QT QTcpServer::incomingConnection(qintptr handle) not firing? - qt

I'm trying to create a multithreaded server using Qt for the first time. Normally one would use the socket pointer returned by the QTcpServer::nextPendingConnection() with the socket handle already baked in - but since I'm interfacing with the connecting client on a separate thread, I need to create the socket separately using the qintptr handle from QTcpServer::incomingConnection(qintptr handle). After a very dreary, error-packed debugging session I managed to track down the problem to the QTcpServer::incomingConnection() never being fired?
Has anyone had a similar problem - has something changed over recent versions Qt?
These are the ones I've tried:
QTcpServer::incomingConnection(qintptr handle)
QTcpServer::incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor)
QTcpServer::incomingConnection(int handle)
Creating instance of server:
TestServer *myServer = new TestServer();
Which calls:
void TestServer::initializeServer(quint16 port)
mainServer = new QTcpServer(this);
mainServer->listen(QHostAddress::Any, port);
qDebug() << "Listening for connections on port: " << port;
Server is now listening. When a client connects incomingConnection(qintptr handle) is supposed to be called:
void TestServer::incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor){
TestClient *client = new TestClient(this);
Which calls:
void TestClient::setSocket(quint16 socketDescr)
socket = new QTcpSocket(this);
connect(socket, SIGNAL(connected()),this,SLOT(connected()));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()),this,SLOT(disconnected()));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()),this,SLOT(readyRead()));
Called on connect() signal:
void TestClient::connected()
qDebug() << "Client connected..."; // This debug never appears in the console, since QTcpServer::incomingConnection isn't being fired.

You have some errors at your code:
At TestServer your QTcpServer probably aggregated, but you need to inherit it. At this case you try to override incomingConnection() method, but you haven't base class and you just create new incomingConnection(), not override.
You get qintptr descriptor variable from incomingConnection(), but set quint16 type at setSocket() method.
You probably mix client of server and client of your part, which just get incoming connection and handling socket data.
I write some little example below for your understanding tcp client-server communication.
Server part
Main part is server themselves:
#include <QTcpServer>
class TestServer: public QTcpServer
TestServer(QObject *parent = 0);
void incomingConnection(qintptr handle) Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
Just look: I don't aggragate QTcpServer, but inherited it. At this case you can override incomingConnection() method correctly.
At constructor we just start server for listening using listen() method:
TestServer::TestServer(QObject *parent):
if (this->listen(QHostAddress::Any, 2323)) {
qDebug() << "Server start at port: " << this->serverPort();
} else {
qDebug() << "Start failure";
Then time for overriding incomingConnection():
void TestServer::incomingConnection(qintptr handle)
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << " new connection";
SocketThread *socket = new SocketThread(handle);
connect(socket, SIGNAL(finished()), socket, SLOT(deleteLater()));
I create SocketThread object which handle incoming data:
#include <QThread>
#include <QObject>
class QTcpSocket;
class SocketThread: public QThread
SocketThread(qintptr descriptor, QObject *parent = 0);
void run() Q_DECL_OVERRIDE;
private slots:
void onConnected();
void onReadyRead();
void onDisconnected();
QTcpSocket *m_socket;
qintptr m_descriptor;
We inherits from QThread for making our server multithreading, so we have to override run() method:
SocketThread::SocketThread(qintptr descriptor, QObject *parent)
: QThread(parent), m_descriptor(descriptor)
void SocketThread::run()
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO;
m_socket = new QTcpSocket;
connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(onReadyRead()), Qt::DirectConnection);
connect(m_socket, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(onDisconnected()), Qt::DirectConnection);
This way we initialize our QTcpSocket, set socket descriptor, connect it with readyRead() and disconnected() signals and start event loop.
void SocketThread::onReadyRead()
QDataStream in(m_socket);
QString message;
in >> message;
qDebug() << message;
void SocketThread::onDisconnected()
// Exit event loop
At onReadyRead() just read some QString from client, write it to console and disconnect from host. At onDisconnected() we close socket connection and exit event loop.
Client part
It is just example and bad-smells style, but i create connection to the server at MainWindow class on QPushButton::clicked signal:
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_clicked()
QTcpSocket *client = new QTcpSocket;
connect(client, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(connected()));
connect(client, SIGNAL(disconnected()), client, SLOT(deleteLater()));
client->connectToHost(QHostAddress::LocalHost, 2323);
if (client->state() != QAbstractSocket::ConnectedState ) {
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << " can't connect to host";
delete client;
QByteArray block;
QDataStream out(&block, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
out << QString("Hello");
void MainWindow::connected()
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << " client connected";
I create new QTcpSocket, connect it to the signals and try to connect to the host(in my case it is localhost). Wait for connected and check socket status. If all is right I write to socket QString - just example.
It is one of possible ways to organized multithreading client-server architecture, i hope it will be helpfull for you and you find yours bugs.


QProcess does not emit finished signal

I try to read out the output of a command executed in QProcess. I don't get the connection working between QProcess's finished signal and a finished handler.
I tried several different ways of connecting to QProcess finished signal but no luck so far. I know that the process executes because it prints the output in the GUI's console and that the process finishes because it passes the waitForFinished method from sequential API.
Why does my code not hit onFinish or onFinishNoPams?
class Test : public QObject
Test(QObject *parent = 0);
Q_INVOKABLE void read();
public slots:
void onFinish(int exitCode , QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus);
void onFinishNoPams();
QProcess *m_process;
Test::Test(QObject *parent)
: QObject(parent)
void Test::read(){
m_process=new QProcess(this);
connect(m_process, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), this, SLOT(onFinishNoPams()));
connect(m_process, SIGNAL(finished(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)), this, SLOT(onFinish(int,QProcess::ExitStatus)));
connect(m_process, QOverload<int, QProcess::ExitStatus>::of(&QProcess::finished),
[=](int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus){
qDebug() << "not reached";
connect(m_process, QOverload<int, QProcess::ExitStatus>::of(&QProcess::finished), this,&Test::onFinish);
QString program = "lsusb";
QStringList arguments;
qDebug() << "reached";
void Test::onFinish(int exitCode , QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus){
qDebug() << "not reached";
void Test::onFinishNoPams(){
qDebug() << "not reached";
QByteArray out=m_process->readAllStandardOutput();
import test 1.0
Window {
Component.onCompleted: test.read()
QProcess::execute() is a static method that starts the external process and waits for its completion in a blocking way. It has nothing to do with your m_process variable. What you want to use is QProcess::start().

Ssl Server using QSslSocket in Qt

I have implemented a ssl server using QSslSocket and run it correctly. But I have some problem with it that I couldn't solve them immediately.
I thought that just connecting readyRead() signal to a slot for reading buffer is sufficient to do that but I have recognized that the readyRead() does not emit at all in this situation and I must also use waitForReadyRead() function in my code. But the problem is using this function cause blocking read the buffer. Actually I want to know how I can read buffer when data has arrived without blocking?
Bellow is my implemented ssl server:
#include "sslserver.h"
#include <QtNetwork/QTcpServer>
#include <QtNetwork/QTcpSocket>
#include <QFile>
#include <QtNetwork/QSslKey>
#include <QtNetwork/QSslConfiguration>
#include <QtNetwork/QSslError>
SslServer::SslServer(QObject *parent) : QTcpServer(parent)
server = new QTcpServer(this);
if(!server->listen(QHostAddress::Any, 9996))
qDebug() << "Server could not start";
qDebug() << "Server started!";
connect(server, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(newConnectionRecognized()));
void SslServer::showErrors()
this-> err = socket->sslErrors();
for(int i=0;i<err.size();i++)
qDebug() << err[i];
void SslServer::newConnectionRecognized()
void SslServer::incomingConnection(qintptr socketDescriptor)
socket = new QSslSocket(this);
connect(socket, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QList<QSslError>)), this, SLOT(showErrors()));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(encrypted()), this, SLOT(ready()));
connect(socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readChannel()));
// Read Key from file
QByteArray key;
QFile KeyFile("server.key");
key = KeyFile.readAll();
qDebug() << KeyFile.errorString();
QSslKey sslKey(key, QSsl::Rsa);
// Load server ssl certificate from file
QByteArray cert;
QFile CertFile("server.csr");
cert = CertFile.readAll();
qDebug() << CertFile.errorString();
QSslCertificate sslCert(cert);
QSslConfiguration cfg = socket->sslConfiguration();
if (!socket->setSocketDescriptor(socketDescriptor))ee
qDebug() << ("! Couldn't set socket descriptor");
delete socket;
if (socket->isEncrypted())
emit socket->encrypted();
if(!socket->waitForEncrypted(3000)) {
qDebug("Wait for encrypted!!!!");
while (true) {
void SslServer::readChannel()
QByteArray qstrbytes = socket->readLine();
qDebug() << qstrbytes;
void SslServer::ready()
qDebug() << "Encrypted";
I have found the problem when I implement another client/server but this time with QTcpSocket. I dont know exactly why but I guess the problem is because of using socketDescriptor for creating a QSslSocket. When I created client and server with QTcpSocket they works perfectly without any event loop and only by connecting readyRead() signal to an slot. After that in order to testing some situation I have create QTcpSocket using socketDescriptor. Then I found the problem is from creating socket using socketDescriptor because this time the readyRead() signal doesn't work as before.

QNetworkAccessManager does not return any data

I have come across bug that I am not able to see myself. After studing QT and stack sites I wrote following code:
void RateOfExchangeGetter::run(){
mRunning = true;
mAccessManager = new QNetworkAccessManager();
//connect(mAccessManager, SIGNAL(finished(QNetworkReply*)),
// this, SLOT(replyFinished(QNetworkReply*)));
QNetworkReply *reply;
for(SiteParser *parser: mSiteParsers){
QNetworkRequest request(QUrl("https://www.google.pl/"));
request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", "MyOwnBrowser 1.0");
qDebug() << "here";
reply = mAccessManager->get(request);
connect(reply, SIGNAL(readyRead()), parser, SLOT(slotReadyRead()));
connect(reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)),
parser, SLOT(slotError(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)));
connect(reply, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QList<QSslError>)),
parser, SLOT(slotSslErrors(QList<QSslError>)));
//for test only ->
QByteArray array = reply->read(50);
qDebug() << array;
As good eye might have already noticed - this code is placed in class that inherits QThread.
For some reason (that I cannot find) I can't receive any data from get function (I know that it is asynchronous), no signals are transmitted, and also after waiting 10 second there are no data available in read. I had also tried to get data via finished signal from QNetworkAccessManager itself but also nothing appeared.
Thanks to anyone who might have a clue what is happening.
You don't have an event loop in your thread's run() method, so there's no chance of any networking code working.
You should put all of your code into a QObject, and move it to a generic thread. The default implementation of QThread::run() spins an event loop.
I also don't see much reason for there to be more than one parser. You can simply let the QNetworkReply accumulate the response in its internal buffer until the request is finished - you can then parse it all in one go, obviating the need for parser state. Use the finished slot instead of readyRead. The readyRead slot only makes sense for large requests.
Below is how it might be done. Note the arming mechanism to prevent races between the worker thread and the main thread. You're guaranteed that the finishedAllRequests signal will be emitted exactly once after a call to arm(). Without this mechanism, the worker thread might be able to process all requests before the connect has a chance to run, and no signal will reach the recipient, or you might get multiple signals as the requests are processed before the next one is added.
#include <QCoreApplication>
#include <QNetworkAccessManager>
#include <QNetworkRequest>
#include <QNetworkReply>
#include <QPointer>
#include <QSslError>
#include <QThread>
#include <QMetaMethod>
#include <QDebug>
class Parser : public QObject {
bool m_armed;
QList<QNetworkReply*> m_replies;
QPointer<QNetworkAccessManager> m_manager;
QMetaMethod m_addRequestImpl, m_armImpl;
Q_SLOT void finished() {
QNetworkReply * reply = static_cast<QNetworkReply*>(sender());
qDebug() << "reply" << reply << "is finished";
// ... use the data
if (m_armed && m_replies.isEmpty()) {
emit finishedAllRequests();
m_armed = false;
Q_SLOT void error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError) {
QNetworkReply * reply = static_cast<QNetworkReply*>(sender());
Q_SLOT void sslErrors(QList<QSslError>) {
QNetworkReply * reply = static_cast<QNetworkReply*>(sender());
Q_INVOKABLE void addRequestImpl(const QNetworkRequest & req) {
QNetworkReply * reply = m_manager->get(req);
connect(reply, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(finished()));
connect(reply, SIGNAL(error(QNetworkReply::NetworkError)),
connect(reply, SIGNAL(sslErrors(QList<QSslError>)),
m_replies << reply;
Q_INVOKABLE void armImpl() {
if (m_replies.isEmpty()) {
emit finishedAllRequests();
m_armed = false;
} else
m_armed = true;
static QMetaMethod method(const char * signature) {
return staticMetaObject.method(staticMetaObject.indexOfMethod(signature));
// The API is fully thread-safe. The methods can be accessed from any thread.
explicit Parser(QNetworkAccessManager * nam, QObject * parent = 0) :
QObject(parent), m_armed(false), m_manager(nam),
void addRequest(const QNetworkRequest & req) {
m_addRequestImpl.invoke(this, Q_ARG(QNetworkRequest, req));
void arm() {
Q_SIGNAL void finishedAllRequests();
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
QThread * thread = new QThread(&a);
QNetworkAccessManager mgr;
Parser parser(&mgr);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
QNetworkRequest request(QUrl("https://www.google.pl/"));
request.setRawHeader("User-Agent", "MyOwnBrowser 1.0");
thread->connect(&parser, SIGNAL(finishedAllRequests()), SLOT(quit()));
a.connect(thread, SIGNAL(finished()), SLOT(quit()));
int rc = a.exec();
delete thread; // Otherwise mgr's destruction would fail
return rc;
#include "main.moc"
reply QNetworkReplyHttpImpl(0x1011619e0) is finished
reply QNetworkReplyHttpImpl(0x101102260) is finished
reply QNetworkReplyHttpImpl(0x101041670) is finished
reply QNetworkReplyHttpImpl(0x1011023e0) is finished
reply QNetworkReplyHttpImpl(0x10102fa00) is finished
reply QNetworkReplyHttpImpl(0x101040090) is finished
reply QNetworkReplyHttpImpl(0x101163110) is finished
reply QNetworkReplyHttpImpl(0x10103af10) is finished
reply QNetworkReplyHttpImpl(0x10103e6b0) is finished
reply QNetworkReplyHttpImpl(0x101104c80) is finished

QTcpServer -- how to stop client threads

My gui have a two button's, one to start a server & other to stop a server.
Brief :---
Once server is started, on every new client request i will create a new thread & this will handle communication with the client.
Detail :--
When start button is pressed, I am creating an object 'tcpserverobjectWrapper' which creates an another object 'tcpserverobject' this object creats an Qtcpserver.
Now this Qtcpserver is listing for new connection. And when a new connection comes i create an 'TcpSocketThreadWrapperObject' object which
creates a thread & this thread handles communication with client . Also 'tcpserverobject' keeps the list of new client request objects created
'QList<TcpSocketThreadWrapperObject *> TcpSocketThreadWrapperObjectList;' .
I am able to connect to server from telnet clients & it creates new thread for each client & works fine.
When stop button pressed i am able to stop server & client threads.
But i have two problems here :---
1> Everytime client send some data to server. I get this kind of QsocketNotifier. What is this ?
QSocketNotifier: socket notifiers cannot be enabled from another thread
QSocketNotifier: socket notifiers cannot be disabled from another thread
2> If i press stop button on GUI i am able to stop the threads succesfully.
But how to stop the threads & delete the objects created for every client when client send 'STOP command' to server or closes the connection with server ?
I will also have to delete the following objects created on each client request ?
client request --> TcpSocketThreadWrapperObject -- creates --> TcpSocketThreadObject -- creates --> TcpSocketThreadObject
Can someone suggest how to solve above two problems ? Reply on this will be appreciated.
Here is the code :---
================= start & stop buttons handler =====
void MainWindow::on_actionStop_triggered()
/* ------------------ Tcp server object ------------------------*/
b_threadAlreadyStarted = false;
delete p_tcpserverobjectWrapper;
/* ------------------ Tcp server object ------------------------*/
void MainWindow::on_actionStart_triggered()
/* ------------------ Tcp server object ------------------------*/
b_threadAlreadyStarted =true;
p_tcpserverobjectWrapper = new tcpserverobjectWrapper(this,modelCANalyzer);
qDebug() << " \n start ";
/* ------------------ Tcp server object ------------------------*/
======== tcpserverobjectWrapper class ===============
// Main server object wrapper
class tcpserverobjectWrapper : public QObject
explicit tcpserverobjectWrapper(QMainWindow *ptrWidget, QStandardItemModel *modelCANalyzer, QObject *parent=0);
//Device thread object
tcpserverobject *m_tcpserverobject;
tcpserverobjectWrapper::tcpserverobjectWrapper(QMainWindow *ptrWidget , QStandardItemModel *modelCANalyzer,QObject *parent) :
m_tcpserverobject = new tcpserverobject ;
//save model
m_tcpserverobject->modeltable = modelCANalyzer;
m_tcpserverobject->ptrmainwindow = ptrWidget;
qDebug() << "\n tcp server thread started";
qDebug() << " \n called delete later on tcpserverobjectWrapper .. !!";
m_tcpserverobject->deleteLater(); // ---------------------> change it to - delete m_tcpserverobject
qDebug() << " \n tcp server object successfully quited .. !! ";
========== tcpserverobject object ==================
class tcpserverobject : public QObject
explicit tcpserverobject(QObject *parent = 0);
Pointer to QStandardItemModel to be used inside - canTableView
QStandardItemModel *modeltable;
//mainwindow pointer
QMainWindow *ptrmainwindow;
// Create list of new -- socket thread wrapper objects
QList<TcpSocketThreadWrapperObject *> TcpSocketThreadWrapperObjectList;
QTcpServer *tcpServer;
public slots:
void on_newConnection();
tcpserverobject::tcpserverobject(QObject *parent) :
QObject(parent), tcpServer(0)
tcpServer = new QTcpServer;
// Connect slot of the server
connect(tcpServer, SIGNAL(newConnection()), this, SLOT(on_newConnection()));
//lisen on socket
if (!tcpServer->listen(QHostAddress::LocalHost, SERVER_PORT )) {
qDebug() << "\n returning from server listning error .. !!! ";
qDebug() << "\n server listning";
// to do
while (!TcpSocketThreadWrapperObjectList.isEmpty())
delete TcpSocketThreadWrapperObjectList.takeFirst();
void tcpserverobject::on_newConnection()
QByteArray block;
block.append(" \n Hello from server .. !!!") ;
QTcpSocket *clientConnection = tcpServer->nextPendingConnection();
connect(clientConnection, SIGNAL(disconnected()),
clientConnection, SLOT(deleteLater()));
// Create new thread for this .. client request ..!!
qDebug() << "\n New connection request ..!!!";
qDebug() << "\n New client from:" << clientConnection->peerAddress().toString();
// create new tcp object
TcpSocketThreadWrapperObject* TcpSocketThreadWrapperObjectPtr = new TcpSocketThreadWrapperObject(clientConnection);
// Append object to the list
============ TcpSocketThreadWrapperObject ==============
// Main device thread object
class TcpSocketThreadWrapperObject : public QObject
explicit TcpSocketThreadWrapperObject(QTcpSocket *m_pTcpSocket , QObject *parent = 0);
pointer for write thread
QThread m_TcpSocketRWThread;
/// pointer to the socketthread object
class TcpSocketThreadObject *m_pTcpSocketThreadObject;
public slots:
// constructor for the deviceThreadObject
TcpSocketThreadWrapperObject::TcpSocketThreadWrapperObject(QTcpSocket *m_pTcpSocket , QObject *parent) :
m_pTcpSocketThreadObject = new TcpSocketThreadObject(m_pTcpSocket);
//set flag for event loop -- make while(1)
m_pTcpSocketThreadObject->m_bQuit = false;
// connect the signal & slot
// Move thread to object
//Start the thread
//set flag for event loop -- make while(0)
m_pTcpSocketThreadObject->m_bQuit = false;
// Wait for the thread to terminate
// Delete the object
qDebug() << "\n deleted - TcpSocketThreadWrapperObject";
======== TcpSocketThreadObject object ========
class TcpSocketThreadObject : public QObject
explicit TcpSocketThreadObject(QTcpSocket *m_pTcpSocketTemp , QObject *parent = 0);
Pointer to TCP socket -- created by the server
QTcpSocket *m_pclientConnectionSocket;
Termination control main thread
volatile bool m_bQuit;
public slots:
void dowork_socket();
// constructor for the deviceThreadObject
TcpSocketThreadObject::TcpSocketThreadObject(QTcpSocket *m_pTcpSocketTemp , QObject *parent) :
m_pclientConnectionSocket = m_pTcpSocketTemp;
// todo
// todo
void TcpSocketThreadObject::dowork_socket()
QByteArray block;
block.append(" \n hi again .. !!!") ;
// Write to socket
// Close socket
qDebug() << "\n entring loop of socket thread ..!!!";
// while loop --> send/rx command from client
======= output of one client connected to server =====
New connection request ..!!!
New client from: ""
QSocketNotifier: socket notifiers cannot be enabled from another thread
QSocketNotifier: socket notifiers cannot be disabled from another thread
entring loop of socket thread ..!!!
I think the simplest solution to all of this is to stop using QThread.
QTcpSocket and QTcpServer are both asynchronous, so when you receive a connection, you only need to create a class to wrap the QTcpSocket and this class handles the reading of the data, having connected the QTcpSocket signals to the class's slots.
If you're getting a lot of connections, then you'll be creating lots of threads. More threads than processor cores is just a waste of time.
If each connection is requesting a lot of work to be done by the server, you can then create separate worker objects and move those to a different thread, but overall, I recommend that you do not use separate threads for QTcpServer and QTcpSockets.

QTcpSocket does not send data sometimes

I have two QT apps. One app can be considered to hold a big data and it sends about 10 KB of data chunk every second to second application.
Earlier I tried using QUdpSocket to transmit the data but due to MTU limitation of about 2-5K and need to divide and reunite the data myself, I switched to QTcpSocket.
Sometimes data is sent correctly with QTcpSocket (especially if I write data very frequently ~every 100 ms) but sometimes data is not sent at all. Not even after 5 sec. And sometimes several data chunks are internally buffered for a long period (several seconds) and then sent together.
m_socket = new QTcpSocket(this);
m_socket->connectToHost(QHostAddress::LocalHost, 45454);
QByteArray datagram(10000, 'a');
qint64 len = m_socket->write(datagram);
if(len != datagram.size())
qDebug() << "Error"; //this NEVER occurs in MY case.
On receiver side, I use readyRead signal to know when data has arrived.
How can I ensure that data is sent immediately? Are there any better alternatives for what I am trying to do?
Edit:: When I am writing after long gaps of 1 second, I receive "QAbstractSocket::SocketTimeoutError" on receiver side everytime sender sends data. This error is not received if sender writes data frequently.
Is it OKAY to use QTcpSocket to stream data the way I am doing????
Edit 2: On receiver side, when readyRead signal is emitted, I was again checking while(m_socket->waitForReadyRead(500)) and I was getting "QAbstractSocket::SocketTimeoutError" due to this. Also, this check was preventing delivering of single chunks.
After going through docs more, it seems readyRead will be continuously emitted when new data is available, so no need for waitForReadyRead.
I am receiving all data sent but still data does not come immediately. Sometimes two-three chunks are merged. This may be because of delay on receiver side in reading data etc.
On receiver side, when readyRead signal is emitted, I was again checking while(m_socket->waitForReadyRead(500)) and I was getting "QAbstractSocket::SocketTimeoutError" due to this. Also, this check was preventing delivering of single chunks.
After going through docs more, it seems readyRead will be continuously emitted when new data is available, so there is no need for waitForReadyRead.
It had solved my issue.
my tipical solution for client server app.
on server side :
class Server: public QTcpServer {
Server(QObject *parent = 0);
private slots:
void readyRead();
void disconnected();
void incomingConnection(int);
on cpp:
void Server::incomingConnection(int socketfd) {
QTcpSocket *client = new QTcpSocket(this);
connect(client, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readyRead()));
connect(client, SIGNAL(disconnected()), this, SLOT(disconnected()));
void Server::disconnected() {
QTcpSocket *client = (QTcpSocket*) sender();
qDebug() << " INFO : " << QDateTime::currentDateTime()
<< " : CLIENT DISCONNECTED " << client->peerAddress().toString();
void Server::readyRead() {
QTcpSocket *client = (QTcpSocket*) sender();
while (client->canReadLine()) {
//here i needed a string..
QString line = QString::fromUtf8(client->readLine()).trimmed();
on client:
class Client: public QTcpSocket {
Client(const QHostAddress&, int, QObject* = 0);
void Client::sendMessage(const QString& );
private slots:
void readyRead();
void connected();
public slots:
void doConnect();
on cpp:
void Client::readyRead() {
// if you need to read the answer of server..
while (this->canReadLine()) {
void Client::doConnect() {
this->connectToHost(ip_, port_);
qDebug() << " INFO : " << QDateTime::currentDateTime()
<< " : CONNESSIONE...";
void Client::connected() {
qDebug() << " INFO : " << QDateTime::currentDateTime() << " : CONNESSO a "
<< ip_ << " e PORTA " << port_;
//do stuff if you need
void Client::sendMessage(const QString& message) {
this->write("\n"); //every message ends with a new line
