Handling-Costraints in Genetic Algorithms: implementing the death penalty - r

I would like to compare the "death penalty method" with other penalty methods proposed in the Genetic Algorithms' literature.
I'm using the R software, so I need to write the codes of these penalty methods. I've finding lots of difficulties because I have not understood one thing about the death penalty function: how I have to handle the infeasible offsprings since the population size usually is fixed in genetic algorithms?
I mean, I understand that, in order to use appropriately the death penalty, I have to initialize the genetic algorithm with all feasible solutions. But even if I have all feasible solutions in the first population (t=0), I could have infeasible solutions in the next generation since the crossover and the mutations are "blind" operators.
So, since the death penalty rejects all the infeasible solutions, then what happen?
Will the next generation have a population side smaller (original dim size - number of infeasible solutions) or I have to select more parents to put in the mating pool for reproduction until the next generation is composed by "original dim size" feasible offsprings or I have to try again the genetic operators until all the individuals in t+1 are feasible?

I do not know R, but the theory of the death penalty implies that you should generate more offspring.
I would generate do the following pseudo-code (translate to R):
while (n>0) {
generate n offspring;
eliminate the non feasible ones
add the feasible ones to the new generation
n=<desired population size> - <current new generation population size>
The only problem with this loop is the risk that it may go on forever (if we never generate feasible solutions). Even though it is quite small, if you want to protect yourself from it, you can limit the number of iterations allowed in the while loop, using a simple counter.
There is a pretty interesting article on this by Michalewicz. Have a look.


pop.size argument in GenMatch() respectively genoud()

I am using genetic matching in R using GenMatch in order to find comparable treatment and control groups to estimate a treatment effect. The default code for matching looks as follows:
GenMatch(Tr, X, BalanceMatrix=X, estimand="ATT", M=1, weights=NULL,
pop.size = 100, max.generations=100,...)
The description for the pop.size argument in the package is:
Population Size. This is the number of individuals genoud uses to
solve the optimization problem. The theorems proving that genetic
algorithms find good solutions are asymptotic in population size.
Therefore, it is important that this value not be small. See genoud
for more details.
Looking at gnoud the additional description is:
...There are several restrictions on what the value of this number can
be. No matter what population size the user requests, the number is
automatically adjusted to make certain that the relevant restrictions
are satisfied. These restrictions originate in what is required by
several of the operators. In particular, operators 6 (Simple
Crossover) and 8 (Heuristic Crossover) require an even number of
individuals to work on—i.e., they require two parents. Therefore, the
pop.size variable and the operators sets must be such that these three
operators have an even number of individuals to work with. If this
does not occur, the population size is automatically increased until
this constraint is satisfied.
I want to know how gnoud (resp. GenMatch) incorporates the population size argument. Does the algorithm randomly select n individuals from the population for the optimization?
I had a look at the package description and the source code, but did not find a clear answer.
The word "individuals" here does not refer to individuals in the sample (i.e., individual units your dataset), but rather to virtual individuals that the genetic algorithm uses. These individuals are individual draws of a set of the variables to be optimized. They are unrelated to your sample.
The goal of genetic matching is to choose a set of scaling factors (which the Matching documentation calls weights), one for each covariate, that weight the importance of that covariate in a scaled Euclidean distance match. I'm no expert on the genetic algorithm, but my understanding of what it does is that it makes a bunch of guesses at the optimal values of these scaling factors, keeps the ones that "do the best" in the sense of optimizing the criterion (which is determined by fit.func in GenMatch()), and creates new guesses as slight perturbations of the kept guesses. It then repeats this process many times, simulating what natural selection does to optimize traits in living things. Each guess is what the word "individual" refers to in the description for pop.size, which corresponds to the number of guesses at each generation of the algorithm.
GenMatch() always uses your entire sample (unless you have provided a restriction like a caliper, exact matching requirement, or common support rule); it does not sample units from your sample to form each guess (which is what bagging in is other machine learning contexts).
Results will change over many runs because the genetic algorithm itself is a stochastic process. It may converge to a solution asymptotically, but because it is optimizing over a lumpy surface, it will find different solutions each time in finite samples with finite generations and a finite population size (i.e., pop.size).

When and why is crossover beneficial in differential evolution?

I implemented a differential evolution algorithm for a side project I was doing. Because the crossover step seemed to involve a lot of parameter choices (e.g. crossover probabilities), I decided to skip it and just use mutation. The method seemed to work ok, but I am unsure whether I would get better performance if I introduced crossover.
Main Question: What is the motivation behind introducing crossover to differential evolution? Can you provide a toy example where introducing crossover out-performs pure mutation?
My intuition is that crossover will produce something like the following in 2-dimensions. Say
we have two parent vectors (red). Uniform crossover could produce a new trial vector at one of the blue points.
I am not sure why this kind of exploration would be expected to be beneficial. In fact, it seems like this could make performance worse if high-fitness solutions follow some linear trend. In the figure below, lets say the red points are the current population, and the optimal solution is towards the lower right corner. The population is traveling down a valley such that the upper right and lower left corners produce bad solutions. The upper left corner produces "okay" but suboptimal solutions. Notice how uniform crossover produces trials (in blue) that are orthogonal to the direction of improvement. I've used a cross-over probability of 1 and neglected mutation to illustrate my point (see code). I imagine this situation could arise quite frequently in optimization problems, but could be misunderstanding something.
Note: In the above example, I am implicitly assuming that the population was randomly initialized (uniformly) across this space, and has begun to converge to the correct solution down the central valley (top left to bottom right).
This toy example is convex, and thus differential evolution wouldn't even be the appropriate technique. However, if this motif was embedded in a multi-modal fitness landscape, it seems like crossover might be detrimental. While crossover does support exploration, which could be beneficial, I am not sure why one would choose to explore in this particular direction.
R code for the example above:
N = 50
x1 <- rnorm(N,mean=2,sd=0.5)
x2 <- -x1+4+rnorm(N,mean=0,sd=0.1)
x1_cx = list(rep(0, 50))
x2_cx = list(rep(0, 50))
for (i in 0:N) {
x1_cx[i] <- x1[i]
x2_cx[i] <- x2[sample(1:N,1)]
Follow-up Question: If crossover is beneficial in certain situations, is there a sensible approach to a) determining if your specific problem would benefit from crossover, and b) how to tune the crossover parameters to optimize the algorithm?
A related stackoverflow question (I am looking for something more specific, with a toy example for instance): what is the importance of crossing over in Differential Evolution Algorithm?
A similar question, but not specific to differential evolution: Efficiency of crossover in genetic algorithms
I am not particularly familiar with the specifics of the DE algorithm but in general the point of crossover is that if you have two very different individuals with high fitness it will produce an offspring that is intermediate between them without being particularly similar to either. Mutation only explores the local neighbourhood of each individual without taking the rest of the population into account. If you think of genomes as points in some high dimensional vector space, then a mutation is shift in a random direction. Therefore mutation needs to take small steps since if your are starting from a significantly better than random position, a long step in a random direction is almost certain to make things worse because it is essentially just introducing entropy into an evolved genome. You can think of a cross over as a step from one parent towards the other. Since the other parent is also better than random, it is more promising to take a longer step in that direction. This allows for faster exploration of the promising parts of the fitness landscape.
In real biological organisms the genome is often organized in such a way that genes that depend on each other are close together on the same chromosome. This means that crossover is unlikely to break synergetic gene combinations. Real evolution actually moves genes around to achieve this (though this is much slower than the evolution of individual genes) and sometimes the higher order structure of the genome (the 3 dimensional shape of the DNA) evolves to prevent cross-overs in particularly sensitive areas. These mechanisms are rarely modeled in evolutionary algorithms, but you will get more out of crossovers if you order your genome in a way that puts genes that are likely to interact close to each other.
No. Crossover is not useful. There I said it. :P
I've never found a need for crossover. People seem to think it does some kind of magic. But it doesn't (and can't) do anything more useful than simple mutation. Large mutations can be used to explore the entire problem space and small mutations can be used to exploit niches.
And all the explanations I've read are (to put it mildly) unsatisfactory. Crossover only complicates your algorithms. Drop it asap. Your life will be simpler. .... IMHO.
As Daniel says, cross over is a way to take larger steps across the problem landscape, allowing you to escape local maxima that a single mutation would be unable to do so.
Whether it is appropriate or not will depend on the complexity of the problem space, how the genotype -> phenotype expression works (will related genes be close together), etc.
More formally this is the concept of 'Connectivity' in Local Search algorithms, providing strong enough operators that the local search neighbourhood is sufficentally large to escape local minima.

Genetic Algorithms Introduction

Starting off let me clarify that i have seen This Genetic Algorithm Resource question and it does not answer my question.
I am doing a project in Bioinformatics. I have to take data about the NMR spectrum of a cell(E. Coli) and find out what are the different molecules(metabolites) present in the cell.
To do this i am going to be using Genetic Algorithms in R language. I DO NOT have the time to go through huge books on Genetic algorithms. Heck! I dont even have time to go through little books.(That is what the linked question does not answer)
So i need to know of resources which will help me understand quickly what it is Genetic Algorithms do and how they do it. I have read the Wikipedia entry ,this webpage and also a couple of IEEE papers on the subject.
Any working code in R(even in C) or pointers to which R modules(if any) to be used would be helpful.
A brief (and opinionated) introduction to genetic algorithms is at http://www.burns-stat.com/pages/Tutor/genetic.html
A simple GA written in R is available at http://www.burns-stat.com/pages/Freecode/genopt.R The "documentation" is in 'S Poetry' http://www.burns-stat.com/pages/Spoetry/Spoetry.pdf and the code.
I assume from your question you have some function F(metabolites) which yields a spectrum but you do not have the inverse function F'(spectrum) to get back metabolites. The search space of metabolites is large so rather than brute force it you wish to try an approximate method (such as a genetic algorithm) which will make a more efficient random search.
In order to apply any such approximate method you will have to define a score function which compares the similarity between the target spectrum and the trial spectrum. The smoother this function is the better the search will work. If it can only yield true/false it will be a purely random search and you'd be better off with brute force.
Given the F and your score (aka fitness) function all you need to do is construct a population of possible metabolite combinations, run them all through F, score all the resulting spectrums, and then use crossover and mutation to produce a new population that combines the best candidates. Choosing how to do the crossover and mutation is generally domain specific because you can speed the process greatly by avoiding the creation of nonsense genomes. The best mutation rate is going to be very small but will also require tuning for your domain.
Without knowing about your domain I can't say what a single member of your population should look like, but it could simply be a list of metabolites (which allows for ordering and duplicates, if that's interesting) or a string of boolean values over all possible metabolites (which has the advantage of being order invariant and yielding obvious possibilities for crossover and mutation). The string has the disadvantage that it may be more costly to filter out nonsense genes (for example it may not make sense to have only 1 metabolite or over 1000). It's faster to avoid creating nonsense rather than merely assigning it low fitness.
There are other approximate methods if you have F and your scoring function. The simplest is probably Simulated Annealing. Another I haven't tried is the Bees Algorithm, which appears to be multi-start simulated annealing with effort weighted by fitness (sort of a cross between SA and GA).
I've found the article "The science of computing: genetic algorithms", by Peter J. Denning (American Scientist, vol 80, 1, pp 12-14). That article is simple and useful if you want to understand what genetic algorithms do, and is only 3 pages to read!!

fitness function and Selection for a Genetic Algorithm

I'm trying to design a nonlinear fitness function where I maximize variable A and minimize the variable B. The issue is that maximizing A is much more important at single digit values, almost logarithmic. B needs to be minimized and in contrast to A, it becomes less important when small (less than one) and more important when it's larger (>1), so exponential decay.
The main goal is to optimize A, so I guess an analog is A=profits, B=costs
Should I aim to keep everything positive so that the I can use a roulette wheel selection, or would it be better to use a rank/torunament kind of system? The purpose of my algorithm is shape optimization.
When considering a multi-objective problem the goal is usually to identify all solutions that lie on the Pareto curve - the Pareto optimal set. Have a look here for a 2-dimensional visual example. When the algorithm completes you want a set of solutions that are not dominated by any other solution. You therefore need to define a pareto ranking mechanism to take into account both objectives - for a more in depth explanation, as well as links to even more reading, go here
With this in mind, in order to effectively explore all solutions along the pareto front you do not want an implementation that encourages premature convergence, otherwise your algorithm will only explore the search space in one specific area of the Pareto curve. I would implement a selection operator that keeps all members of each iteration's optimal set of solutions, that is all solutions which are not dominated by another + plus a parameter controlled percentage of other solutions. This way you encourage exploration all along the Pareto curve.
You also need to ensure your mutation and crossover operators are tuned correctly too. With any novel application of Evolutionary Algorithms, part of the problem is trying to identify an optimal parameter set for the problem domain... this is where it gets really interesting!!
The description is very vague, but assuming that you actually have an idea of what the function should look like and you're just wondering whether you need to modify it so that proportional selection can be used easily, then no. Regardless of fitness function, you should probably default to using something like tournament selection. Controlling selection pressure is one of the most important things you have to do in order to get consistently good results, and roulette wheel selection doesn't allow you that control. You typically get enormous pressure very early, which drives premature convergence. That might be preferable in a few cases, but it's not where I'd start my investigations.

Examples of mathematics algorithms that apply to game development

I am designing a RPG game like final fantasy.
I have the programming part done but what I lack is the maths. I am ok at maths but I am having trouble incorporating the players stas into mu sums.
How can I make an action timer that is based on the players speed?
How can I use attack and defence so that it is not always exactly the same damage?
How can I add randomness into the equations?
Can anyone point me to some resources that I can read to learn this sort of stuff.
EDIT: Clarification Of what I am looking for
for the damage I have (player attack x move strength) / enemy defence.
This works and scales well but i got a look at the algorithms from final fantasy 4 a while a got and this sum alone was over 15 steps. mine has only 2.
I am looking for real game examples if possible but would settle for papers or books that have sections that explain how they get these complex sums and why they don't use simple ones.
I eventually intent to implement but am looking for more academic knowledge at the moment.
Not knowing Final fantasy at all, here are some thoughts.
Attack/Defence could either be a 'chance to hit/block' or 'damage done/mitigated' (or, possibly, a blend of both). If you decide to go for 'damage done/mitigated', you'll probably want to do one of:
Generate a random number in a suitable range, added/subtracted from the base attack/defence value.
Generate a number in the range 0-1, multiplied by the attack/defence
Generate a number (with a Gaussian or Poisson distribution and a suitable standard deviation) in the range 0-2 (or so, to account for the occasional crit), multiplied by the attack/defence
For attack timers, decide what "double speed" and "triple speed" should do for the number of attacks in a given time. That should give you a decent lead for how to implement it. I can, off-hand, think of three methods.
Use N/speed as a base for the timer (that means double/triple speed gives 2/3 times the number of attacks in a given interval).
Use Basetime - Speed as the timer (requires a cap on speed, may not be an issue, most probably has an unintuitive relation between speed stat and timer, not much difference at low levels, a lot of difference at high levels).
Use Basetime - Sqrt(Speed) as the timer.
I doubt you'll find academic work on this. Determining formulae for damage, say, is heuristic. People just make stuff up based on their experience with various functions and then tweak the result based on gameplay.
It's important to have a good feel for what the function looks like when plotted on a graph. The best advice I can give for this is to study a course on sketching graphs of functions. A Google search on "sketching functions" will get you started.
Take a look at printed role playing games like Dungeons & Dragons and how they handle these issues. They are the inspiration for computer RPGs. I don't know of academic work
Some thoughts: you don't have to have an actual "formula". It can be rules like "roll a 20 sided die, weapon does 2 points of damage if the roll is <12 and 3 points of damage if the roll is >=12".
You might want to simplify continuous variables down to small ranges of integers for testing. That way you can calculate out tables with all the possible permutations and see if the results look reasonable. Once you have something good, you can interpolate the formulas for continuous inputs.
Another key issue is play balance. There aren't necessarily formulas for telling you whether your game mechanics are balanced, you have to test.
