ELGG: elgg_view_form() path not working - elgg

I am using ELGG https://elgg.org version 1.8 not 1.9
I created a plugin and wanted to add a form to here:
but this does not work
But if I put the save.php file in
it works

You have to login as admin and run "upgrade" or "flush the caches" from the admin control panel


FOSUserBundle not overriding twig template in specific cases

I am using FOSUserBundle in some Symfony2 Projects.
To override the login page, I normally create a Twig file like this: /app/Resources/FOSUserBundle/views/security/login.html.twig.
In the past projects I created, this worked normally and did override the login page.
Recently, I have been working on a new Symfony project with a teammate. Overriding the login page worked in my environment but NOT in his environment. We tried uploading the project to a test server where it also didn't override the login page (It used to override it for other projects we tested).
We are using Symfony 2.7 with Linux Distros for all the environments. In my case, I use Ubuntu Server. My teammate runs Ubuntu Mate and the test server runs Ubuntu.
We checked folder permissions and ownerships and everything is ok.
Everything in the project works except this little twig override for the FOSUserBundle login page.
We already tried php clear:cache and manually deleting the cache folder.
We also tried this solution: What is the issue with not overriding templates in symfony2.6 and FOSUserBundle 1.3, where the answer suggests that the problem is the way PHP caches the file stats. This also didnt' work.
Any suggestions or maybe some PHP configs that we could try?
Thanks in advance,
It may be a problem with a case sensitivity.
Change it to /app/Resources/FOSUserBundle/views/Security/login.html.twig (lower case s -> upper case S). And then check by ls -l (also check your version control if relevant).

Magnolia form module templates are missing in new page wizard

I'm building a site starting from the magnolia empty webapp with maven.
All is ok but now I'm now writing the contact page of the site. I'd like to use the magnolia mail module for this. So I installed the mail module and the form module.
After installing the form module in magnolia 5.4, the template called "Form" does not appear in the template selection when creating a new page in the pages app.
As it seems from the Documentation, it should be there.
Other templates, created by me with yaml and freemarker, correctly appear (and i can use them correctly).
The mail module is up and running and configured: i can send a mail to myself with the "verify setting" page, using a template i made, but i'd like to create a contact module for my site.
I installed the module with maven like:
dependency: groupId:info.magnolia, artifactId:magnolia-module-form , version:2.3
and installed it with the usual steps (installed module, wait , correctly completed without messages, started magnolia)
I DO NOT have STK installed since i'm using MTE... and i've other modules installed (resources, site, mail, MTE, DAM, etc...)
Am I missing something or doing something wrong? :|
Otherwise, Can the magnolia mail module simply be used standalone without the form module to send out a email, may be pointing a hand-written form to somewhere?
Or, best option imho: can I make a new form template with yaml? I can't find docs about it.
Thank you!.
Edit: I tried to install the STK along with MTE (I correctly updated to magnolia 5.4.1) but it relies on data-module 2.3.6 (which i don't have in my dependencies and which i don't use) so it won't install the STK. Also , installing STK just for a form template seems overkill to me. I'd prefere to understand how to insert a form in one of my templates.
Preinstalled templates are for STK. If you want to use Magnolia without STK, then you need to write template yourself, but in exchange have much more freedom in what you can do with that template. Once you create and register template you should be able to use it.
Re STK - latest version doesn't have any dependency on data module - see module descriptor. Either I'm blind or there is no such dependency. :D

Can't add an add-on to my alfresco server 4.2.f

(Sorry for my english)
I'm trying to install the add-on: https://github.com/share-extras/reset-password-dialog. I do what it says to do to install it:
I put the "reset-password-dialog-2.0.1.jar" file in: /opt/alfresco-4.2.f/tomcat/shared/lib/
I then restart the alfresco server by doing:
/opt/alfresco-4.2.f/alfresco.sh stop
/opt/alfresco-4.2.f/alfresco.sh start
After the restart there should be a link to reset my password on the login screen but I don't see it
I've tried to activate the add-on by going on the module deployment page but on it I only see "Alfresco portlet extension" in available module
I have also tried to put the file in different directory like: /opt/alfresco-4.2.f/tomcat/lib/ and /opt/alfresco-4.2.f/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB-INF/lib/
Is this the correct way to add an add-on ?
The plugin which you are using is not designed for the latest version or version which you are using.There are some files which are changed in alfresco version 4.2f.I have designed new solution which is compatible with your version.There may be some designing issue, but you can change it in login.get.html.ftl file.Functionality is working.I will soon update changes in git repo.
Git location for this project is as below.

Add asp Code to DNN Page?

I am very new to DotNetNuke. I did some development separately in Visual Studio. I just want to copy over the grid view code that I created onto an existing DNN page. When I used WordPress I simply got a PHP plug-in so that it could read the code when I added it to a page.
check out these templates to get you started building modules:

how to install securefiles in silverstripe 3

i'm trying to install the securefiles module https://github.com/hamishcampbell/silverstripe-securefiles on my silverstripe 3 installation.
After renaming, uploading and dev/build
i get two checkboxes in security>groups>groupname>permissions named Access to Secured Files and Manage File Security Settings.
But that's all.
and when i want to access the files section in silverstripe i get a server error.
Can someone tell me what i need to modify that secure files is working?
That extension seems to be only compatible with SS2.x so for SS3 you might need to find another extension, update it for 3.x (http://doc.silverstripe.org/framework/en/trunk/changelogs/3.1.0) or try a custom approach like Silverstripe - google picks links on members only page
