I am executing monte carlo sweeps on a population of replicas of my system using OpenCL kernels. After the initial debugging phase I increased some of the arguments to more realistic values and noticed that the program is suddenly eating up large amounts of host memory. I am executing 1000 sweeps on about 4000 replicas, each sweep consists of 2 kernel invocations. That results in about 8 million kernel invocations.
The source of the memory usage was easy to find (see screenshot).
While the the kernel executions are enqueued the memory usage goes up.
While the kernels are executing the memory usage stays constant.
Once the kernels finish up the usage goes down to its original state.
I did not allocate any memory, as can be seen in the memory snapshots.
That means the OpenCL driver is using the memory. I understand that it must keep a copy of all the arguments to the kernel invocations and also the global and local workgroup size, but that does not add up.
The peak memory usage was 4.5GB. Before enqueuing the kernels about 250MB were used. That means OpenCL used about 4.25GB for 8 million invocations, i.e. about half a kilobyte per invocation.
So my questions are:
Is that kind of memory usage normal and to be expected?
Are there good/known techniques to reduce memory usage?
Maybe I should not enqueue so many kernels simultaneously, but how would I do that without causing synchronization, e.g. with clFinish()?
Enqueueing large number of kernel invocations needs to be done in a bit controlled manner so that command queue does not eat too much memory. First, clFlush may help to some degree then clWaitForEvents is necessary to make a synchronization point in the middle such that for example 2000 kernel invocations is enqueued and clWaitForEvents waits for the 1000th one. Device is not going to pause because we have another 1000 invocations of work pre-batched already. Then similar thing needs to be repeated again and again. This could be illustrated this way:
enqueue 999 kernel commands
while(invocations < 8000000)
enqueue 1 kernel command with an event
enqueue 999 kernel commands
wait for the event
The optimal number of kernel invocations after which we should wait may be different than presented here so it needs to be worked out for the given scenario.
For a university project I'm currently working on a slurm supercomputer cluster and have written a number of C programs using MPI.
While profiling one of them I have observed that the time elapsed between an MPI_Send and an accompanying MPI_Recv operation is a mostly linear function of the message length. However, at around 32 MiB there is a sudden jump in latency from around 10ms to around 20ms. This happens both for two processes on the same node and two processes on separate nodes.
Now I would like to find out why this happens. I'm aware that this is not an MPI intrinsic phenomenon but must be related to the underlying hardware setup, but I'm not sure where to begin looking for an explanation. What are some possible explanations for this and how could I check whether they apply in my case?
I am working with OpenCL. And I am interested how work-item will be executed in the following example.
I have one-dimensional range of 10000 with a work-group size of 512. The kernel is the followin:
__kernel void
doStreaming() {
unsigned int id = get_global_id(0);
if (!isExecutable(id))
/* do some work */
Here it check if it need to proceed the element with the following id or not.
Let assume that the execution started with the first work-group of 512 size and 20 of them were rejected by isExecutable. Does GPU continue to execute other 20 elements without waiting the first 492 elements?
There are no any barriers or other synchronization techniques involved.
When some workitems are branching far from the usual /* do some work */, they can use pipeline occupation advantage by getting instructions from next wavefront(amd) or next warp(nvidia) because current warp/wavefront workitem is busy doing other things. But this can cause memory access serialization and purge the accessing order of workgroup, decreasing performance.
Avoid having diverged warps/wavefronts: If you do if-statements in loop, it is really bad so better you find another way.
If every work item in a workgroup is having same branching, then it is ok.
If every work item does very few branching per hundreds of computing, it is ok.
Try to generate equal conditions for all workitems(emberrasingly parallel data/algorithm) to harness the power posessed by gpu.
Best way I know to get rid of simplest branch-vs-compute case is, using a global yes-no array. 0=yes, 1=no : always compute, then multiply your result with the yes-no element of work-item. Generally adding 1-byte element memory-access per core is much better then doing one branching per core. Actually making object length a power of 2 could be better after adding this 1-byte.
Yes and no. The following elaborations are based on documentation from NVIDIA, but I would doubt it to be any different on ATI hardware (though the actual numbers might differ maybe). In general the threads of a work group are executed in so-called warps, being sub-blocks of the work group size. On NVIDIA hardware each work group is divided into warps of 32 threads each. And each of those warps are executed in lock-step and thus perfectly in parallel (it may not be real-time parallel, meaning there could be 16 threads in parallel and then 16 again directly afterwards, but conceptually they're running perfectly parallel). So if only one of those 32 threads executes that additional code, the others will wait for it. But the threads in all the other warps won't care for all this.
So yes, there may be threads that will unneccessarily wait for the others, but that happens on a smaller scale than the whole work group size (32 on any NVIDIA hardware). This is why intra-warp branch deviation should be avoided if possible and this is also why code that is guaranteed to work inside a single warp only doesn't need any synchronization for e.g. shared memory access (a common optimization for algorithms).
I was reading some results. And there I saw that they used 5120 work-groups and a local-size of 1. I have a limited knowledge about OpenCl and I was wondering if this statement is correct:
As can be seen for the GPU, the first test has 5120 work-groups, with
1 work-item each. This means that the threads which are executed in
parallel are limited to the amount of computing units there are in the
machine. For example if a GPU has 20 computing units there can only be
a maximum of 20 threads which are working in parallel. Though when the
local size is increased to 2, twice the amount of threads are run
From reading some info on OpenCl, it seems about right. Though I need a second opinion.
update. Hmm, nat chouf's comment is right, I understood the question as "in flight at the same time" instead of "physically executed at the same time".
As I wrote, several work-groups can be scheduled at a given time in a single compute unit. The number of such "in-flight" work-groups is limited by the available resources (local memory, registers, etc.) on each compute unit.
In existing implementations (afaik) a compute unit will pick a block (warp/wavefront) of work-items from the same work-group for execution, among all blocks in flight in the compute unit. One "instruction" of this block is inserted in the pipeline (it may take several cycles, and each "instruction" may correspond to several operations in each work-item), and then another block is picked.
So, yes, if work-group size is 1, only 1 work-item per compute unit will be physically started simultaneously. But potentially all work-items may be in-flight in the GPU at the same time.
Suppose that I've two big functions. Is it better to write them in a separate kernels and call them sequentially, or is better to write only one kernel? (I don't want to read the data back and force form between host and device in between). What about the speed up if I want to call the kernel many times?
One thing to consider is the effect of register pressure on hardware utilization and performance.
As a general rule, big kernels have big register footprints. Typical OpenCL devices (ie. GPUs) have very finite register file sizes and large kernels can result in lower concurrency (fewer concurrent warps/wavefronts), less opportunities for latency hiding, and poorer overall performance. On the other hand, kernel launch overheads are pretty low on most platforms, so if your algorithm doesn't have an enormous amount of state to save between "phases" of execution, the penalty of using multiple kernels can be rather low.
Using multiple kernels also has another side benefit -- you get implicit synchronization between all work units for free. Often that can eliminate the need for atomic memory operations and synchronization primitives which can have a negative impact on code performance.
The ultimate guide should be measured performance. There is no universal rule-of-thumb for this sort of things. Benchmarking is the only way to know for sure.
In general this is a question of (maybe) slightly better performance vs. readibility of your code. Copying buffers is no issue as long as you keep them within the same context. E.g. you could set one output buffer of a kernel to be an input buffer of the next kernel, which would not involve any copying.
The proper way to code in OpenCL is to separate your code into parallel tasks, and each of them is a kernel. This is, each "for loop" should be a kernel. Some times one single CPU code function could result in a 4 kernel implementation in OCL.
If you need to store data between kernel executions just use OpenCL buffers and do not copy to host (this solves the DEVICE<->HOST bottleneck).
If both functions act to different data you could propably write a single kernel, but that depends on the complexity of the operation being run.
I'm using OpenCL and have ATI 4850 card. It has:
How many tasks can it execute simultaneously?
To be more specific: a single core processor can execute only one task in the one moment, dual-core can execute 2 tasks... How many tasks can execute my GPU at one moment? Or rephrased: How many processors does my GPU have?
The RV770 has 10 SIMD cores, each consisting of 16 shader cores, each consisting of 5 ALUs (VLIW5 architecture). A total of 800 ALUs that can do parallel computations. I don't think there's a way to get all these numbers out of OpenCL. I'm also not sure what you would equate to a CPU core. Perhaps a shader core? You can read about VLIW at Wikipedia. It's an interesting design.
If you say a CPU core is only executing one "task" at any given time, even though it has multiple ALUs working in parallel, then I guess you can say the RV770 would be working on 160 tasks. But with the differences in how different chips work, I think "core" and "task" can become difficult to define. A CPU with hyperthreading can even execute two sets of code at the same time. With OpenCL I don't believe it is possible yet to execute more than one kernel at any given time - unless recent driver updates have changed that.
Anyway, I think it is more important to present your work to the GPU in a way that gives the best performance. Unfortunately there's no way to find the best work group size other than experimenting. At least not that I know of. One help is that if the drivers support OpenCL 1.1 you can query the CL_KERNEL_PREFERRED_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_MULTIPLE and set your work size to a multiple of that. Otherwise, going for a multiple of 64 is probably a safe bet.
GPU work ends up becoming wavefronts/warps.
Using a GPU for UI and compute is effectively using it for many programs without being aware of it. Many for the GUI drawing, plus whatever compute kernels you are executing. Fast OpenCL clients are asynchronous and overlap multiple instance of work so they won't be latency-bound. It is expected that you'll use multiple kernels in parallel.
There doesn't seem to be a "hard" limit other than memory limiting the number of buffers you can use. When using the same GPU for UI and for compute, you must throttle your work. In my experience, issuing too much work will cause starvation of the GUI and/or your compute kernels. There doesn't seem to be anything in the way of ensuring that you won't have starvation (long delays before a work item begins actually executing). Some work item(s) may sit for a very long time (10s seconds or more in bad cases) while the GPU does other work items. I speculate that items are dispatched to pipelines based on data availability and little or nothing is there to prevent starvation of work items.
Limiting how far ahead work is enqueued greatly improves GUI responsiveness by letting the GPU drain its work queue almost/sometimes to empty, reducing GUI drawing workitem starvation delays.