woocommerce generate producer-orderlists - woocommerce

For a certain webshop, products are made by three different producers. Orders placed by users have to be ordered at these vendors. I'm looking for a add-on which which is capable making producer-orderlists based on the woocommerce orders which the webshop then can send to the producers. I already build in producer support for woocommerce items. There are some specific requirements (such as aggregation) which i can edit myself.
I looked around but find it hard to believe, no such solution is available.
It's different from dropshipping because the producer does not directly send to the customer. These plugins do not suit since they are transparant to the user, offer backend logins for the producers and so on.
Any suggestions?


Multi Store with Subdomains

I want to create multiple online shops for selling merchandise products for companies. The products are basically identical but should be personalized in dependence of the company I am building the shop for. Because I do not want to build a new shop every time a new company joins the program I am looking for something like that:
www.myshop.com : One shop with the underlying product database and checkout system - not showing any products, just as a parent structure
www.company1.myshop.com : A slightly personalized shop where only a selection of the product catalogue is available
www.company2.myshop.com : A slightly personalized shop where a different selection of the product catalogue is available
Do you get it?
Does anybody know a tool for that?
Thanks in advance!
I already looked into WooCommerce, Shopify and even WiX. As far as I understood what I am looking for is not supported.
Since your example is based off of subdomains, you can choose to assign a Shopify store to each subdomain. Each store feeds from your inventory and accounting, giving your customers the illusion of a custom experience. Or you can just simplify your life, have one store, and assign your customers to view collections specific to them. That is the smart move. You may not like that, but it would work a peach for you. You just tag customers to see their specific collections, of products specific to those collections. Simple.
I can also think of a dozen other ways to pull this off with Shopify, but that is me, not you. For an opinion question like this, SO is not the right place to ask these kinds of questions, but I answered anyway. Your mileage may vary of course.

Is there any way to update woocommerce inventory with external web based system?

Is there any way to update woocommerce product inventory with external web based system, such as warehose system? And send json data yo that system? In fact make interaction between them
WooCommerce has inventory management functionality, and a external system use it via the
If you look at a specific product, there's an "Inventory" tab. If "Manage stock" is checked, you can, well, manage the stock, ie. manage the stock quantity, allow backorders, receive emails notifications when stock is low.
This can be done manually, or via the create/update Products or Product variations endpoints. Without modification, to make the calls, this requires your external system to know the WooCommerce product & product variation ID's (for my employer, I built a layer on top of the REST API that works with product SKU's, which are know by our external system).
To make actual calls, you'll need to generate a key & secret in WooCommerce, and use that for authentication. The actual calls are GET/PUT/POST/DELETE requests with a JSON body when needed.
For an actual stock amount update, you'd make the following PUT request to /wp-json/wc/v3/products/\<your product's ID\>, with this JSON body:
"stock_quantity": "500"

Is it possible to add multiple prices to one product in Woo commerce depending on whether the customer is an individual or a professional?

My client has two customer types (enterprises and individuals), he wants to propose different prices regarding the customer type. This customer type should be defined when the customer creates its account. I still haven't found a solution to do this automatically : after account creation depending on whether the customer said he is an enterprise or an individual, I want that the right price is automatically selected. Do you have any idea of how to do this without a manual user role given ?
Before registration, is it possible de display both prices so that the enterprise also knows what it will have to pay if it registered ?
That would be awesome if you have any idea of plugins doing this or how to code this.
Thanks a lot
Have a good day !
I believe you are looking for a what will be called a Wholesale User Plugin. There's a handful of them out there that you could look into. It will allow you to set up multiple user roles with different pricing structures.

DotNetNuke Cart

Does anyone with DotNetNuke have experience with downloadable content with a shopping cart?
There is a client using CatalooK as their shopping cart. They sell user manuals for a range of car models (one car has multiple user manuals in different languages) but did some test and this is we found so far:
If we have all the downloadable manuals users in the ‘All Users’ role will have access to all the downloadable content by anyone
When a user registers (either from the Login page, or through purchasing a product from the cart), a user account is automatically created for them and are assigned the role as ‘Registered Users’. This solves the problem of having all users access to the content – can just change the permission for the downloadable items to only display for 'Registered User' only
However, anyone can register themselves on the website and automatically be assigned a ‘Registered Users’ role, therefore getting access to the manuals without having paid for them
A step further would be to require the manual adding of user accounts to a new role called ‘Downloads’ which would be the only users within the 'Downloads’ role to have access to the downloadable manuals
Problem here is, if a user purchases 1 downloadable item and they are added to the ‘Downloads’ role, they will also be given access to all of the other downloadable manuals – as they are in the same role
So I guess the workable solution would be to create a new role for every car model to allow people in each car model role access to the downloads – which would also mean manually adding the role of every group purchased to that user’s accounts.
Anyone have any experience or alternatives to this to make it more automated and secure?
Basically no body has access to the downloads unless you have purchased the products.
Upon purchasing some shopping carts send you an email with a unique link to the downloadable so they can access it that way. In your situation you also want them to be able to see the documents on the site at anytime after purchasing them, which makes sense.
Catalook has a 'Your Orders' module, does that show you the document or electronic item you purchased? That might be an option.
But worst case, I guess you can implement your 1 role per product. Sounds like a lot of work though! Or, do some custom :]coding.
Based on your situation the cart I use the most DNNspot (mine) - it would be similar to Catalook. Where you would need to create a role per product. Or use the orders module to show your previous orders which would link to your document you bought.
How good is your SQL? You could use the core DNN 'reports module' If you analyze the database and orders table - with a little bit of SQL you could setup a custom Report and maybe solve this.
This is very interesting an challenging. probably, this is not supported by catalook store module by default. If you are looking to implement a new simple module, there are some simple solutions to this.
Using personalization: you can use dnn's personalization provider to store user products. initially empty, and as user purchases the products, you can add comma separated list of productid to maintain it smartly. check that values back to validate downloads
Using custom user profile property and use it in same way as [1] above
Email option suggested by #Ryan is good option when you want to allow users to download manually only via email links. But again, you will still need to validate if a user is allowed to download that product or not that you can achieve via the above suggestions.
Let me know if you need more help with this, I have good experience to deal with catalook specific small modules for such extensions.
Happy coding

How should I implement currency conversion in my Druppal application?

If an User has X amount of credits on his account (I think CCK can store this value). He can create specific Nodes (requests for admin). Each Node has a Type (Taxonomy defined, may be. Or via CCK). Each Type has associated number of credits. When user publishes a Node providing certain type, his balance of credits decreases by the number of credits Node Type has (admin will perform this request and send user notification email).
This is some kind of very simple e-shop for activation codes. I didn't want to use Ubercart due to it's complexity. May be this functionality can be achieved using some simple Drupal modules? Or may be there are some alternate ways? Or it is better to go Ubercart (can it do what I want BTW)?
I've seen folks in the Ubercart forums do this kind of thing for purchasing/posting ads on a site.
Check out these modules:
may be worth a look it is a credit system, adds a product feature to give user credits also has good helper functions to integrate with rules ect , also has a sub module to limit a content type by amount of credits and then deducts after the new node has ben created & has blocks to show the user their credits and credit history :)
