Custom Login Screen - Integrated Windows Auth with fall back - forms-authentication

I want to create a custom login screen that will attempt to authenticate a user via integrated Windows Authentication (using SPNEGO or whatever) and if that attempt fails, fall back to a forms based approach.
The process would ideally work like this...
User Logged in as Valid AD User
User attempts to access application and is redirected to IdentityServer.
Custom logic attempts to validate user using AD credentials and succeeds.
User is authenticated and redirected...
User Not Logged in as Valid AD User
User attempts to access application and is redirected to IdentityServer.
Custom logic attempts to validate user using AD credentials and fails.
User is presented with a form to enter username and password.
User is authenticated and redirected...
I was hoping to create a custom IUserService implementation to achieve this, but from reading the documentation it's not obvious how this would be done.
Am I going to have to create a custom identity provider to achieve this?
Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

I think, it's not so much the custom IUserService you have to worry about. The IUserService looks up a user once IdSrv3 has collected credentials from the user. So your integration needs to occur earlier.
What's tricky is falling back. If you have a page that is protected by windows auth, it's the client that decides if it can authenticate or not. if it can't authenticate the user it will usually prompt the user for credentials & try to submit these. It won't automagiclly know what to do.
The approach with probably the best user experience is to show a page & allow the user to choose how to login, much like you can choose to login with Google, etc. You can then hook this up as an external provider.


Login with OneTimePassword after ChangePassword API with 2FA enabled

How does FusionAuth work if you just completed the Change Password API, tried to re-login using the Login API with the oneTimePassword token, but you have two-factor enabled? Because, from my understanding, it sounds like I would need to interrupt the re-authentication flow for the user to get their two-factor code, after they just changed their password while already being logged in. Is this desired behavior? This line in the docs makes me think this is unintentional:
For this reason, this API will return a oneTimePassword that is intended to be used programatically after a Change Password request completes to keep the user logged in and provide a better user experience. A successful login will return you a new access token (JWT) and a refresh token. This will allow you to make the change password workflow seamless to the user.

Using Windows Live Id Authentication with my own login form

I want to use the Windows Live Id Authenticaiton in my Asp.Net/MVC web application, but I do not want to use the Login screen provided by Microsoft.
I want to have my custom page for login, take username and password from User and then send these credentials to the Windows Live ID, to Authenticate, and I get back the response if the user is authenticated or not.
Is this possible?
I want to have my custom page for login, take username and password from User and then send these credentials to the Windows Live ID, to Authenticate, and I get back the response if the user is authenticated or not.
You missed the point of single sign-on authentication. Using that, the user does not provide their credentials to your site, but to the SSO provider. That provider gives you a token which lets you act on behalf of the authenticated user.
The user's credentials are never received by your site.
So no, you cannot, nor should you want to, do this. MVC FormsAuthentication for claim based authentication

We are using Gigya to authenticate the user which will provide us with user Id and email. Then we pass the user detail to our CRM Web Service which will return the user data from CRM.
We then need to create a session for the user so that we can identify whether the user is logged in or not. If not logged in then redirect to Gigya for login/register etc.
Now, given that we are not using any ASP.NET Membership or similar, I'm thinking how we are going to secure the member pages. One way I can think of is store the user detail in session. Then check if user detail exists in session, if doesn't exist prompt for login.
I'm also thinking whether:
I can use FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie or similar to create a session
Or is there better way to achieve this.
Also, if I use FormsAuthentication.Logout will it clear all my session and cookies even though I'm not using membership provider?
To be able to create a session for the user
Able to authorize user based on user role which we get from CRM.
Able to logout the user on Lout button click.
First, and this is very very very important from a security perspective.
Authentication != Session.
They are different concepts. Second,
see first rule. FormsAuthentication has nothing. Zero. Zilch. Nada. To do with session management. Nor does it have anything to do with Membership or credential verification. All it does is store a cookie that ASP.NET can decode to verify that the user is authenticated or nor. This cookie is set by your application when it has validated the users credentials.
FormsAuthentication.Logout() does not clear sessions, because as I already said, they have nothing to do with each other. You have to clear the session by calling Session.Abandon().
Session is about storing data for a user, and is not secure. Session is volatile, and IIS can discard it whenever it feels like, for any reason, at any time. You cannot depend on Session to be there from request to the next.
Authentication is encrypted, and strictly about proving the user has been authenticated.
Authentication can transcend sessions. It can be good for hours, weeks, months... Your session is only good for the time you are currently there (if IIS doesn't kill it earlier).

How to save the userID with the session cookie

When the user checks on "Log me automatically" in the login page, I have a problem that the user is logged-in on my application but the login info has not been read from database.
In the normal case (manual login) when the user attemps to login, if the login operation has been succeeded then the user info (id, privileges) is read and is saved in a session variable.
The question is: How to save the userID with the session cookie and how to login in the database when auto login.
Thanks in advance.
I suspect you're using the login control but implementing your own code to authenticate the user. To make life really easy, have a look at How To: Use Membership in ASP.NET 2.0 which will automate the "log me in automatically" feature (and many more).
If you're doing this another way, it would help to provide some sample code.

Spring-security split authentication and the authorization

I'm trying to create a custom login for my flex web app with spring-security.
I have an working version where we use the channelset.login with blazeds.
The problem i have is that i would like to split the authentication and the authorization.
I would like to ask the user to make some choices after the authentication to determine its roles.
Since the roles the user is authorized to are determined by this choices.
This means the user has to be authenticated and then the client needs to do a service call to the service and then the authorization process needs to take place.
Does anyone know if this is possible and have some tips of how this can be done?
Thanks in advance,
Yes, that doesn't sound too far-fetched.
You can store the user roles in the database, make each role for new users something like SIGNUP which will only allow the user to signup, once his new role is determined, simply update that role and restrict the new role from being able to update the role again, unless you're admin.
You can also override the authentication process to do whatever you want to do:
The session object might need to be refreshed if you're using some form of ORM.
