How do I detect tab was touched in xamarin forms TabbedPage - xamarin.forms

How could I detect tab was touched in xamarin forms TabbedPage?
(which is different from page changed detection which I figured how to detect)
Here is why:
I'm trying to work around a rather ugly tabbed page overflow UI
(the ugly scroller that shows up on the right over the tabbar
whenever there are >5 tabs)
So the 5th tab press shows a custom menu, second press hides that menu, etc.

If you are trying to find which page is selected in TabbedPage you could do it in this way.
With Index value you can perform whatever action you want..
Event for detecting page no:
this.CurrentPageChanged += (object sender, EventArgs e) => {
var i = this.Children.IndexOf(this.CurrentPage);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Page No:"+i);

It has been a while since this was asked but just in case here is an answer.
Perform an action when a tab is tapped is the same as when:
The tab has changed
The tab is "reselected"
So for the first one you can use #femil-shajin 's answer or as I do here which is more direct and for the second one you need to make some custom renderers for the TabbedPage:
public class MyTabbedPage : TabbedPage
protected override void OnCurrentPageChanged()
// do whatever
public void OnTabReselected()
// do whatever
Then on Android:
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(TabbedPage), typeof(CustomTabbedRenderer))]
namespace MyNamespace.Droid.Renderers
public class CustomTabbedRenderer : TabbedPageRenderer, NavigationBarView.IOnItemReselectedListener
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<TabbedPage> e)
if (e.NewElement != null)
private BottomNavigationView GetBottomNavigationView()
// this may need to change on some cases
for (var i = 0; i < ViewGroup.ChildCount; i++)
var childView = ViewGroup.GetChildAt(i);
if (childView is ViewGroup viewGroup)
for (var j = 0; j < viewGroup.ChildCount; j++)
var childRelativeLayoutView = viewGroup.GetChildAt(j);
if (childRelativeLayoutView is BottomNavigationView bottomNavigationView)
return bottomNavigationView;
return null;
public void OnNavigationItemReselected(IMenuItem item)
if (Element is MyTabbedPage tabbedPage)
And on iOS:
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(TabbedPage), typeof(CustomTabbedRenderer))]
namespace MyNamespace.iOS.Renderers
public class CustomTabbedRenderer : TabbedRenderer
private UITabBarItem _previousSelectedItem;
public override void ViewDidAppear(bool animated)
if (SelectedIndex < TabBar.Items.Length)
_previousSelectedItem = TabBar.Items[SelectedIndex];
public override void ItemSelected(UITabBar tabbar, UITabBarItem item)
if (_previousSelectedItem == item && Element is MyTabbedPage tabbedPage)
_previousSelectedItem = item;
Source: Part of this was based on this page


custom LabelRenderer shows wrong text style inside list view on scroll on Xamarin iOS

I am working on an App that requires one list view having text labels with NSUnderlineStyle on user deletion.
As per the requirement user have Delete/restore option in detail screen. On delete confirmation the text label should be underline style for that particular cell.
I am using LabelRenderer for NSUnderlineStyle in Xamarin iOS.
But currently ListView displays text Labels with underline style which is not deleted by user on list view scroll. The underline style are swapping from one cell label to another on list view scroll.
Below my sample code.
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
if (this.Control == null)
if (this.Element is ExtendedLabel extended)
var strikethroughStyle = extended.IsStrikeThrough ? NSUnderlineStyle.Single : NSUnderlineStyle.None;
this.Control.AttributedText = new NSMutableAttributedString(
extended.Text ?? string.Empty,
strikethroughStyle: strikethroughStyle);
This is the common issue of TableView Cell Resue , tableView will reuse the cell for the visible(inside screen shot) ones , so it would show the previous style .
To solve this we can forcedly set the style each time when the cell is going to display .
Create custom renderer for ListView , and do this in WillDisplay method ,before it we need to override TableView's Delegate.
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(ListView), typeof(MyRenderer))]
namespace FormsApp.iOS
public class MyDelegate : UITableViewDelegate
List<Model> data;
public MyDelegate(List<Model> _data)
data = _data;
public override void WillDisplay(UITableView tableView, UITableViewCell cell, NSIndexPath indexPath)
var views = cell.ContentView.Subviews;
foreach (var view in views)
if(view is LabelRenderer renderer)
UILabel label = renderer.Control;
var strikethroughStyle = data[indexPath.Row].YourProperty?NSUnderlineStyle.Single : NSUnderlineStyle.None;
label.AttributedText = new NSMutableAttributedString(
label.Text ?? string.Empty,
strikethroughStyle: strikethroughStyle);
public class MyRenderer : ListViewRenderer
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<ListView> e)
if (e.OldElement != null)
// Unsubscribe
if (e.NewElement != null)
IEnumerable<Model> data = (IEnumerable<Model>)Element.ItemsSource;
Control.Delegate = new MyDelegate(data.ToList());

C#, Xamarin Forms: No Custom TextChangedEvent Raised on initialization

I'm creating an Xamarin.Forms MVVM App (only using Android) which needs certain buttons to be outlined red, whenever their text property holds a specific value. (Purpose: alert the user to press the button and select a value, which will change the Button Text Property and therefore remove the red outline)
To achieve this I've create the following documents:
A custom button CButton that extents the default Button:
public class CButton : Button
// this Hides the Default .Text-Property
public string Text
get => base.Text;
base.Text = value;
TextChangedEvent(this, new EventArgs());
// The Raised Event
protected virtual void TextChangedEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
EventHandler<EventArgs> handler = TextChanged;
handler(sender, e);
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> TextChanged;
A custom behavior makes use of the raised TextChangedEvent
public class ButtonValBehavior : Behavior<CButton>
protected override void OnAttachedTo(CButton bindable)
bindable.TextChanged += HandleTextChanged;
void HandleTextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string forbidden = "hh:mm|";
if (forbidden.Contains((sender as CButton).Text.ToLower()))
//Do when Button Text = "hh:mm" || ""
(sender as CButton).BorderColor = Color.Gray;
//Do whenever Button.Text is any other value
(sender as CButton).BorderColor = Color.FromHex("#d10f32");
protected override void OnDetachingFrom(CButton bindable)
bindable.TextChanged -= HandleTextChanged;
The relevant parts of the ViewModel look the following:
public class VM_DIVI : VM_Base
public VM_DIVI(O_BasisProtokoll base)
Base = base;
private O_BasisProtokoll _base = null;
public O_BasisProtokoll Base
get => _base;
_base = value;
Command _datePopCommand;
public Command DatePopCommand
return _datePopCommand ?? (_datePopCommand = new Command(param => ExecuteDatePopCommand(param)));
void ExecuteDatePopCommand(object param)
//launch popup
var p = new PP_DatePicker(param);
The .xmal looks the following (b is the xmlns of the Namespace):
<b:CButton x:Name="BTN_ED_Datum"
Text="{Binding Base.ED_datum, Mode=TwoWay}"
Command="{Binding DatePopCommand}"
CommandParameter="{x:Reference BTN_ED_Datum}">
This solution works fine whenever the input is caused by user interaction. However, when a Value is assigned during the initialization of the Page no red outline is created, in fact the TextChangedEvent isn't raised. By using breakpoints I noticed that during initialization the Text Property of CButton is never set, eventhough it actually will be in the view.
Despite fiddling around with my solution I cannot make this work on initialization. I tried to work around this issue by outlining every button by default in their constructor, however this will outline every button red, even when their text value doesn't require them to be.
How can I achieve my initial goal?
Many thanks in advance!
It's been a while but if I recall correctly what I ended up doing was:
Changing the new Text-Property of my custom Button to CText and
Making sure that I have Mode=TwoWay activated for any Element, that doesn't have it enabled by default. (Look up Binding modes on msdn for more)
making CText a bindable property of CButton
My custom button now looks the following:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Xamarin.Forms;
namespace EORG_Anton.Model
public class CButton : Button
public static readonly BindableProperty CTextProperty =
propertyChanged: OnTextChanged);
private static void OnTextChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
var control = (CButton)bindable;
var value = (string)newValue;
control.CText = value;
public string CText
get => base.Text;
base.Text = value;
TextChangedEvent(this, new EventArgs());
protected virtual void TextChangedEvent(object sender, EventArgs e)
EventHandler<EventArgs> handler = TextChanged;
handler(sender, e);
public event EventHandler<EventArgs> TextChanged;

iOS 14 DatePicker renderer

I am having some difficulty figuring out how to properly update my existing custom renderer I have for my DatePicker on iOS to display the DatePicker with a different preferred style as is mentioned in this article here (albeit it is for swift)
My renderer is as follows:
public class BorderlessDatePickerRenderer : DatePickerRenderer
public override void LayoutSubviews()
var element = Element as BorderlessDatePicker;
Control.BorderStyle = UITextBorderStyle.None;
if (element.Date.Year == 1900) {
Control.Text = "";
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
var element = Element as BorderlessDatePicker;
if (Control != null && element.Date.Year == 1900) {
Control.Text = "";
The BorderlessDatePicker itself is just an empty class that extends the DatePicker Xamarin.Forms control. The root of my woes is that I am not sure how to properly set a PreferredDatePickerStyle on my Control object given that Control is a UITextField under the hood instead of a UIDatePicker. In essence what I would like to do is instead of displaying the Date picker using the compact style that seems to be default for iOS 14, I would like for it to be displayed as wheels instead by being to do something like:
PreferredDatePickerStyle = UIDatePickerStyle.Wheels;
After some more researching, and browsing the xamarin github, I've come across this solution:
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<DatePicker> e)
if(e.NewElement != null && this.Control != null)
if (UIDevice.CurrentDevice.CheckSystemVersion(14, 0))
UIDatePicker picker = (UIDatePicker)Control.InputView;
picker.PreferredDatePickerStyle = UIDatePickerStyle.Wheels;
} catch (Exception ex)
Log.Error(ex, "Failed to set PreferredDatePickerStyle to be UIDatePickerStyle.Wheels for iOS 14.0+");

Xamarin Forms - UWP custom renderer: how to add a child to a stacklayout

I'm trying to insert a UWP specific child in the custom renderer of a StackLayout.
However, in the sample code below, Control is always null whereas my StackLayout has Children. Maybe StackPanel is not what StackLayout is rendered into in UWP.
public class MyRenderer : ViewRenderer<StackLayout, StackPanel>
private bool _childAdded;
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
if (!_childAdded && Control?.Children != null)
_childAdded = true;
Control.Children.Insert(0, new Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Rectangle());
base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
Some modification in you are cade because you are calling base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender,e) after code implementation. Just try to use below code.
public class MyRenderer : ViewRenderer<StackLayout, StackPanel>
private bool _childAdded;
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
if (!_childAdded && Control.Children != null)
_childAdded = true;
Control.Children.Insert(0, new Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Rectangle());
The StackLayout (Layout) renderer is ViewRenderer and implemented on UWP by FrameworkElement; Renderer Base Classes and Native Controls.
Theoretical renderer:
public class MyRenderer : ViewRenderer<StackLayout, FrameworkElement>
Control is always null whereas my StackLayout has Children. Maybe StackPanel.
Derive from official document,
In Xamarin.Forms, all layout classes derive from the Layout<T> class and constrain the generic type to View and its derived types. But the layout of children element is incorrect.
And the match Native control within UWP platform is LayoutRenderer. So it is not inherit StackPanel directly. You could also custom a customrederer like the follow.
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(StackLayout), typeof(ICustomStackLayoutRenderer))]
namespace CustomStackLayoutRenderer.UWP
public class ICustomStackLayoutRenderer : ViewRenderer<StackLayout, StackPanel>
private bool _childAdded;
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<StackLayout> e)
if (Control == null)
var stacklayout = new StackPanel();
if (e.OldElement != null)
if (e.NewElement != null)
if (!_childAdded && Control.Children != null)
_childAdded = true;
Control.Children.Insert(0, new Windows.UI.Xaml.Shapes.Rectangle() { Width = 100, Height = 100, Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red) });
For your requirement, the better way is that create a CustomStackLayout inherit StackLayout in Xamarin.Forms, and re-layout your children element in your LayoutChildren override method. For more detail you could refer Creating a Custom Layout.

Is it possible to change the border of a single Entry in xamarin forms?

I was wondering if someone can point out how I can change a single entry?. I've made a custom renderer which changes the border of an entry to red but what I really want is only to change one entry if validation fails from black to red.
Picture of entries:
My renderer:
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(App.RedFrameEntry), typeof(RedFrameEntryRenderer))]
namespace App.iOS
public class RedFrameEntryRenderer : EntryRenderer
public bool isInvalid = false;
protected override void OnElementChanged(ElementChangedEventArgs<Entry> e)
if (Control != null)
Control.BorderStyle = UITextBorderStyle.RoundedRect;
Control.Layer.CornerRadius = 4;
Control.Layer.BorderColor = Color.FromHex("#c60303").ToCGColor();
Control.Layer.BorderWidth = 0;
if (isInvalid)
Control.Layer.BorderWidth = 2;
protected override void OnElementPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
base.OnElementPropertyChanged(sender, e);
And my code:
private void ChangeEntryOnValidationFail(string text, Entry entry, int numberOfChar)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || text.Length < numberOfChar)
// TODO: Change to RedFrameEntry
// TODO: Change back to default
I'd suggest you create a CustomEntry class which has a base class of Entry, so instead of changing the border of all entries, you can just call the CustomEntry whenever you need it.
public class CustomEntry : Entry{
then use:
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(CustomEntry), typeof(RedFrameEntryRenderer))]
Hope it helps!
