Styling of ion-side-menu-content - css

I want to add css styles to my login page. The application works as:
ion-side-menus where is:
ion-side-menu-content inside of it is:
ion-nav-view name="content"
Controller looks like:
.state('myapp.login', {
url : "/login",
views: {
'content': {
templateUrl: "myApp-core.login.html",
controller : 'LoginController'
The problem is that when I changed a main css it causes on all sub pages but I want to change only my login page (myApp-core.login.html). Thanks for any help.

Simplest make your own css class "xxx-login" and apply it on html tag?
if you want to extend ionic class, you can use Less, ionic provide all tools to build it.


Why won't CSS won't work on specific situation

So I'm working a project of a Website. In it, there's an admin page where I can add or remove images that will be shown on the website. I created a Controller for the Main Admin page alone, and then I created a controller for every type of information that can be changed through that page (Porfolio, banner, etc). All the pages are styled by CSS. So when my AdmController returns the view with the main Admin page, everything works fine
The adress for the main Admin Page results in localhost:8000/adm
But once I try to open a view where I would add an image to be shown on the Main page, CSS simply won't work. To acess, say, the add banner page, I have a BannerController that will return a "form-banner" view, resulting in the adress localhost:8000/adm/banner. In this page CSS does not work.
I wanted to test further so I created a new Route that would take me directly to the create banner page without going through the admin page, and also not using any Controllers at all. I got the adress localhost:8000/banner. Now CSS works.
Any ideas why?
These are the routes including the one I created just to test the view:
Route::resource('adm', 'AdmController');
Route::resource('adm/banner', 'BannerController');
Route::get('banner', function () {
return view('admin/form-banner');
This is the AdmController:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class AdmController extends Controller
public function index()
return view('admin/index');
This is how the BannerController is returning the mal-functioning View:
public function create()
return view('admin/form-banner')
And this is the point in the Main Adm View (the one that works) where It calls the BannerController:
<ul class="nav-second-level" aria-expanded="false">
<li>Create new banner</li>
Add your CSS like below
<link href="{{ asset('css/app.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">
the absolute path after your public folder

Create Route to Simple Page Reaction Commerce

I am trying to setup a simple static page for about us, based on this tutorial ( The problem is that there is no real explanation on what I need to do outside adding an entry to the registry.js file. While they do have the plugin example that I could copy, I would like to know what I need to just add a simple static page to Reaction Commerce. Thanks.
To create the simple route for the page, given tutorial is what we all got.
To Create route for a page:
I will break it down for you in following steps:
I will assume that you know we have to add our code in the /imports/plugin/custom directory only. You can override all the core functionality from here.
Let's get started:
You need to add route details in the registry under register.js file.
Create the component for a new page as
/imports/plugin/custom/YOUR_PLUGIN/client/components/about.js in your plugin.
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { registerComponent } from "/imports/plugins/core/components/lib";
import { Meteor } from "meteor/meteor";
import { Col } from 'reactstrap';
class About extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="container-main">
About Us Page
registerComponent("about", About);
Add the button to route to the new page, in any component, from where you can give link to About page.
Add function to handle the click.
handleClick() {
return Reaction.Router.go("/about");
Hope this solves your query!
PS: I know this code can be shortened, I have written it in this way so that beginners can understand it faster. Please don't hesitate to correct the answer if I am wrong. :)

Full Calendar Style Reset

We're trying to integrate Full Calendar on the front-end of a WordPress site. The problem we are facing is that most WordPress themes have custom styles that alter the appearance of tables, making Full Calendar look broken.
I'm no CSS expert, so any help is greatly appreciated. Is there any way to reset the styles so that Full Calendar's own styles are always applied to the same style set, regardless of any other styles that may be loaded on the page?
Thanks :)
Maybe you can try to remove their css, and add your css class there.
this works for me (version v1.5.4),
,eventRender: function(event, element) { //render how event look like
// example add element
//example to remove the original color
//element.find("div").removeClass("fc-event-skin fc-event-inner");
//example to add class
if(event.title === "big_event"){
viewDisplay : function(view) { //render how calendar look like
//example coloring on sat,sun
$(".fc-sat, .fc-sun").addClass("ss-holiday");
$("th.fc-sat, th.fc-sun").removeClass("ss-holiday");

(AngularJS) Only one less file for entire Website

I am a beginner with AngularJS and I have a little problem, I installed grunt-contrib-less to support less files instead css but now I have to declare all less styles that will be compiled into only one css file.
But my problem is normally when I'm using less, I write some code for a specific page, and here I have to write the style code for all pages. This is confusing and not really maintanable so is there a best practice to organize less styles?
I tought that there may be multiple solution:
Apply a class to body tag and change it with I don't know what
(controller, services or other)
(Import LESS file only for one page)
Generate multiple css file depending which style is compiled (but I can't do this because I can't configure grunt correctly)
Do this with DOM manipulation (but it don't find it beautifull because I think Angular must have a good way to solve that problem)
Could you explain me how to have different style for differents views ? I don't want to have the same style for all links in all views and without create hundreds classes I don't know how to do that.
Use directive
and add whatever variables/code/logic you want to add
HTML template(directive) of style can be added to your view and after compile you will get different ui for all your views
for reference read
angular directive
I solve my problem by adding specific class on body tag depending the route.
I put a variable in rootScope called 'pageStyle' with correspond to the classname that I want. This variable is updated automatically when route change (see run function). There is an event when the route change ($stateChangeSuccess or $routeChangeSuccess depending if you are using ngRoute or -angularui-routeur).
In my case i would like to add the name of the route but you can do it with the controller name or something else.
Here is an example
This is the routes :
.module('frontApp', [])
.config(['$stateProvider', '$urlRouterProvider', function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider, $mdThemingProvider) {
.state('home', {
url: '/',
templateUrl: '../views/home.html',
controller: function ($scope) {
$scope.msg = 'Xavier';
.state('form', {
url: '/form',
templateUrl: '../views/form.html',
controller: 'FormCtrl'
And in the run function you will see the event bound to adapt the class when route change :
.run(function($rootScope) {
$rootScope.pageStyle = '';
// Watch state and set controller name in pageStyle variable when state change
$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function(event, toState) {
if (toState && && typeof === 'string'){
$rootScope.pageStyle =;
} else {
$rootScope.pageStyle = '';
Extra informations :
Note that the event called when route change is different if you are using ngroute. use "$routeChangeSuccess" if you use ngRoute and "$stateChangeSuccess" if you choose to use angular-ui-routeur
If you want to add the controller name instead the route name simply use the follow and replace 'ctrl' with you controller suffixe:
if (toState && toState.controller && typeof toState.controller !== 'function'){
$rootScope.pageStyle = toState.controller.toLowerCase().replace('ctrl','');
Hope it help someone else

How to add dynamically css in AngularJS?

Hi I am trying to add css dynamically but it's not working bellow is my code
angular.module('myApp', [ 'myApp.controllers','']).
config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
$routeProvider.when('/new', { templateUrl: 'partials/add.html', controller: 'add' ,resolve: {
style : function(){
/* check if already exists first - note ID used on link element*/
/* could also track within scope object*/
angular.element('head').append(' <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/app.css"/>');
}}) }]);
Without more info on your code it will be difficult to help but anyway here are a two (easy) things that come to my mind :
Be sure that the path css/app.css redirects to a file i.e no 404,
angular.element('head') will work only if jquery is loaded before angular otherwise you will have an error regarding jqLite.
Finally I have assemble a plunker here where everything is working the way it should base on your extract of code. Let me know if it helps.
