Meteor files naming convention that will prevent it from processing? - meteor

Is there anything I can do to temporarily turn off some files in my project tree without commenting lines inside of it? (and without deleting it as well)?
I've heard only about file order but nothing about ignore convention.

Not a documented one. But you could just rename them to filename._js

Kriegslustig has a great option. Another viable option is to drag those files to the test folder, which meteor ignores.


Styles from a github css file

Can I use a styles.css file uploaded on GitHub as styles for multiple projects? I'm trying to define a default style for my projects here:
I prefer to link this file instead of copying it in multiple projects.
RawGit serves raw files directly from GitHub with proper Content-Type headers.
Or, consider using Github Pages
Here we need to distinguish between duplication of code and resources. What you don't want is copying code, because those files would diverge and you'd need to repeat every change for all of them. Having one file uploaded to multiple servers, however, shouldn't be a problem as long as you have one place to edit them all at once.
For this case there's Git submodules. The idea is basically having a repository with the shared part and then including that repository in a specified path in your other projects. You can read more about it here:
This way all your IDE-based and external tools will still work and your website can be deployed as a whole. If, at some point in the future, you decide to have separate CSS files, you can simply replace the submodule with a file and you won't need to change the paths in HTML.
Of course, you can also use the same exact resource in multiple projects simply by pointing them to the same URI, but then the uncoupling might be harder afterwards and you can't see the file in your IDE.

automatically compile less file on save of a imported less file

I have split my less/css into several files grouped by certain categories, so the single files stay easy to maintain. Though I only want to have one css file which gets imported into the layout.
For this I have - how I call it - a master less file which imports all the others like config, forms, layout and so on.
Now the problem is, that for example WinLess or all the other copilers i tried, only monitor the save of my master file, and only then compiles it. However this is stupid, because this file nearly never gets any changes. So what I would like to have is something, that detects changes on the imported less files and then only compiles the master file.
Does anyone know any tools, which are capable of that?
Or how do you manage your less files to bypass this problem?
Further Info: I have mapped the server directory locally via SSH and edit the files in there, i.e. the files are only pseudo local. They are on the server but accessible with a local path over a drive letter. The compiler should be able to work with that setup.
Thanks for the answers!
In all honesty, your best bet is to actually use Less's own compiler which will of course be the most up to date option. It will be done through command line but it's the best way to know that everything is correct, working and up-to-date.
All the information can be found in the Less Documentation Here
More information about compiling with imports can be found HERE
The latest version of WinLESS does report that it has automatic re-compiling when an #import file is changed so it could be that your version of WinLESS is out of date. (See HERE - 3rd bullet point under Features)
Alternatively, see if you can get it to work on purely local files. If this works, it may be an issue with the compiler not being able to do asynchronous checks over SSH.
I use Notepad++ with the NppExec-plugin on-save script. If you make a convention decision to always name your primary file "master.less" you can use this script:
if $(EXT_PART) != .less goto end
"C:\Node.JS\node_modules\.bin\lessc.cmd" -x "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)\master.less" > "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)\master.min.css"
You can do something similar with any editor that supports batch scripting (like Stewartside suggests)

ASP.NET's ClickOnce: what's the suffix-less .application file?

I suffer from InvalidDeploymentException which apparently occur when there is something wrong with my manifest files. I look into the folder where my application is published but there are always more than one manifest file (.application) in it.
One is with the version suffix, and the other is without the suffix. As far as I see, the contents of both files seem to be identical, so why the one without the version suffix is ever automatically generated? I can't find info on the mechanism behind this.
Ok, I finally figured it out.
YourApp.application is a deployment manifest and YourApp_#_#_#_#.application is a backup file of each version's deployment manifest. When some troubles happen, we can manually replace YourApp.application by YourApp_#_#_#_#.application, and web browsers always look at the former file.

Which files should go into source control in a Flex Builder project?

I noticed that Eclipse (Flex Builder) generates hundreds of metadata files. Should I check them into my source control? They seem necessary, because if I delete them Flex Builder just opens up an empty workbench...
Some of these files plainly do not belong in source control (like .history files and some cache files). If I delete them my project opens up again without a hitch. But the list is long and there seem to be no clear separation between folders that contain files that belong in source control and those that do not.
I can't just shove them all into svn, even if I were to ignore the inefficiency, because Eclipse generates new ones constantly, with different names, which in turn also seem to be crucial for the project to load.
Can someone please enlighten me?
Don't check in the hundreds of metadata files. If you want to be able to check out the project in a way that it can just be imported, then check in:
And "html-template" and "libs". As Christian says, any resources you depend on. I usually keep those as separate Flex Library projects though.
I generally put all of my source code under src, and I check in src and all of its descendents. If my project relies on any external dependencies (e.g., the Cairngorm SWC, as3corelib, etc.), Flash/graphical assets, stylesheets, or resource files, I check those in, too. But I don't check in any generated (bin-*), intermediate or IDE-specific stuff, because having that stuff in source control doesn't seem to provide much practical benefit, and in my experience has only caused me headaches; in general, I check in the most minimal set of whatever I'd need -- given a clean FlexBuilder installation (or none at all -- for example, if I were compiling instead with mxmlc or compc) and an empty project -- to build the project successfully.
Most of the eclipse project files, like .project, .properties, everything in .settings, can go into your source control. As long as the files don't have user-dependent settings like file paths or local urls, you should be fine.
One method we use is creating local property files that don't get used in SCM, but are included in the ones that do. I.E an ant build file including a file which has local metadata.
What if the .actionScriptProperties, .project, or .flexProperties have user-dependent stuff in them? Typically this will be url or path information. What's the best practice way of externalizing this? I tried creating path variables, but this only works obviously for paths. Not for things like hostname, etc.

Liferay: how to avoid rebuilding/redeploying CSS files

if you're familiar with Liferay you'll know that when you make an itsy-bitsy change to a css file you shall rebuild the theme and redeploy it.
As for redeploying I made a symlink (mind you I'm on Windows: for the curious creating a symlink on Vista is just a matter of issuing mklink /d dir1 dir2).
But what about rebuilding the stuff with maven? I'd rather skip that step. Basically what it does is combyining and packing all CSS in one everything_packed.css. Is there a sort of config variable to tell liferay just to include the raw files and skip redeployment alltogether?
Guys I found the solution myself.
You should have a file called file in
Or more specifically for my win setup in
The file would hold the value
This will prevent liferay to be looking for the everything_packed.css and so you're free to modify your stuff without rebuilding and CTRL-R to refresh the page and see the changes.
Just for completeness, as this question is somewhat old and the problem already solved: There's a lot more along these lines, e.g. javascript, layouts etc. that can be used uncached. This is documented in either the Liferay Wiki (as Developler Mode) or the Development Guide, available from the documentation site (though currently it's not there for the last version - if it's still not there when you're reading it, look for it (PDF) in the older versions.
It's advisable to use these settings only in development, not in production, as putting all css and javascript in as few files as possible results in a huge performance impact.
to include all those settings, just can also just add the following line into your file:
this will include all the developer specific settings, and when you want to remove them, you can just comment out this line.
you can edit the css files of your theme from Webapps{your theme}\css
And can see the changes directly.
You can edit almost every file which doesn't require .jsp files but not .java files
