Intel Gen8 architecture calculating total kernel instances per execution unit - opencl

I am taking the reference from the intel_gen8_arch
Few sections are causing confusion in my understanding for SIMD engine concept.
5.3.2 SIMD FPUs
Within each EU, the primary computation units are a pair of SIMD floating-point units (FPUs).
Although called FPUs, they support both floating-point and integer computation. These units
can SIMD execute up to four 32-bit floating-point (or integer) operations, or SIMD execute up to
eight 16-bit integer or 16-bit floating-point operations. Each SIMD FPU can complete simultaneous add and multiply
(MAD) floating-point instructions every cycle. Thus each EU is capable of 16 32-bit floating-point
operations per cycle: (add + mul) x 2 FPUs x SIMD-4.
The above lines of the documents clearly states the maximum floating point operations that can be done on each Execution Unit.
First doubt:
I think it is referring to per hardware thread of Execution unit than the whole execution unit.
In section 5.3.5 it mentions
On Gen8 compute architecture, most SPMD programming models employ this style code
generation and EU processor execution. Effectively, each SPMD kernel instance appears to
execute serially and independently within its own SIMD lane. In actuality, each thread executes
a SIMD-Width number of kernel instances concurrently. Thus for a SIMD-16 compile of a
compute kernel, it is possible for SIMD-16 x 7 threads = 112 kernel instances to be executing
concurrently on a single EU. Similarly, for a SIMD-32 compile of a compute kernel, 32 x 7
threads = 224 kernel instances could be executing concurrently on a single EU.
Now this section illustration seems contradicting with the section 5.3.2.
1) Since it says each HW thread of EU has 2, SIMD-4 units then how SIMD-16 works. How are we reaching to calculation of 224 on 7 threads.
Also, How we compile the kernel in SIMD-16 or SIMD-32 mode?

The 5.3.2. section is indeed saying that each EU can perform 16 32-bit ops.
Each EU has two FPU's each of which can do 4 ops.
2 pipes * 4 ops per pipe * 2 (since mad's are add+mul) = 16 ops per cycle
There are 7 threads per EU (see figure 3), but the EU can only choose instructions from two of the 7 (that are ready) (one instruction for each pipe).
As Mai alluded above, think of a SIMD16 instructions as 4 of those SIMD4 ops. Hence, it takes 4 cycles to complete one. A SIMD32 instruction will take 8 cycles through those same SIMD4 pipes. So regardless of the SIMD width the machine throughput is the same (theoretically). "Wider" SIMD just means you use more registers and fewer threads per workload.
There's no easy way to choose the kernel compilation width (SIMD8, SIMD16, or SIMD32) and you probably don't want to do that for most workloads. Nevertheless, there is an Intel extension your driver might support cl_intel_subgroups that lets you control the thread width. (You have to annotate the kernel with a special attribute.) This can be useful if you want to SIMD channels (lanes) to share data with each other directly (without extra loads to SLM or global memory).
Also check out this presentation from IDF. Slides 80-87 illustrate the mapping from compiler SIMD (e.g. SIMD32 or SIMD16) to the EU's.


OpenCL and AMD Gpu Architecture understanding

So I was reading the architecture for GCN 1st Generation GPUs provided by the paper here, and I'm a bit confused on the size of the vector ALUs and some other things.
1) According to it, each compute unit has 1 scalar unit and 4 SIMDs. Each of these 4 SIMDs have 16 ALUs to perform vector operations. The paper states that the ALUs natively execute single precision floating point and 24-bit integer at full speed and DP and 32 bit integer at reduced speeds.
What I want to know is why do the 32 bit integers execute at reduced speed when 32 bit SP floating point can execute all right?
2) Secondly we know that for AMD GCN GPUs, each SIMD array executes 1-quarter of wavefront over 4 cycles. When an instruction is assigned to an SIMD unit, does it replicates across all 4? or does it take 4 different cycles in order for each SIMD unit to get an instruction?
If all 4 SIMD units execute the same instruction then, theoretically this gets us 4 wavefronts per 4 cycles. If it's the second case then only 1 wavefront gets completed at the 4th cycle.
Although note that according to the GCN whitepaper, the Local Data Share (LDS) coalesces 16 lanes from 2 different SIMD units each cycle so this gets us 2 complete wavefronts per 4 cycles. This seems to hint that it's the first case, since there is no way to get more than 1 wavefront completed per 4 cycles if the instructions aren't replicated across SIMD units.
3) Lastly I want to ask about a scenario.
Suppose I have a 2D workgroup assigned to a Compute Unit. The workgroup consists of 8x8 = 64 work items. Will the compute unit form 1 wavefront and execute this over 4 cycles in 1 SIMD unit, while the other 3 SIMD units remain idle? Or will something else happen?
why do the 32 bit integers execute at reduced speed when 32 bit SP floating point can execute all right?
If you look at how 32-bit floats are represented, you'll notice there is a 24-bit mantissa, a sign bit, and 7 bits of exponent. Presumably the GPU can use the floating-point ALU's capabilities directly to operate on 24-bit integers stored in what would normally be the mantissa. For operating on larger integers, explicit long multiplication of some kind will need to be done (like 64-bit arithmetic on a 32-bit CPU), slowing things down.


I'm confused by this CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS. For instance my Intel GPU on Mac, this number is 48. Does this mean the max number of parallel tasks run at the same time is 48 or the multiple of 48, maybe 96, 144...? (I know each compute unit is composed of 1 or more processing elements and each processing element is actually in charge of a "thread". What if these each of the 48 compute units is composed of more than 1 processing elements ). In other words, for my Mac, the "ideal" speedup, although impossible in reality, is 48 times faster than a CPU core (we assume the single "core" computation speed of CPU and GPU is the same), or the multiple of 48, maybe 96, 144...?
Summary: Your speedup is a little complicated, but your machine's (Intel GPU, probably GEN8 or GEN9) fp32 throughput 768 FLOPs per (GPU) clock and 1536 for fp16. Let's assume fp32, so something less than 768x (maybe a third of this depending on CPU speed). See below for the reasoning and some very important caveats.
Intel does something wonky when with CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS with its GPU driver.
From the clGetDeviceInfo (OpenCL 2.0). CL_DEVICE_MAX_COMPUTE_UNITS says
The number of parallel compute units on the OpenCL device. A
work-group executes on a single compute unit. The minimum value is 1.
However, the Intel Graphics driver does not actually follow this definition and instead returns the number of EUs (Execution Units) --- An EU a grouping of the SIMD ALUs and slots for 7 different SIMD threads (registers and what not). Each SIMD thread represents 8, 16, or 32 workitems depending on what the compiler picks (we want higher, but register pressure can force us lower).
A workgroup is actually limited to a "Slice" (see the figure in section 5.5 "Slice Architecture"), which happens to be 24 EUs (in recent HW). Pick the GEN8 or GEN9 documents. Each slice has it's own SLM, barriers, and L3. Given that your apple book is reporting 48 EUs, I'd say that you have two slices.
Maximum Speedup:
Let's ignore this major annoyance and work with the EU number (and from those arch docs above). For "speedup" I'm comparing a single threaded FP32 calculation on the CPU. With good parallelization etc on the CPU, the speedup would be less, of course.
Each of the 48 EUs can issue two SIMD4 operations per clock in ideal circumstances. Assuming those are fused multiply-add's (so really two ops), that gives us:
48 EUs * 2 SIMD4 ops per EU * 2 (if the op is a fused multiply add)
= 192 SIMD4 ops per clock
= 768 FLOPs per clock for single precision floating point
So your ideal speedup is actually ~768. But there's a bunch of things that chip into this ideal number.
Setup and teardown time. Let's ignore this (assume the WL time dominates the runtime).
The GPU clock maxes out around a gigahertz while the CPU runs faster. Factor that ratio in. (crudely 1/3 maybe? 3Ghz on the CPU vs 1Ghz on the GPU).
If the computation is not heavily multiply-adds "mads", divide by 2 since I doubled above. Many important workloads are "mad"-dominated though.
The execution is mostly non-divergent. If a SIMD thread branches into an if-then-else, the entire SIMD thread (8,16,or 32 workitems) has to execute that code.
Register banking collisions delays can reduce EU ALU throughput. Typically the compiler does a great job avoiding this, but it can theoretically chew into your performance a bit (usually a few percent depending on register pressure).
Buffer address calculation can chew off a few percent too (EU must spend time doing integer compute to read and write addresses).
If one uses too much SLM or barriers, the GPU must leave some of the EU's idle so that there's enough SLM for each work item on the machine. (You can tweak your algorithm to fix this.)
We must keep the WL compute bound. If we blow out any cache in the data access hierarchy, we run into scenarios where no thread is ready to run on an EU and must stall. Assume we avoid this.
?. I'm probably forgetting other things that can go wrong.
We call the efficiency the percentage of theoretical perfect. So if our workload runs at ~530 FLOPs per clock, then we are 60% efficient of the theoretical 768. I've seen very carefully tuned workloads exceed 90% efficiency, but it definitely can take some work.
The ideal speedup you can get is the total number of processing elements which in your case corresponds to 48 * number of processing elements per compute unit. I do not know of a way to get the number of processing elements from OpenCL (that does not mean that it is not possible), however you can just google it for your GPU.
Up to my knowledge, a compute unit consists of one or multiple processing elements (for GPUs usually a lot), a register file, and some local memory. The threads of a compute unit are executed in a SIMD (single instruction multiple data) fashion. This means that the threads of a compute unit all execute the same operation but on different data.
Also, the speedup you get depends on how you execute a kernel function. Since a single work-group can not run on multiple compute units you need a sufficient number of work-groups in order to fully utilize all of the compute units. In addition, the work-group size should be a multiple of CL_KERNEL_PREFERRED_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_MULTIPLE.

How to make the most of SIMD in OpenCL?

In the optimization guide of Beignet, an open source implementation of OpenCL targeting Intel GPUs
Work group Size should be larger than 16 and be multiple of 16.
As two possible SIMD lanes on Gen are 8 or 16. To not waste SIMD
lanes, we need to follow this rule.
Also mentioned in the Compute Architecture of Intel Processor Graphics Gen7.5:
For Gen7.5 based products, each EU has seven threads for a total of 28 Kbytes of general purpose register file (GRF).
On Gen7.5 compute architecture, most SPMD programming models employ
this style code generation and EU processor execution. Effectively,
each SPMD kernel instance appears to execute serially and independently within its own SIMD lane.
In actuality, each thread executes a SIMD-Width number of kernel instances >concurrently. Thus for a SIMD-16 compile of a compute
kernel, it is possible for SIMD-16 x 7 threads = 112 kernel instances
to be executing concurrently on a single EU. Similarly, for SIMD-32 x
7 threads = 224 kernel instances executing concurrently on a single
If I understand it correctly, using the SIMD-16 x 7 threads = 112 kernel instances as a example, in order to run 224 threads on one EU, the work group size need to be 16. Then the OpenCL compiler will fold 16 kernel instances into a 16 lane SIMD thread, and do this 7 times on 7 work groups, and run them on a single EU?
Question 1: am I correct until here?
However OpenCL spec also provide vector data types. So it's feasible to make full use of the SIMD-16 computing resources in a EU by conventional SIMD programming(as in NEON and SSE).
Question 2: If this is the case, using vector-16 data type already makes explicit use of the SIMD-16 resources, hence removes the at-least-16-item-per-work-group restrictions. Is this the case?
Question 3: If all above are true, then how does the two approach compare with each other: 1) 112 threads fold into 7 SIMD-16 threads by OpenCL compiler; 2) 7 native threads coded to explicitly use vector-16 data types and SIMD-16 operations?
Almost. You are making the assumptions that there is one thread per workgroup (N.B. thread in this context is what CUDA calls a "wave". In Intel GPU speak a work item is a SIMD channel of a GPU thread). Without subgroups, there is no way to force a workgroup size to be exactly a thread. For instance, if you choose a WG size of 16, the compiler is still free to compile SIMD8 and spread it amongst two SIMD8 threads. Keep in mind that the compiler chooses the SIMD width before the WG size is known to it (clCompileProgram precedes clEnqueueNDRange). The subgroups extension might allow you to force the SIMD width, but is definitely not implemented on GEN7.5.
OpenCL vector types are an optional explicit vectorization step on top of the implicit vectorization that already happens automatically. Were you to use float16 for example. Each of the work items would be processing 16 floats each, but the compiler would still compile at least SIMD8. Hence each GPU thread would be processing (8 * 16) floats (in parallel though). That might be a bit overkill. Ideally we don't want to have to explicitly vectorize our CL by using explicit OpenCL vector types. But it can be helpful sometimes if the kernel is not doing enough work (kernels that are too short can be bad). Somewhere it says float4 is a good rule of thumb.
I think you meant 112 work items? By native thread do you mean CPU threads or GPU threads?
If you meant CPU threads, the usual arguments about GPUs apply. GPUs are good when your program doesn't diverge much (all instances take similar paths) and you use the data enough times to mitigate the cost transferring it to and from the GPU (arithmetic density).
If you meant GPU threads (the GEN SIMD8 or SIMD16 critters). There is no (publicly visible) way to program the GPU threads explicitly at the moment (EDIT see the subgroups extension (not available on GEN7.5)). If you were able to, it'd be a similar trade off to assembly language. The job is harder, and the compiler sometimes just does a better job than we can, but when you are solving a specific problem and have better domain knowledge, you can generally do better with enough programming effort (until hardware changes and your clever program's assumptions becomes invalidated.)

Executing opencl built ins on gpu

My current question is exetension of previous
SIMD-8,SIMD-16 or SIMD-32 in opencl on gpgpu question.
I understand the concept of SIMD programming on GPU. It says all the scalar instructions on different work items are executed together in a warp/SIMD width group/Wavefront. My understanding here is that if we write a packed vector instruction in kernel code, compiler converts that instruction into scalars. And while execution all the work items in a simd width group execute the same instruction.
1) Now if we use a builtin like mad provided by opencl how this will be executed on the gpu ? Will all the work-items execute this as mad or this will be turned into scalar first?
2) If mad is being executed on the all workitems will the SIMD width get reduce from 32 to 16 or 16 - 8 ?

OpenCL : Number of Compute units

I am a beginner to OpenCL. I am implementing an algorithm on AMD 8670M(GCN Architecture) device. I am using OpenCL local memory to store frequently accessed global data.
According to the device specificatons there are :
a) 5 compute units each having 64 KB of local memory.So device as a whole has 320 KB.
b) Maximum 2560 work-items on a compute unit.
I launched a kernel with 8 work-groups,each work-group having 256 work-items.Each work-group utilizes 16 KB of local memory.
So the kernel uses :
a) 2048 work-items
b) 128 KB local memory
2048 work-items fit on a single compute unit but a compute unit provides only 64 KB local memory.So,two compute units are required to provide required local memory.
According to my understanding now there can be two ways of kernel launching
1) Work-groups are distributed to two compute units to provide required local memory.
2) Work-groups are assigned to only one compute unit and excess local memory is spilled out to global memory.
Which of the above cases are likely to occur?
Is there any way of checking number of active wave-fronts on each compute unit?
Any suggestions are appreciated.Thanks in advance.
Work groups do not have to be concurrent. Nor do they have to be on a single compute unit. Since you can fit 4 work groups only on a single compute unit you are guaranteed to not have all of them on the same compute unit at the same time (there will not be any spill, that would defeat the purpose of local memory).
Now the system is still free to start your 8 WGs on the 5 CUs or even on a single CU but one after the other. The only scheduling guarantee is that each 256 bundle of work items will be scheduled together. It is up to the system to pick something that is most efficient.
And here comes the kicker. You're running on a system that can run up to 12k work items concurrently. You're only providing it 2k work items. So the system may not end up working very efficiently since you're far from filling the machine. In particular you typically want multiple WGs per CU to help hide the latencies of starting and stopping them.
