How to create a child entity in to-many relationship with JSONAPI - json-api

I've been reading through jsonapi's docs and I can't wrap my head around how this is practical. According to the docs to add a comment to an article the comment must already exist.
POST /articles/1/relationships/comments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
Accept: application/vnd.api+json
"data": [
{ "type": "comments", "id": "123" }
Is this just a poor example or does the spec really want you to issue a request to create a comment that isn't related to an entity before issuing the above request to relate it for a total of 2 requests?
It would seem that you would more likely want to issue a request like this:
POST /comments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
Accept: application/vnd.api+json
"data": {
"type": "comments",
"attributes": {
"body": "blah blah blah"
"relationships": {
"article": {
"data": { "type": "articles", "id": "45" }
or better yet:
POST /articles/45/relationships/comments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
Accept: application/vnd.api+json
"data": [
"type": "comments",
"attributes": {
"body": "blah blah blah"

According to JSONAPI's guide on creating resources, the following resource creation request, which looks very similar to OP's first suggestion, is a valid request.
POST /photos HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
Accept: application/vnd.api+json
"data": {
"type": "photos",
"attributes": {
"title": "Ember Hamster",
"src": ""
"relationships": {
"photographer": {
"data": { "type": "people", "id": "9" }

Yes it is a poor example - it is listed under the "Updating To-Many Relationships" section and assumes the comment already exists. In real life your second example would be fine.
There is a notion of a client generated id that is passed alongside data, but that assumes the client is capable of producing a globally unique id, which in the case of comments, a client is certainly not.
A server MAY accept a client-generated ID along with a request to
create a resource. An ID MUST be specified with an id key, the value
of which MUST be a universally unique identifier. The client SHOULD
use a properly generated and formatted UUID as described in RFC 4122


Sending a request to /adCreativesV2 entity doesn't return all the fields

We are in the process of designing a custom build report for our client and have recently stumbled upon a behavior which we could not puzzle. Basically, we are not getting returned the following fields
when sending a GET request as follows:*,reference~(*))
We're getting a 200 OK response as per below:
"variables": {
"data": {
"": {
"content": "urn:li:adInMailContent:5139314"
"test": false,
"servingStatuses": [
"version": {
"versionTag": "6"
"reference": "urn:li:adInMailContent:5139314",
"changeAuditStamps": {
"lastModified": {
"time": 1624098658000
"created": {
"time": 1624035613000
"review": {
"reviewStatus": "APPROVED"
"campaign": "urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:179783044",
"reference!": {
"message": "Unsupported URN domain: li:adInMailContent",
"status": 501
"id": 136236994,
"status": "ACTIVE"
From the response, you may also notice that we are also getting this warning
"message": "Unsupported URN domain: li:adInMailContent",
"status": 501
We've tried different API requests variations, including specifying different creatives that are active, but to no avail. Also, we were not able to find any info regarding the error above, so we are uncertain what might be causing it.

Q: Linkedin Vector Assest API, Registering Multi-Part Upload - No metadata value in response

I'm attempting to complete a multipart upload using Linkedin V2 Vector Assets and i've noticed that when registering the upload, the metadata field comes back blank in the response.
Here's the request to register the upload
and here is the response (removed all but one partUploadRequests object to make the response easier to read)
"value": {
"uploadMechanism": {
"com.linkedin.digitalmedia.uploading.MultipartUpload": {
"partUploadRequests": [
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream"
"byteRange": { "lastByte": 4194303, "firstByte": 0 },
"url": "",
"urlExpiresAt": 1616544717116
} ...
"metadata": ""
"asset": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C5605AQFnYcNsf7K5Yw",
"mediaArtifact": "urn:li:digitalmediaMediaArtifact:(urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C5605AQFnYcNsf7K5Yw,urn:li:digitalmediaMediaArtifactClass:uploadedVideo)"
The api documentation explains that I need to use the metadata value from the register upload response to complete the upload
I attempt making the request anyway without a value for the metadata field to (removed all but one partUploadResponses object to make the response easier to read)
"completeMultipartUploadRequest": {
"mediaArtifact": "urn:li:digitalmediaMediaArtifact:(urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C5605AQFnYcNsf7K5Yw,urn:li:digitalmediaMediaArtifactClass:uploadedVideo)",
"metadata": "",
"partUploadResponses": [
"headers": {
"ETag": "/ambry-video/signedId/AQGpSasdC3ezCgAAAXhcbTobXlB6_ujllr8BPUUAX4o9OgbHCxiRKoG9woM85dnGrxbUbd-5IXyMKO7syqyZXLgHFd8GQJkiMvvp1eHI9N32iJqMG-l_aFgSeXMbcqkFFcjuT22djM93dmKs_RBb58kppS3CadOPHSt5_tApCxAq0wgTfYQng3OkV_uVRdjIYftyfnHW3nF2vWz4hZBoX-YhmF6gDhXtN9dNTnU4QpHB7sGCecpjYgT8ypV-u5isvFrujHl3tl4.bin"
"httpStatusCode": 200
} ....
This comes back as a 200OK without any response body which is expected.
After that I check the upload status and which comes back with a code of SERVER_ERROR and I'm not able to create a post with the asset id of the uploaded asset.
Response from checking asset status
"recipes": [
"recipe": "urn:li:digitalmediaRecipe:feedshare-video",
"status": "SERVER_ERROR"
"serviceRelationships": [
"relationshipType": "OWNER",
"identifier": "urn:li:userGeneratedContent"
"mediaTypeFamily": "VIDEO",
"created": 1616458317042,
"id": "C5605AQFnYcNsf7K5Yw",
"lastModified": 1616458454711,
"status": "ALLOWED"
Request to create a UGC post with the asset
"author": "urn:li:organization:71736744",
"lifecycleState": "PUBLISHED",
"specificContent": {
"com.linkedin.ugc.ShareContent": {
"media": [
"media": "urn:li:digitalmediaAsset:C5605AQFnYcNsf7K5Yw",
"status": "READY",
"title": {
"attributes": [],
"text": "Sample Video Create"
"shareCommentary": {
"attributes": [],
"text": "Some share text"
"shareMediaCategory": "VIDEO"
"visibility": {
"com.linkedin.ugc.MemberNetworkVisibility": "PUBLIC"
Response to the request
"serviceErrorCode": 0,
"message": "Resource assets does not exist",
"status": 404}
The only thing I can think of is since I don't have a metadata value when completing the upload I'm not able to use the video asset in UGC posts. Anyone encountered a problem similar to this?
Further Investigations
On further investigation the example from the API docs doesn't return a metadata field either. So this is what I think might be happening
I'm not uploading the file chunks correctly and the metadata field isn't required for completing the upload.
The API has a bug in it which prevents it from returning the metadata field when registering a multipart upload.
Figured it out, when using the slice method to break your file up into chunks it needs to be file.slice(firstByte, lastByte + 1)
It also seems that the metadata value from the register upload request isn't need to complete the upload.

How should a "write" request be structured for Firestore REST API (v1beta1)?

Based on the Google Discovery document, and RPC reference, it appears that the :write resource should be available for Firestore database interactions, but performing such a request to my (POST[my project]/databases/(default)/documents:write) results in:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid value (Object), ",
"details": [
"#type": "",
"fieldViolations": [
"description": "Invalid value (Object), "
Is this possible? A related SO answer alludes to this being available as a means of field transforms, the same reason I require this, but I cannot construct valid a JSON body to succeed in the request. Currently, variations on the following don't work as expected when trying a minimum successful response:
"writes": [
"update": {
"name": "projects/{projectId}/databases/[my project]/documents/exampleId",
"fields": {
"example": {
"integerValue": 100
"timestamp": {
"nullValue": null
"transform": {
"document": "projects/[my project]]/databases/(default)/documents/examples/exampleId",
"fieldTransforms": [
"fieldPath": "timestamp",
"setToServerValue": "REQUEST_TIME"
First of all, note that you should use the v1 version of the REST API, not the betas.
To create a document, you would use the createDocument method, while to update a document you would use the patch one.
For the document creation you should therefore make a POST HTTP Request to the following URL<your-project-id>/databases/(default)/documents/<the-desired-collection>
with the following Request body:
fields: {
example: {
integerValue: 100
You need to use documents:commit instead of documents:write
also the name field should be in this format:
"name": "projects/projectID/databases/(default)/documents/collectionName/DocumentId"
See this post.

JSON API format in API-Platform

First of all I want to implement JSON API.
I follow tutorial on api platform and just like in example create entities and response is like
"links": {
"self": "/api/books"
"meta": {
"totalItems": 1,
"itemsPerPage": 30,
"currentPage": 1
"data": [
"id": "/api/books/1",
"type": "Book",
"attributes": {
"isbn": "9781782164104",
"title": "Persistence in PHP with the Doctrine ORM",
"description": "This book is designed for PHP developers and architects who want to modernize their skills through better understanding of Persistence and ORM.",
"author": "Kévin Dunglas",
"publicationDate": "2013-12-01T00:00:00+01:00",
"_id": 1
"relationships": {
"reviews": {
"data": [
"type": "Review",
"id": "/api/reviews/1"
My api_platform.yaml config
paths: ['%kernel.project_dir%/src/Entity']
mime_types: ['application/vnd.api+json']
So i have problem with id filed in data. I get id fields in format api/entityName/id but I just want to get number(string), just like in JSON API. So is there some configuration that i miss or is any way to achieve that
It was discussed here.
You need to use Normalizer or create custom getter.
All you need is to send
Accept: application/json
on request header.

google datastore api explorer example

I am trying to understand
but I always get
503 Service Unavailable
"error": {
"errors": [
"domain": "global",
"reason": "backendError",
"message": "Backend Error"
"code": 503,
"message": "Backend Error"
Can you provide a example as simple as possible I can paste to verify it actually works?
I tried something like this.
"mutation": {
"insertAutoId": [
"key": {
"path": [
"kind": "person",
"name": "gert"
Assuming that you followed one of the first two activation flows described in the documentation. And created the project recently, an App Engine application should be already associated with your project.
You need to:
Click Authorize your request using OAuth 2.0
Leave scope checked
Add under Add additional scopes (optional)
Click Authorize and grant the permission
Specify the datasetId parameter (same as your project-id)
Use insert or upsert instead of insertAutoId if the key is complete (kind w/ name or id).
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer ...
X-JavaScript-User-Agent: Google APIs Explorer
"mutation": {
"insert": [
"key": {
"path": [
"kind": "Foo",
"name": "iamfoo"
200 OK
"kind": "datastore#blindWriteResponse",
"mutationResult": {
"indexUpdates": 1
