I have a div element which has 3 classes:
<div class='captcha_article captcha_email captcha_register'></div>
How can I target the third class for example, without affecting the style of the other two classes in the div?
Also, if I were to have 4 classes, how to target the last one without using last-child property ? Would :nth-child apply here?
You misunderstand CSS.
You can add styles to the captcha_register class by doing this in your CSS file.
.captcha_register {
// Attributes go here
Depending on where this is placed in your CSS file will determine if any of the style attributes adding to the captcha_article and captcha_email classes will be affected.
For example:
.captcha_article {
height: 200px;
.captcha_register {
height: 100px; // This will override the height of 200px on the div
If each class is suppose to represent a different web page then adding them all to the same element might explain why you are seeing unexpected results. It might be better to combine the styles that appear in all classes into one reusable class, lets call it .page. Then on each page you use this you can modify it with another class, if it needs to be modified.
I am using PrimeNG for my project I used p-dropdown with appendTo body only for particular components files, and I changed the css in only one file as follow, for example
.ui-dropdown-panel {
z-index: 999 !important;
and component file is
<p-dropdown [options]="geneoptions" formControlName="gene" appendTo="body"></p-dropdown>
But this css is affecting in all other files also. If I removed the !important it is not affecting in other pages and this is not working with particular component itself. How to fix this issue.?
you can try this
<p-dropdown [options]="geneoptions" formControlName="gene" appendTo="body" [style]={'z-index':'999 !important'}></p-dropdown>
You can also customize the z-index with the p-dropdown attribute baseZIndex. This way, you don't need to set it in css, and it affects only the dropdown where the attribute is set.
Angular is a single page application framework hence all the CSS would be combined and CSS styles will be created inside style tag of the single html page. If we are having a CSS class with name that is common to other component's elements it does affects it.
In case of component specific CSS, create a custom class name something like,
.mycomponent-ui-dropdown-panel {
z-index: 999 !important;
and add the class to the element of the component's html where we need this change to be applied. This will make sure that other elements of other components are not affected by the CSS style.
I fixed the issue by adding the panelStyleClass in my component,
<p-dropdown [options]="geneoptions" formControlName="gene" appendTo="body" panelStyleClass="overlay-zindex"></p-dropdown>
z-index: 999 !important;
How do I define a style in a parent component and then pass it to a child component e.g.?
.teststyle {
background-color: red;
width: 100px;
I thought if I did not use scoped the .teststyle would be available to the child, but it didn't work for me.
I can pass the style to use in a v-bind:style command using props cannot find a way to pass (or make available) for use with v-bind:class.
The child component is for re-use by many parent components each parent component with different style/class attributes each with different properties.
In one example the child component is a generic table and it needs things like column widths, cell colors etc.
In another instance the child component is a grid css layout and that needs no, columns, column layout etc.
What I normally do is I try to design the component as simply and cleanly as possible:
Give the root element a sensible class name (e.g. flyout).
Give child elements class names that use the root element's class name as a prefix (e.g. flyout-title, flyout-content, etc). Sometimes I'll abbreviate the root element's class name if it is long (as fly- or whatever).
<div class="flyout">
<div class="flyout-title">{{ title }}</div>
<div class="flyout-content"><slot/></div>
This is just my own class naming convention, but you can use whatever as long as it's consistent and unlikely to clash with other class names app-wide.
Now, when you use <flyout> as a child component and you want to style it with CSS, you give it a class name specific to the parent component. For example, if your parent component is app-menu then give the flyout the class name app-menu-flyout. Notice that this convention is the same as the aforementioned; always try to be consistent.
<flyout class="app-menu-flyout"/>
In your <style> section of the parent component, you can declare styles for the child component as follows:
.flyout.app-menu-flyout {
/* Root element */
.flyout.app-menu-flyout .flyout-content {
/* Child element */
I'm using selectors like this so that they are more specific and will override any styles defined on the child component itself. It'll also work regardless of the order in which the CSS ends up being (order may not be guaranteed by Webpack).
Note that this makes the parent and child components tightly coupled regarding the structure of the child component's template and the class names used. If you change the child component's template and/or class names, then you need to change the corresponding CSS in every other component that declares overriding styles for that component.
If you are using scoped CSS, then pay attention to how child components should be styled.
Given a typical Angular Material dialog, which has a max-width of 80vw set on .mat-dialog-container, how can I formulate a selector to override it? I'd like a true full-width dialog.
The problem is scoping--Angular-CLI compiles component CSS with scope attribute selectors.
Therefore, this:
.parent .child
.parent[some_attr] .child[some_other_attr]
However, this particular element doesn't seem attached to any component--it doesn't have a dynamically-generated attribute on it.
I've attempted overrides in both the dialog stylesheet and the host component's stylesheet with no success.
Angular special selectors
Dialog Plunkr
Let me try again. I'm not doing a good job of explaining the issue.
Let's say I add this to my host component stylesheet:
.mat-dialog-container {
max-width: 100%;
I have a build watch running, so the app is recompiled. The CSS output is now this:
.mat-dialog-container[_ngcontent-c6] {
max-width: 100%;
However, that element doesn't actually have the attribute _ngcontent-c6 on it. That attribute is applied to other elements which are inside siblings of ancestors of .mat-dialog-container. The selector is just wrong.
If I add that CSS to the dialog component's stylesheet, something similar happens, but with a different attribute ID.
If you can add an id to your main body tag and you want it to be on all of these dialogs you can use this
#bodyID .mat-dialog-container {
background-color: blue;
It will override the current style, at least in the plunker you supplied.
If you need specific style for each dialog, did you look into this?
You don't need a body id, because as you've mentioned the selector is rewritten by Angular such that it stops matching the element altogether.
But yeah it seems the only way around this is to just throw your hands up and forget about component stylesheet scoping and add your CSS rule to the page stylesheet. The caveat, of course, is that this rule needs to be added to every page that uses the component, which can be seen as absurd depending on what your component is intended to be used for and by whom.
I have a really weird situation where my view is different depending on where I put the following CSS class. I only have one item that is connected to this class which is my md-progress-bar from Angular Materials 2. I want it to float underneath my tool bar which is fixed on the screen.
.floating-progress {
position: fixed;
top: 0px;
z-index: 1005;
When I put this inside app.component.css, I get the following result where the bar sits on the top of the tool bar.
However, when I change this css class to my global styles.css, I get a the actual result that I wanted
How come there is a different depending on where I put it?
Angular does style encapsulation for styles added components.
The components get attributes like _ng_context-xxx with unique xxx added.
The CSS selectors will be rewritten to match only these attributes, before the CSS is added to the DOM.
See also https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/component-styles.html
I'm making a few changes to a site and want to change the width of the container to go across the whole page. I'm a bit of a noob so not sure if I've don't it correctly, but want the width to be 3000px. I have the option of container id and container class. So basically what CSS do I put in which box?
The theme I am using is Porto by Spyropress. But looking for some CSS help:)
Thank you very much!!
In the CSS style page (or code) where you have the container, you should write the following line:
The most straightforward answer would be to use the style="width: 3000px;" definition instead of the id or the class (even if it is not a really clean choice).
If you have no chance to add a style and you have called a CSS, you can do it by id or by class, depends on how often you will have Elements with 3000px width (single time go for id, multiple times go for class). In general classes and id link the parts in your CSS with your html definitions (named-links). They do not serve you with direct CSS, this is done by the style="" Element.
Some Code:
#some_id {
width: 3000px;
.some_class {
width: 3000px;
And some additional info about general css (because it is much more than just id's and classes if I think about the cascading part): http://www.cssbasics.com/