External CSS style sheet in Eclipse E4 RCP application - css

How can I specify a non plugin:/... URI as a style sheet location for the org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.theme plugin?
I tried using file://..., to no avail. Relative paths also do not work, as it is assumed they point within the plugin.
The reason behind this is to allow users of the plugin to customize the stylesheet, without having to unpack>modify>repack the JAR application bundle on their own.

Looking at the source of the theme engine if the URI does not start with platform:/plugin/ it is added (with the current plugin id). This is to allow abbreviated URIs but means you can't use any other form.
You can specify that a plugin is not packaged in a jar in the product. If you are using 'features' for the product build specify unpack="true" in the plugin entry in the 'features.xml'
You can also specify
Eclipse-BundleShape: dir
in the plugin's MANIFEST.MF (note this is overridden by the 'unpack' value in the feature.xml if you are using that).


How to get Plone's CSS Registry to load new CSS files

I'm trying to upgrade a Plone 3.3.5 server to 4.3.6. However, when I update the site, I find that the CSS for the site is not carried over. If I go to my CSS Registry, I find that almost all of my CSS is producing the (resource not found or not accessible) error.
My confusion seems to be in how Plone locates and links/imports stylesheets in general as Plone seems to be loading virtually none of my CSS and pretty much giving me raw HTML in the browser. I'm assuming the CSS registry is loading CSS from the buildout-cache. With this assumption, an example stylesheet that I'm targeting is located under:
When the CSS Registry failed to load this, I noticed that some CSS was being loaded in via handles like this:
But this format doesn't work with base.css and others.
So my question is, given I've got a new product installed with some CSS included in it, how do I get Plone to target said CSS?
For resources inside "skins" FS folders, the way to register on portal_css tool is to simply provide the filename, so simply put there base.css.
If this is not working probably the nuplone_styles skin folder is not registered properly in the portal_skins tool.
So go to ZMI --> portal_skins --> click on "Properties" and check the following:
what theme is used? You must probably switch back to NuPlone (but I'm not sure if it works on Plone 4)
is the nuplone_styles folder in the list of CMF layers of the used theme?
Please note also that adding the nuplone_styles layer to another theme is not a good idea. Please think about copying CSS you need in the custom directory.
This is not an answer, but some additional explanation, not fitting in a comment:
The "old" way to include style-sheets via skin-folders, requires to specify only the file-name, not a full path, and will be found by traversal, meaning the first found file with the according name, will be taken. In case of several files with the same name, the order of skins matters.
The other way is to register style-sheets via a browser-package, to have an unambiguous path to a certain file, they must start with +++resource++.

In Magnolia CMS, how can each component declare its required javascript files?

I am using Magnolia CMS 5.3.4, the STK, and freemarker (FTL) template scripts.
Some components I have defined relies on specific javascript files. Right now, what I do is that I include these javascript files in the main.ftl template script. I am looking for a way to get them included only if the specific component is present on the page.
I tried to use the jsFiles property in Template Definitions, but it seems it works only for page template definition.
The jsFiles property indeed works only for pages not for components. This is because Magnolia wants to include those files in header already, rather than loading them in middle of the body when component gets rendered.
As a general practice I would anyway recommend combining your js files into one (look at for example plugin loader in resources on how this is done) and set longer time for caching such file so that browser downloads all the script just once for the whole site rather then page by page. The bigger js file you are sending over the more overhead you are cutting off from requesting separate files and better the compression of content for transport will work.

Where is css file of my menu?I have joomla site

Can't style my menu css,i tried to change in master-ccda(my site www.blobus.on.kg)It helps for 5 minutes than changed back.Please help me to find place where i can change it.
You use a rocketheme/gantry template. Your website has compression/caching enabled for the css. This is enabled either by the template settings or another compression/caching system plugin. Therefore what you get as a final css file, is a dynamically generated compressed css file. Any edits you are doing on this file are getting lost, as soon as the system will generate a new final master.css file.
You need to disable these functions while you are building your website. Doing so will stop the compression of all the css files into one and you will see what rules and from which files your menu and other elements/sections of your website inherit their styles.
In addition keep in mind that it is best to avoid making changes on the core files of your template/extensions.
Gantry templates allow you to create a custom css file where you can put your own css overrides.
The custom css file need to be place inside the css folder of your template and usually needs to have a name of this convention: rt_templatename-custom.css.

Migrating an XDV theme product to Diazo

I am attempting to migrate from XDV to Diazo.
Currently I have a theme product that contains:
a custom navigation.py and layout.py
folders for:
overrides (for core overrides)
profiles (eg cssregistry.xml)
static (the theme resources, rules.xml, js, css and other cruft we may want to be able to call generically from the static directory with /++resource++theme/ syntax)
unit tests in tests.py.
My question is: does all of this come across to the Diazo theme or will i still need the current theme product installed for some parts of it?
I think so, yes.
overrides/ and profiles/ are the same.
The registration in configure.zcml for the rules URL should change to a one, and this will change the URL (++theme++ instead of ++resource++) but it's very similar.
There are some syntax changes, but they are minor and detailed here: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/plone.app.theming

How to download latest version CSS files of a theme?

The problem is like this:
We're trying to implement a versioning scheme for our CSS and wherever we have accessed CSS through href (like \themes\ssss\abc.css) we append this link with a build number programatically (such as \themes\ssss\abc.css?1011) so that with new build the client gets the latest css files.
The problem is coming in themes. For e.g. under App_Themes we created a theme folder with the name MyTheme; now wherever this theme is used we need the CSS for this theme to be replaced by latest build files. How to do that?
why don't you create a new theme folder on each build/deploy?
Something similar to \themes\ssss-1011\abc.css.
Add some extra hash to your css url ("#somethingnew"). You can also you tools like SquishIt. It also can minify you css/js files.
