Authorizing <app-route> paths using <firebase-auth> in Polymer 1.0 - firebase

Just getting started with Polymer 1.0. My Single Page Polymer 1.0 application has multiple routes.
<paper-drawer-panel id="mainPanel" class="flex" >
<app-router id="router" class="flex" mode="pushstate">
<app-route path="/" element="page-landing"></app-route>
<app-route path="/user" element="page-user"></app-route>
<app-route path="/admin" element="page-admin"></app-route>
....// more <app-routes>
I would like to use <firebase-auth> with google as provider on landing page <page-landing>;
On Successful Authentication, I would like to navigate to <app-route> paths based on authorization
<page-admin> only ADMIN can see
<page-user> any logged in user can see
Say <page-landing> provides option to login as Admin or User.
How do I implement Authorization based routes? And in all <app-routes> I need to check the user isAuthorized or not. Could any one please point to an example of implementing this?

Have a look at iron-meta to store pagewide states like isAuthorized.
For distinguishing between secured pages and public once, you have to take care yourself. Use a change observer for the page path or selecteditem or similar.
Regarding authentication and authorization you are in bad luck, because all subpages are imported via the html link tag and you cannot attach any header.
But actually it is not really a problem. Because in general you like to secure the data of each page and not the whole itself. And html import only loads the view/page-template and you still have to populate it with the client data. This you usually request with an ajax call, which you can give an auth-header as normal.
Hope these descriptions help you find your way...


How do OWIN Authentication providers work? How would I write a custom one?

I'm looking at the source code for Microsoft.OWIN.Security.Google and am a bit confused and overwhelmed at how many classes there are to do such a simple thing (redirect, get a cookie, check it).
Can anyone explain how the various components fit together
... so that I can write a custom provider
After some google-ing and trying different ideas in debugger I ended up with "copy-paste-edit" :)
here is a brief resume of classes
Extensions - nothing special, a helper:
// instead of using
app.Use(typeof(CustomAuthenticationMiddleware), app, options);
// you can use
Middlware - methods are used to attach authentication to owin pipeline
AuthenticationProvider - As I understand, this could be overriden outside, to be able to change some logic without rewriting whole thing. Has 2 methods:
Authenticated - is called when handler finishes all authentication in AuthenticationHandler.AuthenticateCoreAsync()
ReturnEndpoint which is called in AuthenticationHandler.InvokeAsync, just before external authetication.
But it appeared absolutely useless, when I tried to customize existing providers (google, facebook,...)
Handler - here is all the OAUTH2 functionality.
ApplyResponseChallengeAsync() - generates AuthorizationEndpoint URL and redirects useragent to authorization server
InvokeAsync() - handles the get to RedirectEndpoint (/signin-google or whatever was set up on authorization server) and returns the user to the starting controller(or callback). It is doing a redirect with all needed cookies set up
AuthenticateCoreAsync() - does all server side calls to authorization server. Creates all Identity.Claims necessary to create appropriate cookies before

spring security logout trigger

I want to remove logged out user from a Hashmap I have for logged in users but I don't find the way to do this as when I press the logout link. It just redirected to login page.
In spring security I have
<logout invalidate-session="true"
logout link is like
When I press this link it just go to my login mapping
public ModelAndView login(){}
and when I try to get user detail using
it returns me anonymous user. So how can I get the logged out user detail.
Please let me know if you need more details.
Add an implementation of interface as a bean to your security context.
Then you can use it:
<logout success-handler-ref="yourLogoutSuccessHandler" />
As mentioned by Marcel this solution will not work out of the box because you can't mix success-handler-ref and logout-success-url attributes (reference). I prefer slightly different solution : instead of inheritance, you can use composition:
Prepare configuratio for SimpleUrlLogoutSuccessHandler bean.
Set up logout-success-url via corresponding defaultTargetUrl property.
Inject SimpleUrlLogoutSuccessHandler bean into your CustomUrlLogoutSuccessHandler using LogoutSuccessHandler interface and call it after doing your stuff.
Advantage is that you will be less coupled with a framework code. So you will have less problems in a case of migration from Spring Security 3.1 to Spring Security Y.Y
The hint about the LogoutSuccessHandler is correct. However, you have to consider that configuring success-handler-ref and logout-success-url are mutually exclusive if I'm not mistaken. Hence, you need to implement the forwarding to URL manually in your success handler. Pointer:
Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication()
In your applicationContext-security.xml file add the success-handler like below
< logout logout-url="/resources/j_spring_security_logout" success-handler-ref="" />
Create the Class which will be implemneting interface and in it's logout method do all the stuff you want at the time of logout.

ASP.NET Webforms User Authorization with Routing

I have a route
routes.MapPageRoute("clientOrder", "Contract/{contractId}/Orders",
The idea is to authorize user to allow access to a certain set of contracts.
For instance user1 has access to pages Contract/001/Orders and Contract/002/Orders
user2 has access only to Contract/003/Orders, etc.
I'm using Forms Authentication and trying restrict access with
CheckUrlAccessForPrinсipal but it checks only physical access to the page not logical.
I tried to check access in Global.asax in Application_AuthorizeRequest but
Request.RequestContext.RouteData there is allways empty so I don't know the requested contractId. I can parse it manually from HttpRequest object. But it is a very dummy and unraliable solution.
Please advice
I believe that the only way is to add some code to check the contractId at the ContractOrders.aspx page level and if the Id doesn't pass the autorization, you manually redirect somewhere to indicate that the access is not granted.
The built-in mechanism always works at the physical level with route maps, so no matter how your route looks like, the engine always checks the access to the resource the route is mapped to, not the route itself.

Asp.Net MVC routing diffrence in and while using JqGrid

I am using ASP.NEt MVC for one of my project.
In this I have Employee controller which can be called by url.
Also I have used JqGrid which uses followng to fetch data
url: "GetGridData"
While testing the same I found that
If i type in browser a call is made to
If i type in browser a call is made to
Note: the missing / at the end in second call.
How to rectify this as the chances are end user can type any of this url in browser.
I'd take a look at how you're asking JqGrid to make it's web service call - because it won't know anything about MVC's routing engine by default - and this is all happening client side.
Stepping outside of MVC for a minute, if I have a page:
And have a relative link to another page on there:
Click here
The browser will look for page2.aspx at the same level as page1.aspx, i.e.
If I move page1 to a new folder:
The browser will ask for
when a user clicks on the link.
The same thing is happening to your GetGridData call - these are being made by the web browser to your server based on the information it has available to it.
So if your page responds on:
And asks for a relative request to:
The browser will send that request to the same level that Employee appears to be on:
Which then fails because the routing engine can't find a route for that request.
You should look at generating the URL for the GetGridData call dynamically through the routing system, which will ensure that it's built as:
url: "/Employee/GetGridData"
Final edit to add
Forgot to mention, you should probably use the UrlHelper Action methods for this:
url: <%=Url.Action("GetGridData")%>
This will generate a path to the GetGridData method on the current controller. If you need to access a different controller, or pass some values, there are overloads to help.
Try debugging your route:
Phil Haack's: ASP.NET Routing Debugger

Use the ASP.NET request user for Log4net log entries

My ASP.NET site is using Integrated Authentication with impersonation turned off. I have added a "%username" to my "conversionPattern" in the web.config to add the user name to each logging entry. However this will use the application pool identity's user name, and not the current visiting user's name.
Any ideas on how best to do this? Do I have to write a custom appender? I don't mind any minor performance penalties as this is a small intranet site. Thanks!
There's built in ASP.NET pattern converters in recent versions of log4net:
%aspnet-request{REMOTE_ADDR} and %aspnet-request{AUTH_USER}
You can also access the contents of
An alternative (and easier) solution you may want to take a look at is to use the ThreadContext class (formerly implemented as the MDC and NDC classes). You could have something like this inside an HttpModule (before the request arrives at your page) or anywhere else before you log your first message:
ThreadContext.Properties["user"] = username;
And then include the following in your conversionPattern:
