I'm doing some exploring with the same data and I'm trying to highlight the in-group variance versus the between group variance. Now I have been able to successfully show the between group variance is very strong, however, the nature of the data should show weak within group variance. (I.e. My Shapiro-Wilk normality test shows this) I believe if I do some re-sampling with a welch correction, this might be the case.
I was wondering if someone knew if there was a re-sampling based anova with a Welch correction in R. I see there is an R implementation of the permutation test but with no correction. If not, how would I code the test directly while using this implementation.
Here is the outline for my basic between group ANOVA:
fit <- lm(formula = data$Boys ~ data$GroupofBoys)
I believe you're correct in that there isn't an easy way to do welch corrected anova with resampling, but it should be possible to hobble a few things together to make it work.
I'll use the “Star” dataset from the “Ecdat" package which looks at the effects of small class sizes on standardized test scores.
tmathssk treadssk classk totexpk sex freelunk race schidkn
2 473 447 small.class 7 girl no white 63
3 536 450 small.class 21 girl no black 20
5 463 439 regular.with.aide 0 boy yes black 19
11 559 448 regular 16 boy no white 69
12 489 447 small.class 5 boy yes white 79
13 454 431 regular 8 boy yes white 5
Some exploratory analysis:
boxplot(treadssk ~ classk, ylab="Total Reading Scaled Score")
title("Reading Scores by Class Size")
hist(treadssk, xlab="Total Reading Scaled Score")
Run regular anova
model1 = aov(treadssk ~ classk, data = star)
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
classk 2 37201 18601 18.54 9.44e-09 ***
Residuals 5745 5764478 1003
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
A look at the anova residuals
qqnorm(residuals(model1),ylab="Reading Scaled Score")
qqline(residuals(model1),ylab="Reading Scaled Score")
qqplot shows that ANOVA residuals deviate from the normal qqline
#Fitted Y vs. Residuals
plot(fitted(model1), residuals(model1))
Fitted Y vs. Residuals shows converging trend in the residuals, can test with a Shapiro-Wilk test just to be sure
shapiro.test(treadssk[1:5000]) #shapiro.test contrained to sample sizes between 3 and 5000
Shapiro-Wilk normality test
data: treadssk[1:5000]
W = 0.92256, p-value < 2.2e-16
Just confirms that we aren't going to be able to assume a normal distribution.
We can use bootstrap to estimate the true F-dist.
#Bootstrap version (with 10,000 iterations)
mean_read = mean(treadssk)
grpA = treadssk[classk=="regular"] - mean_read[1]
grpB = treadssk[classk=="small.class"] - mean_read[2]
grpC = treadssk[classk=="regular.with.aide"] - mean_read[3]
sim_classk <- classk
R = 10000
sim_Fstar = numeric(R)
for (i in 1:R) {
groupA = sample(grpA, size=2000, replace=T)
groupB = sample(grpB, size=1733, replace=T)
groupC = sample(grpC, size=2015, replace=T)
sim_score = c(groupA,groupB,groupC)
sim_data = data.frame(sim_score,sim_classk)
Now we need to get the set of unique pairs of the Group factor
allPairs <- expand.grid(levels(sim_data$sim_classk), levels(sim_data$sim_classk))
## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28574006/unique-combination-of-two-columns-in-r/28574136#28574136
allPairs <- unique(t(apply(allPairs, 1, sort)))
allPairs <- allPairs[ allPairs[,1] != allPairs[,2], ]
[,1] [,2]
[1,] "regular" "small.class"
[2,] "regular" "regular.with.aide"
[3,] "regular.with.aide" "small.class"
Since oneway.test() applies a Welch correction by default, we can use that on our simulated data.
allResults <- apply(allPairs, 1, function(p) {
dat <- sim_data[sim_data$sim_classk %in% p, ]
ret <- oneway.test(sim_score ~ sim_classk, data = sim_data, na.action = na.omit)
ret$sim_classk <- p
[1] 3
One-way analysis of means (not assuming equal variances)
data: sim_score and sim_classk
F = 1.7741, num df = 2.0, denom df = 1305.9, p-value = 0.170
I need to write the following formulas in R. The STAT formula is copying effects of oneway.test-function.
where sample variance is
The variables are: m - number of samples, n - sample size, vector sample_means - mean of each sample and vector sample_vars - sample variance of each sample.
I'm trying to work with the following code, but it doesn't give the correct results when I compare it to aov:
my_anova <- function(m, n, sample_means, sample_vars) {
overall_mean <- mean(sample_means)
sample_vars <- sum((sample_means - overall_mean)^2)/(m-1)
STAT <- (n*sample_vars)/(sum(sample_vars/m))
PVAL <- pf(STAT, m - 1, m*(n - 1), lower.tail = FALSE)
Not very sure where you obtained the formulas above, but from what I can gather, you want to obtain the F stats and p value for a one way anova. n should be the degree of freedom and not sample size. Try using this table:
So bottom line is SSF should always be the sum of residuals between your predicted mean and overall mean, whereas SSE is the sum of residuals between your predicted mean and actual values. Then you divide by the corresponding degree of freedom. It should be like below:
my_aov <- function(sample_values, sample_means,n){
overall_mean = mean(sample_values)
SSF = sum((sample_means - overall_mean)^2)
SSE = sum((sample_values - sample_means)^2)
DoF = c(n,length(sample_values)-1-n)
Mean_Square = c(SSF/DoF[1] , SSE/DoF[2])
FSTAT = c(Mean_Square[1]/Mean_Square[2],NA)
PVAL <- pf(FSTAT, DoF[1], DoF[2], lower.tail = FALSE)
cbind(Sum_of_Squares= c(SSF,SSE),DoF,Mean_Square,FSTAT,PVAL)
Using an example:
values = iris$Sepal.Length
Species_values = tapply(iris$Sepal.Length,iris$Species,mean)
predicted_values = Species_values[as.character(iris$Species)]
# since there are 3 groups, degree of freedom is 3-1
n = length(unique(iris$Species)) - 1
Sum_of_Squares DoF Mean_Square FSTAT PVAL
[1,] 63.21213 2 31.6060667 119.2645 1.669669e-31
[2,] 38.95620 147 0.2650082 NA NA
Compare with:
summary(aov(Sepal.Length ~ Species,data=iris))
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
Species 2 63.21 31.606 119.3 <2e-16 ***
Residuals 147 38.96 0.265
I have some data about trends over time in drug use across the state. I want to know whether there have been changes in the gender difference in intravenous drug use versus gender differences in all recreational drug use over time.
My data is below. I think I might need to use time-series analysis, but I'm not sure. Any help would be much appreciated.
enter image description here
Since the description in the question does not match the data as there is no information on gender we will assume from the subject that we want to determine if the trends of illicit and iv are the same.
Comparing Trends
Note that there is no autocorrelation in the detrended values of iv or illicit so we will use ordinary linear models.
iv <- c(0.4, 0.3, 0.4, 0.3, 0.2, 0.2)
illicit <- c(5.5, 5.7, 4.8, 4.7, 6.1, 5.3)
time <- 2011:2016
ar(resid(lm(iv ~ time)))
## Call:
## ar(x = resid(lm(iv ~ time)))
## Order selected 0 sigma^2 estimated as 0.0024
ar(resid(lm(illicit ~ time)))
## Call:
## ar(x = resid(lm(illicit ~ time)))
## Order selected 0 sigma^2 estimated as 0.287
Create a 12x3 data frame long with columns time, value and ind (iv or illicit). Then run a linear model with two slopes and and another with one slope. Both have two intercepts. Then compare them using anova. Evidently they are not significantly different so we cannot reject the hypothesis that the slopes are the same.
wide <- data.frame(iv, illicit)
long <- cbind(time, stack(wide))
fm2 <- lm(values ~ ind/(time + 1) + 0, long)
fm1 <- lm(values ~ ind + time + 0, long)
anova(fm1, fm2)
Analysis of Variance Table
Model 1: values ~ ind + time + 0
Model 2: values ~ ind/(time + 1) + 0
Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
1 9 1.4629
2 8 1.4469 1 0.016071 0.0889 0.7732
Comparing model with slopes to one without slopes
Actually the slopes are not significant in the first place and we cannot reject the hypothesis that both the slopes are zero. Compare to a two intercept model with no slopes.
fm0 <- lm(values ~ ind + 0, long)
anova(fm0, fm2)
Analysis of Variance Table
Model 1: values ~ ind + 0
Model 2: values ~ ind/(time + 1) + 0
Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
1 10 1.4750
2 8 1.4469 2 0.028143 0.0778 0.9258
or running a stepwise regression we find that its favored model is one with two intercepts and no slopes:
Start: AIC=-17.39
values ~ ind/(time + 1) + 0
Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC
- ind:time 2 0.028143 1.4750 -21.155
<none> 1.4469 -17.386
Step: AIC=-21.15
values ~ ind - 1
Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC
<none> 1.475 -21.155
- ind 2 172.28 173.750 32.073
lm(formula = values ~ ind - 1, data = long)
indiv indillicit
0.30 5.35
log transformed values
If we use log(values) then we similarly find no autocorrelation (not shown) but we do find the slopes of the log transformed values are significantly different.
fm2log <- lm(log(values) ~ ind/(time + 1) + 0, long)
fm1log <- lm(log(values) ~ ind + time + 0, long)
anova(fm1log, fm2log)
Analysis of Variance Table
Model 1: log(values) ~ ind + time + 0
Model 2: log(values) ~ ind/(time + 1) + 0
Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F)
1 9 0.35898
2 8 0.18275 1 0.17622 7.7141 0.02402 *
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Does anyone know if it is possible to use lmFit or lm in R to calculate a linear model with categorical variables while including all possible comparisons between the categories? For example in the test data created here:
f <- gl(n = 3, k = 20, labels = c("control", "low", "high"))
mat <- model.matrix(~f, data = data.frame(f = f))
beta <- c(12, 3, 6) #these are the simulated regression coefficient
y <- rnorm(n = 60, mean = mat %*% beta, sd = 2)
m <- lm(y ~ f)
I get the summary:
lm(formula = y ~ f)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-4.3505 -1.6114 0.1608 1.1615 5.2010
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 11.4976 0.4629 24.840 < 2e-16 ***
flow 3.0370 0.6546 4.639 2.09e-05 ***
fhigh 6.1630 0.6546 9.415 3.27e-13 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 2.07 on 57 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.6086, Adjusted R-squared: 0.5949
F-statistic: 44.32 on 2 and 57 DF, p-value: 2.446e-12
which is because the contrasts term ("contr.treatment") compares "high" to "control" and "low" to "control".
Is it possible to get also the comparison between "high" and "low"?
If you use aov instead of lm, you can use the TukeyHSD function from the stats package:
fit <- aov(y ~ f)
# Tukey multiple comparisons of means
# 95% family-wise confidence level
# Fit: aov(formula = y ~ f)
# $f
# diff lwr upr p adj
# low-control 3.036957 1.461707 4.612207 6.15e-05
# high-control 6.163009 4.587759 7.738259 0.00e+00
# high-low 3.126052 1.550802 4.701302 3.81e-05
If you want to use an lm object, you can use the TukeyHSD function from the mosaic package:
Or, as #ben-bolker suggests,
e1 <- emmeans(m, specs = "f")
# contrast estimate SE df t.ratio p.value
# control - low -3.036957 0.6546036 57 -4.639 0.0001
# control - high -6.163009 0.6546036 57 -9.415 <.0001
# low - high -3.126052 0.6546036 57 -4.775 <.0001
# P value adjustment: tukey method for comparing a family of 3 estimates
With lmFit:
design <- model.matrix(~0 + f)
colnames(design) <- levels(f)
fit <- lmFit(y, design)
contrast.matrix <- makeContrasts(control-low, control-high, low-high,
levels = design)
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, contrast.matrix)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
round(t(rbind(fit2$coefficients, fit2$t, fit2$p.value)), 5)
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
# control - low -3.03696 -4.63938 2e-05
# control - high -6.16301 -9.41487 0e+00
# low - high -3.12605 -4.77549 1e-05
Also see Multiple t-test comparisons for more information.
Normally from aov() you can get residuals after using summary() function on it.
But how can I get residuals when I use Repeated measures ANOVA and formula is different?
## as a test, not particularly sensible statistically
npk.aovE <- aov(yield ~ N*P*K + Error(block), npk)
Error: block
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
N:P:K 1 37.0 37.00 0.483 0.525
Residuals 4 306.3 76.57
Error: Within
Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F)
N 1 189.28 189.28 12.259 0.00437 **
P 1 8.40 8.40 0.544 0.47490
K 1 95.20 95.20 6.166 0.02880 *
N:P 1 21.28 21.28 1.378 0.26317
N:K 1 33.14 33.14 2.146 0.16865
P:K 1 0.48 0.48 0.031 0.86275
Residuals 12 185.29 15.44
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Intuitial summary(npk.aovE)$residuals return NULL..
Can anyone can help me with this?
Look at the output of
> names(npk.aovE)
and try
> npk.aovE$residuals
EDIT: I apologize I read your example way too quickly. What I suggested is not possible with multilevel models with aov(). Try the following:
> npk.pr <- proj(npk.aovE)
> npk.pr[[3]][, "Residuals"]
Here's a simpler reproducible anyone can mess around with if they run into the same issue:
x1 <- gl(8, 4)
block <- gl(2, 16)
y <- as.numeric(x1) + rnorm(length(x1))
d <- data.frame(block, x1, y)
m <- aov(y ~ x1 + Error(block), d)
m.pr <- proj(m)
m.pr[[3]][, "Residuals"]
The other option is with lme:
require(MASS) ## for oats data set
require(nlme) ## for lme()
require(multcomp) ## for multiple comparison stuff
Aov.mod <- aov(Y ~ N * V + Error(B/V), data = oats)
the_residuals <- aov.out.pr[[3]][, "Residuals"]
Lme.mod <- lme(Y ~ N * V, random = ~1 | B/V, data = oats)
the_residuals <- residuals(Lme.mod)
The original example came without the interaction (Lme.mod <- lme(Y ~ N * V, random = ~1 | B/V, data = oats)) but it seems to be working with it (and producing different results, so it is doing something).
And that's it...
...but for completeness:
1 - The summaries of the model
2 - The Tukey test with repeated measures anova (3 hours looking for this!!). It does raises a warning when there is an interaction (* instead of +), but it seems to be safe to ignore it. Notice that V and N are factors inside the formula.
summary(glht(Lme.mod, linfct=mcp(V="Tukey")))
summary(glht(Lme.mod, linfct=mcp(N="Tukey")))
3 - The normality and homoscedasticity plots
par(mfrow=c(1,2)) #add room for the rotated labels
aov.out.pr <- proj(aov.mod)
#oats$resi <- aov.out.pr[[3]][, "Residuals"]
oats$resi <- residuals(Lme.mod)
qqnorm(oats$resi, main="Normal Q-Q") # A quantile normal plot - good for checking normality
boxplot(resi ~ interaction(N,V), main="Homoscedasticity",
xlab = "Code Categories", ylab = "Residuals", border = "white",
points(resi ~ interaction(N,V), pch = 1,
main="Homoscedasticity", data=oats)
I am learning R and currently using it for non linear regression (which I am also learning).
I have two sets of data (duration of an operation on different machines) and I am able to find a good non linear regression for each of these sets.
Now, I would like to find the best regression that minimise the sum of both residual sum-of-squares.
Here is what I have :
A <- c(1:5)
B <- c(100, 51, 32, 24, 19)
C <- c(150, 80, 58, 39, 29)
df <- data.frame (A,B,C)
f <- B ~ k1/A + k2
g <- C ~ k1/A + k2
n <- nls(f, data = df, start = list(k1=10, k2=10))
p <- nls(g, data = df, start = list(k1=10, k2=10))
#Nonlinear regression model
# model: B ~ k1/A + k2
# data: df
# k1 k2
#101.595 -1.195
# residual sum-of-squares: 2.619
#Number of iterations to convergence: 1
#Achieved convergence tolerance: 2.568e-07
#Nonlinear regression model
# model: C ~ k1/A + k2
# data: df
# k1 k2
#148.044 3.593
# residual sum-of-squares: 54.19
#Number of iterations to convergence: 1
#Achieved convergence tolerance: 1.803e-07
k1 and k2 constant are (of course) different for both sets (B and C), I am wondering how I could manage to find a particular k1 and a particular k2 that produce the 'best' solution for both data sets.
Hope my explanation will be understandable. Otherwise, what I'm trying to find is sometimes (at least here) called global non linear regression.
EDIT : I would also like to know how can I tell R to avoid negative values for a specific parameter. In this case, I would like k2 to be positive.
If you want identical parameters, you should just pool your data:
df2 <- data.frame(Y=c(df$B,df$C), X=rep(df$A, 2))
p <- nls(Y ~ k1/X + k2,
data = df2,
start = list(k1=10, k2=10),
lower = c(0, 0),
algorithm = "port")
# Formula: Y ~ k1/X + k2
# Parameters:
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
# k1 124.819 18.078 6.904 0.000124 ***
# k2 1.199 9.781 0.123 0.905439
# ---
# Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
# Residual standard error: 16.59 on 8 degrees of freedom
# Algorithm "port", convergence message: both X-convergence and relative convergence (5)
If you want one parameter to be equal and one to vary, you could use a mixed effects model. However, I don't know how to specify constraints for that (I believe that is not a simple task, but could possibly be achieved by reparameterization).
df3 <- melt(df, id.vars="A")
r <- nlme(value ~ k1/A + k2,
data = df3,
start = c(k1=10, k2=10),
fixed = k1 + k2 ~1,
random = k2 ~ 1|variable)
# Nonlinear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
# Model: value ~ k1/A + k2
# Data: df3
# AIC BIC logLik
# 83.11052 84.32086 -37.55526
# Random effects:
# Formula: k2 ~ 1 | variable
# k2 Residual
# StdDev: 12.49915 7.991013
# Fixed effects: k1 + k2 ~ 1
# Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
# k1 124.81916 9.737738 7 12.818086 0.0000
# k2 1.19925 11.198211 7 0.107093 0.9177
# Correlation:
# k1
# k2 -0.397
# Standardized Within-Group Residuals:
# Min Q1 Med Q3 Max
# -1.7520706 -0.5273469 0.2746039 0.5235343 1.4971808
# Number of Observations: 10
# Number of Groups: 2
# k1 k2
# B 124.8192 -10.81835
# C 124.8192 13.21684