flatten-tree list))
:from-end from-end))
I am trying an example on Chapter 4 of SICP (part of writing the LISP interpreter)
(define (definition-value exp)
(if (symbol? (cadr exp))
(caddr exp)
(cdadr exp) ; formal parameters
(cddr exp) ; body
(define (make-lambda parameters body)
(cons 'lambda (cons parameters body))
I Tested it, definition-value on '(define (double x) (+ x x))) should return a lambda function
( (definition-value '(define (double x) (+ x x))) 10)
Racket outputs
procedure application: expected procedure, given: (lambda (x) (+ x x)); arguments were: 10
Isn't "(lambda (x) (+ x x))" a procedure? Or it is a reference? If it is a reference, any way to "dereference" it?
definition-value returns the value in the definition expression given to it as an argument:
(definition-value '(define x 42))
=> 42
(definition-value '(define (qq x) (+ x y 42)))
=> (make-lambda '(x) '((+ x y 42)))
=> '(lambda (x) (+ x y 42))
You can't call the quoted list as a function, as you do: ( '(lambda (x) (+ x y 42)) 10) is invalid. It is not a function, it is just an s-expression.
definition-value is part of an interpreter. This interpreter is the way to "dereference", i.e. interpret function definitions. Different interpreters can have different ways to interpret same function definitions, giving different semantics to the resulting languages.
Evaluation of expressions must be done in context - they appear inside certain lexical scope (area in code where a variable is visible), which gives rise to environments (also, this). In the example above, y is defined in some enclosing scope in the program being interpreted. Trying to interpret that expression in REPL by calling Racket's eval, what value would y have?
I figured the answer, if execute a Racket script in file, racket interpreter doesn't know the namespace, however, the REPL knows it. The solution is to add this line at the beginning of the file
(define ns (make-base-namespace))
Then pass ns to eval when using it
(eval <what ever code reference here> ns)
That will make my above mentioned examples work.
Is it possible to trace a closure in CL? For ex., can I trace foo-3 below?
(defun foo (n)
(lambda (i) (incf n i)))
(setf foo-3 (foo 3))
(funcall foo-3 2)
(funcall foo-3 2)
(trace ???)
I don't think this is possible: as far as I know, the trace macro generally works by replacing the function at a given symbol by a wrapper that calls the original and also prints out the tracing bit.
If you're interested in the (complicated) implementation details, the SBCL code is in src/code/ntrace.lisp (you probably want to look at the trace-1 function).
Of course, if all you want to do is print something out when foo-3 is called, you could always put a print statement inside the lambda form in foo...
It is indeed possible to do so. Trace looks for functions in the function-namespace, so make sure to not mix values and functions.
(setf (symbol-function 'test)
(let ((n 0))
(lambda (x)
(incf n x))))
#<Interpreted Closure TEST>
(trace test)
(test 4)
0[2]: (TEST 4)
0[2]: returned 4
(test 3)
0[2]: (TEST 3)
0[2]: returned 7
I think the problem here is that trace requires a function name, rather than there being a problem with tracing closures. Continuing from your example above, you can call foo-3 from a named function, and trace that:
(defun call-foo-3 (i)
(funcall foo-3 i))
(trace call-foo-3)
(call-foo-3 2)
0: (CALL-FOO-3 2)
0: CALL-FOO-3 returned 15