Source forge specific permissions - sourceforge

I recently released a project on source forge and I was wondering if there was a way to allow anyone (even anonymous users) to upload their bug fix zips to a specific folder, while the other folders still remain exclusively under my control.


new network login causes Visual Studio to need new permissions?

Our department is in the process of moving to a new domain. We were all given new network logins etc. Our computers are part of the new domain, everything seems to be ok. I've copied all my files over, but when I run visual studio, I get the classic error...
Could not load file or assembly 'AjaxControlToolkit' or one of its dependencies. Access is denied.
Now, I know this is a permissions issue, and I assume it's happening because I'm running visual studio as a different user, and the file permissions need to be redone. I've tried adding and granting full access to c:/users/myNewNetworkID/appData/temp for IIS_Iusers, Network services... I remember when I started this job and the PC was new that I had to change a bunch... does anyone know exactly what folders need to have new permissions assigned? I also tried granting those users full access to the temp folder in but I'm still getting this infuriatingly vague error. any help would be greatly appreciated...
I've had this problem before and have found that granting full control to the group called "Everyone" for the folder C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework[.NET FRAMEWORK VERSION]\Temporary ASP.NET Files does the job although your error could be caused by something else. The folder above is where temporary files are stored when apps are compiled for the first time (this will probably include a shadow copy of the Ajax Control Toolkit listed in the error above) are temporarily stored
Find this folder in Windows Explorer, right click on it, select properties, go to the security tab, grant access to the 'Everyone' group)

ASP.NET Protect files inside folder

I have a shared hosting account in which I upload my ASP.NET application. I let the user upload .doc files inside a folder, the problem is I only want logged users to be able to download those files, so I wrote a dispatcher, you give it the id and it reads the file and writes it to the browser, hiding the file location, nevertheless I want to protect the directory where all the files are, so you can only download files using the dispatcher, I tried marking it as a password protected directory, but now ASP.NET can't get access either.
You need to restrict the NTFS permissions on that folder to only allow the user your applicaiton is running as. This might be difficult in a shared host environment...
The ideal solution would be to move the folder outside of the site root but I guess as you are using shared hosting this may not be possible.
One other solution would be to move docs to the App_Data folder which is protected by .NET (see here What is the App_Data folder used for in Visual Studio?)

Write permission for a specific folder in web.config

My question is preaty simple. Is there any way to give current user (IIS User, in this case, ASP NET USER) permission to write to a specific folder location (folder inside our web application) using web.config? Because, it's getting boring to ask to the web hoster to gain access to a specific folder each time we want to do a file uploader on a website.
I know it's maybe preaty simple to find an answer using google, but it keeps returning me how to write INTO web.config instead of permission to write into web.config FOR a specific folder. In addition, I'm french so my english is not at the top.
No. If that was possible, you could write an application which, when deployed on a server, would allow you to write to any directory on the disk despite write access being denied by the administrator.
You can easily grant permissions for a local user (e.g. the user that the IIS worker process/app pool is running as) to a folder anywhere on your filesystem actually through rights permissions in Windows itself but this does not allow for doing this through the web.config file itself. Please give us a description of what you're trying to do specifically and there may be a better solution. The solution I mentioned above could be a bit of a security risk but it depends on the needs and situation.
So, from what I understand .NET (and web.config) don't really control write permissions.
You'll need to either expose the folder from a filesystem and/or webserver level to allow people access (though this may be somewhat of a security issue depending on your scenario). Or another possibility would be to create a simple web-page that allows uploading files to the directory.

Orchard can't access file due to permissions

I recently started an Orchard-CMS website. That's a new CMS which uses ASP.NET MVC 3. you can find more info.
It has to be really easy to install a theme. But everytime i try that, i get the error that the dependencies.xml file is not accessable. (Orchard needs the dependencies.xml file, to write the links to new theme's and modules)
My site is running on an IIS7 local machine and i granted all permissions to the ASP.NET user and the NETWORK USER. But i still have permission-problems, any ideas?
By default the IIS 7 application pools run under IUSR account, so you should grant this user the appropriate permissions. From security perspective it's good to create a new, separate account for each application pool and I'd advise you to do so. It'll also give you more fine-grained control.
Also, check whether the permission changes were correctly propagated to App_Data and App_Data/Dependencies folder and their content. If not, change permissions for Dependencies folder explicitly. I've noticed that sometimes they don't get propagated correctly if you change permission at the root level. log files permissions

Our app writes errors to a text log file in the web sites root folder. This has lead to all sorts of permission problems, different flavors of IIS and windows allow different things by default.
So what I am wondering is there a location somewhere in Windows where all types of users can write a file without any extra permissions that will also work for all IIS and flavors of windows?
I am thinking of the ApplicationData folder, but did this exist in Server 2003 ?
The easiest solution would be to use the App_Data subfolder of your web application for this. By default it's not viewable from the web, so Internet clients won't be able to read the logs.
Depending on your deployment method, you might have to change the permission to allow write access to this folder (to the user under which your web application is running).
Alternatively, there is a place where every user can write to: It's that user's temporary folder, which you can access through Path.GetTempPath. This, however, does not sound like a suitable location for log files.
You should always first think about wwwroot folder (%systemdrive%\inetpub\wwwroot) because it has the required permission.
The permission you need is to set a full control for IIS_IUSRS
Edit: you can simply give Everyone Full Control (not recommended at all) but this solves most of ntfs permissions issues with IIS
