Ractive proxy event keypath missing - ractivejs

ref: jsfiddle
I have this:
var Item = Ractive.extend({
template : "<p on-click='doSomething'>{{name}}</p>"
var collection = new Ractive({
el : '#container',
template : "{{#items}}<item name='{{name}}'/>{{/items}}",
data : {items : [{name: "first item"},{name: "second item"}]},
components : {item : Item}
works fine except that the value of event.keypath is "". Why is this?

The keypath context of the event is the root template context of the component, in this case the root .. In general keypaths don't necessarily bubble up well from component to parent, as they may be totally different.
Recasting events initially looks like an attractive option:
{{#items}}<item name='{{name}}' on-doSomething='doSomething'/>{{/items}}
But there a few open issues as component events are definitely in need of some love.
They don't quite cut it in this case as you don't get what you need (and expect) which is the keypath in the calling parent context (items.0 for example) and you can't supply arguments like on-doSomething='doSomething:{{#keypath}}'.
What you can do is pass the needed info into the component
{{#items}}<item name='{{name}}' keypath='{{#keypath}}' index='{{#index}}'/>{{/items}}
and then use the event.component reference to access the data:
see http://jsfiddle.net/6owmfeaj/14/


Meteor.js: template.<html>.events vs Template.<template>.events 'this' binding seems inconsistent

I'm looking through the Meteor simple tutorial and the way that 'this' binding in the different Template objects works seems inconsistent to me in my unknowledgeable state.
"submit .new-task": function(event) {
console.log(this); // Logs an empty object
"click .toggle-checked": function() {
console.log(this); // logs a task
I can see that task is an xml template defined in the view, which is a visual representation of the items returned by a function in the Template.body.helpers object.
I guess that the task objects are bound the html representation of each object (though I can't see how as there doesn't seem to be any identifying property within the li elements??)
Anyhow. When I click the task, this is the task. But when I submit the form, I was expecting this to be the body. Why is it not?
I was expecting Meteor to handle Template.body and Template.task in a similar way
In Meteor this referes to the data context. You define it with helpers or with the route controller ( IronRouter or FlowRouter)
{{#with myData}}
myData : function(){
return {
title : "My title"
You need to use the "event" argument
"click .toggle-checked": function( event , instance ) {
console.log( event );
The instance argument is also very useful. You have access to a jQuery selector like: instance.$() and it will only search for elements on your template and also child templates.
Personally I use the instance a lot. My Favorite pattern is:
this.vars = new ReactiveDict();
this.data = "some data";
Later if you want to access vars or data:
Events - You get this on the arguments
Helpers - var instance = Template.instance();
With instance you avoid storing states in the global namespace, like Session, and your code is a lot easier to maintain and understand. I hope this helps you to understand how template works in Blaze.

How to Two-way Data Binding Between Parents and grandchildren in Vue.js

I faced a problem, I solve it by cookies but I want to solve the problem without cookies. I have a component which called app-header and It has another component which called outmodal.
Now, My first Vue instance require component app-header.
var vue = new Vue({
el : "html",
data : {
title : "Site Title",
description : "description of page",
keywords : "my keywords",
view : "home",
login : "login"
"app-header" :require("../../components/header"),
"app-footer" :require("../../components/footer"),
"home" :require("../../views/home")
code of app-header
var Vue = require("vue");
module.exports = {
template : require("./template.html"),
replace : true,
components : {
outmodal : require("../outmodal")
props : ['login']
code of outmodal
var Vue = require("vue");
module.exports = {
template : require("./template.html"),
replace : true,
props : ['name'],
data : function () {
return {
userLogin : { mail : "", password : "", remember : ""}
methods : {
formSubmit : function(e){
this.$http.post("http://example.com/auth/login",{ "email": this.userLogin.mail , "password": this.userLogin.password },function(data,status,request){
$.cookie("site_token",data.token,{expires : 1})
}, ready : function(){
console.log("it works")
In outmodal component I connect the API and I check the login, If login will be succesfull, I want to change value of login variable in my Vue instance. I use web pack to build all requires. So I don't know how can I data binding between these files.
How can I solve It? I
The Best Solution which I found
For 0.12
for 1.0
for 2.0
https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/components.html#Composing-Components (use props to one-way bind data from parent to child)
There are several ways of doing it, and some are mentioned in other answers:
Use props on components
Use v-model attribute
Use the sync modifier (for Vue 2.0)
Use v-model arguments (for Vue 3.0)
Use Pinia
Here are some details to the methods that are available:
1.) Use props on components
Props should ideally only be used to pass data down into a component and events should pass data back up. This is the way the system was intended. (Use either v-model or sync modifier as "shorthands")
Props and events are easy to use and are the ideal way to solve most common problems.
Using props for two-way binding is not usually advised but possible, by passing an object or array you can change a property of that object and it will be observed in both child and parent without Vue printing a warning in the console.
Because of how Vue observes changes all properties need to be available on an object or they will not be reactive.
If any properties are added after Vue has finished making them observable 'set' will have to be used.
//Normal usage
Vue.set(aVariable, 'aNewProp', 42);
//This is how to use it in Nuxt
this.$set(this.historyEntry, 'date', new Date());
The object will be reactive for both component and the parent:
I you pass an object/array as a prop, it's two-way syncing automatically - change data in the
child, it is changed in the parent.
If you pass simple values (strings, numbers)
via props, you have to explicitly use the .sync modifier
As quoted from --> https://stackoverflow.com/a/35723888/1087372
2.) Use v-model attribute
The v-model attribute is syntactic sugar that enables easy two-way binding between parent and child. It does the same thing as the sync modifier does only it uses a specific prop and a specific event for the binding
<input v-model="searchText">
is the same as this:
v-on:input="searchText = $event.target.value"
Where the prop must be value and the event must be input
3.) Use the sync modifier (for Vue 2.0)
The sync modifier is also syntactic sugar and does the same as v-model, just that the prop and event names are set by whatever is being used.
In the parent it can be used as follows:
<text-document v-bind:title.sync="doc.title"></text-document>
From the child an event can be emitted to notify the parent of any changes:
this.$emit('update:title', newTitle)
4.) Use v-model arguments (for Vue 3.0)
In Vue 3.x the sync modifier was removed.
Instead you can use v-model arguments which solve the same problem
<ChildComponent v-model:title="pageTitle" />
<!-- would be shorthand for: -->
<ChildComponent :title="pageTitle" #update:title="pageTitle = $event" />
5.) Use Pinia (or Vuex)
As of now Pinia is the official recommended state manager/data store
Pinia is a store library for Vue, it allows you to share a state across components/pages.
By using the Pinia store it is easier to see the flow of data mutations and they are explicitly defined. By using the vue developer tools it is easy to debug and rollback changes that were made.
This approach needs a bit more boilerplate, but if used throughout a project it becomes a much cleaner way to define how changes are made and from where.
Take a look at their getting started section
**In case of legacy projects** :
If your project already uses Vuex, you can keep on using it.
Vuex 3 and 4 will still be maintained. However, it's unlikely to add new functionalities to it. Vuex and Pinia can be installed in the same project. If you're migrating existing Vuex app to Pinia, it might be a suitable option. However, if you're planning to start a new project, we highly recommend using Pinia instead.
i found this one to be more accurate.
only in 2.3.0+ tho.
and honestly it's still not good enough. should simply be a easy option for 'two-way' data binding. so none of these options is good.
try using vuex instead. they have more options for such purpose.
I would prefer event-driven updates as recommended in the documentation. However, I was limited by the existing ("third-party") component already using props and $emit. This component is my grandchild. The following is my solution (passing value through child using props, sync and computed value with $emit.
Comments are welcome.
Value can be modified in parent and grandchild without error:
Grandchild (simplified third-party component):
<div v-show="value">{{ value}}</div>
<button #click="closeBox">Close</button>
export default {
props: {
value: null
methods: {
closeBox() {
this.$emit('update:value', null);
<grandchild-component :value.sync="passedValue" />
export default {
props: {
value: null
computed: {
passedValue: {
get() {
return this.value;
set(newVal) {
this.$emit('update:value', newVal);
<child-component :value.sync="value" />
export default {
data() {
return {
value: null,
// ... e.g. method setting/modifying the value

Template empty initially but renders properly on changing and coming back to route

I have a template named profile which contains three other templates. One of these templates is {{> postlist}}
and the helper function for this template is
posts: function() {
return Posts.find({rph: {$in : postsArr}});
The problem is on going to the route, postlist template is empty, since postsArr is calculated later after the dom has loaded on the basis of other two templates. But, if I click on other route and come back to this route, the template renders properly.
What should I do that template renders properly initially itself?
The easiest way would be to us Session, though it's probably the worst option:
posts: function() {
return Posts.find({rph: {$in : Session.get('postsArr') }});
If you now call Session.set('postArr', ...) anywhere in your code the posts helper will update automatically. The second option is to use a shared reactive variable:
var postsArr = new ReactiveVar();
and then inside your helper:
return Posts.find({rph: {$in : posts.Arr.get() }});
Now you can do postsArr.set(...) and everything should work fine. Just remember to meteor add reactive-var do your project.
One last doubt is: where to put that reactive variable declaration? In most cases you can do away with putting in a single "controller" file. It will work as long as:
- you only have one instance of your template a time
- the code which sets ad gets the value of you reactive variable may be put in the same file
If one of the above conditions does not hold, then the only option to go, which is BTW the best possible, is to put your state variable in your template's scope. This is how you do it:
Template.postsList.created = function () {
this.postsArr = new ReactiveVar();
posts: function() {
return Posts.find({rph: {$in : Template.instance().postsArr.get() }});
From helpers you can always access postsArr using the Template.instance() routine which always return the current template instance, for which the helper was called. From event handlers, note that the second argument of your handler is always the template instance, which you're interested in.
If you need to access it from another templates, then you should probably put your state variable on the corresponding route controller. Assuming you're using iron-router, that would be:
The Iron.controller routine grants you access to the current route controller. Read this for more details.

Need suggestions to handle view updates

In an application currently I am loading my views using routers like below
router('menu/:item', function (item) {
app.uiHandler.toggleMenuSelected('menu', item);
// The below method updates the view with selected menu item's model.
app.channel.publish('menu', item);
Currently each menu item shares same data object. But the master view is replaced with new html based on each menu selection.
I am thinking to have instance like below for each menu item
var ractive = new Ractive({
el: 'container', // el is same for all instances.
template: '<p> I am {{selection}}, after {{prevSelection}}!</p>',
data: { selection: 'Home', prevSelection: 'Profile' }
But here my doubt is as I will be invoking each instance to render the view into 'container' whenever hash is changed how to clear all the two way data bindings created when master view is replaced with new html. Please help me on this.
If I am handling in wrong way, what would be the best way to handle the same.
Note : My question might sound like stupid, but I am looking for clarification on this :)
how to clear all the two way data bindings created when master view is replaced with new html
You can use teardown() to destroy the ractive instance, but if you don't ractive will do that automatically as soon as you try to render a new instance into the same container.
That said, it's probably better to have one instance and only update the data. I.e. when the section changes call ractive.set({ selection: 'Profile', prevSelection: 'Home' }).

Logic in JsViews css-tag

I am trying to put logic in a css-width in a data-link in jsViews. The two following approaches did not work:
{{for Items}}
<td id="show-keys" data-link="css-width{~root.ShowKeys ? '200px' : '400px'}">
{{for Items}}
<td id="show-keys" data-link="css-width{:~keysWidth()}">
<script type="text/javascript">
var app = {
helpers: {
showKeys: function () {
//debugging shows that this never gets fired
return app.ShowKeys ? '400px' : '100px';
How do I appropiatly base a css-value on a property so that it changes dynamically?
Here is a jsfiddle that shows a few variants: http://jsfiddle.net/BorisMoore/GZPvZ/
Your first expression missing a :
data-link="css-width{~root.ShowKeys ? '200px' : '400px'}"
should be
data-link="css-width{:~root.ShowKeys ? '200px' : '400px'}"
For the second approach, using a helper, apart from the naming of the helper (I think you meant it to be keysWidth - as #BKimmel points out) - you need to declare the fact that it is a computed observable with a dependency on ~root.showKeys - which you do like this:
function keysWidth() {
return app.showKeys ? '400px' : '100px';
keysWidth.depends = "~root.showKeys"; // or you can write ... = [app, "showKeys"]
Alternatively you can not declare the dependency, but pass it in as an argument:
Helpers can be declared globally, or passed in with the link call.
See the jsfiddle for details...
Update: There are now some new samples that cover CSS and class binding. There is a tutorial sequence on data-linking, which includes this page on data-linking class, this on on toggling class, and this one on linking to CSS attributes.
At a glance here, I notice two things;
For the second setup, I wouldn't expect that to work as written... your helper function is called showKeys, but in the template you are calling a function called keysWidth... maybe that was just a transcription mistake, but it definitely won't work like that. Change the names so they match (case-sensitive, as always in JS).
Make sure your helpers are actually getting loaded... e.g. $.helpers({helperfunction: function() {...}}) ... sometimes that can cause issues.
