Read excel file with formulas in cells into R - r

I was trying to read an excel spreadsheet into R data frame. However, some of the columns have formulas or are linked to other external spreadsheets. Whenever I read the spreadsheet into R, there are always many cells becomes NA. Is there a good way to fix this problem so that I can get the original value of those cells?
The R script I used to do the import is like the following:
options(java.parameters = "-Xmx8g")
# Step 1 import the "raw" tab
path_cost = "..."
wb = loadWorkbook(...)
raw = readWorksheet(wb, sheet = '...', header = TRUE, useCachedValues = FALSE)

UPDATE: read_excel from the readxl package looks like a better solution. It's very fast (0.14 sec in the 1400 x 6 file I mentioned in the comments) and it evaluates formulas before import. It doesn't use java, so no need to set any java options.
# sheet can be a string (name of sheet) or integer (position of sheet)
raw = read_excel(file, sheet=sheet)
For more information and examples, see the short vignette.
ORIGINAL ANSWER: Try read.xlsx from the xlsx package. The help file implies that by default it evaluates formulas before importing (see the keepFormulas parameter). I checked this on a small test file and it worked for me. Formula results were imported correctly, including formulas that depend on other sheets in the same workbook and formulas that depend on other workbooks in the same directory.
One caveat: If an externally linked sheet has changed since the last time you updated the links on the file you're reading into R, then any values read into R that depend on external links will be the old values, not the latest ones.
The code in your case would be:
options(java.parameters = "-Xmx8g") # xlsx also uses java
# Replace file and sheetName with appropriate values for your file
# keepFormulas=FALSE and header=TRUE are the defaults. I added them only for illustration.
raw = read.xlsx(file, sheetName=sheetName, header=TRUE, keepFormulas=FALSE)


Issue when importing float as string from Excel. Adding precision incorrectly

Using openxlsx read.xlsx to import a dataframe from a multi-class column. The desired result is to import all values as strings, exactly as they're represented in Excel. However, some decimals are represented as very long floats.
Sample data is simply an Excel file with a column containing the following rows:
df <- read.xlsx('testnumbers.xlsx', )
Using the above R code to read the file results in df containing these string
The Excel file provided in production has the column formatted as "General". If I format the column as Text, there is no change unless I explicitly double-click each cell in Excel and hit enter. In that case, the number is correctly displayed as a string. Unfortunately, clicking each cell isn't an option in the production environment. Any solution, Excel, R, or otherwise is appreciated.
I've read through this question and believe I understand the math behind what's going on. At this point, I suppose I'm looking for a workaround. How can I get a float from Excel to an R dataframe as text without changing the representation?
Why Are Floating Point Numbers Inaccurate?
I was able to get the correct formats into a data frame using pandas in python.
import pandas as pd
test = pd.read_excel('testnumbers.xlsx', dtype = str)
This will suffice as a workaround, but I'd like to see a solution built in R.
Here is a workaround in R using openxlsx that I used to solve a similar issue. I think it will solve your question, or at least allow you to format as text in the excel files programmatically.
I will use it to reformat specific cells in a large number of files (I'm converting from general to 'scientific' in my case- as an example of how you might alter this for another format).
This uses functions in the openxlsx package that you reference in the OP
First, load the xlsx file in as a workbook (stored in memory, which preserves all the xlsx formatting/etc; slightly different than the method shown in the question, which pulls in only the data):
testnumbers <- loadWorkbook(here::here("test_data/testnumbers.xlsx"))
Then create a "style" to apply which converts the numbers to "text" and apply it to the virtual worksheet (in memory).
numbersAsText <- createStyle(numFmt = "TEXT")
addStyle(testnumbers, sheet = "Sheet1", style = numbersAsText, cols = 1, rows = 1:10)
finally, save it back to the original file:
file = here::here("test_data/testnumbers_formatted.xlsx"),
overwrite = T)
When you open the excel file, the numbers will be stored as "text"

writeWorkSheet function in R not pasting values into Excel

I am trying to copy some data from an R data frame (Shipments) to an excel file using writeWorkBook function in the XLConnect package. However, it is not copying anything to the excel file. The execution doesn't result in any error/warning appearing in the console. It just doesn't copy.
I have loaded the library XLConnect and made sure I am not loading the library xlsx. The column to be copied has been type-casted to dataframe as I thought that might be an issue.
wbnames is an additional thing. I directly wrote the sheet name in the writeWorkBook and it should have worked fine. Even with wbnames there hasn't been any change in the result.
I originally intended to copy the content to a macro file and then run the macro file from R itself but it wasn't working. So I thought it may be because of macro file but the function is not working on .xlsx itself.
So, not sure what is the issue. Would be grateful if I can get some help here. Am I missing something?
xlApp <- COMCreate("Excel.Application")
xlWbk <- xlApp$Workbooks()$Open(FILEPATH+FILENAME.XLSX)
xlWb <- loadWorkbook(FILEPATH+FILENAME.XLSX)
wbnames <- as.vector(getSheets(xlWb))
# Copy a column from the existing data frame and paste it to the first
# sheet of the FILENAME.XLSX, starting at Row#6, no headers and no rownames:
sheet = wbnames[1], startRow = 6, header = F, rownames = NULL)
xlWb is the R-object that contains the workbook. It looks like the data has been written to the workbook, which is good. In order to view in Excel format, however, you still need to save the workbook to Excel. Add this line after your code and you should see a document called your_file_name.xlsx with your data in your working directory:
XLConnect::saveWorkbook(xlWb, "your_file_name.xlsx")

How do I modify an existing a sheet in an Excel Workbook using Openxlsx package in R?

I am using "openxlsx" package to read and write excel files. I have a fixed file with a sheet called "Data" which is used by formulas in other sheets. I want to update this Data sheet without touching the other.
I am trying the following code:
write.xlsx(x = Rev_4, file = "Revenue.xlsx", sheetName="Data")
But this erases the excel file and creates a new one with just the new data in the "Data" sheet while all else gets deleted. Any Advice?
Try this:
wb <- loadWorkbook("Revenue.xlsx")
writeData(wb, sheet = "Data", Rev_4, colNames = F)
saveWorkbook(wb,"Revenue.xlsx",overwrite = T)
You need to load the complete workbook, then modify its data and then save it to disk. With writeData you can also specify the starting row and column. And you could also modify other sections before saving to disk.
I've found this package. It depends on openxlsx and helps to insert many sheets on a xlsx file. Maybe it makes easier:
Package documentation
# However, be careful, the function xlsx2dfs assumes
# that all sheets contain simple tables. If that is not the case,
# use the accepted answer!
dfs <- xlsx2dfs("Revenue.xlsx") # all sheets of file as list of dfs
dfs["Data"] <- Rev_4 # replace df of sheet "Data" by updated df Rev_4
dfs2xlsx(dfs, "Revenue.xlsx") # this overwrites the existing file! cave!

Appending r output in a single sheet of xlsx file

How can i append my R outputs in a single sheet of xlsx file? I am currently working on web crawling wherein i need to scrap the user reviews from website and save it in my deskstop in xlsx format. I need to every time change the website url(as user reviews are in different pages) in my code and save the output in one sheet of xlsx file.
Can you please help me with the code of appending outputs in a single sheet of xlsx file? Below is the code which i am using: Every time i need to change the website url and run the same below code and save the corresponding output in a single sheet of mydata.xlsx
htmlpage <- html("")
proshtml <- html_nodes(htmlpage, ".pros")
pros <- html_text(proshtml)
write.xlsx(data, "D:/mydata.xlsx", append=TRUE)
A trivial, but super-slow way:
If you only need to add (a few) row(s) to an existing Excel file, and it only has one sheet to which you want to append, you can just do a simple read => overwrite step:
SHEET.NAME <- '...' # fill in with yours <- read.xlsx(file, sheetName = SHEET.NAME) <- rbind(, data)
write.xlsx(, file, sheetName = SHEET.NAME, row.names = F, append = F)
It's quite slow in general, will work only for small scale
read.xlsx is a slow function. Try read.xlsx2 to make it much faster (see the difference in the docs)
If your R process is run once and keeps working for a long time, obviously don't do it this way (reading and overwriting a file is ridiculous in that case)
look at package xlsx.
?write.xlsx will show you what you want. append=TRUE is the key.
========= EDIT TO CORRECT =========
As #Jakub pointed out, append=TRUE adds another worksheet to the file.
========= EDIT TO ADD: ANOTHER METHOD ==========
Another method is to save the data to a .csv file, which could easily open from excel. In this case, the append=T works as expected (adding to the existing sheet):

Convert .xlsm to .xlsx in R

I would like to convert an Excel file (say it's name is "Jimmy") that is saved as a macro enabled workbook (Jimmy.xlsm) to Jimmy.xlsx.
I need this to be done in a coding environment. I cannot simply change this by opening the file in Excel and assigning a different file-type. I am currently programming in R. If I use the function
file.rename("Jimmy.xlsm", "Jimmy.xlsx")
the file becomes corrupted.
In your framework you have to read in the sheet and write it back out. Suppose you have an XLSM file (with macros, I presume) called "testXLSM2X.xlsm" containing one sheet with tabular columns of data. This will do the trick:
r <- read.xlsx("testXLSMtoX.xlsm", 1) # read the first sheet
# provides a data frame
# use the first column in the spreadsheet to create row names then delete that column from the data frame
# otherwise you will get an extra column of row index numbers in the first column
w <- write.xlsx(r2w,"testXLSMtoX.xlsx") # write the sheet
The macros will be stripped out, of course.
That's an answer but I would question what you are trying to accomplish. In general it is easier to control R from Excel than Excel from R. I use REXCEL from, which is not open source but pretty robust.
Here is a function that converts XLSM files to XLSX files with the R package RDCOMClient :
convert_XLSM_File_To_XLSX <- function(path_XLSM_File, path_XLSX_File)
xlApp <- COMCreate("Excel.Application")
xlApp[['Visible']] <- FALSE
xlApp[["DisplayAlerts"]] <- FALSE
xlWbk <- xlApp$Workbooks()$Open(path_XLSM_File)
xlWbk$SaveAs(path_XLSX_File, 51)
convert_XLSM_File_To_XLSX(path_XLSM_File, path_XLSX_File)
