Where Merging two entities falls in Restful way - asp.net

I have to do following:
Merge Source Entity to Target Entity. Both Source and Target Entity are of same type. So, end result would be both Source and Target would merge to one Target entity so that all the properties of Target will remain as it is, but if any of the property in Target is not there, it will be copied from Source.
In the end, source would be deleted.
My question is, in Restful way where should this fall - POST / PUT / DELETE and why?
Or, it will be multiple operations - PUT / POST followed by DELETE?

You can do it in one call. Assuming the unique id for the target remains the same in the new entity, just allow:
POST /entities/{targetEntityId}
"mergeFrom": "/entities/{sourceEntityId}
POST allows side effects, so you may choose to do the delete as part of this call. Alternately, you may choose to allow the client to determine whether or not the source gets deleted by requiring them to call DELETE /entities/{sourceEntityId} after the POST.
To use PUT, you'd need the client to do the merge and include all the values, which is presumably undesirable.


Firestore Rules - get the size of request parameters

In firestore, request.resource.data.size() is equivalent to the size of the document in its final form. My question is, how can I get the parameters that are being sent from the client?
Meaning, if I the client tries to update the property name, then I want to check if the client has updated name and the size of the parameters he sent is just one parameter. I would've used hasExact() if it existed, but the problem is that I'm not sure if there's an object the specifies the requested parameters.
With the current request.resource.data.size(), I'm not sure how can do the following operations:
Deny writing updatedAt property (which is being updated as the server timestamp on each update) without an additional property.
Deny updating a property that is already equivalent to the requested value.
It's difficult to tell from your question exactly what you want to do. It doesn't sound like the size of the update is the only thing you need to be looking at. Without a more concrete example, I am just going to guess what you need
But you should know that request.resource.data is a Map type object. Click through to the linked API documentation to find out what you can do with a Map. That map will contain all the fields of a document that's being updated by the client. If you want the value of one of those fields, you can say request.resource.data.f where f is the name of the field. This should help you express your logic.
If you want the value of an existing field of a document, before it's written, use the map resource.data, which works the same way.

Listing expired plone contents only in specific contexts (folders or collections)

I've to list, in specific folders or collections, objects expired also to anonymous users.
You know, portal_catalog returns only brains not expired. It's a useful behavior but not in this case...
To force the Catalog to return also expired contents, we've to pass a specific parameter: show_inactive.
Browsing the folder_listing (&family) code I noticed that it's possible to pass, via request, optionals parameters (contentFilter) to the query/getFolderContents. It's a nice feature to customize the query avoiding the creation of very similar listing templates.
I suppose it's necessary to create a marker interface to mark context (folders or collection) where I want to list also expired contents. For ex. IListExpired.
I imagine to ways:
1) to make a subscriber that intercepts before_traverse and , in the handler, a test to verify if the context implements the IListExpired. In positive case I made a
request.set('folderListing', {'show_inactive':True})
2) to make a viewlet for the IListExpired that in the call set
request.set('folderListing', {'show_inactive':True})
What's the best way? I suppose the first one could be an unnecessary overhead.
AFAIK, these are two separate thing: folderListing uses a method available to all CMF-based Folderish content types; show_inactive is an option of the Plone catalog, so you're not going to make it work as you're planning.
I think you should override these views and rewrite the listing using a catalog call.
you better use a browser layer for you package to do so or, a marker interface as you're planning.

Is this a valid mapping for a REST API?

I've come up with the mapping that follows while working on the REST API of a system where users are able to create and manage resources of different types.
GET /objects => read collection meta
GET /objects/[id] => read single element
GET /objects/?[query] => read a number of elements
GET /objects/?all => read all elements
PUT /objects => possibly create the collection and update its meta
PUT /objects/[id] => possibly create and update a single element
PUT /objects/?all => update the entire content of the collection
POST /objects => create new objects or update existing objects
PATCH /objects => partially update the collection meta
PATCH /objects/[id] => partially update a single element
PATCH /objects/?all => partially update all the elements
PATCH /objects/?[query] => partially update a number of elements
DELETE /objects => delete the collection
DELETE /objects/[id] => delete a single element
DELETE /objects/?all => empty the collection
DELETE /objects/?[query] => delete a number of elements
Here's some more information on the system:
each resource can be either be a simple one or a collection-like one;
each resource, collection or not, has properties of its own that need to be accessed and manipulated;
the API must support bulk (not batch) operations.
I've also examined the following alternatives:
using /collection to access the collection's set of elements and /collection?meta to access the collection's own data;
using a whole new resource to access a collection's own data, such as /collections/path/to/collection.
I do not like alternative n. 1) because it feels, to me, semantically poor. By comparison, when I refer to a box I am actually referring to the box in itself and not to its content.
I do not like alternative n. 2) because a resource ends up having its own data exposed by another resource, duplicating urls and making the problem of "which url should I use" not that trivial as I'd like it to be.
Therefore, my questions:
Is the mapping I have proposed a valid, proper mapping for a REST API? Is it respectful of REST principles? I'm not asking whether it's the best mapping out there or not. I'm asking about its validity.
If not, which one of the alternatives is the better one and why?
Please excuse my english, I'm not a native speaker of the language.
I thought the API design looked OK, but then I re-read this comment of yours at the start:
where users are able to create and manage resources of different
If the resources of your system are of different types, why are you exposing them with a neutral, type-less API that works only with generic objects?
The first part of RESTful API design is the identification of the nouns in your system, and those nouns should be considered strongly as candidates for exposure as URIs. I would strongly encourage you to try and get more specific than object and model the business functionality of your system with clearer URIs.
And your English is fine!
First of all, the semantics of URIs aren't relevant to REST. "RESTful URI" is almost an oxymoron. The only constraint an URI must follow to be RESTful is that it references one and only one resource.
Obviously, that doesn't mean REST URIs can be obscure. They should be as clear, intuitive and descriptive as possible, but whatever scheme you decide to use is fine, as long as its consistent. If you're so concerned with this, it means you're probably not using HATEOAS and should take a look at it.
Second, you're not considering the media types, and that's why you end up with the problem of using URIs to designate different media types. Let's say that retrieving all elements of a collection should be simply:
GET /objects
And retrieving a single element of a collection should be:
GET /objects/[id]
Now, if the client needs only the metadata for a resource, either a collection or a single element, it should specify that through the Accept header, not by going to a separate URI you point to in the documentation, or even worse, by adding query string parameters.
So, for instance, if the media type for your object is application/vnd.mycompany.myobject+json, your clients get the full object representation when using that media type in the Accept header, and get the metadata by using something like application/vnd.mycompany.myobjectmetadata+json.
I guess this probably isn't what you expected, but that's what REST is. Your documentation and design effort should be focused on your media types, not your URIs. When you use HATEOAS, URI design is irrelevant, and if you're not using HATEOAS, you're not using REST.

REST entity id in PATCH request body

Let's say I've got a FooEnity with an id of 35 exposed by a web service, and it is located at at /myhost/api/fooentity/35.
Now I want to implement a PATCH call to allow partial updates to FooEntity (so let's say 2 of the 25 available fields are passed up to be updated).
My question is, should the PATCH content (json/xml) include the id of 35? The address of the entity is specified by the URI, and id is not an updateable field, and if it was included it is an extra validation to make sure both ids match. All of this suggests No. Still, it feels weird not having it in there.
What is the appropriate way to do this?
(Note, question is language independent, but is implemented in the ASP.NET 4.0 Web API framework, if that influences anyone's answer).
That's a great question!
There are two ways you can handle that. You can either raise a validation error if the id in the body is different from the id in the URI. Or you can just ignore whatever id is in the request body. If you're patching by manually copying properties, you would just not copy the id property to ignore it. If you're using a helper class to patch the entity, you could apply the patch and then set the entity's id to be whatever came in on the URI just to make sure that it keeps the same id after the patch.
Whichever option you pick is really up to you. Sending back a 400 if the request body id doesn't match the entity id might be a little clearer for clients so they understand that the id won't be changed, but it also requires you to write more code to implement.

What's the RESTful way of attaching one resource to another?

this is one of the few moments I couldn't find the same question that I have at this place so I'm trying to describe my problem and hope to get some help an ideas!
Let's say...
I want to design a RESTful API for a domain model, that might have entities/resources like the following:
class Product
String id;
String name;
Price price;
Set<Tag> tags;
class Price
String id;
String currency;
float amount;
class Tag
String id;
String name;
The API might look like:
GET /products
GET /products/<product-id>
PUT /prices/<price-id>?currency=EUR&amount=12.34
PATCH /products/<product-id>?name=updateOnlyName
When it comes to updating references:
PATCH /products/<product-id>?price=<price-id>
PATCH /products/<product-id>?price=
may set the Products' Price-reference to another existing Price, or delete this reference.
But how can I add a new reference of an existing Tag to a Product?
If I wanted to store that reference in a relational database, I needed a relationship table 'products_tags' for that many-to-many-relationship, which brings us to a clear solution:
POST /product_tags [product: <product-id>, tag: <tag-id>]
But a document-based NoSQL database (like MongoDB) could store this as a one-to-many-relationship for each Product, so I don't need to model a 'new resource' that has to be created to save a relationship.
POST /products/<product-id>/tags/ [name: ...]
creates a new Tag (in a Product),
PUT /products/<product-id>/tags/<tag-id>?name=
creates a new Tag with <tag-id> or replaces an existing
Tag with the same id (in a Product),
PATCH /products/<product-id>?tags=<tag-id>
sets the Tag-list and doesn't add a new Tag, and
PATCH /products/<product-id>/tags/<tag-id>?name=...
sets a certain attribute of a Tag.
So I might want to say something link this:
ATTACH /products/<product-id>?tags=<tag-id>
ATTACH /products/<product-id>/tags?tag=<tag-id>
So the point is:
I don't want to create a new resource,
I don't want to set the attribute of a resource, but
I want to ADD a resource to another resources attribute, which is a set. ^^
Since everything is about resources, one could say:
I want to ATTACH a resource to another.
My question: Which Method is the right one and how should the URL look like?
Your REST is an application state driver, not aimed to be reflection of your entity relationships.
As such, there's no 'if this was the case in the db' in REST. That said, you have pretty good URIs.
You talk about IDs. What is a tag? Isn't a tag a simple string? Why does it have an id? Why isn't its id its namestring?
Why not have PUT /products/<product-id>/tags/tag_name=?
PUT is idempotent, so you are basically asserting the existance of a tag for the product referred to by product-id. If you send this request multiple times, you'd get 201 Created the first time and 200 OK the next time.
If you are building a simple system with a single concurrent user running on a single web server with no concurrency in requests, you may stop reading now
If someone in between goes and deletes that tag, your next put request would re-create the tag. Is this what you want?
With optimistic concurrency control, you would pass along the ETag a of the document everytime, and return 409 Conflict if you have a newer version b on the server and the diff, a..b cannot be reconciled. In the case of tags, you are just using PUT and DELETE verbs; so you wouldn't have to diff/look at reconciliation.
If you are building a moderately advanced concurrent system, with first-writer-wins semantics, running on a single sever, you can stop reading now
That said, I don't think you have considered your transactional boundaries. What are you modifying? A resource? No, you are modifying value objects of the product resource; its tags. So then, according to your model of resources, you should be using PATCH. Do you care about concurrency? Well, then you have much more to think about with regards to PATCH:
How do you represent the diff of a hierarchial JSON object?
How do you know what PATCH requests that conflict in a semantic way - i.e. we may not care about DELETEs on Tags, but two other properties might interact semantically.
The RFC for HTTP PATCH says this:
With PATCH, however, the enclosed entity contains a set of
instructions describing how a resource currently residing on the
origin server should be modified to produce a new version. The PATCH
method affects the resource identified by the Request-URI, and it also
MAY have side effects on other resources; i.e., new resources may be
created, or existing ones modified, by the application of a PATCH.
PATCH is neither safe nor idempotent as defined by [RFC2616], Section
I'm probably going to stop putting strange ideas in your head now. Comment if you want me to continue down this path a bit longer ;). Suffice to say that there are many more considerations that can be done.
