shiny-server on Fedora - r

I'm working with Shiny on a Fedora 19 box, and while I can build my applications and run them from RStudio, getting shiny-server to behave has proven trickier. I've built shiny-server from source and have it installed such that I can start is manually easily enough. But, once I exit the terminal window from whence I started shiny-server, it stops and my apps no longer work.
I've tried to work with systemd to create a shiny.service file and enable the service through systemctl as described here:!topic/shiny-discuss/sTUmUL7znWg
but that failed.
How do I register shiny-server as a service that will automatically run on boot up?


What is causing airflow webserver to fail and restart on docker for Mac?

I am trying to get Airflow running on a local Docker Desktop for Mac installation using the Quick Start instructions for a Docker installation at The install seems to go correctly, but when I start up the services using docker-compose up, all the services launch except for the webserver. That service starts, but then fails and restarts, over and over. The log shows this error:
EDIT: I found the issue in case someone else runs into it. The default configuration of Docker desktop for Mac doesn't allocate enough memory to run webserver. I bumped up the memory allocation in Docker, restarted everything, and all was good.
increasing the memory configuration of the docker worked for me
Docs for docker configurations on mac:

Meteor Hanging on Ubuntu when building

I have an application that builds in 5 minutes on the Mac. When I try to build in Docker or directly in Ubuntu, the machine completely hangs at some point. It so bad that I can't even ssh into the machine. It eventually times out. I am using Meteor, Ubuntu 16.04 and Docker 16.04 with Meteor installed.
I thought maybe it was related to tar and 7z, so I upgraded tar and 7z. Still hangs. It hangs when I building on web.browser. There is high I/O waits and a bunch of blocked processes according to vmstat.
This is the command I'm running:
meteor build --allow-superuser --server-only --directory /tmp/build
Is their any way to get more info about what's going wrong? I also tried to
meteor remove ecmascript --allow-superuser
b/c one article said this may be an issue. Hangs.

R Shiny "Disconnected from server" works fine locally and on

I created a Shiny app, using some public data (csv format) and visualize some basic insights in my shiny app. When deploying, the app works fine both locally, and on, but for some reason fails when deploying on my own ubuntu server, where shiny-server is installed. Other examples, provided by shiny-server work fine.
The UI elements load correctly, but shortly after (like half a second later) the application crashes, showing the generic error "Disconnected from server". The strangest thing to me is that it works fine on
Some things that might cause the problem:
I tried to load a .csv file, which I made available in the same directory as the server and UI files.
Packages are installed globally (installed in terminal as sudo user), but might not be accessible for the shiny-server.
The app is available here:
Any suggestions what might go wrong?
I had the exact same problem with the ubuntu server. The problem was due to inaccessibility of the packages globally. So i had to reinstall packages again by this command:
sudo su - -c "R -e \"install.packages('packagenme', repos = '',dependencies =TRUE)\""
and at the end everything was working

Restart shiny-server on centos

I have shiny-server installed and I am using it to host my shiny apps installed on a centos server. I'm pretty sure its installed correctly because it was working as expected until the server crashed, since the server recently crashed I need to restart shiny-server.
I tried both:
sudo systemctl restart shiny-server
sudo systemctl restart shiny-server.service
but I get the error message:
Failed to issue method call: Unit shiny-server.service failed to load: No such file or directory.
However I can see the file shiny-server.service in the folder I am running the command from. Does anyone know why this is or what I should do to fix it?
If it helps the shiny-server.service file is located in the directory /opt/shiny-server/config/systemd/shiny-server.service
It sounds like the service has not been registered.
chkconfig --list shiny-server it should return something like;
shiny-server 0:off 1:off 2:off 3:on 4:off 5:off 6:off
If nothing comes back then you need to chkconfig --add shiny-server then re run the above commands to verify its registered, then you should be able to access it via the service manager.
I'm presuming the service is called shiny-server but if not replace it with the correct name.
This link may also provide some additional info.
I know this question was asked a long time ago but it took me a long time to figure out and I can probably save someone some time.
Shiny had installed in /optdirectory and the shiny-server.service is located at: opt/shiny-server/config/systemd/shiny-server.service
What I did was copy it to systemd: cp /opt/shiny-server/config/systemd/shiny-server.service /etc/systemd/system/
The I just started it the normal way: sudo systemctl start shiny-server,service
Hope that helps!
The answer ended up being that I needed to create a link between the shiny-server.service file that was in my shiny-server/config folder and the /systemd/system/ folder.
Updating that link allowed me to use systemctl to restart the shiny server correctly.

Can't complete mup setup on Dreamhost aka Meteor Up

I'm stuck at the mup setup. Trying to set it up on my Dreamhost server.
Here is what I started with after running mup setup:
Meteor Up: Production Quality Meteor Deployments
Started TaskList: Setup (linux)
[] - Installing Node.js
[] ✘ Installing Node.js: FAILED
tty present and no askpass program specified
Sorry, try again.
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
Sorry, try again.
Then I installed node manually on my server, and set the mup file to "setupNode": false. Tried again and got that:
Meteor Up: Production Quality Meteor Deployments
Started TaskList: Setup (linux)
[] - Installing PhantomJS
[] ✘ Installing PhantomJS: FAILED
tty present and no askpass program specified
Sorry, try again.
sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
Sorry, try again.
Finally, I also deactivated the PhantomJS install, tried again to run mup setup and got that:
Meteor Up: Production Quality Meteor Deployments
Started TaskList: Setup (linux)
[] - Setting up Environment
[] ✔ Setting up Environment: SUCCESS
[] - Copying MongoDB configuration
[] ✘ Copying MongoDB configuration: FAILED
Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
scp: /etc/mongodb.conf: Permission denied
Killed by signal 1.
Completed TaskList: Setup (linux)
I am not sure what to do or try next. Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions.
Its seems like its a Permission problem.
Try with sudo mup setup or whatever name process are you running, initialize with the sudo keyword
From dream Host forums (admin or tutor post).
node.js — which is used by Meteor — causes some weird issues on our shared hosting servers that can trigger this behavior. We're aware of
the issue, but, for various reasons, it's been difficult to fix.
That being said, Meteor won't work on a shared hosting account anyway,
as it runs as a persistent server process, which isn't permitted.
You'd need a DreamHost VPS or dedicated server to run Meteor.
So if you don't have a dreamHost VPS or dedicated server, and you only want to deploy the app give a try to, it works pretty fine with meteor, or use the meteor deploy servers, doc here
This happens because Sudo isn't installed on the target machine.
On my Debian target machine I did apt-get install sudo to resolve this.
For a RedHat flavor (Centos etc) target machine you might do yum install sudo etc.
However mup is supported for Ubuntu only so it's very likely to run into issues with other flavors. You might want to stick with Ubuntu target machines to avoid headaches like these.
