Computing the memory footprint (or byte length) of a map - dictionary

I want to limit a map to be maximum X bytes. It seems there is no straightforward way of computing the byte length of a map though.
"encoding/binary" package has a nice Size function, but it only works for slices or "fixed values", not for maps.
I could try to get all key/value pairs from the map, infer their type (if it's a map[string]interface{}) and compute the length - but that would be both cumbersome and probably incorrect (because that would exclude the "internal" Go cost of the map itself - managing pointers to elements etc).
Any suggested way of doing this? Preferably a code example.

This is the definition for a map header:
// A header for a Go map.
type hmap struct {
// Note: the format of the Hmap is encoded in ../../cmd/gc/reflect.c and
// ../reflect/type.go. Don't change this structure without also changing that code!
count int // # live cells == size of map. Must be first (used by len() builtin)
flags uint32
hash0 uint32 // hash seed
B uint8 // log_2 of # of buckets (can hold up to loadFactor * 2^B items)
buckets unsafe.Pointer // array of 2^B Buckets. may be nil if count==0.
oldbuckets unsafe.Pointer // previous bucket array of half the size, non-nil only when growing
nevacuate uintptr // progress counter for evacuation (buckets less than this have been evacuated)
Calculating its size is pretty straightforward (unsafe.Sizeof).
This is the definition for each individual bucket the map points to:
// A bucket for a Go map.
type bmap struct {
tophash [bucketCnt]uint8
// Followed by bucketCnt keys and then bucketCnt values.
// NOTE: packing all the keys together and then all the values together makes the
// code a bit more complicated than alternating key/value/key/value/... but it allows
// us to eliminate padding which would be needed for, e.g., map[int64]int8.
// Followed by an overflow pointer.
bucketCnt is a constant defined as:
bucketCnt = 1 << bucketCntBits // equals decimal 8
bucketCntBits = 3
The final calculation would be:
unsafe.Sizeof(hmap) + (len(theMap) * 8) + (len(theMap) * 8 * unsafe.Sizeof(x)) + (len(theMap) * 8 * unsafe.Sizeof(y))
Where theMap is your map value, x is a value of the map's key type and y a value of the map's value type.
You'll have to share the hmap structure with your package via assembly, analogously to thunk.s in the runtime.


How do I convert a signed 8-byte integer to normalised float? [duplicate]

I try to optimize a working compute shader. Its purpose is to create an image: find the good color (using a little palette), and call imageStore(image, ivec2, vec4).
The colors are indexed, in an array of uint, in an UniformBuffer.
One color in this UBO is packed inside one uint, as {0-255, 0-255, 0-255, 0-255}.
Here the code:
struct Entry
*some other data*
uint rgb;
layout(binding = 0) uniform SConfiguration
Entry materials[MATERIAL_COUNT];
} configuration;
void main()
Entry material = configuration.materials[currentMaterialId];
float r = (material.rgb >> 16) / 255.;
float g = ((material.rgb & G_MASK) >> 8) / 255.;
float b = (material.rgb & B_MASK) / 255.;
imageStore(outImage, ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy), vec4(r, g, b, 0.0));
I would like to clean/optimize a bit, because this color conversion looks bad/useless in the shader (and should be precomputed). My question is:
Is it possible to directly pack a vec4(r, g, b, 0.0) inside the UBO, using 4 bytes (like a R8G8B8A8) ?
Is it possible to do it directly? No.
But GLSL does have a number of functions for packing/unpacking normalized values. In your case, you can pass the value as a single uint uniform, then use unpackUnorm4x8 to convert it to a vec4. So your code becomes:
vec4 color = unpackUnorm4x8(material.rgb);
This is, of course, a memory-vs-performance tradeoff. So if memory isn't an issue, you should probably just pass a vec4 (never use vec3) directly.
Is it possible to directly pack a vec4(r, g, b, 0.0) inside the UBO, using 4 bytes (like a R8G8B8A8) ?
There is no way to express this directly as 4 single byte values; there is no appropriate data type in the shader to allow you to do declare this as a byte type.
However, why do you think you need to? Just upload it as 4 floats - it's a uniform so it's not like you are replicating it thousands of times, so the additional size is unlikely to be a problem in practice.

Does it make sense to store byte values in Map or it will still use 4 bytes?

In Java in-memory there is no difference between byte or int - both will be represented as 4 bytes.
Does for Chronicle Map the difference exist, i.e. does Chronicle Map store byte values as 8 bits or still use 32?
Same question if byte is an object property.
In primitive map implementations (fastutil, koloboke, gs, hppc) byte values are implemented as a separate byte[] array, so they actually take only 1 byte. If a byte is a field of another on-heap Java object (which is a Map value), indeed, the object size is rounded up to 8-byte boundary, so a single byte field could "take" 8 bytes. But more often, it "takes" 0 bytes, because the field is placed in the already existing alignment holes.
For Chronicle Map, a value could freely be 1 byte in size. (And even 0 bytes, this is how ChronicleSet is currently implmeneted -- a ChronicleMap with 0-byte dummy values.) This is true for all Chronicle Map versions (2, 3).
Edit -- answer to the comment.
If you have a constantly sized structure e. g. 6 byte fields, easiest and efficient way - to use data value generation mechanishm:
interface MyValue {
byte getA(); void setA(byte a);
byte getB(); void setB(byte b);
byte getC(); void setC(byte c);
byte getD(); void setD(byte d);
byte getE(); void setE(byte e);
byte getF(); void setF(byte f);
map = ChronicleMapBuilder.of(Key.class, MyValue.class).entries(1000).create();
// Chronicle Map 2 syntax
MyValue value = DataValueClasses.newDirectReference(MyValue.class);
try (Closeable handle = map.getUsingLocked(key, value)) {
// access the value here
// Chronicle Map 3 syntax
try (ExternalMapQueryContext<Key, MyValue, ?> q = map.queryContext(key)) {
// if not sure the key is present in the map, check q.entry() != null
MyValue value = q.entry().value().get();
// access the value here
It will take exactly 6 bytes per value.
I think I know the response. At least at the version 2.3.8 offheap value will be 1 byte for a byte (work done in SerializationBuilder class).

Safety of set_len operation on Vec, with predefined capacity

Is it safe to call set_len on Vec that has declared capacity? Like this:
let vec = unsafe {
let temp = Vec::with_capacity(N);
I need my Vector to be of size N before any elements are to be added.
Looking at docs:
I'm a bit confused. Docs say that with_capacity doesn't change length and set_len says that caller must insure vector has proper length. So is this safe?
The reason I need this is because I was looking for a way to declare a mutable buffer (&mut [T]) of size N and Vec seems to fit the bill the best. I just wanted to avoid having my types implement Clone that vec![0;n] would bring.
The docs are just a little ambiguously stated. The wording could be better. Your code example is as "safe" as the following stack-equivalent:
let mut arr: [T; N] = mem::uninitialized();
Which means that as long as you write to an element of the array before reading it you are fine. If you read before writing, you open the door to nasal demons and memory unsafety.
I just wanted to avoid clone that vec![0;n] would bring.
llvm will optimize this to a single memset.
If by "I need my Vector to be of size N" you mean you need memory to be allocated for 10 elements, with_capacity is already doing that.
If you mean you want to have a vector with length 10 (not sure why you would, though...) you need to initialize it with an initial value.
let mut temp: Vec<i32> = Vec::with_capacity(10); // allocate room in memory for
// 10 elements. The vector has
// initial capacity 10, length will be the
// number of elements you push into it
// (initially 0)
v.push(1); // now length is 1, capacity still 10
let mut v: Vec<i32> = vec![0; 10]; // create a vector with 10 elements
// initialized to 0. You can mutate
// those in place later.
// At this point, length = capacity = 10
v[0] = 1; // mutating first element to 1.
// length and capacity are both still 10

OpenCL void pointer arithmetic - strange behavior

I have wrote an OpenCL kernel that is using the opencl-opengl interoperability to read vertices and indices, but probably this is not even important because I am just doing simple pointer addition in order to get a specific vertex by index.
uint pos = (index + base)*stride;
Here i am calculating the absolute position in bytes, in my example pos is 28,643,328 with a stride of 28, index = 0 and base = 1,022,976. Well, that seems correct.
Unfortunately, I cant use vload3 directly because the offset parameter isn't calculated as an absolute address in bytes. So I just add pos to the pointer void* vertices_gl
void* new_addr = vertices_gl+pos;
new_addr is in my example = 0x2f90000 and this is where the strange part begins,
vertices_gl = 0x303f000
The result (new_addr) should be 0x4B90000 (0x303f000 + 28,643,328)
I dont understand why the address vertices_gl is getting decreased by 716,800 (0xAF000)
I'm targeting the GPU: AMD Radeon HD5830
Ps: for those wondering, I am using a printf to get these values :) ( couldn't get CodeXL working)
There is no pointer arithmetic for void* pointers. Use char* pointers to perform byte-wise pointer computations.
Or a lot better than that: Use the real type the pointer is pointing to, and don't multiply offsets. Simply write vertex[index+base] assuming vertex points to your type containing 28 bytes of data.
Performance consideration: Align your vertex attributes to a power of two for coalesced memory access. This means, add 4 bytes of padding after each vertex entry. To automatically do this, use float8 as the vertex type if your attributes are all floating point values. I assume you work with position and normal data or something similar, so it might be a good idea to write a custom struct which encapsulates both vectors in a convenient and self-explaining way:
// Defining a type for the vertex data. This is 32 bytes large.
// You can share this code in a header for inclusion in both OpenCL and C / C++!
typedef struct {
float4 pos;
float4 normal;
} VertexData;
// Example kernel
__kernel void computeNormalKernel(__global VertexData *vertex, uint base) {
uint index = get_global_id(0);
VertexData thisVertex = vertex[index+base]; // It can't be simpler!
thisVertex.normal = computeNormal(...); // Like you'd do it in C / C++!
vertex[index+base] = thisVertex; // Of couse also when writing
Note: This code doesn't work with your stride of 28 if you just change one of the float4s to a float3, since float3 also consumes 4 floats of memory. But you can write it like this, which will not add padding (but note that this will penalize memory access bandwidth):
typedef struct {
float pos[4];
float normal[3]; // Assuming you want 3 floats here
} VertexData;

Open Addressing vs. Separate Chaining

Which hashmap collision handling scheme is better when the load factor is close to 1 to ensure minimum memory wastage?
I personally think the answer is open addressing with linear probing, because it doesn't need any additional storage space in case of collisions. Is this correct?
Answering the question: Which hashmap collision handling scheme is better when the load factor is close to 1 to ensure minimum memory wastage?
Open addressing/probing that allows a high fill. Because as you said so yourself, there is no extra space required for collisions (just, well, possibly time -- of course this is also assuming the hash function isn't perfect).
If you did not specify "load factor close to 1" or included "cost" metrics in the question then it would be entirely different.
Happy coding.
A hashmap that is that full will degrade into a linear search, so you will want to keep them under 90% full.
You are right about open addressing using less memory, chaining will need a pointer or offset field in each node.
I have created a hasharray data structure for when I need very lightweight hashtables that will not have alot of inserts. To keep memory usage low all data is embedded in the same block of memory, with the HashArray structure at the start, then two arrays for hashs & values. Hasharray can only be used with the lookup key is stored in the value.
typedef uint16_t HashType; /* this can be 32bits if needed. */
typedef uint16_t HashSize; /* this can be made 32bits if large hasharrays are needed. */
struct HashArray {
HashSize length; /* hasharray length. */
HashSize count; /* number of hash/values pairs contained in the hasharray. */
uint16_t value_size; /* size of each value. (maximum size of value 64Kbytes) */
/* these last two fields are just for show, they are not defined in the HashArray struct. */
uint16_t hashs[length]; /* array of hashs for each value, this helps with resolving bucket collision */
uint8_t values[length * value_size]; /* array holding all values. */
#define hasharray_get_hashs(array) (HashType *)(((uint8_t *)(array)) + sizeof(HashArray))
#define hasharray_get_values(array) ((uint8_t *)(array)) + sizeof(HashArray) + \
((array)->length * sizeof(HashType))
#define hasharray_get_value(array, idx) (hasharray_get_values(array) + ((idx) * (array)->value_size))
The macros hasharray_get_hashs & hasharray_get_values are used to get the 'hashs' & 'values' arrays.
I have used this for adding fast lookup of complex objects that are already stored in an array. The objects have a string 'name' field which is used for the lookup. The names are hashed and inserted into the hasharray with the objects index. The values stored in the hasharray can be indexes/pointers/whole objects (I only use small 16bit index values).
If you want to pack the hasharray till it is almost full, then you will want to use full 32bit Hashs instead of the 16bit ones defined above. Larger 32bit hashs will help keep searchs fast when the hasharray is more then 90% full.
The hasharray as defined above can only hold a maximum of 65535, which is fine since I never use it on anything that would have more the a few hundred values. Anything that needs more that that should just use an normal hashtable. But if memory is really an issue, the HashSize type could be changed to 32bits. Also I use power-of-2 lengths to keep the hash lookup fast. Some people prefer to use prime bucket lengths, but that is only needed if the hash function has bad distribution.
#define hasharray_empty_hash 0xFFFF /* hash value to mark empty slots. */
void *hasharray_search(HashArray *array, HashType hash, uint32_t *next) {
HashType *hashs = hasharray_get_hashs(array);
uint32_t mask = array->length - 1;
uint32_t start_idx;
uint32_t idx;
hash = (hash == hasharray_empty_hash) ? 0 : hash; /* need one hash value to mark empty slots. */
start_hash_idx = (hash & mask);
if(*next == 0) {
idx = start_idx; /* new search. */
} else {
idx = *next & mask; /* continuing search to next slot. */
/* find hash in hash array. */
do {
/* check for hash match. */
if(hashs[idx] == hash) goto found_hash;
/* check for end of chain. */
if(hashs[idx] == hasharray_empty_hash) break;
idx &= mask;
} while(idx != start_idx);
/* maximum tries reached (i.e. did a linear search of whole array) or end of chain. */
return NULL;
*next = idx + 1; /* where to continue search at, if this is not the right value. */
return hasharray_get_values(array) + (idx * array->value_size);
hash collisions will happen so the code that calls hasharray_search() needs to compare the search key with the one stored in the value object. If they don't match then hasharray_search() is called again. Also non-unique keys can exist, since searching can continue until 'NULL' is returned to find all values that match one key. The search function uses linear probing to be cache freindly.
typedef struct {
char *name; /* this is the lookup key. */
char *type;
/* other field info... */
} Field;
typedef struct {
Field *list; /* array of Field objects. */
HashArray *lookup; /* hasharray for fast lookup of Field objects by name. The values stored in this hasharray are 16bit indices. */
uint32_t field_count; /* number of Field objects in 'list'. */
} Fields;
extern Fields *fields_new(uint16_t count) {
Fields *fields;
fields = calloc(1, sizeof(Fields));
fields->list = calloc(count, sizeof(Field));
/* allocate hasharray to hold at most 'count' uint16_t values.
* The hasharray will round 'count' up to the next power-of-2.
* That power-of-2 length must be atleast (count+1), so that there will always be one empty slot.
fields->lookup = hasharray_new(count, sizeof(uint16_t));
fields->field_count = count;
extern Field *fields_lookup_by_name(Fields *fields, const char *name) {
HashType hash = str_to_hash(name);
Field *field;
uint32_t next = 0;
uint16_t *rc;
uint16_t idx;
do {
rc = hasharray_search(fields->lookup, hash, &next);
if(rc == NULL) break; /* field not found. */
/* found a possible match. */
idx = *rc;
assert(idx < fields->field_count);
field = &(fields->list[idx]);
/* compare lookup name with field's name. */
if(strcmp(name, field->name) == 0) {
/* found match. */
return field;
/* field didn't match continue search to next field. */
} while(1);
return NULL;
The worst case searching will degrade to a linear search of the whole array if it is 99% full and the key doesn't exist. If the keys are integers, then a linear search shouldn't be to bad, also only keys with the same hash value will need to be compared. I try to keep the hasharrays sized so they are only about 70-80% full, the space wasted on empty slots isn't much if the values are only 16bit values. With this design you only waste 4bytes per empty slot when using 16bit hashs & 16bit index values. The array of objects (Field structs in the above example) has no empty spots.
Also most hashtable implementations that I have seen don't store the computed hashs and require full key compares to resolve bucket collisions. Comparing the hashs helps a lot since only a small part of the hash value is used to lookup the bucket.
As the others said, in linear probing, when load factor near to 1, the time complexity near to linear search. (When it's full, its infinite.) There is a memory-efficiency trade off here. While segregate chaining always give us theoretically constant time.
Normally, under linear probing, it's recommended to keep the load factor between 1/8 and 1/2. when the array is 1/2 full, we resize it to double the size of original array. (Reference: Algorithms. by Robert Sedgewick. Kevin Wayne. ). When delete, we resize the array to 1/2 of original size as well. If you are really interested, it's good for you to begin with the book I mentioned above.
In practical, it's said that 0.72 is an empirical value we usually use.
